#!./perl # # This is a home for regular expression tests that don't fit into # the format supported by re/regexp.t. If you want to add a test # that does fit that format, add it to re/re_tests, not here. use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; sub run_tests; $| = 1; BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = ('../lib','.'); require './test.pl'; skip_all_if_miniperl("miniperl can't load Tie::Hash::NamedCapture, need for %+ and %-"); } run_tests() unless caller; # # Tests start here. # sub run_tests { { my $message = '\C matches octet'; $_ = "a\x{100}b"; ok(/(.)(\C)(\C)(.)/, $message); is($1, "a", $message); if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII (or equivalent), should be UTF-8 is($2, "\xC4", $message); is($3, "\x80", $message); } elsif ($::IS_EBCDIC) { # EBCDIC (or equivalent), should be UTF-EBCDIC is($2, "\x8C", $message); is($3, "\x41", $message); } else { SKIP: { ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') =" . ord 'A'; skip "Unexpected platform"; } } is($4, "b", $message); } { my $message = '\C matches octet'; $_ = "\x{100}"; ok(/(\C)/g, $message); if ($::IS_ASCII) { is($1, "\xC4", $message); } elsif ($::IS_EBCDIC) { is($1, "\x8C", $message); } else { ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = " . ord 'A'; } ok(/(\C)/g, $message); if ($::IS_ASCII) { is($1, "\x80", $message); } elsif ($::IS_EBCDIC) { is($1, "\x41", $message); } else { ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = " . ord 'A'; } } { # Japhy -- added 03/03/2001 () = (my $str = "abc") =~ /(...)/; $str = "def"; is($1, "abc", 'Changing subject does not modify $1'); } SKIP: { # The trick is that in EBCDIC the explicit numeric range should # match (as also in non-EBCDIC) but the explicit alphabetic range # should not match. ok "\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/, '"\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/'; ok "\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/, '"\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/'; skip "Not an EBCDIC platform", 2 unless ord ('i') == 0x89 && ord ('J') == 0xd1; # In most places these tests would succeed since \x8e does not # in most character sets match 'i' or 'j' nor would \xce match # 'I' or 'J', but strictly speaking these tests are here for # the good of EBCDIC, so let's test these only there. unlike("\x8e", qr/[i-j]/, '"\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/'); unlike("\xce", qr/[I-J]/, '"\xce" !~ /[I-J]/'); } { ok "\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/, '"\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/ '; ok "\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/, '"\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/'; } { my $message = 'bug id 20001008.001'; my @x = ("stra\337e 138", "stra\337e 138"); for (@x) { ok(s/(\d+)\s*([\w\-]+)/$1 . uc $2/e, $message); ok(my ($latin) = /^(.+)(?:\s+\d)/, $message); is($latin, "stra\337e", $message); ok($latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/, $message); # # Previous code follows, but outcommented - there were no tests. # # $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/; # \303\237 after the 2nd a # use utf8; # needed for the raw UTF-8 # $latin =~ s!(s)tr(?:aß|s+e)!$1tr.!; # \303\237 after the a } } { my $message = 'Test \x escapes'; ok("ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4", $message); ok("ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}", $message); ok("ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}", $message); ok("ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4", $message); ok("ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4", $message); ok("ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}", $message); ok("ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}", $message); ok("ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4", $message); } { my $message = 'Match code points > 255'; $_ = "abc\x{100}\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}\x{400}defg"; ok(/(.\x{300})./, $message); ok($` eq "abc\x{100}" && length ($`) == 4, $message); ok($& eq "\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}" && length ($&) == 3, $message); ok($' eq "\x{400}defg" && length ($') == 5, $message); ok($1 eq "\x{200}\x{300}" && length ($1) == 2, $message); } { my $x = "\x{10FFFD}"; $x =~ s/(.)/$1/g; ok ord($x) == 0x10FFFD && length($x) == 1, "From Robin Houston"; } { my %d = ( "7f" => [0, 0, 0], "80" => [1, 1, 0], "ff" => [1, 1, 0], "100" => [0, 1, 1], ); while (my ($code, $match) = each %d) { my $message = "Properties of \\x$code"; my $char = eval qq ["\\x{$code}"]; is(0 + ($char =~ /[\x80-\xff]/), $$match[0], $message); is(0 + ($char =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/), $$match[1], $message); is(0 + ($char =~ /[\x{100}]/), $$match[2], $message); } } { # From Japhy foreach (qw(c g o)) { warning_like(sub {'' =~ "(?$_)"}, qr/^Useless \(\?$_\)/); warning_like(sub {'' =~ "(?-$_)"}, qr/^Useless \(\?-$_\)/); } # Now test multi-error regexes foreach (['(?g-o)', qr/^Useless \(\?g\)/, qr/^Useless \(\?-o\)/], ['(?g-c)', qr/^Useless \(\?g\)/, qr/^Useless \(\?-c\)/], # (?c) means (?g) error won't be thrown ['(?o-cg)', qr/^Useless \(\?o\)/, qr/^Useless \(\?-c\)/], ['(?ogc)', qr/^Useless \(\?o\)/, qr/^Useless \(\?g\)/, qr/^Useless \(\?c\)/], ) { my ($re, @warnings) = @$_; warnings_like(sub {eval "qr/$re/"}, \@warnings, "qr/$re/ warns"); } } { my $message = "/x tests"; $_ = "foo"; foreach my $pat (<<" --", <<" --") { /f o\r o \$ /x -- /f o o \$\r /x -- is(eval $pat, 1, $message); is($@, '', $message); } } { my $message = "/o feature"; sub test_o {$_ [0] =~ /$_[1]/o; return $1} is(test_o ('abc', '(.)..'), 'a', $message); is(test_o ('abc', '..(.)'), 'a', $message); } { # Test basic $^N usage outside of a regex my $message = '$^N usage outside of a regex'; my $x = "abcdef"; ok(($x =~ /cde/ and !defined $^N), $message); ok(($x =~ /(cde)/ and $^N eq "cde"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(c)(d)(e)/ and $^N eq "e"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(foo)|(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(foo)/ and $^N eq "cde"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)/ and $^N eq "abc"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)x/ and $^N eq "cde"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(c(d)e)(abc)?/ and $^N eq "cde"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "d"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)(?:f)/ and $^N eq "d"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(?:([abc])|([def]))*/ and $^N eq "f"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(?:([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(([ace])|([bd]))*/ and $^N eq "e"), $message); {ok(($x =~ /(([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f"), $message);} ## Test to see if $^N is automatically localized -- it should now ## have the value set in the previous test. is($^N, "e", '$^N is automatically localized'); # Now test inside (?{ ... }) $message = '$^N usage inside (?{ ... })'; our ($y, $z); ok(($x =~ /a([abc])(?{$y=$^N})c/ and $y eq "b"), $message); ok(($x =~ /a([abc]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc"), $message); ok(($x =~ /a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d)(?{$z=$^N})e/ and $y eq "bc" and $z eq "abcd"), $message); ok(($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})de)(?{$z=$^N})/ and $y eq "bc" and $z eq "abcde"), $message); } SKIP: { ## Should probably put in tests for all the POSIX stuff, ## but not sure how to guarantee a specific locale...... skip "Not an ASCII platform", 2 unless $::IS_ASCII; my $message = 'Test [[:cntrl:]]'; my $AllBytes = join "" => map {chr} 0 .. 255; (my $x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//g; is($x, join("", map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7E, 0x80 .. 0xFF), $message); ($x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[^[:cntrl:]]//g; is($x, (join "", map {chr} 0x00 .. 