#!./perl -w BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } plan tests => 5; my $rx = qr//; is(ref $rx, "Regexp", "qr// blessed into 'Regexp' by default"); # Make sure /$qr/ doesn’t clobber match vars before the match (bug 70764). { my $output = ''; my $rx = qr/o/; my $a = "ooaoaoao"; my $foo = 0; $foo += () = ($a =~ /$rx/g); $output .= "$foo\n"; # correct $foo = 0; for ($foo += ($a =~ /o/); $' && ($' =~ /o/) && ($foo++) ; ) { ; } $output .= "1: $foo\n"; # No error $foo = 0; for ($foo += ($a =~ /$rx/); $' && ($' =~ /$rx/) && ($foo++) ; ) { ; } $output .= "2: $foo\n"; # initialization warning, incorrect results is $output, "5\n1: 5\n2: 5\n", '$a_match_var =~ /$qr/'; } for my $_($'){ my $output = ''; my $rx = qr/o/; my $a = "ooaoaoao"; my $foo = 0; $foo += () = ($a =~ /$rx/g); $output .= "$foo\n"; # correct $foo = 0; for ($foo += ($a =~ /o/); $' && /o/ && ($foo++) ; ) { ; } $output .= "1: $foo\n"; # No error $foo = 0; for ($foo += ($a =~ /$rx/); $' && /$rx/ && ($foo++) ; ) { ; } $output .= "2: $foo\n"; # initialization warning, incorrect results is $output, "5\n1: 5\n2: 5\n", '/$qr/ with my $_ aliased to a match var'; } for($'){ my $output = ''; my $rx = qr/o/; my $a = "ooaoaoao"; my $foo = 0; $foo += () = ($a =~ /$rx/g); $output .= "$foo\n"; # correct $foo = 0; for ($foo += ($a =~ /o/); $' && /o/ && ($foo++) ; ) { ; } $output .= "1: $foo\n"; # No error $foo = 0; for ($foo += ($a =~ /$rx/); $' && /$rx/ && ($foo++) ; ) { ; } $output .= "2: $foo\n"; # initialization warning, incorrect results is $output, "5\n1: 5\n2: 5\n", q|/$qr/ with $'_ aliased to a match var|; } # Make sure /$qr/ calls get-magic on its LHS (bug 71470). { my $scratch; sub qrBug::TIESCALAR{bless[], 'qrBug'} sub qrBug::FETCH { $scratch .= "[fetching]"; 'glat' } tie my $flile, "qrBug"; $flile =~ qr/(?:)/; is $scratch, "[fetching]", '/$qr/ with magical LHS'; }