#!./perl -w BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); } plan( tests => 8 ); use strict; # first, with delete # simple removal sub removed { 23 } sub bound { removed() } delete $main::{removed}; is( bound(), 23, 'function still bound' ); ok( !main->can('removed'), 'function not available as method' ); # replacement sub replaced { 'func' } is( replaced(), 'func', 'original function still bound' ); is( main->replaced, 'meth', 'method is replaced function' ); BEGIN { delete $main::{replaced} } sub replaced { 'meth' } # and now with undef # simple removal sub removed2 { 24 } sub bound2 { removed2() } { no strict; undef *{"removed2"} } eval { bound2() }; like( $@, qr/Undefined subroutine &main::removed2 called/, 'function not bound' ); ok( !main->can('removed2'), 'function not available as method' ); # replacement sub replaced2 { 'func' } is( replaced2(), 'meth', 'original function not bound, was replaced' ); ok( main->replaced2 eq 'meth', 'method is replaced function' ); BEGIN { undef $main::{replaced2} } sub replaced2 { 'meth' }