0x1F, 0x7F), $message); } { # With /s modifier UTF8 chars were interpreted as bytes my $message = "UTF-8 chars aren't bytes"; my $a = "Hello \x{263A} World"; my @a = ($a =~ /./gs); is($#a, 12, $message); } { my $message = '. matches \n with /s'; my $str1 = "foo\nbar"; my $str2 = "foo\n\x{100}bar"; my ($a, $b) = map {chr} $::IS_ASCII ? (0xc4, 0x80) : (0x8c, 0x41); my @a; @a = $str1 =~ /./g; is(@a, 6, $message); is("@a", "f o o b a r", $message); @a = $str1 =~ /./gs; is(@a, 7, $message); is("@a", "f o o \n b a r", $message); @a = $str1 =~ /\C/g; is(@a, 7, $message); is("@a", "f o o \n b a r", $message); @a = $str1 =~ /\C/gs; is(@a, 7, $message); is("@a", "f o o \n b a r", $message); @a = $str2 =~ /./g; is(@a, 7, $message); is("@a", "f o o \x{100} b a r", $message); @a = $str2 =~ /./gs; is(@a, 8, $message); is("@a", "f o o \n \x{100} b a r", $message); @a = $str2 =~ /\C/g; is(@a, 9, $message); is("@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r", $message); @a = $str2 =~ /\C/gs; is(@a, 9, $message); is("@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r", $message); } { no warnings 'digit'; # Check that \x## works. 5.6.1 and 5.005_03 fail some of these. my $x; $x = "\x4e" . "E"; ok ($x =~ /^\x4EE$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched."); $x = "\x4e" . "i"; ok ($x =~ /^\x4Ei$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)"); $x = "\x4" . "j"; ok ($x =~ /^\x4j$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)"); $x = "\x0" . "k"; ok ($x =~ /^\xk$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)"); $x = "\x0" . "x"; ok ($x =~ /^\xx$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0"); $x = "\x0" . "xa"; ok ($x =~ /^\xxa$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa"); $x = "\x9" . "_b"; ok ($x =~ /^\x9_b$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b"); # and now again in [] ranges $x = "\x4e" . "E"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x4EE]{2}$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched."); $x = "\x4e" . "i"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x4Ei]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)"); $x = "\x4" . "j"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x4j]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)"); $x = "\x0" . "k"; ok ($x =~ /^[\xk]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)"); $x = "\x0" . "x"; ok ($x =~ /^[\xx]{2}$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0"); $x = "\x0" . "xa"; ok ($x =~ /^[\xxa]{3}$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa"); $x = "\x9" . "_b"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x9_b]{3}$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b"); # Check that \x{##} works. 5.6.1 fails quite a few of these. $x = "\x9b"; ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b"); $x = "\x9b" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}y$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)"); $x = "\x9b" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^\x{9b_}y$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b"); $x = "\x9b" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_bq}y$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b"); $x = "\x0" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^\x{x9b}y$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0"); $x = "\x0" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^\x{0x9b}y$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0"); $x = "\x9b" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^\x{09b}y$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b"); $x = "\x9b"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}]$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b"); $x = "\x9b" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)"); $x = "\x9b" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9b_}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b"); $x = "\x9b" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_bq}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b"); $x = "\x0" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x{x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0"); $x = "\x0" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x{0x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0"); $x = "\x9b" . "y"; ok ($x =~ /^[\x{09b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b"); } { # High bit bug -- japhy my $x = "ab\200d"; ok $x =~ /.*?\200/, "High bit fine"; } { # The basic character classes and Unicode ok "\x{0100}" =~ /\w/, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON in /\w/'; ok "\x{0660}" =~ /\d/, 'ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO in /\d/'; ok "\x{1680}" =~ /\s/, 'OGHAM SPACE MARK in /\s/'; } { my $message = "Folding matches and Unicode"; like("a\x{100}", qr/A/i, $message); like("A\x{100}", qr/a/i, $message); like("a\x{100}", qr/a/i, $message); like("A\x{100}", qr/A/i, $message); like("\x{101}a", qr/\x{100}/i, $message); like("\x{100}a", qr/\x{100}/i, $message); like("\x{101}a", qr/\x{101}/i, $message); like("\x{100}a", qr/\x{101}/i, $message); like("a\x{100}", qr/A\x{100}/i, $message); like("A\x{100}", qr/a\x{100}/i, $message); like("a\x{100}", qr/a\x{100}/i, $message); like("A\x{100}", qr/A\x{100}/i, $message); like("a\x{100}", qr/[A]/i, $message); like("A\x{100}", qr/[a]/i, $message); like("a\x{100}", qr/[a]/i, $message); like("A\x{100}", qr/[A]/i, $message); like("\x{101}a", qr/[\x{100}]/i, $message); like("\x{100}a", qr/[\x{100}]/i, $message); like("\x{101}a", qr/[\x{101}]/i, $message); like("\x{100}a", qr/[\x{101}]/i, $message); } { use charnames ':full'; my $message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE'"; my $lower = "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE}"; my $UPPER = "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE}"; like($lower, qr/$UPPER/i, $message); like($UPPER, qr/$lower/i, $message); like($lower, qr/[$UPPER]/i, $message); like($UPPER, qr/[$lower]/i, $message); $message = "Folding 'GREEK LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY'"; $lower = "\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY}"; $UPPER = "\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY}"; like($lower, qr/$UPPER/i, $message); like($UPPER, qr/$lower/i, $message); like($lower, qr/[$UPPER]/i, $message); like($UPPER, qr/[$lower]/i, $message); $message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS'"; $lower = "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS}"; $UPPER = "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS}"; like($lower, qr/$UPPER/i, $message); like($UPPER, qr/$lower/i, $message); like($lower, qr/[$UPPER]/i, $message); like($UPPER, qr/[$lower]/i, $message); } { use charnames ':full'; my $message = "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA vs " . "COMBINING GREEK PERISPOMENI"; my $SIGMA = "\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA}"; my $char = "\N{COMBINING GREEK PERISPOMENI}"; warning_is(sub {unlike("_:$char:_", qr/_:$SIGMA:_/i, $message)}, undef, 'Did not warn [change a5961de5f4215b5c]'); } { my $message = '\X'; use charnames ':full'; ok("a!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "a", $message); ok("\xDF!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\xDF", $message); ok("\x{100}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}", $message); ok("\x{100}\x{300}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}\x{300}", $message); ok("\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}", $message); ok("\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}\N{COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}\N{COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT}", $message); $message = '\C and \X'; like("!abc!", qr/a\Cc/, $message); like("!abc!", qr/a\Xc/, $message); } { my $message = "Final Sigma"; my $SIGMA = "\x{03A3}"; # CAPITAL my $Sigma = "\x{03C2}"; # SMALL FINAL my $sigma = "\x{03C3}"; # SMALL like($SIGMA, qr/$SIGMA/i, $message); like($SIGMA, qr/$Sigma/i, $message); like($SIGMA, qr/$sigma/i, $message); like($Sigma, qr/$SIGMA/i, $message); like($Sigma, qr/$Sigma/i, $message); like($Sigma, qr/$sigma/i, $message); like($sigma, qr/$SIGMA/i, $message); like($sigma, qr/$Sigma/i, $message); like($sigma, qr/$sigma/i, $message); like($SIGMA, qr/[$SIGMA]/i, $message); like($SIGMA, qr/[$Sigma]/i, $message); like($SIGMA, qr/[$sigma]/i, $message); like($Sigma, qr/[$SIGMA]/i, $message); like($Sigma, qr/[$Sigma]/i, $message); like($Sigma, qr/[$sigma]/i, $message); like($sigma, qr/[$SIGMA]/i, $message); like($sigma, qr/[$Sigma]/i, $message); like($sigma, qr/[$sigma]/i, $message); $message = "More final Sigma"; my $S3 = "$SIGMA$Sigma$sigma"; ok(":$S3:" =~ /:(($SIGMA)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma, $message); ok(":$S3:" =~ /:(($Sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma, $message); ok(":$S3:" =~ /:(($sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma, $message); ok(":$S3:" =~ /:(([$SIGMA])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma, $message); ok(":$S3:" =~ /:(([$Sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma, $message); ok(":$S3:" =~ /:(([$sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma, $message); } { use charnames ':full'; my $message = "Parlez-Vous " . "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais?"; ok("Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ && $& eq "Francais", $message); ok("Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ && $& eq "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais", $message); ok("Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Cais/ && $& eq "Francais", $message); # COMBINING CEDILLA is two bytes when encoded like("Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais", qr/Franc\C\Cais/, $message); ok("Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ && $& eq "Francais", $message); ok("Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ && $& eq "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais", $message); ok("Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ && $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais", $message); ok("Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais/ && $& eq "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais", $message); ok("Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais/ && $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais", $message); my @f = ( ["Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais", "Francais"], ["Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais", "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais"], ["Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais", "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais"], ); foreach my $entry (@f) { my ($subject, $match) = @$entry; ok($subject =~ /Fran(?:c\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}?| \N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA})ais/x && $& eq $match, $message); } } { my $message = "Lingering (and useless) UTF8 flag doesn't mess up /i"; my $pat = "ABcde"; my $str = "abcDE\x{100}"; chop $str; like($str, qr/$pat/i, $message); $pat = "ABcde\x{100}"; $str = "abcDE"; chop $pat; like($str, qr/$pat/i, $message); $pat = "ABcde\x{100}"; $str = "abcDE\x{100}"; chop $pat; chop $str; like($str, qr/$pat/i, $message); } { use charnames ':full'; my $message = "LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S " . "(\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S})"; like("\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}", qr/\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/, $message); like("\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}", qr/\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/i, $message); like("\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}", qr/[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/, $message); like("\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}", qr/[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i, $message); like("ss", qr /\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/i, $message); like("SS", qr /\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/i, $message); like("ss", qr/[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i, $message); like("SS", qr/[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i, $message); like("\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}", qr/ss/i, $message); like("\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}", qr/SS/i, $message); $message = "Unoptimized named sequence in class"; like("ss", qr/[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i, $message); like("SS", qr/[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i, $message); like("\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}", qr/[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/, $message); like("\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}", qr/[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i, $message); } { # More whitespace: U+0085, U+2028, U+2029\n"; # U+0085, U+00A0 need to be forced to be Unicode, the \x{100} does that. SKIP: { skip "EBCDIC platform", 4 if $::IS_EBCDIC; # Do \x{0015} and \x{0041} match \s in EBCDIC? ok "<\x{100}\x{0085}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{0085} in \s'; ok "<\x{0085}>" =~ /<\v>/, '\x{0085} in \v'; ok "<\x{100}\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{00A0} in \s'; ok "<\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\h>/, '\x{00A0} in \h'; } my @h = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01680, 0x0180E, 0x02000 .. 0x0200A, 0x0202F, 0x0205F, 0x03000; my @v = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x02028, 0x02029; my @H = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01361, 0x0200B, 0x02408, 0x02420, 0x0303F, 0xE0020; my @V = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x0008A .. 0x0008D, 0x00348, 0x10100, 0xE005F, 0xE007C; for my $hex (@h) { my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"]; ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s"; ok $str =~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\h"; ok $str !~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\v"; } for my $hex (@v) { my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"]; ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s"; ok $str =~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\v"; ok $str !~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\h"; } for my $hex (@H) { my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"]; ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S"; ok $str =~ /<\H>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\H"; } for my $hex (@V) { my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"]; ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S"; ok $str =~ /<\V>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\V"; } } { # . with /s should work on characters, as opposed to bytes my $message = ". with /s works on characters, not bytes"; my $s = "\x{e4}\x{100}"; # This is not expected to match: the point is that # neither should we get "Malformed UTF-8" warnings. warning_is(sub {$s =~ /\G(.+?)\n/gcs}, undef, "No 'Malformed UTF-8' warning"); my @c; push @c => $1 while $s =~ /\G(.)/gs; local $" = ""; is("@c", $s, $message); # Test only chars < 256 my $t1 = "Q003\n\n\x{e4}\x{f6}\n\nQ004\n\n\x{e7}"; my $r1 = ""; while ($t1 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) { $r1 .= $1 . $2; } my $t2 = $t1 . "\x{100}"; # Repeat with a larger char my $r2 = ""; while ($t2 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) { $r2 .= $1 . $2; } $r2 =~ s/\x{100}//; is($r1, $r2, $message); } { my $message = "Unicode lookbehind"; like("A\x{100}B" , qr/(?<=A.)B/, $message); like("A\x{200}\x{300}B", qr/(?<=A..)B/, $message); like("\x{400}AB" , qr/(?<=\x{400}.)B/, $message); like("\x{500}\x{600}B" , qr/(?<=\x{500}.)B/, $message); # Original code also contained: # ok "\x{500\x{600}}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/; # but that looks like a typo. } { my $message = 'UTF-8 hash keys and /$/'; # http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/perl5-porters # /2002-01/msg01327.html my $u = "a\x{100}"; my $v = substr ($u, 0, 1); my $w = substr ($u, 1, 1); my %u = ($u => $u, $v => $v, $w => $w); for (keys %u) { my $m1 = /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0; my $m2 = $u {$_} =~ /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0; is($m1, $m2, $message); } } { my $message = "No SEGV in s/// and UTF-8"; my $s = "s#\x{100}" x 4; ok($s =~ s/[^\w]/ /g, $message); if ( 1 or $ENV{PERL_TEST_LEGACY_POSIX_CC} ) { is($s, "s \x{100}" x 4, $message); } else { is($s, "s " x 4, $message); } } { my $message = "UTF-8 bug (maybe already known?)"; my $u = "foo"; $u =~ s/./\x{100}/g; is($u, "\x{100}\x{100}\x{100}", $message); $u = "foobar"; $u =~ s/[ao]/\x{100}/g; is($u, "f\x{100}\x{100}b\x{100}r", $message); $u =~ s/\x{100}/e/g; is($u, "feeber", $message); } { my $message = "UTF-8 bug with s///"; # check utf8/non-utf8 mixtures # try to force all float/anchored check combinations my $c = "\x{100}"; my $subst; for my $re ("xx.