#!/usr/bin/perl BEGIN { @INC = '..' if -f '../TestInit.pm'; } use TestInit qw(T); # T is chdir to the top level use warnings; use strict; require 't/test.pl'; plan('no_plan'); # --make-exceptions-list outputs the list of strings that don't have # perldiag.pod entries to STDERR without TAP formatting, so they can # easily be put in the __DATA__ section of this file. This was done # initially so as to not create new test failures upon the initial # creation of this test file. You probably shouldn't do it again. # Just add the documentation instead. my $make_exceptions_list = ($ARGV[0]||'') eq '--make-exceptions-list'; require 'regen/embed_lib.pl'; # Look for functions that look like they could be diagnostic ones. my @functions; foreach (@{(setup_embed())[0]}) { next if @$_ < 2; next unless $_->[2] =~ /warn|err|(\b|_)die|croak/i; # The flag p means that this function may have a 'Perl_' prefix # The flag s means that this function may have a 'S_' prefix push @functions, $_->[2]; push @functions, 'Perl_' . $_->[2] if $_->[0] =~ /p/; push @functions, 'S_' . $_->[2] if $_->[0] =~ /s/; }; my $regcomp_re = "(?(?:ckWARN(?:\\d+)?reg\\w*|vWARN\\d+))"; my $function_re = join '|', @functions; my $regcomp_fail_re = '\b(?:(?:Simple_)?v)?FAIL[2-4]?\b'; my $source_msg_re = "(?\\bDIE\\b|$function_re|$regcomp_fail_re)"; my $text_re = '"(?(?:\\\\"|[^"]|"\s*[A-Z_]+\s*")*)"'; my $source_msg_call_re = qr/$source_msg_re(?:_nocontext)? \s* \(aTHX_ \s* (?:packWARN\d*\((?.*?)\),)? \s* $text_re /x; my $bad_version_re = qr{BADVERSION\([^"]*$text_re}; $regcomp_fail_re = qr/$regcomp_fail_re\([^"]*$text_re/; my $regcomp_call_re = qr/$regcomp_re.*?$text_re/; my %entries; # Get the ignores that are compiled into this file my $reading_categorical_exceptions; while () { chomp; $entries{$_}{todo} = 1; $reading_categorical_exceptions and $entries{$_}{cattodo}=1; /__CATEGORIES__/ and ++$reading_categorical_exceptions; } my $pod = "pod/perldiag.pod"; my $cur_entry; open my $diagfh, "<", $pod or die "Can't open $pod: $!"; my $category_re = qr/ [a-z0-9_:]+?/; # Note: requires an initial space my $severity_re = qr/ . (?: \| . )* /x; # A severity is a single char, but can # be of the form 'S|P|W' my @same_descr; while (<$diagfh>) { if (m/^=item (.*)/) { $cur_entry = $1; # Allow multi-line headers while (<$diagfh>) { if (/^\s*$/) { last; } $cur_entry .= $_; } $cur_entry =~ s/\n/ /gs; # Fix multi-line headers if they have \n's $cur_entry =~ s/\s+\z//; if (exists $entries{$cur_entry} && $entries{$cur_entry}{todo} && !$entries{$cur_entry}{cattodo}) { TODO: { local $::TODO = "Remove the TODO entry \"$cur_entry\" from DATA as it is already in $pod near line $."; ok($cur_entry); } } # Make sure to init this here, so an actual entry in perldiag # overwrites one in DATA. $entries{$cur_entry}{todo} = 0; $entries{$cur_entry}{line_number} = $.; } next if ! defined $cur_entry; if (! $entries{$cur_entry}{severity}) { if (/^ \( ( $severity_re ) # Can have multiple categories separated by commas ( $category_re (?: , $category_re)* )? \) /x) { $entries{$cur_entry}{severity} = $1; $entries{$cur_entry}{category} = $2 && join ", ", sort split " ", $2 =~ y/,//dr; # Record it also for other messages sharing the same description @$_{qw} = @{$entries{$cur_entry}}{qw} for @same_descr; } elsif (! $entries{$cur_entry}{first_line} && $_ =~ /\S/) { # Keep track of first line of text if doesn't contain a severity, so # that can later examine it to determine if that is ok or not $entries{$cur_entry}{first_line} = $_; } if (/\S/) { @same_descr = (); } else { push @same_descr, $entries{$cur_entry}; } } } foreach my $cur_entry ( keys %entries) { next if $entries{$cur_entry}{todo}; # If in this file, won't have a severity if (! exists $entries{$cur_entry}{severity} # If there is no first line, it was two =items in a row, so the # second one is the one with with text, not this one. && exists $entries{$cur_entry}{first_line} # If the first line refers to another message, no need for severity && $entries{$cur_entry}{first_line} !