#!/usr/bin/perl # Check the functionality of the Porting/bench.pl executable; # in particular, its argument handling and its ability to produce # the expected output for particular arguments. # # See also t/porting/bench_selftest.pl BEGIN { chdir '..' if -f 'test.pl'; @INC = ( './lib' ); require './t/test.pl'; } use warnings; use strict; use Config; # Only test on git checkouts - this is more of a perl core developer # tool than an end-user tool. # Only test on a platform likely to support forking, pipes, cachegrind # etc. Add other platforms if you think they're safe. skip_all "not devel" unless -d "./.git"; skip_all "not linux" unless $^O eq 'linux'; skip_all "no valgrind" unless -x '/bin/valgrind' || -x '/usr/bin/valgrind'; # Address sanitizer clashes horribly with cachegrind skip_all "not with ASAN" if $Config{ccflags} =~ /sanitize=address/; skip_all "cachegrind broken" if system "( ulimit -c 0; valgrind -q --tool=cachegrind --cachegrind-out-file=/dev/null $^X -e0 ) 2>/dev/null"; my $bench_pl = "Porting/bench.pl"; ok -e $bench_pl, "$bench_pl exists and is executable"; my $bench_cmd = "$^X -Ilib $bench_pl"; my ($out, $cmd); # Read in the expected output format templates and create qr//s from them. my %formats; my %format_qrs; { my $cur; while () { next if /^#/; if (/^FORMAT:/) { die "invalid format line: $_" unless /^FORMAT:\s+(\w+)\s*$/; $cur = $1; die "duplicate format: '$cur'\n" if exists $formats{$cur}; next; } $formats{$cur} .= $_; } for my $name (sort keys %formats) { my $f = $formats{$name}; # expand "%%SUB_FORMAT%% $f =~ s{^ \s* %% (\w+) %% [ \t]* \n} { my $f1 = $formats{$1}; die "No such sub-format '%%$1%%' in format '$name'\n" unless defined $f1; $f1; }gmxe; $f = quotemeta $f; # convert NNNN.NN placeholders into a regex $f =~ s{(N+)\\.(N+)} { my $l = length($2); "(" . "\\s*-?\\d+\\." . "\\d" x $l ."|\\s{" . ($l + 1) . ",}-)" }ge; # convert run of space chars into ' +' or ' *' $f =~ s/(\A|\n)(\\ )+/$1 */g; $f =~ s/(\\ )+/ +/g; # convert '---' placeholders into a regex $f =~ s/(\\-){2,}/-+/g; $format_qrs{$name} = qr/\A$f\z/; } } # --------------------------------------------------- # check croaks for my $test ( [ "--boz", "Unknown option: boz\nUse the -h option for usage information.\n", "croak: basic unknown option" ], [ "--fields=Ir,Boz", "Error: --fields: unknown field 'Boz'\n", "croak: unknown --field" ], [ "--action=boz", "Error: unrecognised action 'boz'\nmust be one of: grind, selftest\n", "croak: unknown --action" ], [ "--sort=boz", "Error: --sort argument should be of the form field:perl: 'boz'\n", "croak: invalid --sort" ], [ "--sort=boz:perl", "Error: --sort: unknown field 'boz'\n", "croak: unknown --sort field" ], [ "-action=selftest perl", "Error: no perl executables may be specified with selftest\n", "croak: --action-selftest with executable" ], [ "--tests=/boz perl", "Error: --tests regex must be of the form /.../\n", "croak: invalid --tests regex" ], [ "--tests=call::sub::empty,foo::bar::baz::boz perl", "Error: no such test found: 'foo::bar::baz::boz'\n" . "Re-run with --verbose for a list of valid tests.\n", "croak: unknown test in --tests" ], [ "--verbose --tests=call::sub::empty,foo::bar::baz::boz --read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json", "Error: no such test found: 'foo::bar::baz::boz'\n" . "Valid test names are:\n" . " call::sub::amp_empty\n" . " call::sub::empty\n", "croak: unknown test in --tests --verbose" ], [ "--tests=/foo::bar::baz::boz/ perl", "Error: no tests to run\n", "croak: no --tests to run " ], [ "--benchfile=no-such-file-boz perl", qr/\AError: can't read 'no-such-file-boz':/, "croak: non-existent --benchfile " ], [ "--benchfile=t/porting/bench/synerr perl", qr{\AError: can't parse 't/porting/bench/synerr':\nsyntax error}, "croak: --benchfile with syntax error" ], [ "--benchfile=t/porting/bench/ret0 perl", "Error: can't load 't/porting/bench/ret0': code didn't return a true value\n", "croak: --benchfile which returns 0" ], [ "--benchfile=t/porting/bench/oddentry perl", qr{\AError: 't/porting/bench/oddentry' does not contain evenly paired test names and hashes\n}, "croak: --benchfile with odd number of entries" ], [ "--benchfile=t/porting/bench/badname perl", qr{\AError: 't/porting/bench/badname': invalid test name: '1='\n}, "croak: --benchfile with invalid test name" ], [ "--benchfile=t/porting/bench/badhash perl", qr{\AError: 't/porting/bench/badhash': invalid key 'blah' for test 'foo::bar'\n}, "croak: --benchfile with invalid test hash key" ], [ "--norm=2 ./miniperl ./perl", "Error: --norm value 2 outside range 0..1\n", "croak: select-a-perl out of range" ], [ "--norm=-0 ./miniperl ./perl", "Error: --norm value -0 outside range -1..-2\n", "croak: select-a-perl out of range" ], [ "--norm=-3 ./miniperl ./perl", "Error: --norm value -3 outside range -1..