#!./perl # Add new tests to the end with format: # ######## # # # test description # Test code # EXPECT # Warn or die msgs (if any) at - line 1234 # chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; $|=1; run_multiple_progs('', \*DATA); done_testing(); __END__ # standard behaviour, without any extra references use Tie::Hash ; tie %h, Tie::StdHash; untie %h; EXPECT ######## # standard behaviour, without any extra references use Tie::Hash ; {package Tie::HashUntie; use base 'Tie::StdHash'; sub UNTIE { warn "Untied\n"; } } tie %h, Tie::HashUntie; untie %h; EXPECT Untied ######## # standard behaviour, with 1 extra reference use Tie::Hash ; $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash; untie %h; EXPECT ######## # standard behaviour, with 1 extra reference via tied use Tie::Hash ; tie %h, Tie::StdHash; $a = tied %h; untie %h; EXPECT ######## # standard behaviour, with 1 extra reference which is destroyed use Tie::Hash ; $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash; $a = 0 ; untie %h; EXPECT ######## # standard behaviour, with 1 extra reference via tied which is destroyed use Tie::Hash ; tie %h, Tie::StdHash; $a = tied %h; $a = 0 ; untie %h; EXPECT ######## # strict behaviour, without any extra references use warnings 'untie'; use Tie::Hash ; tie %h, Tie::StdHash; untie %h; EXPECT ######## # strict behaviour, with 1 extra references generating an error use warnings 'untie'; use Tie::Hash ; $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash; untie %h; EXPECT untie attempted while 1 inner references still exist at - line 6. ######## # strict behaviour, with 1 extra references via tied generating an error use warnings 'untie'; use Tie::Hash ; tie %h, Tie::StdHash; $a = tied %h; untie %h; EXPECT untie attempted while 1 inner references still exist at - line 7. ######## # strict behaviour, with 1 extra references which are destroyed use warnings 'untie'; use Tie::Hash ; $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash; $a = 0 ; untie %h; EXPECT ######## # strict behaviour, with extra 1 references via tied which are destroyed use warnings 'untie'; use Tie::Hash ; tie %h, Tie::StdHash; $a = tied %h; $a = 0 ; untie %h; EXPECT ######## # strict error behaviour, with 2 extra references use warnings 'untie'; use Tie::Hash ; $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash; $b = tied %h ; untie %h; EXPECT untie attempted while 2 inner references still exist at - line 7. ######## # strict behaviour, check scope of strictness. no warnings 'untie'; use Tie::Hash ; $A = tie %H, Tie::StdHash; $C = $B = tied %H ; { use warnings 'untie'; use Tie::Hash ; tie %h, Tie::StdHash; untie %h; } untie %H; EXPECT ######## # Forbidden aggregate self-ties sub Self::TIEHASH { bless $_[1], $_[0] } { my %c; tie %c, 'Self', \%c; } EXPECT Self-ties of arrays and hashes are not supported at - line 6. ######## # Allowed scalar self-ties my $destroyed = 0; sub Self::TIESCALAR { bless $_[1], $_[0] } sub Self::DESTROY { $destroyed = 1; } { my $c = 42; tie $c, 'Self', \$c; } die "self-tied scalar not DESTROYed" unless $destroyed == 1; EXPECT ######## # Allowed glob self-ties my $destroyed = 0; my $printed = 0; sub Self2::TIEHANDLE { bless $_[1], $_[0] } sub