*$c", "x.*$c$c", "$c.*xx", "$c$c.*x", "xx.*(?=$c)", "(?=$c).*xx",) { unlike("xxx", qr/$re/, $message); ok(+($subst = "xxx") !~ s/$re//, $message); } for my $re ("xx.*$c*", "$c*.*xx") { like("xxx", qr/$re/, $message); ok(+($subst = "xxx") =~ s/$re//, $message); is($subst, "", $message); } for my $re ("xxy*", "y*xx") { like("xx$c", qr/$re/, $message); ok(+($subst = "xx$c") =~ s/$re//, $message); is($subst, $c, $message); unlike("xy$c", qr/$re/, $message); ok(+($subst = "xy$c") !~ s/$re//, $message); } for my $re ("xy$c*z", "x$c*yz") { like("xyz", qr/$re/, $message); ok(+($subst = "xyz") =~ s/$re//, $message); is($subst, "", $message); } } { my $message = "qr /.../x"; my $R = qr / A B C # D E/x; ok("ABCDE" =~ $R && $& eq "ABC", $message); ok("ABCDE" =~ /$R/ && $& eq "ABC", $message); ok("ABCDE" =~ m/$R/ && $& eq "ABC", $message); ok("ABCDE" =~ /($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC", $message); ok("ABCDE" =~ m/($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC", $message); } { local $\; $_ = 'aaaaaaaaaa'; utf8::upgrade($_); chop $_; $\="\n"; ok /[^\s]+/, 'm/[^\s]/ utf8'; ok /[^\d]+/, 'm/[^\d]/ utf8'; ok +($a = $_, $_ =~ s/[^\s]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8'; ok +($a = $_, $a =~ s/[^\d]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8'; } { # Subject: Odd regexp behavior # From: Markus Kuhn # Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:53:12 +0000 # Message-Id: # To: perl-unicode@perl.org my $message = 'Markus Kuhn 2003-02-26'; my $x = "\x{2019}\nk"; ok($x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg, $message); is($x, "\x{2019} k", $message); $x = "b\nk"; ok($x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg, $message); is($x, "b k", $message); like("\x{2019}", qr/\S/, $message); } { ok "\x{100}\n" =~ /\x{100}\n$/, "UTF-8 length cache and fbm_compile"; } { package Str; use overload q /""/ => sub {${$_ [0]};}; sub new {my ($c, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $c;} package main; $_ = Str -> new ("a\x{100}/\x{100}b"); ok join (":", /\b(.)\x{100}/g) eq "a:/", "re_intuit_start and PL_bostr"; } { my $re = qq /^([^X]*)X/; utf8::upgrade ($re); ok "\x{100}X" =~ /$re/, "S_cl_and ANYOF_UNICODE & ANYOF_INVERTED"; my $loc_re = qq /(?l:^([^X]*)X)/; utf8::upgrade ($loc_re); ok "\x{100}X" =~ /$loc_re/, "locale, S_cl_and ANYOF_UNICODE & ANYOF_INVERTED"; } { ok "123\x{100}" =~ /^.*1.*23\x{100}$/, 'UTF-8 + multiple floating substr'; } { my $message = '<20030808193656.5109.1@llama.ni-s.u-net.com>'; # LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON like(" \x{101}", qr/\x{100}/i, $message); # LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING BELOW like(" \x{1E01}", qr/\x{1E00}/i, $message); # DESERET SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER LONG I like(" \x{10428}", qr/\x{10400}/i, $message); # LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING BELOW + 'X' like(" \x{1E01}x", qr/\x{1E00}X/i, $message); } { for (120 .. 130, 240 .. 260) { my $head = 'x' x $_; my $message = q [Don't misparse \x{...} in regexp ] . q [near EXACT char count limit]; for my $tail ('\x{0061}', '\x{1234}', '\x61') { eval qq{like("$head$tail", qr/$head$tail/, \$message)}; is($@, '', $message); } $message = q [Don't misparse \N{...} in regexp ] . q [near EXACT char count limit]; for my $tail ('\N{SNOWFLAKE}') { eval qq {use charnames ':full'; like("$head$tail", qr/$head$tail/, \$message)}; is($@, '', $message); } } } { # TRIE related our @got = (); "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got, $1})s$/; is(@got, 1, "TRIE optimisation"); @got = (); "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got,$1})s$/i; is(@got, 1,"TRIEF optimisation"); my @nums = map {int rand 1000} 1 .. 100; my $re = "(" . (join "|", @nums) . ")"; $re = qr/\b$re\b/; foreach (@nums) { ok $_ =~ /$re/, "Trie nums"; } $_ = join " ", @nums; @got = (); push @got, $1 while /$re/g; my %count; $count {$_} ++ for @got; my $ok = 1; for (@nums) { $ok = 0 if --$count {$_} < 0; } ok $ok, "Trie min count matches"; } { # TRIE related # LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON ok "foba \x{101}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{100}foo|bar)/i && $1 eq "\x{101}foo", "TRIEF + LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON"; # LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING BELOW ok "foba \x{1E01}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}foo|bar)/i && $1 eq "\x{1E01}foo", "TRIEF + LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING BELOW"; # DESERET SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER LONG I ok "foba \x{10428}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{10400}foo|bar)/i && $1 eq "\x{10428}foo", "TRIEF + DESERET SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER LONG I"; # LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING BELOW + 'X' ok "foba \x{1E01}xfoo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}Xfoo|bar)/i && $1 eq "\x{1E01}xfoo", "TRIEF + LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING BELOW + 'X'"; use charnames ':full'; my $s = "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}"; ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Ba$s|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s", "TRIEF + LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S =~ ss"; ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(Ba$s|foo|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s", "TRIEF + LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S =~ ss"; ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|bar|Ba$s)/i && $1 eq "ba$s", "TRIEF + LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S =~ ss"; ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Bass|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s", "TRIEF + LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S =~ ss"; ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|BaSS|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s", "TRIEF + LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S =~ SS"; ok "foba ba${s}pxySS$s$s" =~ qr/(b(?:a${s}t|a${s}f|a${s}p)[xy]+$s*)/i && $1 eq "ba${s}pxySS$s$s", "COMMON PREFIX TRIEF + LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S"; } { BEGIN { unshift @INC, 'lib'; } use Cname; ok 'fooB' =~ /\N{foo}[\N{B}\N{b}]/, "Passthrough charname"; # # Why doesn't must_warn work here? # my $w; local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= "@_"}; eval 'q(xxWxx) =~ /[\N{WARN}]/'; ok $w && $w =~ /Using just the first character returned by \\N\{} in character class/, "single character in [\\N{}] warning"; undef $w; eval q [ok "\0" !~ /[\N{EMPTY-STR}XY]/, "Zerolength charname in charclass doesn't match \\\\0"]; ok $w && $w =~ /Ignoring zero length/, 'Ignoring zero length \N{} in character class warning'; ok 'AB' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/ && $1 eq 'A', 'Charname caching $1'; ok 'ABC' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/, 'Charname caching $1'; ok 'xy' =~ /x\N{EMPTY-STR}y/, 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node'; ok '' =~ /\N{EMPTY-STR}/, 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node'; ok "\N{LONG-STR}" =~ /^\N{LONG-STR}$/, 'Verify that long string works'; ok "\N{LONG-STR}" =~ /^\N{LONG-STR}$/i, 'Verify under folding that long string works'; # If remove the limitation in regcomp code these should work # differently undef $w; eval q [ok "\N{TOO-LONG-STR}" =~ /^\N{TOO-LONG-STR}$/, 'Verify that what once was too long a string works']; eval 'q(syntax error) =~ /\N{MALFORMED}/'; ok $@ && $@ =~ /Malformed/, 'Verify that malformed utf8 gives an error'; undef $w; eval 'q() =~ /\N{4F}/'; ok $w && $w =~ /Deprecated/, 'Verify that leading digit in name gives warning'; undef $w; eval 'q() =~ /\N{COM,MA}/'; ok $w && $w =~ /Deprecated/, 'Verify that comma in name gives warning'; undef $w; my $name = "A\x{D7}O"; eval "q(W) =~ /\\N{$name}/"; ok $w && $w =~ /Deprecated/, 'Verify that latin1 symbol in name gives warning'; undef $w; $name = "A\x{D1}O"; eval "q(W) =~ /\\N{$name}/"; ok ! $w, 'Verify that latin1 letter in name doesnt give warning'; } { use charnames ':full'; ok 'aabc' !