~ /^See/) { fail($cur_entry); diag( " $pod entry at line $entries{$cur_entry}{line_number}\n" . " \"$cur_entry\"\n" . " is missing a severity and/or category" ); } } # List from perlguts.pod "Formatted Printing of IVs, UVs, and NVs" # Convert from internal formats to ones that the readers will be familiar # with, while removing any format modifiers, such as precision, the # presence of which would just confuse the pod's explanation my %specialformats = (IVdf => 'd', UVuf => 'd', UVof => 'o', UVxf => 'x', UVXf => 'X', NVef => 'f', NVff => 'f', NVgf => 'f', HEKf256=>'s', HEKf => 's', SVf256=>'s', SVf32=> 's', SVf => 's'); my $format_modifiers = qr/ [#0\ +-]* # optional flags (?: [1-9][0-9]* | \* )? # optional field width (?: \. \d* )? # optional precision (?: h|l )? # optional length modifier /x; my $specialformats = join '|', sort { length $b cmp length $a } keys %specialformats; my $specialformats_re = qr/%$format_modifiers"\s*($specialformats)(\s*")?/; open my $fh, '<', 'MANIFEST' or die "Can't open MANIFEST: $!"; while (my $file = <$fh>) { chomp $file; $file =~ s/\s+.*//; next unless $file =~ /\.(?:c|cpp|h|xs|y)\z/ or $file =~ /^perly\./; # OS/2 extensions have never been migrated to ext/, hence the special case: next if $file =~ m!\A(?:ext|dist|cpan|lib|t|os2/OS2)/! && $file !~ m!\Aext/DynaLoader/!; check_file($file); } close $fh or die $!; # Standardize messages with variants into the form that appears # in perldiag.pod -- useful for things without a diag_listed_as annotation sub standardize { my ($name) = @_; if ( $name =~ m/^(Invalid strict version format) \([^\)]*\)/ ) { $name = "$1 (\%s)"; } elsif ( $name =~ m/^(Invalid version format) \([^\)]*\)/ ) { $name = "$1 (\%s)"; } elsif ($name =~ m/^panic: /) { $name = "panic: \%s"; } return $name; } sub check_file { my ($codefn) = @_; print "# Checking $codefn\n"; open my $codefh, "<", $codefn or die "Can't open $codefn: $!"; my $listed_as; my $listed_as_line; my $sub = 'top of file'; while (<$codefh>) { chomp; # Getting too much here isn't a problem; we only use this to skip # errors inside of XS modules, which should get documented in the # docs for the module. if (m<^[^#\s]> and $_ !~ m/^[{}]*$/) { $sub = $_; } next if $sub =~ m/^XS/; if (m) { $listed_as = $1; $listed_as_line = $.+1; } next if /^#/; my $multiline = 0; # Loop to accumulate the message text all on one line. if (m/(?:$source_msg_re(?:_nocontext)?|$regcomp_re)\s*\(/) { while (not m/\);$/) { my $nextline = <$codefh>; # Means we fell off the end of the file. Not terribly surprising; # this code tries to merge a lot of things that aren't regular C # code (preprocessor stuff, long comments). That's OK; we don't # need those anyway. last if not defined $nextline; chomp $nextline; $nextline =~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/\\$//; # Note that we only want to do this where *both* are true. if ($_ =~ m/"$/ and $nextline =~ m/^"/) { $_ =~ s/"$//; $nextline =~ s/^"//; } $_ .= $nextline; ++$multiline; } } # This should happen *after* unwrapping, or we don't reformat the things # in later lines. s/$specialformats_re/"%$specialformats{$1}" . (defined $2 ? '' : '"')/ge; # Remove any remaining format modifiers, but not in %% s/ (? "foo in regex m/%s/" # vFAIL("foo") -> "foo in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/" ($name, $category) = ($+{'text'}, undef); $name .= " in regex" . ("; marked by <-- HERE in" x /vFAIL/) . " m/%s/"; } elsif (/$regcomp_call_re/) { # vWARN/ckWARNreg("foo") -> "foo in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ ($name, $category, $routine) = ($+{'text'}, undef, $+{'routine'}); $name .= " in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/"; $category = 'WARN_REGEXP'; if ($routine =~ /dep/) { $category .= ',WARN_DEPRECATED'; } } else { next; } # Try to guess what the severity should be. In the case of # Perl_ck_warner and other _ck_ functions, we can tell whether it is # a severe/default warning or no by the _d suffix. In the case of # other warn functions we cannot tell, because Perl_warner may be pre- # ceded by if(ckWARN) or if(ckWARN_d). my $severity = !