#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } my %seen; package Implement; sub TIEARRAY { $seen{'TIEARRAY'}++; my ($class,@val) = @_; return bless \@val,$class; } sub STORESIZE { $seen{'STORESIZE'}++; my ($ob,$sz) = @_; return $#{$ob} = $sz-1; } sub EXTEND { $seen{'EXTEND'}++; my ($ob,$sz) = @_; return @$ob = $sz; } sub FETCHSIZE { $seen{'FETCHSIZE'}++; return scalar(@{$_[0]}); } sub FETCH { $seen{'FETCH'}++; my ($ob,$id) = @_; return $ob->[$id]; } sub STORE { $seen{'STORE'}++; my ($ob,$id,$val) = @_; $ob->[$id] = $val; } sub UNSHIFT { $seen{'UNSHIFT'}++; my $ob = shift; unshift(@$ob,@_); } sub PUSH { $seen{'PUSH'}++; my $ob = shift;; push(@$ob,@_); } sub CLEAR { $seen{'CLEAR'}++; @{$_[0]} = (); } sub DESTROY { $seen{'DESTROY'}++; } sub POP { $seen{'POP'}++; my ($ob) = @_; return pop(@$ob); } sub SHIFT { $seen{'SHIFT'}++; my ($ob) = @_; return shift(@$ob); } sub SPLICE { $seen{'SPLICE'}++; my $ob = shift; my $off = @_ ? shift : 0; my $len = @_ ? shift : @$ob-1; return splice(@$ob,$off,$len,@_); } package NegIndex; # 20020220 MJD @ISA = 'Implement'; # simulate indices -2 .. 2 my $offset = 2; $NegIndex::NEGATIVE_INDICES = 1; sub FETCH { my ($ob,$id) = @_; # print "# FETCH @_\n"; $id += $offset; $ob->[$id]; } sub STORE { my ($ob,$id,$value) = @_; # print "# STORE @_\n"; $id += $offset; $ob->[$id] = $value; } sub DELETE { my ($ob,$id) = @_; # print "# DELETE @_\n"; $id += $offset; delete $ob->[$id]; } sub EXISTS { my ($ob,$id) = @_; # print "# EXISTS @_\n"; $id += $offset; exists $ob->[$id]; } # # Returning -1 from FETCHSIZE used to get casted to U32 causing a # segfault # package NegFetchsize; sub TIEARRAY { bless [] } sub FETCH { } sub FETCHSIZE { -1 } package main; plan(tests => 69); {my @ary; { my $ob = tie @ary,'Implement',3,2,1; ok($ob); is(tied(@ary), $ob); } is(@ary, 3); is($#ary, 2); is(join(':',@ary), '3:2:1'); cmp_ok($seen{'FETCH'}, '>=', 3); @ary = (1,2,3); cmp_ok($seen{'STORE'}, '>=', 3); is(join(':',@ary), '1:2:3'); {my @thing = @ary; is(join(':',@thing), '1:2:3'); tie @thing,'Implement'; @thing = @ary; is(join(':',@thing), '1:2:3'); } is(pop(@ary), 3); is($seen{'POP'}, 1); is(join(':',@ary), '1:2'); is(push(@ary,4), 3); is($seen{'PUSH'}, 1); is(join(':',@ary), '1:2:4'); my @x = splice(@ary,1,1,7); is($seen{'SPLICE'}, 1); is(@x, 1); is($x[0], 2); is(join(':',@ary), '1:7:4'); is(shift(@ary), 1); is($seen{'SHIFT'}, 1); is(join(':',@ary), '7:4'); my $n = unshift(@ary,5,6); is($seen{'UNSHIFT'}, 1); is($n, 4); is(join(':',@ary), '5:6:7:4'); @ary = split(/:/,'1:2:3'); is(join(':',@ary), '1:2:3'); my $t = 0; foreach $n (@ary) { is($n, ++$t); } # (30-33) 20020303 mjd-perl-patch+@plover.com @ary = (); $seen{POP} = 0; pop @ary; # this didn't used to call POP at all is($seen{POP}, 1); $seen{SHIFT} = 0; shift @ary; # this didn't used to call SHIFT at all is($seen{SHIFT}, 1); $seen{PUSH} = 0; my $got = push @ary; # this didn't used to call PUSH at all is($got, 0); is($seen{PUSH}, 1); $seen{UNSHIFT} = 0; $got = unshift @ary; # this didn't used to call UNSHIFT at all is($got, 0); is($seen{UNSHIFT}, 1); @ary = qw(3 2 1); is(join(':',@ary), '3:2:1'); $#ary = 1; is($seen{'STORESIZE'}, 1, 'seen STORESIZE'); is(join(':',@ary), '3:2'); sub arysize :lvalue { $#ary } arysize()--; is($seen{'STORESIZE'}, 2, 'seen STORESIZE'); is(join(':',@ary), '3'); untie @ary; } # 20020401 mjd-perl-patch+@plover.com # Thanks to Dave Mitchell for the small test case and the fix { my @a; sub X::TIEARRAY { bless {}, 'X' } sub X::SPLICE { do '/dev/null'; die; } tie @a, 'X'; eval { splice(@a) }; # If we survived this far. pass(); } { # 20020220 mjd-perl-patch+@plover.com my @n; tie @n => 'NegIndex', ('A' .. 'E'); # FETCH is($n[0], 'C'); is($n[1], 'D'); is($n[2], 'E'); is($n[-1], 'B'); is($n[-2], 'A'); # STORE $n[-2] = 'a'; is($n[-2], 'a'); $n[-1] = 'b'; is($n[-1], 'b'); $n[0] = 'c'; is($n[0], 'c'); $n[1] = 'd'; is($n[1], 'd'); $n[2] = 'e'; is($n[2], 'e'); # DELETE and EXISTS for (-2 .. 2) { ok($n[$_]); delete $n[$_]; is(defined($n[$_]), ''); is(exists($n[$_]), ''); } } { tie my @dummy, "NegFetchsize"; eval { "@dummy"; }; like($@, qr/^FETCHSIZE returned a negative value/, " - croak on negative FETCHSIZE"); } is($seen{'DESTROY'}, 3);