~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against aabc'; ok 'a+bc' =~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against a+bc'; ok ' A B' =~ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/, 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes'; ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/, 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes'; ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~ /[\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}][\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}]/, 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes'; ok "\0" =~ /^\N{NULL}$/, 'Verify that \N{NULL} works; is not confused with an error'; } { our $brackets; $brackets = qr{ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* } }x; ok "{b{c}d" !~ m/^((??{ $brackets }))/, "Bracket mismatch"; SKIP: { our @stack = (); my @expect = qw( stuff1 stuff2 and right <> <<>> <and><<<>>> ); local $_ = '<<and><<<>>>>'; ok /^(<((?:(?>[^<>]+)|(?1))*)>(?{push @stack, $2 }))$/, "Recursion matches"; is(@stack, @expect, "Right amount of matches") or skip "Won't test individual results as count isn't equal", 0 + @expect; my $idx = 0; foreach my $expect (@expect) { is($stack [$idx], $expect, "Expecting '$expect' at stack pos #$idx"); $idx ++; } } } { my $s = '123453456'; $s =~ s/(?\d+)\k/$+{digits}/; ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (angle brackets) s///'; $s = '123453456'; $s =~ s/(?'digits'\d+)\k'digits'/$+{digits}/; ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (single quotes) s///'; } { my @ary = ( pack('U', 0x00F1), # n-tilde '_'.pack('U', 0x00F1), # _ + n-tilde 'c'.pack('U', 0x0327), # c + cedilla pack('U*', 0x00F1, 0x0327), # n-tilde + cedilla pack('U', 0x0391), # ALPHA pack('U', 0x0391).'2', # ALPHA + 2 pack('U', 0x0391).'_', # ALPHA + _ ); for my $uni (@ary) { my ($r1, $c1, $r2, $c2) = eval qq { use utf8; scalar ("..foo foo.." =~ /(?'${uni}'foo) \\k'${uni}'/), \$+{${uni}}, scalar ("..bar bar.." =~ /(?<${uni}>bar) \\k<${uni}>/), \$+{${uni}}; }; ok $r1, "Named capture UTF (?'')"; ok defined $c1 && $c1 eq 'foo', "Named capture UTF \%+"; ok $r2, "Named capture UTF (?<>)"; ok defined $c2 && $c2 eq 'bar', "Named capture UTF \%+"; } } { my $s = 'foo bar baz'; my @res; if ('1234' =~ /(?1)(?2)(?3)(?4)/) { foreach my $name (sort keys(%-)) { my $ary = $- {$name}; foreach my $idx (0 .. $#$ary) { push @res, "$name:$idx:$ary->[$idx]"; } } } my @expect = qw (A:0:1 A:1:3 B:0:2 B:1:4); is("@res", "@expect", "Check %-"); eval' no warnings "uninitialized"; print for $- {this_key_doesnt_exist}; '; ok !$@,'lvalue $- {...} should not throw an exception'; } { # \, breaks {3,4} no warnings qw{deprecated regexp}; ok "xaaay" !~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern'; ok "xa{3,4}y" =~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern'; # \c\ followed by _ ok "x\c_y" !~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern'; ok "x\c\_y" =~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern'; # \c\ followed by other characters for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) { my $targ = "a\034$c"; my $reg = "a\\c\\$c"; ok eval ("qq/$targ/ =~ /$reg/"), "\\c\\ in pattern"; } } { # Test the (*PRUNE) pattern our $count = 0; 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/; is($count, 9, "Expect 9 for no (*PRUNE)"); $count = 0; 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/; is($count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)"); local $_ = 'aaab'; $count = 0; 1 while /.(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g; is($count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/"); $count = 0; 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/; is($count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)"); local $_ = 'aaab'; $count = 0; 1 while /.(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g; is($count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/"); } { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern our $count = 0; 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/; is($count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)"); local $_ = 'aaab'; $count = 0; 1 while /.(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g; is($count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/"); $_ = 'aaabaaab'; $count = 0; our @res = (); 1 while /(a+b?)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g; is($count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)"); is("@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected"); } { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern our $count = 0; 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/; is($count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)"); local $_ = 'aaab'; $count = 0; 1 while /.(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g; is($count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/"); $_ = 'aaabaaab'; $count = 0; our @res = (); 1 while /(a+b?)(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g; is($count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)"); is("@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected"); } { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern our $count = 0; 'aaab' =~ /a*(*MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/; is($count, 3, "Expect 3 with *MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)"); local $_ = 'aaabaaab'; $count = 0; our @res = (); 1 while /(a*(*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g; is($count, 5, "Expect 5 with (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)"); is("@res", "aaab b aaab b ", "Adjacent (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a) works as expected"); } { # Test the (*COMMIT) pattern our $count = 0; 'aaabaaab' =~ /a+b?(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/; is($count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)"); local $_ = 'aaab'; $count = 0; 1 while /.(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g; is($count, 1, "/.(*COMMIT)/"); $_ = 'aaabaaab'; $count = 0; our @res = (); 1 while /(a+b?)(*COMMIT)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g; is($count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)"); is("@res", "aaab", "Adjacent (*COMMIT) works as expected"); } { # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var our $REGERROR; for my $name ('', ':foo') { for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)", ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)", "(*COMMIT$name)") { for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)', '') { 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/; is($REGERROR, ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""), "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix"); } } } } { # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var package Fnorble; our $REGERROR; for my $name ('', ':foo') { for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)", ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)", "(*COMMIT$name)") { for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','') { 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/; ::is($REGERROR, ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""), "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix"); } } } } { # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var my $message = '$REGERROR'; our $REGERROR; for my $word (qw (bar baz bop)) { $REGERROR = ""; "aaaaa$word" =~ /a+(?:bar(*COMMIT:bar)|baz(*COMMIT:baz)|bop(*COMMIT:bop))(*FAIL)/; is($REGERROR, $word, $message); } } { #Mindnumbingly simple test of (*THEN) for ("ABC","BAX") { ok /A (*THEN) X | B (*THEN) C/x, "Simple (*THEN) test"; } } { my $message = "Relative Recursion"; my $parens = qr/(\((?:[^()]++|(?-1))*+\))/; local $_ = 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))'; my ($all, $one, $two) = ('', '', ''); ok(m/foo $parens \s* \+ \s* bar $parens/x, $message); is($1, '((2*3)+4-3)', $message); is($2, '(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))', $message); is($&, 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))', $message); is($&, $_, $message); } { my $spaces=" "; local $_ = join 'bar', $spaces, $spaces; our $count = 0; s/(?>\s+bar)(?{$count++})//g; is($_, $spaces, "SUSPEND final string"); is($count, 1, "Optimiser should have prevented more than one match"); } { # From Message-ID: <877ixs6oa6.fsf@k75.linux.bogus> my $dow_name = "nada"; my $parser = "(\$dow_name) = \$time_string =~ /(D\x{e9}\\ " . "C\x{e9}adaoin|D\x{e9}\\ Sathairn|\\w+|\x{100})/"; my $time_string = "D\x{e9} C\x{e9}adaoin"; eval $parser; ok !