#!/usr/bin/perl # Finds the files that have the same name, case insensitively, # in the current directory and its subdirectories BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use warnings; use strict; use File::Find; my %files; my $test_count = 0; find(sub { my $name = $File::Find::name; # Assumes that the path separator is exactly one character. $name =~ s/^\.\..//; push @{$files{lc $name}}, $name; }, '.'); my $failed; foreach (values %files) { if (@$_ > 1) { print "not ok ".++$test_count. " - ". join(", ", @$_), "\n"; } else { print "ok ".++$test_count. " - ". join(", ", @$_), "\n"; } } print "1..".$test_count."\n";