Self2::DESTROY { $destroyed = 1; } sub Self2::PRINT { $printed = 1; } { use Symbol; my $c = gensym; tie *$c, 'Self2', $c; print $c 'Hello'; } die "self-tied glob not PRINTed" unless $printed == 1; die "self-tied glob not DESTROYed" unless $destroyed == 1; EXPECT ######## # Allowed IO self-ties my $destroyed = 0; sub Self3::TIEHANDLE { bless $_[1], $_[0] } sub Self3::DESTROY { $destroyed = 1; } sub Self3::PRINT { $printed = 1; } { use Symbol 'geniosym'; my $c = geniosym; tie *$c, 'Self3', $c; print $c 'Hello'; } die "self-tied IO not PRINTed" unless $printed == 1; die "self-tied IO not DESTROYed" unless $destroyed == 1; EXPECT ######## # TODO IO "self-tie" via TEMP glob my $destroyed = 0; sub Self3::TIEHANDLE { bless $_[1], $_[0] } sub Self3::DESTROY { $destroyed = 1; } sub Self3::PRINT { $printed = 1; } { use Symbol 'geniosym'; my $c = geniosym; tie *$c, 'Self3', \*$c; print $c 'Hello'; } die "IO tied to TEMP glob not PRINTed" unless $printed == 1; die "IO tied to TEMP glob not DESTROYed" unless $destroyed == 1; EXPECT ######## # Interaction of tie and vec my ($a, $b); use Tie::Scalar; tie $a,Tie::StdScalar or die; vec($b,1,1)=1; $a = $b; vec($a,1,1)=0; vec($b,1,1)=0; die unless $a eq $b; EXPECT ######## # correct unlocalisation of tied hashes (patch #16431) use Tie::Hash ; tie %tied, Tie::StdHash; { local $hash{'foo'} } warn "plain hash bad unlocalize" if exists $hash{'foo'}; { local $tied{'foo'} } warn "tied hash bad unlocalize" if exists $tied{'foo'}; { local $ENV{'foo'} } warn "%ENV bad unlocalize" if exists $ENV{'foo'}; EXPECT ######## # An attempt at lvalueable barewords broke this tie FH, 'main'; EXPECT Can't modify constant item in tie at - line 3, near "'main';" Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors. ######## # localizing tied hash slices $ENV{FooA} = 1; $ENV{FooB} = 2; print exists $ENV{FooA} ? 1 : 0, "\n"; print exists $ENV{FooB} ? 2 : 0, "\n"; print exists $ENV{FooC} ? 3 : 0, "\n"; { local @ENV{qw(FooA FooC)}; print exists $ENV{FooA} ? 4 : 0, "\n"; print exists $ENV{FooB} ? 5 : 0, "\n"; print exists $ENV{FooC} ? 6 : 0, "\n"; } print exists $ENV{FooA} ? 7 : 0, "\n"; print exists $ENV{FooB} ? 8 : 0, "\n"; print exists $ENV{FooC} ? 9 : 0, "\n"; # this should not exist EXPECT 1 2 0 4 5 6 7 8 0 ######## # # FETCH freeing tie'd SV sub TIESCALAR { bless [] } sub FETCH { *a = \1; 1 } tie $a, 'main'; print $a; EXPECT ######## # [20020716.007] - nested FETCHES sub F1::TIEARRAY { bless [], 'F1' } sub F1::FETCH { 1 } my @f1; tie @f1, 'F1'; sub F2::TIEARRAY { bless [2], 'F2' } sub F2::FETCH { my $self = shift; my $x = $f1[3]; $self } my @f2; tie @f2, 'F2'; print $f2[4][0],"\n"; sub F3::TIEHASH { bless [], 'F3' } sub F3::FETCH { 1 } my %f3; tie %f3, 'F3'; sub F4::TIEHASH { bless [3], 'F4' } sub F4::FETCH { my $self = shift; my $x = $f3{3}; $self } my %f4; tie %f4, 'F4'; print $f4{'foo'}[0],"\n"; EXPECT 2 3 ######## # test untie() from within FETCH package Foo; sub TIESCALAR { my $pkg = shift; return bless [@_], $pkg; } sub FETCH { my $self = shift; my ($obj, $field) = @$self; untie $obj->{$field}; $obj->{$field} = "Bar"; } package main; tie $a->{foo}, "Foo", $a, "foo"; my $s = $a->{foo}; # access once # the hash element should not