$@, "Test Eval worked"; is($dow_name, $time_string, "UTF-8 trie common prefix extraction"); } { my $v; ($v = 'bar') =~ /(\w+)/g; $v = 'foo'; is("$1", 'bar', '$1 is safe after /g - may fail due to specialized config in pp_hot.c'); } { my $message = "http://nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/118663"; my $qr_barR1 = qr/(bar)\g-1/; like("foobarbarxyz", $qr_barR1, $message); like("foobarbarxyz", qr/foo${qr_barR1}xyz/, $message); like("foobarbarxyz", qr/(foo)${qr_barR1}xyz/, $message); like("foobarbarxyz", qr/(foo)(bar)\g{-1}xyz/, $message); like("foobarbarxyz", qr/(foo${qr_barR1})xyz/, $message); like("foobarbarxyz", qr/(foo(bar)\g{-1})xyz/, $message); } { my $message = '$REGMARK'; our @r = (); our ($REGMARK, $REGERROR); like('foofoo', qr/foo (*MARK:foo) (?{push @r,$REGMARK}) /x, $message); is("@r","foo", $message); is($REGMARK, "foo", $message); unlike('foofoo', qr/foo (*MARK:foo) (*FAIL) /x, $message); is($REGMARK, '', $message); is($REGERROR, 'foo', $message); } { my $message = '\K test'; my $x; $x = "abc.def.ghi.jkl"; $x =~ s/.*\K\..*//; is($x, "abc.def.ghi", $message); $x = "one two three four"; $x =~ s/o+ \Kthree//g; is($x, "one two four", $message); $x = "abcde"; $x =~ s/(.)\K/$1/g; is($x, "aabbccddee", $message); } { sub kt { return '4' if $_[0] eq '09028623'; } # Nested EVAL using PL_curpm (via $1 or friends) my $re; our $grabit = qr/ ([0-6][0-9]{7}) (??{ kt $1 }) [890] /x; $re = qr/^ ( (??{ $grabit }) ) $ /x; my @res = '0902862349' =~ $re; is(join ("-", @res), "0902862349", 'PL_curpm is set properly on nested eval'); our $qr = qr/ (o) (??{ $1 }) /x; ok 'boob'=~/( b (??{ $qr }) b )/x && 1, "PL_curpm, nested eval"; } { use charnames ":full"; ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "I =~ Alphabetic"; ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "I =~ Uppercase"; ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "I !~ Lowercase"; ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "I =~ ID_Start"; ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "I =~ ID_Continue"; ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "i =~ Alphabetic"; ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "i !~ Uppercase"; ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Uppercase}/i, "i =~ Uppercase under /i"; ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Titlecase}/, "i !~ Titlecase"; ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Titlecase}/i, "i =~ Titlecase under /i"; ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Lowercase}/i, "I =~ Lowercase under /i"; ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "i =~ Lowercase"; ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "i =~ ID_Start"; ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "i =~ ID_Continue" } { # More checking that /i works on the few properties that it makes a # difference. Uppercase, Lowercase, and Titlecase were done in the # block above ok "A" =~ /\p{PosixUpper}/, "A =~ PosixUpper"; ok "A" =~ /\p{PosixUpper}/i, "A =~ PosixUpper under /i"; ok "A" !~ /\p{PosixLower}/, "A !~ PosixLower"; ok "A" =~ /\p{PosixLower}/i, "A =~ PosixLower under /i"; ok "a" !~ /\p{PosixUpper}/, "a !~ PosixUpper"; ok "a" =~ /\p{PosixUpper}/i, "a =~ PosixUpper under /i"; ok "a" =~ /\p{PosixLower}/, "a =~ PosixLower"; ok "a" =~ /\p{PosixLower}/i, "a =~ PosixLower under /i"; ok "\xC0" =~ /\p{XPosixUpper}/, "\\xC0 =~ XPosixUpper"; ok "\xC0" =~ /\p{XPosixUpper}/i, "\\xC0 =~ XPosixUpper under /i"; ok "\xC0" !~ /\p{XPosixLower}/, "\\xC0 !~ XPosixLower"; ok "\xC0" =~ /\p{XPosixLower}/i, "\\xC0 =~ XPosixLower under /i"; ok "\xE0" !~ /\p{XPosixUpper}/, "\\xE0 !~ XPosixUpper"; ok "\xE0" =~ /\p{XPosixUpper}/i, "\\xE0 =~ XPosixUpper under /i"; ok "\xE0" =~ /\p{XPosixLower}/, "\\xE0 =~ XPosixLower"; ok "\xE0" =~ /\p{XPosixLower}/i, "\\xE0 =~ XPosixLower under /i"; ok "\xC0" =~ /\p{UppercaseLetter}/, "\\xC0 =~ UppercaseLetter"; ok "\xC0" =~ /\p{UppercaseLetter}/i, "\\xC0 =~ UppercaseLetter under /i"; ok "\xC0" !~ /\p{LowercaseLetter}/, "\\xC0 !~ LowercaseLetter"; ok "\xC0" =~ /\p{LowercaseLetter}/i, "\\xC0 =~ LowercaseLetter under /i"; ok "\xC0" !~ /\p{TitlecaseLetter}/, "\\xC0 !~ TitlecaseLetter"; ok "\xC0" =~ /\p{TitlecaseLetter}/i, "\\xC0 =~ TitlecaseLetter under /i"; ok "\xE0" !~ /\p{UppercaseLetter}/, "\\xE0 !~ UppercaseLetter"; ok "\xE0" =~ /\p{UppercaseLetter}/i, "\\xE0 =~ UppercaseLetter under /i"; ok "\xE0" =~ /\p{LowercaseLetter}/, "\\xE0 =~ LowercaseLetter"; ok "\xE0" =~ /\p{LowercaseLetter}/i, "\\xE0 =~ LowercaseLetter under /i"; ok "\xE0" !~ /\p{TitlecaseLetter}/, "\\xE0 !~ TitlecaseLetter"; ok "\xE0" =~ /\p{TitlecaseLetter}/i, "\\xE0 =~ TitlecaseLetter under /i"; ok "\x{1C5}" !~ /\p{UppercaseLetter}/, "\\x{1C5} !~ UppercaseLetter"; ok "\x{1C5}" =~ /\p{UppercaseLetter}/i, "\\x{1C5} =~ UppercaseLetter under /i"; ok "\x{1C5}" !~ /\p{LowercaseLetter}/, "\\x{1C5} !~ LowercaseLetter"; ok "\x{1C5}" =~ /\p{LowercaseLetter}/i, "\\x{1C5} =~ LowercaseLetter under /i"; ok "\x{1C5}" =~ /\p{TitlecaseLetter}/, "\\x{1C5} =~ TitlecaseLetter"; ok "\x{1C5}" =~ /\p{TitlecaseLetter}/i, "\\x{1C5} =~ TitlecaseLetter under /i"; } { # requirement of Unicode Technical Standard #18, 1.7 Code Points # cf. http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr18/#Supplementary_Characters for my $u (0x7FF, 0x800, 0xFFFF, 0x10000) { no warnings 'utf8'; # oops my $c = chr $u; my $x = sprintf '%04X', $u; ok "A${c}B" =~ /A[\0-\x{10000}]B/, "Unicode range - $x"; } } { my $res=""; if ('1' =~ /(?|(?1)|(?2))/) { $res = "@{$- {digit}}"; } is($res, "1", "Check that (?|...) doesnt cause dupe entries in the names array"); $res = ""; if ('11' =~ /(?|(?1)|(?2))(?&digit)/) { $res = "@{$- {digit}}"; } is($res, "1", "Check that (?&..) to a buffer inside a (?|...) goes to the leftmost"); } { use warnings; my $message = "ASCII pattern that really is UTF-8"; my @w; local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {push @w, "@_"}; my $c = qq (\x{DF}); like($c, qr/${c}|\x{100}/, $message); is("@w", '', $message); } { my $message = "Corruption of match results of qr// across scopes"; my $qr = qr/(fo+)(ba+r)/; 'foobar' =~ /$qr/; is("$1$2", "foobar", $message); { 'foooooobaaaaar' =~ /$qr/; is("$1$2", 'foooooobaaaaar', $message); } is("$1$2", "foobar", $message); } { my $message = "HORIZWS"; local $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t".chr(11)."\n"; s/\H/H/g; s/\h/h/g; is($_, "hhHHhHhhHH", $message); $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t" . chr (11) . "\n"; utf8::upgrade ($_); s/\H/H/g; s/\h/h/g; is($_, "hhHHhHhhHH", $message); } { # Various whitespace special patterns my @h = map {chr $_} 0x09, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200a, 0x202f, 0x205f, 0x3000; my @v = map {chr $_} 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x85, 0x2028, 0x2029; my @lb = ("\x0D\x0A", map {chr $_} 0x0A .. 0x0D, 0x85, 0x2028, 0x2029); foreach my $t ([\@h, qr/\h/, qr/\h+/], [\@v, qr/\v/, qr/\v+/], [\@lb, qr/\R/, qr/\R+/],) { my $ary = shift @$t; foreach my $pat (@$t) { foreach my $str (@$ary) { my $temp_str = $str; $temp_str = display($temp_str); ok $str =~ /($pat)/, $temp_str . " =~ /($pat)"; my $temp_1 = $1; is($1, $str, "\$1='" . display($temp_1) . "' eq '" . $temp_str . "' after ($pat)"); utf8::upgrade ($str); ok $str =~ /($pat)/, "Upgraded " . $temp_str . " =~ /($pat)/"; is($1, $str, "\$1='" . display($temp_1) . "' eq '" . $temp_str . "'(upgraded) after ($pat)"); } } } } { # Check that \\xDF match properly in its various forms # Test that \xDF matches properly. this is pretty hacky stuff, # but its actually needed. The malarky with '-' is to prevent # compilation caching from playing any role in the test. my @df = (chr (0xDF), '-', chr (0xDF)); utf8::upgrade ($df [2]); my @strs = ('ss', 'sS', 'Ss', 'SS', chr (0xDF)); my @ss = map {("$_", "$_")} @strs; utf8::upgrade ($ss [$_ * 2 + 1]) for 0 .. $#strs; for my $ssi (0 .. $#ss) { for my $dfi (0 .. $#df) { my $pat = $df [$dfi]; my $str = $ss [$ssi]; my $utf_df = ($dfi > 1) ? 'utf8' : ''; my $utf_ss = ($ssi % 2) ? 'utf8' : ''; (my $sstr = $str) =~ s/\xDF/\\xDF/; if ($utf_df || $utf_ss || length ($ss [$ssi]) == 1) { my $ret = $str =~ /$pat/i; next if $pat eq '-'; ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" =~ /\\xDF/i " . "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " . "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})"; } else { my $ret = $str !