-2\n", "croak: select-a-perl out of range" ], [ "--sort=Ir:myperl ./miniperl ./perl", "Error: --sort: unrecognised perl 'myperl'\n" . "Valid perl names are:\n" . " ./miniperl\n" . " ./perl\n", "croak: select-a-perl unrecognised" ], [ "--compact=./perl ./perl=A ./perl=B", "Error: --compact: ambiguous perl './perl'\n", "croak: select-a-perl ambiguous" ], [ "./perl --foo", "Error: unrecognised executable switch '--foo'\n", "croak: ./perl --foo" ], [ "-- --args=foo", "Error: --args without a preceding executable name\n", "croak: --args without perl" ], [ "-- --env=foo=bar", "Error: --env without a preceding executable name\n", "croak: --env without perl" ], [ "./perl --args", "Error: --args is missing value\n", "croak: --args without value" ], [ "./perl --env", "Error: --env is missing value\n", "croak: --env without value" ], [ "./perl --env='FOO'", "Error: --env is missing =value\n", "croak: --env without =value" ], [ "./perl ./perl", "Error: duplicate label './perl': each executable must have a unique label\n", "croak: duplicate label ./perl ./perl" ], [ "./perl=A ./miniperl=A", "Error: duplicate label 'A': each executable must have a unique label\n", "croak: duplicate label =A =A" ], [ "--read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json --read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json", "Error: duplicate label './perl': seen in file 't/porting/bench/callsub.json'\n", "croak: duplicate label --read=... --read=..." ], [ "--read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json ./perl", "Error: duplicate label './perl': seen both in --read file and on command line\n", "croak: duplicate label --read=... ./perl" ], [ "./nosuch-perl", qr{^\QError: unable to execute './nosuch-perl': }, "croak: no such perl" ], [ "--grindargs=Boz --debug --tests=call::sub::empty ./perl=A ./perl=B", qr{Error: .*?(unexpected code or cachegrind output|gave return status)}s, "croak: cachegrind output format " ], [ "--bisect=Ir",, "Error: --bisect option must be of form 'field,integer,integer'\n", "croak: --bisect=Ir" ], [ "--bisect=Ir,1",, "Error: --bisect option must be of form 'field,integer,integer'\n", "croak: --bisect=Ir,1" ], [ "--bisect=Ir,1,2,3", "Error: --bisect option must be of form 'field,integer,integer'\n", "croak: --bisect=Ir,1,2,3" ], [ "--bisect=Ir,1,x", "Error: --bisect option must be of form 'field,integer,integer'\n", "croak: --bisect=Ir,1,x" ], [ "--bisect=Ir,x,2", "Error: --bisect option must be of form 'field,integer,integer'\n", "croak: --bisect=Ir,x,2" ], [ "--bisect=boz,1,2", "Error: unrecognised field 'boz' in --bisect option\n", "croak: --bisect=boz,1,2" ], [ "--bisect=Ir,2,1", "Error: --bisect min (2) must be <= max (1)\n", "croak: --bisect=boz,2,1" ], [ "--read=no-such-file-boz", qr/\AError: can't open 'no-such-file-boz' for reading:/, "croak: non-existent --read file " ], [ "--read=t/porting/bench/badversion.json", "Error: unsupported version 9999.9 in file 't/porting/bench/badversion.json' (too new)\n", "croak: --read version" ], [ "--read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json --benchfile=t/perf/benchmarks ./perl ", "Error: --benchfile cannot be used when --read is present\n", "croak: benchfile with read" ], [ "", "Error: nothing to do: no perls to run, no data to read.\n", "croak: no input" ], [ "./perl", "Error: need at least 2 perls for comparison.\n", "croak: need 2 perls" ], [ "--bisect=Ir,1,2 ./perl=A ./perl=B", "Error: exactly one perl executable must be specified for bisect\n", "croak: --bisect, need 1 perls" ], [ "--bisect=Ir,1,2 --tests=/call/ ./perl=A", "Error: only a single test may be specified with --bisect\n", "croak: --bisect one test only" ], # note that callsub.json was created using # ./perl -Ilib Porting/bench.pl --tests='/call::sub::(amp_)?empty/' \ # --write=t/porting/bench/callsub.json ./perl [ "--read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json --write=no/such/file/boz", qr{\AError: can't open 'no/such/file/boz' for writing: }, "croak: --write open error" ], # note that callsub2.json was created using # ./perl -Ilib Porting/bench.pl \ # --tests='call::sub::empty,call::sub::args3' \ # --write=t/porting/bench/callsub2.json ./perl=perl2 [ "--read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json " . " --read=t/porting/bench/callsub2.json", "Can't merge multiple read files: they contain differing test sets.\n" . "Re-run with --verbose to see the differences.\n", "croak: --read callsub, callsub2" ], [ "--read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json " . " --read=t/porting/bench/callsub2.json" . " --verbose", "Can't merge multiple read files: they contain differing test sets.