be tied anymore print defined tied $a->{foo} ? "not ok" : "ok"; EXPECT ok ######## # the tmps returned by FETCH should appear to be SCALAR # (even though they are now implemented using PVLVs.) package X; sub TIEHASH { bless {} } sub TIEARRAY { bless {} } sub FETCH {1} my (%h, @a); tie %h, 'X'; tie @a, 'X'; my $r1 = \$h{1}; my $r2 = \$a[0]; my $s = "$r1 ". ref($r1) . " $r2 " . ref($r2); $s=~ s/\(0x\w+\)//g; print $s, "\n"; EXPECT SCALAR SCALAR SCALAR SCALAR ######## # [perl #23287] segfault in untie sub TIESCALAR { bless $_[1], $_[0] } my $var; tie $var, 'main', \$var; untie $var; EXPECT ######## # Test case from perlmonks by runrig # http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=273490 # "Here is what I tried. I think its similar to what you've tried # above. Its odd but convenient that after untie'ing you are left with # a variable that has the same value as was last returned from # FETCH. (At least on my perl v5.6.1). So you don't need to pass a # reference to the variable in order to set it after the untie (here it # is accessed through a closure)." use strict; use warnings; package MyTied; sub TIESCALAR { my ($class,$code) = @_; bless $code, $class; } sub FETCH { my $self = shift; print "Untie\n"; $self->(); } package main; my $var; tie $var, 'MyTied', sub { untie $var; 4 }; print "One\n"; print "$var\n"; print "Two\n"; print "$var\n"; print "Three\n"; print "$var\n"; EXPECT One Untie 4 Two 4 Three 4 ######## # [perl #22297] cannot untie scalar from within tied FETCH my $counter = 0; my $x = 7; my $ref = \$x; tie $x, 'Overlay', $ref, $x; my $y; $y = $x; $y = $x; $y = $x; $y = $x; #print "WILL EXTERNAL UNTIE $ref\n"; untie $$ref; $y = $x; $y = $x; $y = $x; $y = $x; #print "counter = $counter\n"; print (($counter == 1) ? "ok\n" : "not ok\n"); package Overlay; sub TIESCALAR { my $pkg = shift; my ($ref, $val) = @_; return bless [ $ref, $val ], $pkg; } sub FETCH { my $self = shift; my ($ref, $val) = @$self; #print "WILL INTERNAL UNITE $ref\n"; $counter++; untie $$ref; return $val; } EXPECT ok ######## # [perl #948] cannot meaningfully tie $, package TieDollarComma; sub TIESCALAR { my $pkg = shift; return bless \my $x, $pkg; } sub STORE { my $self = shift; $$self = shift; print "STORE set '$$self'\n"; } sub FETCH { my $self = shift; print ""; return $$self; } package main; tie $,, 'TieDollarComma'; $, = 'BOBBINS'; print "join", "things", "up\n"; EXPECT STORE set 'BOBBINS' joinBOBBINSthingsBOBBINSup ######## # test SCALAR method package TieScalar; sub TIEHASH { my $pkg = shift; bless { } => $pkg; } sub STORE { $_[0]->{$_[1]} = $_[2]; } sub FETCH { $_[0]->{$_[1]} } sub CLEAR { %{ $_[0] } = (); } sub SCALAR { print "SCALAR\n"; return 0 if ! keys %{$_[0]}; sprintf "%i/%i", scalar keys %{$_[0]}, scalar keys %{$_[0]}; } package main; tie my %h => "TieScalar"; $h{key1} = "val1"; $h{key2} = "val2"; print scalar %h, "\n" if %h; # this should also call SCALAR but implicitly %h = (); print scalar %h, "\n" if !%h; # this should also call SCALAR but implicitly EXPECT SCALAR SCALAR 2/2 SCALAR SCALAR 0 ######## # test scalar on tied hash when no SCALAR method has been given package TieScalar; sub TIEHASH { my $pkg = shift; bless { } => $pkg; } sub STORE { $_[0]->{$_[1]} = $_[2]; } sub FETCH { $_[0]->{$_[1]} } sub CLEAR { %{ $_[0] } = (); } sub FIRSTKEY { my $a = keys %{ $_[0] }; print "FIRSTKEY\n"; each %{ $_[0] }; } package main; tie my %h => "TieScalar"; if (!