~ /$pat/i; next if $pat eq '-'; ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" !~ /\\xDF/i " . "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " . "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})"; } } } } { my $message = "BBC(Bleadperl Breaks CPAN) Today: String::Multibyte"; my $re = qr/(?:[\x00-\xFF]{4})/; my $hyp = "\0\0\0-"; my $esc = "\0\0\0\\"; my $str = "$esc$hyp$hyp$esc$esc"; my @a = ($str =~ /\G(?:\Q$esc$esc\E|\Q$esc$hyp\E|$re)/g); is(@a,3, $message); local $" = "="; is("@a","$esc$hyp=$hyp=$esc$esc", $message); } { # Test for keys in %+ and %- my $message = 'Test keys in %+ and %-'; no warnings 'uninitialized'; my $_ = "abcdef"; /(?a)|(?b)/; is((join ",", sort keys %+), "foo", $message); is((join ",", sort keys %-), "foo", $message); is((join ",", sort values %+), "a", $message); is((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a ", $message); /(?a)(?b)(?.)/; is((join ",", sort keys %+), "bar,quux", $message); is((join ",", sort keys %-), "bar,quux", $message); is((join ",", sort values %+), "a,c", $message); # leftmost is((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a b,c", $message); /(?a)(?c)?/; # second buffer won't capture is((join ",", sort keys %+), "un", $message); is((join ",", sort keys %-), "deux,un", $message); is((join ",", sort values %+), "a", $message); is((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), ",a", $message); } { # length() on captures, the numbered ones end up in Perl_magic_len my $_ = "aoeu \xe6var ook"; /^ \w+ \s (?\S+)/x; is(length $`, 0, q[length $`]); is(length $', 4, q[length $']); is(length $&, 9, q[length $&]); is(length $1, 4, q[length $1]); is(length $+{eek}, 4, q[length $+{eek} == length $1]); } { my $ok = -1; $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?foo)|bar/; is($ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "bar"=~/(?foo)|bar/'); is(scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?foo)|bar/'); is(scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?foo)|bar/'); $ok = -1; $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?foo)|bar/; is($ok, 0, '$+{x} not exists after "bar"=~/(?foo)|bar/'); is(scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?foo)|bar/'); is(scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?foo)|bar/'); $ok = -1; $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo' =~ /(?foo)|bar/; is($ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?foo)|bar/'); is(scalar (%+), 1, 'scalar %+ == 1 after "foo"=~/(?foo)|bar/'); is(scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "foo"=~/(?foo)|bar/'); $ok = -1; $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo'=~/(?foo)|bar/; is($ok, 1, '$+{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?foo)|bar/'); } { local $_; ($_ = 'abc') =~ /(abc)/g; $_ = '123'; is("$1", 'abc', "/g leads to unsafe match vars: $1"); fresh_perl_is(<<'EOP', ">abc<\n", {}, 'mention $&'); $&; my $x; ($x='abc')=~/(abc)/g; $x='123'; print ">$1<\n"; EOP local $::TODO = 'RT #86042'; fresh_perl_is(<<'EOP', ">abc<\n", {}, 'no mention of $&'); my $x; ($x='abc')=~/(abc)/g; $x='123'; print ">$1<\n"; EOP } { # Message-ID: <20070818091501.7eff4831@r2d2> my $str = ""; for (0 .. 5) { my @x; $str .= "@x"; # this should ALWAYS be the empty string 'a' =~ /(a|)/; push @x, 1; } is(length $str, 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty"); $str = ""; my @foo = ('a') x 5; for (@foo) { my @bar; $str .= "@bar"; s/a|/push @bar, 1/e; } is(length $str, 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty"); } { # more TRIE/AHOCORASICK problems with mixed utf8 / latin-1 and case folding for my $chr (160 .. 255) { my $chr_byte = chr($chr); my $chr_utf8 = chr($chr); utf8::upgrade($chr_utf8); my $rx = qr{$chr_byte|X}i; ok($chr_utf8 =~ $rx, "utf8/latin, codepoint $chr"); } } { our $a = 3; "" =~ /(??{ $a })/; our $b = $a; is($b, $a, "Copy of scalar used for postponed subexpression"); } { our @ctl_n = (); our @plus = (); our $nested_tags; $nested_tags = qr{ < (\w+) (?{ push @ctl_n,$^N; push @plus,$+; }) > (??{$nested_tags})* }x; my $match = '' =~ m/^$nested_tags$/; ok $match, 'nested construct matches'; is("@ctl_n", "bla blubb", '$^N inside of (?{}) works as expected'); is("@plus", "bla blubb", '$+ inside of (?{}) works as expected'); } SKIP: { # XXX: This set of tests is essentially broken, POSIX character classes # should not have differing definitions under Unicode. # There are property names for that. skip "Tests assume ASCII", 4 unless $::IS_ASCII; my @notIsPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ and not /\p{IsPunct}/} map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7f; is(join ('', @notIsPunct), '#$%&*+-<=>@^`|~', '[:punct:] disagrees with IsPunct on Symbols'); my @isPrint = grep {not /[[:print:]]/ and /\p{IsPrint}/} map {chr} 0 .. 0x1f, 0x7f .. 0x9f; is(join ('', @isPrint), "", 'IsPrint agrees with [:print:] on control characters'); my @isPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/} map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff; is(join ('', @isPunct), "\xa1\xa7\xab\xb6\xb7\xbb\xbf", # ¡ « · » ¿ 'IsPunct disagrees with [:punct:] outside ASCII'); my @isPunctLatin1 = eval q { use encoding 'latin1'; grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/} map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff; }; skip "Eval failed ($@)", 1 if $@; skip "PERL_LEGACY_UNICODE_CHARCLASS_MAPPINGS set to 0", 1 if !$ENV{PERL_TEST_LEGACY_POSIX_CC}; is(join ('', @isPunctLatin1), '', 'IsPunct agrees with [:punct:] with explicit Latin1'); } { # Tests for [#perl 71942] our $count_a; our $count_b; my $c = 0; for my $re ( # [ # should match?, # input string, # re 1, # re 2, # expected values of count_a and count_b, # ] [ 0, "xababz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})b?(*COMMIT)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})b?(*COMMIT)z/, 1, ], [ 0, "xababz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})b?(*COMMIT)\s*(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})b?(*COMMIT)\s*z/, 1, ], [ 0, "xababz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})(?:b|)?(*COMMIT)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})(?:b|)?(*COMMIT)z/, 1, ], [ 0, "xababz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})b{0,6}(*COMMIT)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})b{0,6}(*COMMIT)z/, 1, ], [ 0, "xabcabcz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})(bc){0,6}(*COMMIT)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})(bc){0,6}(*COMMIT)z/, 1, ], [ 0, "xabcabcz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})(bc*){0,6}(*COMMIT)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})(bc*){0,6}(*COMMIT)z/, 1, ], [ 0, "aaaabtz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})b?(*PRUNE)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})b?(*PRUNE)z/, 4, ], [ 0, "aaaabtz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})b?(*PRUNE)\s*(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})b?(*PRUNE)\s*z/, 4, ], [ 0, "aaaabtz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})(?:b|)(*PRUNE)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})(?:b|)(*PRUNE)z/, 4, ], [ 0, "aaaabtz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})b{0,6}(*PRUNE)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})b{0,6}(*PRUNE)z/, 4, ], [ 0, "aaaabctz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})(bc){0,6}(*PRUNE)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})(bc){0,6}(*PRUNE)z/, 4, ], [ 0, "aaaabctz", qr/a+(?{$count_a++})(bc*){0,6}(*PRUNE)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++})(bc*){0,6}(*PRUNE)z/, 4, ], [ 0, "aaabaaab", qr/a+(?{$count_a++;})b?(*SKIP)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++;})b?(*SKIP)z/, 2, ], [ 0, "aaabaaab", qr/a+(?{$count_a++;})b?(*SKIP)\s*(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++;})b?(*SKIP)\s*z/, 2, ], [ 0, "aaabaaab", qr/a+(?{$count_a++;})(?:b|)(*SKIP)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++;})(?:b|)(*SKIP)z/, 2, ], [ 0, "aaabaaab", qr/a+(?{$count_a++;})b{0,6}(*SKIP)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++;})b{0,6}(*SKIP)z/, 2, ], [ 0, "aaabcaaabc", qr/a+(?{$count_a++;})(bc){0,6}(*SKIP)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++;})(bc){0,6}(*SKIP)z/, 2, ], [ 0, "aaabcaaabc", qr/a+(?