$routine ? '[PFX]' : $routine =~ /warn.*_d\z/ ? '[DS]' : $routine =~ /ck_warn/ ? 'W' : $routine =~ /warner/ ? '[WDS]' : $routine =~ /warn/ ? 'S' : $routine =~ /ckWARN.*dep/ ? 'D' : $routine =~ /ckWARN\d*reg/ ? 'W' : $routine =~ /vWARN\d/ ? '[WDS]' : '[PFX]'; my $categories; if (defined $category) { $category =~ s/__/::/g; $categories = join ", ", sort map {s/^WARN_//; lc $_} split /\s*[|,]\s*/, $category; } if ($listed_as and $listed_as_line == $. - $multiline) { $name = $listed_as; } else { # The form listed in perldiag ignores most sorts of fancy printf # formatting, or makes it more perlish. $name =~ s/%%/%/g; $name =~ s/%l[ud]/%d/g; $name =~ s/%\.(\d+|\*)s/\%s/g; $name =~ s/(?:%s){2,}/%s/g; $name =~ s/(\\")|("\s*[A-Z_]+\s*")/$1 ? '"' : '%s'/egg; $name =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $name =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $name =~ s/\s+$//; $name =~ s/(\\)\\/$1/g; } # Extra explanatory info on an already-listed error, doesn't # need it's own listing. next if $name =~ m/^\t/; # Happens fairly often with PL_no_modify. next if $name eq '%s'; # Special syntax for magic comment, allows ignoring the fact # that it isn't listed. Only use in very special circumstances, # like this script failing to notice that the Perl_croak call is # inside an #if 0 block. next if $name eq 'SKIPME'; next if $name=~/\[TESTING\]/; # ignore these as they are works in progress check_message(standardize($name),$codefn,$severity,$categories); } } sub check_message { my($name,$codefn,$severity,$categories,$partial) = @_; my $key = $name =~ y/\n/ /r; my $ret; # Try to reduce printf() formats to simplest forms # Really this should be matching %s, etc like diagnostics.pm does # Kill flags $key =~ s/%[#0\-+]/%/g; # Kill width $key =~ s/\%(\d+|\*)/%/g; # Kill precision $key =~ s/\%\.(\d+|\*)/%/g; if (exists $entries{$key} and # todo + cattodo means it is not found and it is not in the # regular todo list, either !$entries{$key}{todo} || !$entries{$key}{cattodo}) { $ret = 1; if ( $entries{$key}{seen}++ ) { # no need to repeat entries we've tested } elsif ($entries{$key}{todo}) { TODO: { no warnings 'once'; local $::TODO = 'in DATA'; # There is no listing, but it is in the list of exceptions. TODO FAIL. fail($key); diag( " Message '$name'\n from $codefn line $. is not listed in $pod\n". " (but it wasn't documented in 5.10 either, so marking it TODO)." ); } } else { # We found an actual valid entry in perldiag.pod for this error. pass($key); return $ret if $entries{$key}{cattodo}; # Now check the category and severity # Cache our severity qr thingies use feature 'state'; state %qrs; my $qr = $qrs{$severity} ||= qr/$severity/; like($entries{$key}{severity}, $qr, $severity =~ /\[/ ? "severity is one of $severity for $key" : "severity is $severity for $key"); is($entries{$key}{category}, $categories, ($categories ? "categories are [$categories]" : "no category") . " for $key"); } } elsif ($partial) { # noop } else { my $ok; if ($name =~ /\n/) { $ok = 1; check_message($_,$codefn,$severity,$categories,1) or $ok = 0, last for split /\n/, $name; } if ($ok) { # noop } elsif ($make_exceptions_list) { # We're making an updated version of the exception list, to # stick in the __DATA__ section. I honestly can't think of # a situation where this is the right thing to do, but I'm # leaving it here, just in case one of my descendents thinks # it's a good idea. print STDERR "$key\n"; } else { # No listing found, and no excuse either. # Find the correct place in perldiag.pod, and add a stanza beginning =item $name. fail($name); diag(" Message '$name'\n from $codefn line $. is not listed in $pod"); } # seen it, so only fail once for this message $entries{$name}{seen}++; } die if $name =~ /%$/; return $ret; } # Lists all missing things as of the inauguration of this script, so we # don't have to go from "meh" to perfect all at once. # # PLEASE DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST. Instead, write an entry in # pod/perldiag.pod for your new (warning|error). Nevertheless, # listing exceptions here when this script is not smart enough # to recognize the messages is not so bad, as long as there are # entries in perldiag. # Entries after __CATEGORIES__ are those that are in perldiag but fail the # severity/category test. # Also FIXME this test, as the first entry in TODO *is* covered by the # description: Malformed UTF-8 character (%s) __DATA__ Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected non-continuation byte 0x%x, immediately after start byte 0x%x) Cannot apply "%s" in non-PerlIO perl Can't %s big-endian %ss on this Can't call mro_isa_changed_in() on anonymous symbol table Can't call mro_method_changed_in() on anonymous symbol table Can't coerce readonly %s to string Can't coerce readonly %s to string in %s Can't find string terminator %c%s%c anywhere before EOF Can't fix broken locale name "%s" Can't get short module name from a handle Can't locate object method "%s" via package "%s" (perhaps you forgot to load "%s"?) Can't pipe "%s": %s Can't spawn: %s Can't spawn "%s": %s Can't %s script `%s' with ARGV[0] being `%s' Can't %s "%s": %s Can't %s `%s' with ARGV[0] being `%s' (looking for executables only, not found) Can't use string ("%s"%s) as a subroutine ref while "strict refs" in use \%c better written as $%c Character(s) in '%c' format wrapped in %s chown not implemented! clear %s Code missing after '/' in pack Code missing after '/' in unpack '%c' outside of string in pack Debug leaking scalars child failed%s with errno %d: %s '/' does not take a repeat count in %s Don't know how to get file name Don't know how to handle magic of type \%o -Dp not implemented on this platform Error reading "%s": %s execl not implemented! EVAL without pos change exceeded limit in regex Filehandle opened only for %sput Filehandle %s opened only for %sput Filehandle STD%s reopened as %s only for input filter_del can only delete in reverse order (currently) YOU HAVEN'T DISABLED SET-ID SCRIPTS IN THE KERNEL YET! FIX YOUR KERNEL, PUT A C WRAPPER AROUND THIS SCRIPT, OR USE -u AND UNDUMP! fork() not implemented! free %s Free to wrong pool %p not %p get %s %p %p %p gethostent not implemented! getpwnam returned invalid UIC %o for user "%s" glob failed (can't start child: %s) glob failed (child exited with status %d%s) Goto undefined subroutine Goto undefined subroutine &%s Got signal %d ()-group starts with a count in %s Illegal binary digit '%c' ignored Illegal character %sin prototype for %s : %s Illegal hexadecimal digit '%c' ignored Illegal octal digit '%c' ignored Infinite recursion in regex internal %p might conflict with future printf extensions Invalid argument to sv_cat_decode Invalid range "%c-%c" in transliteration operator Invalid separator character %c%c%c in PerlIO layer specification %s Invalid TOKEN object ignored Invalid type '%c' in pack Invalid type '%c' in %s Invalid type '%c' in unpack Invalid type ',' in %s ioctlsocket not implemented! killpg not implemented! length() used on %s (did you mean "scalar(%s)"?) length() used on %hash (did you mean "scalar(keys %hash)"?) length() used on @array (did you mean "scalar(@array)"?) List form of pipe open not implemented Malformed integer in [] in %s Malformed UTF-8 character (fatal) Missing (suid) fd script name More than one argument to open More than one argument to open(,':%s') mprotect for %p %u failed with %d mprotect RW for %p %u failed with %d \N{} in character class restricted to one character in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ No %s allowed while running setgid No %s allowed with (suid) fdscript No such class field "%s" Not an XSUB reference Operator or semicolon missing before %c%s Pattern subroutine nesting without pos change exceeded limit in regex Perl %s required--this is only %s, stopped PerlApp::TextQuery: no arguments, please POSIX syntax [%c %c] is reserved for future extensions in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ ptr wrong %p != %p fl=%x nl=%p e=%p for %d Recompile perl with -DDEBUGGING to use -D switch (did you mean -d ?) Regexp modifier "%c" may appear a maximum of twice in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ Regexp modifier "%c" may not appear twice in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ Regexp modifiers "%c" and "%c" are mutually exclusive in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ Regexp *+ operand could be empty in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ Repeated format line will never terminate (~~ and @#) Reversed %c= operator %s(%f) failed %sCompilation failed in require Sequence (?%c...) not implemented in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ Sequence (%s...) not recognized in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ Sequence %s... not terminated in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ Sequence (?%c... not terminated in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ Sequence (?(%c... not terminated in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ Sequence (?R) not terminated in regex m/%s/ set %s %p %p %p %s free() ignored (RMAGIC, PERL_CORE) %s has too many errors. SIG%s handler "%s" not defined. %s in %s Size magic not implemented %s number > %s non-portable %srealloc() %signored %s in regex m/%s/ %s on %s %s socketpair not implemented! Starting Full Screen process with flag=%d, mytype=%d Starting PM process with flag=%d, mytype=%d sv_2iv assumed (U_V(fabs((double)SvNVX(sv))) < (UV)IV_MAX) but SvNVX(sv)=%f U_V is 0x%x, IV_MAX is 0x%x SWASHNEW didn't return an HV ref switching effective gid is not implemented switching effective uid is not implemented System V IPC is not implemented on this machine -T and -B not implemented on filehandles Terminating on signal SIG%s(%d) The crypt() function is not implemented on NetWare The flock() function is not implemented on NetWare The rewinddir() function is not implemented on NetWare The seekdir() function is not implemented on NetWare The telldir() function is not implemented on NetWare Too deeply nested ()-groups in %s Too many args on %s line of "%s" U0 mode on a byte string unable to find VMSPIPE.COM for i/o piping Unknown Unicode option value %d Unrecognized character %s; marked by <-- HERE after %s<-- HERE near column %d Unstable directory path, current directory changed unexpectedly Unterminated compressed integer in unpack Usage: CODE(0x%x)(%s) Usage: %s(%s) Usage: %s::%s(%s) Usage: File::Copy::rmscopy(from,to[,date_flag]) Usage: VMS::Filespec::candelete(spec) Usage: VMS::Filespec::fileify(spec) Usage: VMS::Filespec::pathify(spec) Usage: VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand(spec[,defspec]) Usage: VMS::Filespec::unixify(spec) Usage: VMS::Filespec::unixpath(spec) Usage: VMS::Filespec::unixrealpath(spec) Usage: VMS::Filespec::vmsify(spec) Usage: VMS::Filespec::vmspath(spec) Usage: VMS::Filespec::vmsrealpath(spec) Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method %s::%s() is deprecated utf8 "\x%X" does not map to Unicode Value of logical "%s" too long. Truncating to %i bytes waitpid: process %x is not a child of process %x Wide character Wide character in $/ Within []-length '*' not allowed in %s Within []-length '%c' not allowed in %s Wrong syntax (suid) fd script name "%s" 'X' outside of string in %s 'X' outside of string in unpack Zero length \N{} in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/ __CATEGORIES__ Code point 0x%X is not Unicode, all \p{} matches fail; all \P{} matches succeed Code point 0x%X is not Unicode, may not be portable Illegal character \%o (carriage return) Missing argument in %s Unicode non-character U+%X is illegal for open interchange Operation "%s" returns its argument for non-Unicode code point 0x%X Operation "%s" returns its argument for UTF-16 surrogate U+%X Unicode surrogate U+%X is illegal in UTF-8 UTF-16 surrogate U+%X False [] range "%s" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/