%h) { print "empty\n"; } else { print "not empty\n"; } $h{key1} = "val1"; print "not empty\n" if %h; print "not empty\n" if %h; print "-->\n"; my ($k,$v) = each %h; print "<--\n"; print "not empty\n" if %h; %h = (); print "empty\n" if ! %h; EXPECT FIRSTKEY empty FIRSTKEY not empty FIRSTKEY not empty --> FIRSTKEY <-- not empty FIRSTKEY empty ######## sub TIESCALAR { bless {} } sub FETCH { my $x = 3.3; 1 if 0+$x; $x } tie $h, "main"; print $h,"\n"; EXPECT 3.3 ######## sub TIESCALAR { bless {} } sub FETCH { shift()->{i} ++ } tie $h, "main"; print $h.$h; EXPECT 01 ######## # Bug 53482 (and maybe others) sub TIESCALAR { my $foo = $_[1]; bless \$foo, $_[0] } sub FETCH { ${$_[0]} } tie my $x1, "main", 2; tie my $y1, "main", 8; print $x1 | $y1; print $x1 | $y1; tie my $x2, "main", "2"; tie my $y2, "main", "8"; print $x2 | $y2; print $x2 | $y2; EXPECT 1010:: ######## # Bug 36267 sub TIEHASH { bless {}, $_[0] } sub STORE { $_[0]->{$_[1]} = $_[2] } sub FIRSTKEY { my $a = scalar keys %{$_[0]}; each %{$_[0]} } sub NEXTKEY { each %{$_[0]} } sub DELETE { delete $_[0]->{$_[1]} } sub CLEAR { %{$_[0]} = () } $h{b}=1; delete $h{b}; print scalar keys %h, "\n"; tie %h, 'main'; $i{a}=1; %h = %i; untie %h; print scalar keys %h, "\n"; EXPECT 0 0 ######## # Bug 37731 sub foo::TIESCALAR { bless {value => $_[1]}, $_[0] } sub foo::FETCH { $_[0]->{value} } tie my $VAR, 'foo', '42'; foreach my $var ($VAR) { print +($var eq $VAR) ? "yes\n" : "no\n"; } EXPECT yes ######## sub TIEARRAY { bless [], 'main' } { local @a; tie @a, 'main'; } print "tied\n" if tied @a; EXPECT ######## sub TIEHASH { bless [], 'main' } { local %h; tie %h, 'main'; } print "tied\n" if tied %h; EXPECT ######## # RT 20727: PL_defoutgv is left as a tied element sub TIESCALAR { return bless {}, 'main' } sub STORE { select($_[1]); $_[1] = 1; select(); # this used to coredump or assert fail } tie $SELECT, 'main'; $SELECT = *STDERR; EXPECT ######## # RT 23810: eval in die in FETCH can corrupt context stack my $file = 'rt23810.pm'; my $e; my $s; sub do_require { my ($str, $eval) = @_; open my $fh, '>', $file or die "Can't create $file: $!\n"; print $fh $str; close $fh; if ($eval) { $s .= '-ERQ'; eval { require $pm; $s .= '-ENDE' } } else { $s .= '-RQ'; require $pm; } $s .= '-ENDRQ'; unlink $file; } sub TIEHASH { bless {} } sub FETCH { # 10 or more syntax errors makes yyparse croak() my $bad = q{$x+;$x+;$x+;$x+;$x+;$x+;$x+;$x+;$x+$x+;$x+;$x+;$x+;$x+;;$x+;}; if ($_[1] eq 'eval') { $s .= 'EVAL'; eval q[BEGIN { die; $s .= '-X1' }]; $s .= '-BD'; eval q[BEGIN { $x+ }]; $s .= '-BS'; eval '$x+'; $s .= '-E1'; $s .= '-S1' while $@ =~ /syntax error at/g; eval $bad; $s .= '-E2'; $s .= '-S2' while $@ =~ /syntax error at/g; } elsif ($_[1] eq 'require') { $s .= 'REQUIRE'; my @text = ( q[BEGIN { die; $s .= '-X1' }], q[BEGIN { $x+ }], '$x+', $bad ); for my $i (0..$#text) { $s .= "-$i"; do_require($txt[$i], 0) if $e;; do_require($txt[$i], 1); } } elsif ($_[1] eq 'exit') { eval q[exit(0); print "overshot eval\n"]; } else { print "unknown key: '$_[1]'\n"; } return "-R"; } my %foo; tie %foo, "main"; for my $action(qw(eval require)) { $s = ''; $e = 0; $s .