{$count_a++;})(bc*){0,6}(*SKIP)(*FAIL)/, qr/a+(?{$count_b++;})(bc*){0,6}(*SKIP)z/, 2, ], [ 0, "aaddbdaabyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b? (*SKIP:T1) (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b? (*SKIP:T1) z \s* c \1 /x, 4, ], [ 0, "aaddbdaabyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b? (*SKIP:T1) \s* (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b? (*SKIP:T1) \s* z \s* c \1 /x, 4, ], [ 0, "aaddbdaabyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (?:b|) (*SKIP:T1) (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (?:b|) (*SKIP:T1) z \s* c \1 /x, 4, ], [ 0, "aaddbdaabyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b{0,6} (*SKIP:T1) (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b{0,6} (*SKIP:T1) z \s* c \1 /x, 4, ], [ 0, "aaddbcdaabcyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (bc){0,6} (*SKIP:T1) (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (bc){0,6} (*SKIP:T1) z \s* c \1 /x, 4, ], [ 0, "aaddbcdaabcyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (bc*){0,6} (*SKIP:T1) (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (bc*){0,6} (*SKIP:T1) z \s* c \1 /x, 4, ], [ 0, "aaaaddbdaabyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b? (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b? (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) z \s* c \1 /x, 2, ], [ 0, "aaaaddbdaabyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b? (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) \s* (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b? (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) \s* z \s* c \1 /x, 2, ], [ 0, "aaaaddbdaabyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (?:b|) (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (?:b|) (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) z \s* c \1 /x, 2, ], [ 0, "aaaaddbdaabyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b{0,6} (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? b{0,6} (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) z \s* c \1 /x, 2, ], [ 0, "aaaaddbcdaabcyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (bc){0,6} (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (bc){0,6} (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) z \s* c \1 /x, 2, ], [ 0, "aaaaddbcdaabcyzc", qr/a (?{$count_a++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (bc*){0,6} (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) (*FAIL) \s* c \1 /x, qr/a (?{$count_b++;}) (a?) (*MARK:T1) (a*) .*? (bc*){0,6} (*MARK:T1) (*SKIP:T1) z \s* c \1 /x, 2, ], [ 0, "AbcdCBefgBhiBqz", qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_a++ }) C? (*THEN) | A D) (*FAIL)/x, qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_b++ }) C? (*THEN) | A D) z/x, 1, ], [ 0, "AbcdCBefgBhiBqz", qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_a++ }) C? (*THEN) | A D) \s* (*FAIL)/x, qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_b++ }) C? (*THEN) | A D) \s* z/x, 1, ], [ 0, "AbcdCBefgBhiBqz", qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_a++ }) (?:C|) (*THEN) | A D) (*FAIL)/x, qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_b++ }) (?:C|) (*THEN) | A D) z/x, 1, ], [ 0, "AbcdCBefgBhiBqz", qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_a++ }) C{0,6} (*THEN) | A D) (*FAIL)/x, qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_b++ }) C{0,6} (*THEN) | A D) z/x, 1, ], [ 0, "AbcdCEBefgBhiBqz", qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_a++ }) (CE){0,6} (*THEN) | A D) (*FAIL)/x, qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_b++ }) (CE){0,6} (*THEN) | A D) z/x, 1, ], [ 0, "AbcdCBefgBhiBqz", qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_a++ }) (CE*){0,6} (*THEN) | A D) (*FAIL)/x, qr/(A (.*) (?{ $count_b++ }) (CE*){0,6} (*THEN) | A D) z/x, 1, ], ) { $c++; $count_a = 0; $count_b = 0; my $match_a = ($re->[1] =~ $re->[2]) || 0; my $match_b = ($re->[1] =~ $re->[3]) || 0; is($match_a, $re->[0], "match a " . ($re->[0] ? "succeeded" : "failed") . " ($c)"); is($match_b, $re->[0], "match b " . ($re->[0] ? "succeeded" : "failed") . " ($c)"); is($count_a, $re->[4], "count a ($c)"); is($count_b, $re->[4], "count b ($c)"); } } { # Bleadperl v5.13.8-292-gf56b639 breaks NEZUMI/Unicode-LineBreak-1.011 # \xdf in lookbehind failed to compile as is multi-char fold my $message = "Lookbehind with \\xdf matchable compiles"; my $r = eval 'qr{ (?u: (?<=^url:) | (?<=[/]) (?=[^/]) | (?<=[^-.]) (?=[-~.,_?\#%=&]) | (?<=[=&]) (?=.) )}iox'; is($@, '', $message); object_ok($r, 'Regexp', $message); } # RT #82610 ok 'foo/file.fob' =~ m,^(?=[^\.])[^/]*/(?=[^\.])[^/]*\.fo[^/]$,; { # This was failing unless an explicit /d was added my $p = qr/[\xE0_]/i; utf8::upgrade($p); like("\xC0", $p, "Verify \"\\xC0\" =~ /[\\xE0_]/i; pattern in utf8"); } ok "x" =~ /\A(?>(?:(?:)A|B|C?x))\z/, "Check TRIE does not overwrite EXACT following NOTHING at start - RT #111842"; { my $single = ":"; my $upper = "\x{390}"; # Fold is 3 chars. my $multi = CORE::fc($upper); my $failed = 0; # Try forcing a node to be split, with a multi-char fold at the # boundary for my $repeat (1 .. 300) { my $string = $single x $repeat; my $lhs = $string . $upper; if ($lhs !~ m/$string$multi/i) { $failed = $repeat; last; } } ok(! $failed, "Matched multi-char fold across EXACTFish node boundaries; if failed, was at count $failed"); } # # Keep the following tests last -- they may crash perl # print "# Tests that follow may crash perl\n"; { eval '/\k/'; ok $@ =~ /\QSequence \k... not terminated in regex;\E/, 'Lone \k not allowed'; } { my $message = "Substitution with lookahead (possible segv)"; $_ = "ns1ns1ns1"; s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/g; is($_, "ns_1ns_1ns_1", $message); $_ = "ns1"; s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/; is($_, "ns_1", $message); $_ = "123"; s/(?=\d+)|(?<=\d)/!Bang!/g; is($_, "!Bang!1!Bang!2!Bang!3!Bang!", $message); } { # Earlier versions of Perl said this was fatal. my $message = "U+0FFFF shouldn't crash the regex engine"; no warnings 'utf8'; my $a = eval "chr(65535)"; use warnings; my $warning_message; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning_message = $_[0] }; eval $a =~ /[a-z]/; ok(1, $message); # If it didn't crash, it worked. } TODO: { # Was looping todo_skip('Triggers thread clone SEGV. See #86550') if $::running_as_thread && $::running_as_thread; watchdog(10); # Use a bigger value for busy systems like("\x{00DF}", qr/[\x{1E9E}_]*/i, "\"\\x{00DF}\" =~ /[\\x{1E9E}_]*/i was looping"); } { # Bug #90536, caused failed assertion unlike("s\N{U+DF}", qr/^\x{00DF}/i, "\"s\\N{U+DF}\", qr/^\\x{00DF}/i"); } # User-defined Unicode properties to match above-Unicode code points sub Is_32_Bit_Super { return "110000\tFFFFFFFF\n" } sub Is_Portable_Super { return '!utf8::Any' } # Matches beyond 32 bits { # Assertion was failing on on 64-bit platforms; just didn't work on 32. no warnings qw(non_unicode portable); use Config; # We use 'ok' instead of 'like' because the warnings are lexically # scoped, and want to turn them off, so have to do the match in this # scope if ($Config{uvsize} < 8) { ok(chr(0xFFFF_FFFE) =~ /\p{Is_32_Bit_Super}/, "chr(0xFFFF_FFFE) can match a Unicode property"); ok(chr(0xFFFF_FFFF) =~ /\p{Is_32_Bit_Super}/, "chr(0xFFFF_FFFF) can match a Unicode property"); } else { no warnings 'overflow'; ok(chr(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFE) =~ qr/\p{Is_Portable_Super}/, "chr(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFE) can match a Unicode property"); ok(chr(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) =~ qr/^\p{Is_Portable_Super}$/, "chr(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) can match a Unicode property"); # This test is because something was declared as 32 bits, but # should have been cast to 64; only a problem where # sizeof(STRLEN) != sizeof(UV) ok(chr(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFE) !~ qr/\p{Is_32_Bit_Super}/, "chr(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFE) shouldn't match a range ending in 0xFFFF_FFFF"); } } { # [perl #112530], the code below caused a panic sub InFoo { "a\tb\n9\ta\n" } like("\n", qr/\p{InFoo}/, "Overlapping ranges in user-defined properties"); } # !!! NOTE that tests that aren't at all likely to crash perl should go # a ways above, above these last ones. done_testing(); } # End of sub run_tests 1;