#!./perl # # Execute the various code snippets in t/perf/benchmarks # to ensure that they are all syntactically correct BEGIN { chdir 't'; require './test.pl'; @INC = ('.', '../lib'); } use warnings; use strict; my $file = 'perf/benchmarks'; my $benchmark_array = do $file; unless ($benchmark_array) { die "Error while parsing '$file': $@\n" if $@; die "Error while trying to read '$file': $!" unless defined $benchmark_array; die "Unknown error running '$file'\n"; } die "'$file' did not return an array ref\n" unless ref $benchmark_array eq 'ARRAY'; die "Not an even number of key value pairs in '$file'\n" if @$benchmark_array % 2; my %benchmarks; while (@$benchmark_array) { my $key = shift @$benchmark_array; my $hash = shift @$benchmark_array; die "Duplicate key '$key' in '$file'\n" if exists $benchmarks{$key}; $benchmarks{$key} = $hash; } plan keys(%benchmarks) * 4; # check the hash of hashes is minimally consistent in format my %valid_keys = map { $_=> 1 } qw(desc setup code pre post compile); my @required_keys = qw(code); for my $token (sort keys %benchmarks) { like($token, qr/^[a-zA-Z](\w|::)+$/a, "$token: legal token"); my @keys = sort keys %{$benchmarks{$token}}; my @invalid = grep !exists $valid_keys{$_}, @keys; ok(!@invalid, "$token: only valid keys present") or diag("saw these invalid keys: (@invalid)"); my @missing = grep !exists $benchmarks{$token}{$_}, @required_keys; ok(!@missing, "$token: all required keys present") or diag("these keys are missing: (@missing)"); } # check that each bit of code compiles and runs for my $token (sort keys %benchmarks) { my $b = $benchmarks{$token}; my $setup = $b->{setup} // ''; my $pre = $b->{pre} // ''; my $post = $b->{post} // ''; my $code = "package $token; $setup; for (1..1) { $pre; $b->{code}; $post; } 1;"; no warnings; no strict; ok(eval $code, "running $token") or do { diag("code:"); diag($code); diag("gave:"); diag($@); } }