#!./perl -w # Test the well-formed-ness of the MANIFEST file. BEGIN { @INC = '..' if -f '../TestInit.pm'; } use TestInit qw(T); # T is chdir to the top level require 't/test.pl'; plan('no_plan'); my $manifest = 'MANIFEST'; open my $m, '<', $manifest or die "Can't open '$manifest': $!"; my @files; # Test that MANIFEST uses tabs - not spaces - after the name of the file. while (<$m>) { chomp; unless( /\s/ ) { push @files, $_; # no need for further tests on lines without whitespace (i.e., filename only) next; } my ($file, $separator) = /^(\S+)(\s+)/; push @files, $file; isnt($file, undef, "Line $. doesn't start with a blank") or next; ok(-f $file, "File $file exists"); if ($separator !~ tr/\t//c) { # It's all tabs next; } elsif ($separator !~ tr/ //c) { # It's all spaces fail("Spaces in entry for $file"); } elsif ($separator =~ tr/\t//) { fail("Mixed tabs and spaces in entry for $file"); } else { fail("Odd whitespace in entry for $file"); } } close $m or die $!; # Test that MANIFEST is properly sorted SKIP: { skip("'Porting/manisort' not found", 1) if (! -f 'Porting/manisort'); my $result = runperl('progfile' => 'Porting/manisort', 'args' => [ '-c', $manifest ], 'stderr' => 1); like($result, qr/is sorted properly/, 'MANIFEST sorted properly'); } SKIP: { find_git_or_skip(6); chomp(my @repo= grep { !/\.gitignore$/ } `git ls-files`); skip("git ls-files didnt work",3) if !@repo; is( 0+@repo, 0+@files, "git ls-files gives the same number of files as MANIFEST lists"); my %repo= map { $_ => 1 } @repo; my %mani= map { $_ => 1 } @files; is( 0+keys %mani, 0+@files, "no duplicate files in MANIFEST"); delete $mani{$_} for @repo; delete $repo{$_} for @files; my @not_in_mani= keys %repo; my @still_in_mani= keys %mani; is( 0+@not_in_mani, 0, "Nothing added to the repo that isn't in MANIFEST"); is( "not in MANIFEST: @not_in_mani", "not in MANIFEST: ", "Nothing added to the repo that isn't in MANIFEST"); is( 0+@still_in_mani, 0, "Nothing in the MANIFEST that isn't tracked by git"); is( "should not be in MANIFEST: @still_in_mani", "should not be in MANIFEST: ", "Nothing in the MANIFEST that isn't tracked by git"); } # EOF