= main->FETCH($action); print "$action: s0=$s\n"; $s = ''; $e = 1; eval { $s .= main->FETCH($action)}; print "$action: s1=$s\n"; $s = ''; $e = 0; $s .= $foo{$action}; print "$action: s2=$s\n"; $s = ''; $e = 1; eval { $s .= $foo{$action}}; print "$action: s3=$s\n"; } 1 while unlink $file; $foo{'exit'}; print "overshot main\n"; # shouldn't reach here EXPECT eval: s0=EVAL-BD-BS-E1-S1-E2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-R eval: s1=EVAL-BD-BS-E1-S1-E2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-R eval: s2=EVAL-BD-BS-E1-S1-E2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-R eval: s3=EVAL-BD-BS-E1-S1-E2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-R require: s0=REQUIRE-0-ERQ-ENDRQ-1-ERQ-ENDRQ-2-ERQ-ENDRQ-3-ERQ-ENDRQ-R require: s1=REQUIRE-0-RQ require: s2=REQUIRE-0-ERQ-ENDRQ-1-ERQ-ENDRQ-2-ERQ-ENDRQ-3-ERQ-ENDRQ-R require: s3=REQUIRE-0-RQ ######## # RT 8857: STORE incorrectly invoked for local($_) on aliased tied array # element sub TIEARRAY { bless [], $_[0] } sub TIEHASH { bless [], $_[0] } sub FETCH { $_[0]->[$_[1]] } sub STORE { $_[0]->[$_[1]] = $_[2] } sub f { local $_[0]; } tie @a, 'main'; tie %h, 'main'; foreach ($a[0], $h{a}) { f($_); } # on failure, chucks up 'premature free' etc messages EXPECT ######## # RT 5475: # the initial fix for this bug caused tied scalar FETCH to be called # multiple times when that scalar was an element in an array. Check it # only gets called once now. sub TIESCALAR { bless [], $_[0] } my $c = 0; sub FETCH { $c++; 0 } sub FETCHSIZE { 1 } sub STORE { $c += 100; 0 } my (@a, %h); tie $a[0], 'main'; tie $h{foo}, 'main'; my $i = 0; my $x = $a[0] + $h{foo} + $a[$i] + (@a)[0]; print "x=$x c=$c\n"; EXPECT x=0 c=4 ######## # Bug 68192 - numeric ops not calling mg_get when tied scalar holds a ref sub TIESCALAR { bless {}, __PACKAGE__ }; sub STORE {}; sub FETCH { print "fetching... "; # make sure FETCH is called once per op 123456 }; my $foo; tie $foo, __PACKAGE__; my $a = [1234567]; $foo = $a; print "+ ", 0 + $foo, "\n"; print "** ", $foo**1, "\n"; print "* ", $foo*1, "\n"; print "/ ", $foo*1, "\n"; print "% ", $foo%123457, "\n"; print "- ", $foo-0, "\n"; print "neg ", - -$foo, "\n"; print "int ", int $foo, "\n"; print "abs ", abs $foo, "\n"; print "== ", 123456 == $foo, "\n"; print "< ", 123455 < $foo, "\n"; print "> ", 123457 > $foo, "\n"; print "<= ", 123456 <= $foo, "\n"; print ">= ", 123456 >= $foo, "\n"; print "!= ", 0 != $foo, "\n"; print "<=> ", 123457 <=> $foo, "\n"; EXPECT fetching... + 123456 fetching... ** 123456 fetching... * 123456 fetching... / 123456 fetching... % 123456 fetching... - 123456 fetching... neg 123456 fetching... int 123456 fetching... abs 123456 fetching... == 1 fetching... < 1 fetching... > 1 fetching... <= 1 fetching... >= 1 fetching... != 1 fetching... <=> 1 ######## # Ties returning overloaded objects { package overloaded; use overload '*{}' => sub { print '*{}'; \*100 }, '@{}' => sub { print '@{}'; \@100 }, '%{}' => sub { print '%{}'; \%100 }, '${}' => sub { print '${}'; \$100 }, map { my $op = $_; $_ => sub { print "$op"; 100 } } qw< 0+ "" + ** * / % - neg