#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); } use Config; plan(tests => 78); is(vec($foo,0,1), 0); is(length($foo), undef); vec($foo,0,1) = 1; is(length($foo), 1); is(unpack('C',$foo), 1); is(vec($foo,0,1), 1); is(vec($foo,20,1), 0); vec($foo,20,1) = 1; is(vec($foo,20,1), 1); is(length($foo), 3); is(vec($foo,1,8), 0); vec($foo,1,8) = 0xf1; is(vec($foo,1,8), 0xf1); is((unpack('C',substr($foo,1,1)) & 255), 0xf1); is(vec($foo,2,4), 1);; is(vec($foo,3,4), 15); vec($Vec, 0, 32) = 0xbaddacab; is($Vec, "\xba\xdd\xac\xab"); is(vec($Vec, 0, 32), 3135089835); # ensure vec() handles numericalness correctly $foo = $bar = $baz = 0; vec($foo = 0,0,1) = 1; vec($bar = 0,1,1) = 1; $baz = $foo | $bar; ok($foo eq "1" && $foo == 1); ok($bar eq "2" && $bar == 2); ok("$foo $bar $baz" eq "1 2 3"); # error cases $x = eval { vec $foo, 0, 3 }; like($@, qr/^Illegal number of bits in vec/); $@ = undef; $x = eval { vec $foo, 0, 0 }; like($@, qr/^Illegal number of bits in vec/); $@ = undef; $x = eval { vec $foo, 0, -13 }; like($@, qr/^Illegal number of bits in vec/); $@ = undef; $x = eval { vec($foo, -1, 4) = 2 }; like($@, qr/^Negative offset to vec in lvalue context/); $@ = undef; ok(! vec('abcd', 7, 8)); # UTF8 # N.B. currently curiously coded to circumvent bugs elswhere in UTF8 handling $foo = "\x{100}" . "\xff\xfe"; $x = substr $foo, 1; is(vec($x, 0, 8), 255); $@ = undef; { no warnings 'deprecated'; eval { vec($foo, 1, 8) }; ok(! $@); $@ = undef; eval { vec($foo, 1, 8) = 13 }; ok(! $@); if ($::IS_EBCDIC) { is($foo, "\x8c\x0d\xff\x8a\x69"); } else { is($foo, "\xc4\x0d\xc3\xbf\xc3\xbe"); } } $foo = "\x{100}" . "\xff\xfe"; $x = substr $foo, 1; vec($x, 2, 4) = 7; is($x, "\xff\xf7"); # mixed magic $foo = "\x61\x62\x63\x64\x65\x66"; is(vec(substr($foo, 2, 2), 0, 16), 25444); vec(substr($foo, 1,3), 5, 4) = 3; is($foo, "\x61\x62\x63\x34\x65\x66"); # A variation of [perl #20933] { my $s = ""; vec($s, 0, 1) = 0; vec($s, 1, 1) = 1; my @r; $r[$_] = \ vec $s, $_, 1 for (0, 1); ok(!(${ $r[0] } != 0 || ${ $r[1] } != 1)); } my $destroyed; { package Class; DESTROY { ++$destroyed; } } $destroyed = 0; { my $x = ''; vec($x,0,1) = 0; $x = bless({}, 'Class'); } is($destroyed, 1, 'Timely scalar destruction with lvalue vec'); use constant roref => \1; eval { for (roref) { vec($_,0,1) = 1 } }; like($@, qr/^Modification of a read-only value attempted at /, 'err msg when modifying read-only refs'); { # downgradeable utf8 strings should be downgraded before accessing # the byte string. # See the p5p thread with Message-ID: # my $x = substr "\x{100}\xff\xfe", 1; # a utf8 string with all ords < 256 my $v; $v = vec($x, 0, 8); is($v, 255, "downgraded utf8 try 1"); $v = vec($x, 0, 8); is($v, 255, "downgraded utf8 try 2"); } # [perl #128260] assertion failure with \vec %h, \vec @h { my %h = 1..100; my @a = 1..100; is ${\vec %h, 0, 1}, vec(scalar %h, 0, 1), '\vec %h'; is ${\vec @a, 0, 1}, vec(scalar @a, 0, 1), '\vec @a'; } # [perl #130915] heap-buffer-overflow in Perl_do_vecget { # ensure that out-of-STRLEN-range offsets are handled correctly. This # partially duplicates some tests above, but those cases are repeated # here for completeness. # # Note that all the 'Out of memory!' errors trapped eval {} are 'fake' # croaks generated by pp_vec() etc when they have detected something # that would have otherwise overflowed. The real 'Out of memory!' # error thrown by safesysrealloc() etc is not trappable. If it were # accidentally triggered in this test script, the script would exit at # that point. my $s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; my $x; # offset is SvIOK_UV $x = vec($s, ~0, 8); is($x, 0, "RT 130915: UV_MAX rval"); eval { vec($s, ~0, 8) = 1 }; like($@, qr/^Out of memory!/, "RT 130915: UV_MAX lval"); # offset is negative $x = vec($s, -1, 8); is($x, 0, "RT 130915: -1 rval"); eval { vec($s, -1, 8) = 1 }; like($@, qr/^Negative offset to vec in lvalue context/, "RT 130915: -1 lval"); # offset positive but doesn't fit in a STRLEN SKIP: { skip 'IV is no longer than size_t', 2 if $Config{ivsize} <= $Config{sizesize}; my $size_max = (1 << (8 *$Config{sizesize})) - 1; my $sm2 = $size_max * 2; $x = vec($s, $sm2, 8); is($x, 0, "RT 130915: size_max*2 rval"); eval { vec($s, $sm2, 8) = 1 }; like($@, qr/^Out of memory!/, "RT 130915: size_max*2 lval"); } # (offset * num-bytes) could overflow for my $power (1..3) { my $bytes = (1 << $power); my $biglog2 = $Config{sizesize} * 8 - $power; for my $i (0..1) { my $offset = (1 << $biglog2) - $i; $x = vec($s, $offset, $bytes*8); is($x, 0, "large offset: bytes=$bytes biglog2=$biglog2 i=$i: rval"); eval { vec($s, $offset, $bytes*8) = 1; }; like($@, qr/^Out of memory!/, "large offset: bytes=$bytes biglog2=$biglog2 i=$i: rval"); } } } # Test multi-byte gets partially beyond the end of the string. # It's supposed to pretend there is a stream of \0's following the string. { my $s = "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07"; my $s0 = $s . ("\0" x 8); for my $bytes (1, 2, 4, 8) { for my $offset (0..$bytes) { if ($Config{ivsize} < $bytes) { pass("skipping multi-byte bytes=$bytes offset=$offset"); next; } no warnings 'portable'; is (vec($s, 8 - $offset, $bytes*8), vec($s0, 8 - $offset, $bytes*8), "multi-byte bytes=$bytes offset=$offset"); } } } # RT #131083 maybe-lvalue out of range should only croak if assigned to { sub RT131083 { if ($_[0]) { $_[1] = 1; } $_[1]; } my $s = "abc"; my $off = -1; my $v = RT131083(0, vec($s, $off, 8)); is($v, 0, "RT131083 rval -1"); $v = eval { RT131083(1, vec($s, $off, 8)); }; like($@, qr/Negative offset to vec in lvalue context/, "RT131083 lval -1"); $off = ~0; my $v = RT131083(0, vec($s, $off, 8)); is($v, 0, "RT131083 rval ~0"); $v = eval { RT131083(1, vec($s, $off, 8)); }; like($@, qr/Out of memory!/, "RT131083 lval ~0"); }