\n" . "Previous tests:\n" . " call::sub::amp_empty\n" . " call::sub::empty\n" . "tests from 't/porting/bench/callsub2.json':\n" . " call::sub::args3\n" . " call::sub::empty\n", "croak: --read callsub, callsub2 --verbose" ], # these ones aren't tested (and nor are any "Panic:" ones): # Error: can't parse '$field' field from cachegrind output # Error: while starting cachegrind subprocess for NNNN: # File '$file' contains no results # File '$file' contains differing test and results names # File '$file' contains differing test and sort order names # Can't merge multiple read files: differing loop counts: ) { my ($args, $expected, $desc) = @$test; $out = qx($bench_cmd $args 2>&1); if (ref($expected)) { like $out, $expected, $desc; } else { is $out, $expected, $desc; } } # --------------------------------------------------- # run benchmarks my $resultfile1 = tempfile(); # benchmark results for 1 perl my $resultfile2 = tempfile(); # benchmark results for 2 perls # Run a real cachegrind session and write results to file. # the -j 2 is to minimally exercise its parallel facility. note("running cachegrind for 1st perl; may be slow..."); $out = qx($bench_cmd -j 2 --write=$resultfile1 --tests=call::sub::empty $^X=p0 2>&1); is $out, "", "--write should produce no output (1 perl)"; ok -s $resultfile1, "--write should create a non-empty results file (1 perl)"; # and again with 2 perls. This is also tests the 'mix read and new new # perls' functionality. note("running cachegrind for 2nd perl; may be slow..."); $out = qx($bench_cmd -j 2 --read=$resultfile1 --write=$resultfile2 $^X=p1 2>&1); is $out, "", "--write should produce no output (2 perls)" or diag("got: $out"); ok -s $resultfile2, "--write should create a non-empty results file (2 perls)"; # 1 perl: # read back the results in raw form $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile1 --raw 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{raw1}, "basic cachegrind raw format; 1 perl"; # and read back the results in raw compact form $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile1 --raw --compact=0 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{raw_compact}, "basic cachegrind raw compact format; 1 perl"; # and read back the results in raw average form $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile1 --raw --average 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{raw_average1}, "basic cachegrind raw average format; 1 perl"; # and read back the results with raw selected fields $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile1 --raw --fields=Ir,Dr 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{fields1}, "basic cachegrind --fields; 1 perl"; # 2 perls: # read back the results in relative-percent form $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{percent2}, "basic cachegrind percent format; 2 perls"; # read back the results in relative-percent form with norm $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --norm=0 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{percent2}, "basic cachegrind percent format, norm; 2 perls"; # ditto with negative norm $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --norm=-2 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{percent2}, "basic cachegrind percent format, norm -2; 2 perls"; # read back the results in relative-percent form with sort $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --sort=Ir:0 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{percent2}, "basic cachegrind percent format, sort; 2 perls"; # read back the results in relative-percent form with sort and norm $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --sort=Ir:0 --norm=0 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{percent2}, "basic cachegrind percent format, sort, norm; 2 perls"; # and read back the results in raw form $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --raw 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{raw2}, "basic cachegrind raw format; 2 perls"; # and read back the results in raw form with norm $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --raw --norm=0 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{raw2}, "basic cachegrind raw format, norm; 2 perls"; # and read back the results in raw form with sort $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --raw --sort=Ir:0 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{raw2}, "basic cachegrind raw format, sort, norm; 2 perls"; # and read back the results in raw form with sort and norm $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --raw --sort=Ir:0 --norm=0 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{raw2}, "basic cachegrind raw format, sort, norm; 2 perls"; # and read back the results in compact form $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --compact=1 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{compact}, "basic cachegrind compact format; 2 perls"; # and read back the results in average form $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --average 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{average}, "basic cachegrind average format; 2 perls"; # and read back the results with selected