int abs == < > <= >= != <=> <> > } $o = bless [], overloaded; sub TIESCALAR { bless {}, "" } sub FETCH { print "fetching... "; $o } sub STORE{} tie $ghew, ""; $ghew=undef; 1+$ghew; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew**1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew*1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew/1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew%1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew-1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; -$ghew; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; int $ghew; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; abs $ghew; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; 1 == $ghew; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew<1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew>1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew<=1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew >=1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew != 1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; $ghew<=>1; print "\n"; $ghew=undef; <$ghew>; print "\n"; $ghew=\*shrext; *$ghew; print "\n"; $ghew=\@spled; @$ghew; print "\n"; $ghew=\%frit; %$ghew; print "\n"; $ghew=\$drile; $$ghew; print "\n"; EXPECT fetching... + fetching... ** fetching... * fetching... / fetching... % fetching... - fetching... neg fetching... int fetching... abs fetching... == fetching... < fetching... > fetching... <= fetching... >= fetching... != fetching... <=> fetching... <> fetching... *{} fetching... @{} fetching... %{} fetching... ${} ######## # RT 51636: segmentation fault with array ties tie my @a, 'T'; @a = (1); print "ok\n"; # if we got here we didn't crash package T; sub TIEARRAY { bless {} } sub STORE { tie my @b, 'T' } sub CLEAR { } sub EXTEND { } EXPECT ok ######## # RT 8438: Tied scalars don't call FETCH when subref is dereferenced sub TIESCALAR { bless {} } my $fetch = 0; my $called = 0; sub FETCH { $fetch++; sub { $called++ } } tie my $f, 'main'; $f->(1) for 1,2; print "fetch=$fetch\ncalled=$called\n"; EXPECT fetch=2 called=2 ######## # tie mustn't attempt to call methods on bareword filehandles. sub IO::File::TIEARRAY { die "Did not want to invoke IO::File::TIEARRAY"; } fileno FOO; tie @a, "FOO" EXPECT Can't locate object method "TIEARRAY" via package "FOO" at - line 5. ######## # # STORE freeing tie'd AV sub TIEARRAY { bless [] } sub STORE { *a = []; 1 } sub STORESIZE { } sub EXTEND { } tie @a, 'main'; $a[0] = 1; EXPECT ######## # # CLEAR freeing tie'd AV sub TIEARRAY { bless [] } sub CLEAR { *a = []; 1 } sub STORESIZE { } sub EXTEND { } sub STORE { } tie @a, 'main'; @a = (1,2,3); EXPECT ######## # # FETCHSIZE freeing tie'd AV sub TIEARRAY { bless [] } sub FETCHSIZE { *a = []; 100 } sub STORESIZE { } sub EXTEND { } sub STORE { } tie @a, 'main'; print $#a,"\n" EXPECT 99 ######## # # [perl #86328] Crash when freeing tie magic that can increment the refcnt eval { require Scalar::Util } or print("ok\n"), exit; sub TIEHASH { return $_[1]; } *TIEARRAY = *TIEHASH; sub DESTROY { my ($tied) = @_; my $b = $tied->[0]; } my $a = {}; my $o = bless []; Scalar::Util::weaken($o->[0] = $a); tie %$a, "main", $o; my $b = []; my $p = bless []; Scalar::Util::weaken($p->[0] = $b); tie @$b, "main", $p; # Done setting up the evil data structures $a = undef; $b = undef; print "ok\n"; EXPECT ok ######## # # Localising a tied COW scalar should not make it read-only. sub TIESCALAR { bless [] } sub FETCH { __PACKAGE__ } sub STORE {} tie $x, ""; "$x"; { local $x; $x = 3; } print "ok\n"; EXPECT ok ######## # tied() should still work on tied scalars after glob assignment sub TIESCALAR {bless[]} sub FETCH {*foo} sub f::TIEHANDLE{bless[],f} tie *foo, "f"; tie $rin, ""; [$rin]; # call FETCH print ref tied $rin, "\n"; print ref tied *$rin, "\n"; EXPECT main f ######## # (un)tie $glob_copy vs (un)tie *$glob_copy sub TIESCALAR { print "TIESCALAR\n"; bless [] } sub TIEHANDLE{ print "TIEHANDLE\n"; bless [] } sub FETCH { print "never called\n" } $f = *foo; tie *$f, ""; tie $f, ""; untie $f; print "ok 1\n" if !tied $f; () = $f; # should not call FETCH untie *$f; print "ok 2\n" if !tied *foo; EXPECT TIEHANDLE TIESCALAR ok 1 ok 2 ######## # RT #8611 mustn't goto outside the magic stack sub TIESCALAR { warn "tiescalar\n"; bless [] } sub FETCH { warn "fetch()\n"; goto FOO; } tie $f, ""; warn "before fetch\n"; my $a = "$f"; warn "before FOO\n"; FOO: warn "after FOO\n"; EXPECT tiescalar before fetch fetch() Can't find label FOO at - line 4. ######## # RT #8611 mustn't goto outside the magic stack sub TIEHANDLE { warn "tiehandle\n"; bless [] } sub PRINT { warn "print()\n"; goto FOO; } tie *F, ""; warn "before print\n"; print F "abc"; warn "before FOO\n"; FOO: warn "after FOO\n"; EXPECT tiehandle before print print() Can't find label FOO at - line 4. ######## # \&$tied with $tied holding a reference before the fetch (but not after) sub ::72 { 73 }; sub TIESCALAR {bless[]} sub STORE{} sub FETCH { 72 } tie my $x, "main"; $x = \$y; \&$x; print "ok\n"; EXPECT ok ######## # \&$tied with $tied holding a PVLV glob before the fetch (but not after) sub ::72 { 73 }; sub TIEARRAY {bless[]} sub STORE{} sub FETCH { 72 } tie my @x, "main"; my $elem = \$x[0]; $$elem = *bar; print &{\&$$elem}, "\n"; EXPECT 73 ######## # \&$tied with $tied holding a PVGV glob before the fetch (but not after) local *72 = sub { 73 }; sub TIESCALAR {bless[]} sub STORE{} sub FETCH { 72 } tie my $x, "main"; $x = *bar; print &{\&$x}, "\n"; EXPECT 73 ######## # Lexicals should not be visible to magic methods on scope exit BEGIN { unless (defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader) { print "HASH\nHASH\nARRAY\nARRAY\n"; exit; }} use Scalar::Util 'weaken'; { package xoufghd; sub TIEHASH { Scalar::Util::weaken($_[1]); bless \$_[1], xoufghd:: } *TIEARRAY = *TIEHASH; DESTROY { bless ${$_[0]} || return, 0; } } for my $sub ( # hashes: ties before backrefs sub { my %hash; $ref = ref \%hash; tie %hash, xoufghd::, \%hash; 1; }, # hashes: backrefs before ties sub { my %hash; $ref = ref \%hash; weaken(my $x = \%hash); tie %hash, xoufghd::, \%hash; 1; }, # arrays: ties before backrefs sub { my @array; $ref = ref \@array; tie @array, xoufghd::, \@array; 1; }, # arrays: backrefs before ties sub { my @array; $ref = ref \@array; weaken(my $x = \@array); tie @array, xoufghd::, \@array; 1; }, ) { &$sub; &$sub; print $ref, "\n"; } EXPECT HASH HASH ARRAY ARRAY