#!./perl # Check that we don't recompile runtime patterns when the pattern hasn't # changed # # Works by checking the debugging output of 'use re debug' and, if # available, -Dr. We use both to check that the different code paths # with Perl_foo() versus the my_foo() under ext/re/ don't cause any # changes. $| = 1; BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc( '../lib', '.' ); skip_all_if_miniperl("no dynamic loading on miniperl, no re"); } use strict; use warnings; plan tests => 48; my $results = runperl( switches => [ '-Dr' ], prog => '1', stderr => 1, ); my $has_Dr = $results !~ /Recompile perl with -DDEBUGGING/; my $tmpfile = tempfile(); # Check that a pattern triggers a regex compilation exactly N times, # using either -Dr or 'use re debug' # This is partially based on _fresh_perl() in test.pl sub _comp_n { my ($use_Dr, $n, $prog, $desc) = @_; open my $tf, ">$tmpfile" or die "Cannot open $tmpfile: $!"; my $switches = []; if ($use_Dr) { push @$switches, '-Dr'; } else { $prog = qq{use re qw(debug);\n$prog}; } print $tf $prog; close $tf or die "Cannot close $tmpfile: $!"; my $results = runperl( switches => $switches, progfile => $tmpfile, stderr => 1, ); my $status = $?; my $count = () = $results =~ /Final program:/g; if ($count == $n && !$status) { pass($desc); } else { fail($desc); _diag "# COUNT: $count EXPECTED $n\n"; _diag "# STATUS: $status\n"; _diag "# SWITCHES: @$switches\n"; _diag "# PROG: \n$prog\n"; # this is verbose; uncomment for debugging #_diag "# OUTPUT:\n------------------\n $results-------------------\n"; } } # Check that a pattern triggers a regex compilation exactly N times, sub comp_n { my ($n, $prog, $desc) = @_; if ($has_Dr) { _comp_n(1, $n, $prog, "$desc -Dr"); } else { SKIP: { skip("-Dr not compiled in"); } } _comp_n(0, @_); } # Check that a pattern triggers a regex compilation exactly once. sub comp_1 { comp_n(1, @_); } comp_1(<<'CODE', 'simple'); "a" =~ /$_/ for qw(a a a); CODE comp_1(<<'CODE', 'simple qr'); "a" =~ qr/$_/ for qw(a a a); CODE comp_1(<<'CODE', 'literal utf8'); "a" =~ /$_/ for "\x{100}", "\x{100}", "\x{100}"; CODE comp_1(<<'CODE', 'literal utf8 qr'); "a" =~ qr/$_/ for "\x{100}", "\x{100}", "\x{100}"; CODE comp_1(<<'CODE', 'longjmp literal utf8'); my $x = chr(0x80); "a" =~ /$x$_/ for "\x{100}", "\x{100}", "\x{100}"; CODE comp_1(<<'CODE', 'longjmp literal utf8 qr'); my $x = chr(0x80); "a" =~ qr/$x$_/ for "\x{100}", "\x{100}", "\x{100}"; CODE comp_1(<<'CODE', 'utf8'); "a" =~ /$_/ for '\x{100}', '\x{100}', '\x{100}'; CODE comp_1(<<'CODE', 'utf8 qr'); "a" =~ qr/$_/ for '\x{100}', '\x{100}', '\x{100}'; CODE comp_1(<<'CODE', 'longjmp utf8'); my $x = chr(0x80); "a" =~ /$x$_/ for '\x{100}', '\x{100}', '\x{100}'; CODE comp_1(<<'CODE', 'longjmp utf8'); my $x = chr(0x80); "a" =~ qr/$x$_/ for '\x{100}', '\x{100}', '\x{100}'; CODE comp_n(3, <<'CODE', 'mixed utf8'); "a" =~ /$_/ for "\x{c4}\x{80}", "\x{100}", "\x{c4}\x{80}"; CODE comp_n(3, <<'CODE', 'mixed utf8 qr'); "a" =~ qr/$_/ for "\x{c4}\x{80}", "\x{100}", "\x{c4}\x{80}"; CODE # note that for runtime code, each pattern is compiled twice; the # second time to allow the parser to see the code. comp_n(6, <<'CODE', 'runtime code'); my $x = '(?{1})'; BEGIN { $^H |= 0x00200000 } # lightweight "use re 'eval'" "a" =~ /a$_/ for $x, $x, $x; CODE comp_n(6, <<'CODE', 'runtime code qr'); my $x = '(?{1})'; BEGIN { $^H |= 0x00200000 } # lightweight "use re 'eval'" "a" =~ qr/a$_/ for $x, $x, $x; CODE comp_n(4, <<'CODE', 'embedded code'); my $x = qr/(?{1})/; "a" =~ /a$_/ for $x, $x, $x; CODE comp_n(4, <<'CODE', 'embedded code qr'); my $x = qr/(?{1})/; "a" =~ qr/a$_/ for $x, $x, $x; CODE comp_n(7, <<'CODE', 'mixed code'); my $x = qr/(?{1})/; my $y = '(?{1})'; BEGIN { $^H |= 0x00200000 } # lightweight "use re 'eval'" "a" =~ /a$x$_/ for $y, $y, $y; CODE comp_n(7, <<'CODE', 'mixed code qr'); my $x = qr/(?{1})/; my $y = '(?{1})'; BEGIN { $^H |= 0x00200000 } # lightweight "use re 'eval'" "a" =~ qr/a$x$_/ for $y, $y, $y; CODE comp_n(6, <<'CODE', 'embedded code qr'); my $x = qr/a/i; my $y = qr/a/; "a" =~ qr/a$_/ for $x, $y, $x, $y; CODE comp_n(2, <<'CODE', '(??{"constant"})'); "bb" =~ /(??{"abc"})/; CODE comp_n(2, <<'CODE', '(??{"folded"."constant"})'); "bb" =~ /(??{"ab"."c"})/; CODE comp_n(2, <<'CODE', '(??{$preused_scalar})'); $s = "abc"; "bb" =~ /(??{$s})/; CODE comp_n(2, <<'CODE', '(??{number})'); "bb" =~ /(??{123})/; CODE comp_n(2, <<'CODE', '(??{$pvlv_regexp})'); sub { $_[0] = ${qr/abc/}; "bb" =~ /(??{$_[0]})/; }->($_[0]); CODE