fields $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --fields=Ir,Dr 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{fields2}, "basic cachegrind --fields; 2 perls"; # and read back the results in compact form with selected fields $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --compact=1 --fields=Ir,Dr 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{compact_fields}, "basic cachegrind compact, fields; 2 perls"; # and read back the results with 1 selected fields (this is more compact) $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=$resultfile2 --fields=Ir 2>&1); like $out, $format_qrs{'1field'}, "basic cachegrind 1 field; 2 perls"; # bisect # the Ir range here is intended such that the bisect will always fail $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json --tests=call::sub::empty --bisect=Ir,100000,100001 2>&1); is $?, 1 << 8, "--bisect: exit result: should not match"; like $out, qr/^Bisect: Ir had the value -?\d+\n/, "--bisect: got expected output"; # multiple reads with differing test sets but common --tests subset $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json --read=t/porting/bench/callsub2.json --tests=call::sub::empty 2>&1); $out =~ s{\Q./perl perl2}{ p0 p1}; $out =~ s{^\./perl}{p0}m; like $out, $format_qrs{percent2}, "2 reads; overlapping test sets"; # A read defines what benchmarks to run note("running cachegrind on 1 perl; may be slow..."); $out = qx($bench_cmd --read=t/porting/bench/callsub.json --tests=call::sub::empty $^X=p1 2>&1); $out =~ s{^\./perl}{p0}m; $out =~ s{\Q./perl}{ p0}; like $out, $format_qrs{percent2}, "1 read; 1 generate"; # Process environment and optional args. # This is a minimal test that it runs - it doesn't test whether # the environment and args are getting applied correctly, apart from the # fact that the perls in question are being successfully executed. # # Also check the --autolabel feature note("running cachegrind on 2 perls; may be slow..."); $cmd = <&1 EOF $cmd =~ s/\n\s+/ /g; $out = qx($cmd); $out =~ s{^\./perl}{p0}m; $out =~ s{\Q ./perl perl2 p-0 p-1} { p0 p1 p2 p3}; like $out, $format_qrs{percent4}, "4 perls with autolabel and args and env"; done_testing(); # Templates for expected output formats. # # Lines starting with '#' are skipped. # # Lines of the form 'FORMAT: foo' start and name a new template # # All other lines are part of the template # # Entries of the form NNNN.NN are converted into a regex of the form # ( \s* -? \d+\.\d\d | - ) # i.e. it expects number with a fixed number of digits after the point, # or a '-'. # # Any runs of space chars (but not tab) are converted into ' +', # or ' *' if at the start of a line # # Entries of the form --- are converted into [-]+ # # Lines of the form %%FOO%% are substituted with format 'FOO' __END__ # =================================================================== FORMAT: STD_HEADER Key: Ir Instruction read Dr Data read Dw Data write COND conditional branches IND indirect branches _m branch predict miss _m1 level 1 cache miss _mm last cache (e.g. L3) miss - indeterminate percentage (e.g. 1/0) # =================================================================== FORMAT: percent2 %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent relative counts per loop iteration, compared to p0 at 100.0%. Higher is better: for example, using half as many instructions gives 200%, while using twice as many gives 50%. call::sub::empty function call with no args or body p0 p1 ------ ------ Ir 100.00 NNN.NN Dr 100.00 NNN.NN Dw 100.00 NNN.NN COND 100.00 NNN.NN IND 100.00 NNN.NN COND_m 100.00 NNN.NN IND_m 100.00 NNN.NN Ir_m1 100.00 NNN.NN Dr_m1 100.00 NNN.NN Dw_m1 100.00 NNN.NN Ir_mm 100.00 NNN.NN Dr_mm 100.00 NNN.NN Dw_mm 100.00 NNN.NN # =================================================================== FORMAT: percent4 %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent relative counts per loop iteration, compared to p0 at 100.0%. Higher is better: for example, using half as many instructions gives 200%, while using twice as many gives 50%. call::sub::empty function call with no args or body p0 p1 p2 p3 ------ ------ ------ ------ Ir 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN Dr 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN Dw 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN COND 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN IND 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN COND_m 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN IND_m 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN Ir_m1 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN Dr_m1 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN Dw_m1 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN Ir_mm 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN Dr_mm 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN Dw_mm 100.00 NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN # =================================================================== FORMAT: fields2 %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent relative counts per loop iteration, compared to p0 at 100.0%. Higher is better: for example, using half as many instructions gives 200%, while using twice as many gives 50%. call::sub::empty function call with no args or body p0 p1 ------ ------ Ir 100.00 NNN.NN Dr 100.00 NNN.NN # =================================================================== FORMAT: raw1 %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent raw counts per loop iteration. call::sub::empty function call with no args or body p0 -------- Ir NNNNNN.N Dr NNNNNN.N Dw NNNNNN.N COND NNNNNN.N IND NNNNNN.N COND_m NNNNNN.N IND_m NNNNNN.N Ir_m1 NNNNNN.N Dr_m1 NNNNNN.N Dw_m1 NNNNNN.N Ir_mm NNNNNN.N Dr_mm NNNNNN.N Dw_mm NNNNNN.N # =================================================================== FORMAT: raw_average1 %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent raw counts per loop iteration. AVERAGE p0 -------- Ir NNNNNN.N Dr NNNNNN.N Dw NNNNNN.N COND NNNNNN.N IND NNNNNN.N COND_m NNNNNN.N IND_m NNNNNN.N Ir_m1 NNNNNN.N Dr_m1 NNNNNN.N Dw_m1 NNNNNN.N Ir_mm NNNNNN.N Dr_mm NNNNNN.N Dw_mm NNNNNN.N # =================================================================== FORMAT: fields1 %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent raw counts per loop iteration. call::sub::empty function call with no args or body p0 -------- Ir NNNNNN.N Dr NNNNNN.N # =================================================================== FORMAT: raw2 %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent raw counts per loop iteration. call::sub::empty function call with no args or body p0 p1 -------- -------- Ir NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N Dr NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N Dw NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N COND NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N IND NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N COND_m NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N IND_m NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N Ir_m1 NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N Dr_m1 NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N Dw_m1 NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N Ir_mm NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N Dr_mm NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N Dw_mm NNNNNN.N NNNNNN.N # =================================================================== FORMAT: compact %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent relative counts per loop iteration, compared to p0 at 100.0%. Higher is better: for example, using half as many instructions gives 200%, while using twice as many gives 50%. Results for p1 Ir Dr Dw COND IND COND_m IND_m Ir_m1 Dr_m1 Dw_m1 Ir_mm Dr_mm Dw_mm ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN NNN.NN call::sub::empty function call with no args or body # =================================================================== FORMAT: compact_fields %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent relative counts per loop iteration, compared to p0 at 100.0%. Higher is better: for example, using half as many instructions gives 200%, while using twice as many gives 50%. Results for p1 Ir Dr ------ ------ NNN.NN NNN.NN call::sub::empty function call with no args or body # =================================================================== FORMAT: 1field %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent relative counts per loop iteration, compared to p0 at 100.0%. Higher is better: for example, using half as many instructions gives 200%, while using twice as many gives 50%. Results for field Ir p0 p1 ------ ------ call::sub::empty NNN.NN NNN.NN # =================================================================== FORMAT: average %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent relative counts per loop iteration, compared to p0 at 100.0%. Higher is better: for example, using half as many instructions gives 200%, while using twice as many gives 50%. AVERAGE p0 p1 ------ ------ Ir 100.00 NNN.NN Dr 100.00 NNN.NN Dw 100.00 NNN.NN COND 100.00 NNN.NN IND 100.00 NNN.NN COND_m 100.00 NNN.NN IND_m 100.00 NNN.NN Ir_m1 100.00 NNN.NN Dr_m1 100.00 NNN.NN Dw_m1 100.00 NNN.NN Ir_mm 100.00 NNN.NN Dr_mm 100.00 NNN.NN Dw_mm 100.00 NNN.NN # =================================================================== FORMAT: raw_compact %%STD_HEADER%% The numbers represent raw counts per loop iteration. Results for p0 Ir Dr Dw COND IND COND_m IND_m Ir_m1 Dr_m1 Dw_m1 Ir_mm Dr_mm Dw_mm ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N NNNNN.N call::sub::empty function call with no args or body # ===================================================================