#!perl # Test scoping issues with embedded code in regexps. BEGIN { chdir 't'; @INC = qw(lib ../lib); require './test.pl'; skip_all_if_miniperl("no dynamic loading on miniperl, no re"); } plan 17; # Functions for turning to-do-ness on and off (as there are so many # to-do tests) sub on { $::TODO = "(?{}) implementation is screwy" } sub off { undef $::TODO } on; fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', '781745', {}, '(?{}) has its own lexical scope'; my $x = 7; my $a = 4; my $b = 5; print "a" =~ /(?{ print $x; my $x = 8; print $x; my $y })a/; print $x,$a,$b; CODE fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', for my $x("a".."c") { $y = 1; print scalar "abcabc" =~ / ( a (?{ print $y; local $y = $y+1; print $x; my $x = 8; print $x }) b (?{ print $y; local $y = $y+1; print $x; my $x = 9; print $x }) c (?{ print $y; local $y = $y+1; print $x; my $x = 10; print $x }) ){2} /x; print "$x "; } CODE '1a82a93a104a85a96a101a 1b82b93b104b85b96b101b 1c82c93c104c85c96c101c ', {}, 'multiple (?{})s in loop with lexicals'; fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', '781745', {}, 'run-time re-eval has its own scope'; use re qw(eval); my $x = 7; my $a = 4; my $b = 5; my $rest = 'a'; print "a" =~ /(?{ print $x; my $x = 8; print $x; my $y })$rest/; print $x,$a,$b; CODE fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', '178279371047857967101745', {}, use re "eval"; my $x = 7; $y = 1; my $a = 4; my $b = 5; print scalar "abcabc" =~ ${\'(?x) ( a (?{ print $y; local $y = $y+1; print $x; my $x = 8; print $x }) b (?{ print $y; local $y = $y+1; print $x; my $x = 9; print $x }) c (?{ print $y; local $y = $y+1; print $x; my $x = 10; print $x }) ){2} '}; print $x,$a,$b CODE 'multiple (?{})s in "foo" =~ $string'; fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', '178279371047857967101745', {}, use re "eval"; my $x = 7; $y = 1; my $a = 4; my $b = 5; print scalar "abcabc" =~ /${\' ( a (?{ print $y; local $y = $y+1; print $x; my $x = 8; print $x }) b (?{ print $y; local $y = $y+1; print $x; my $x = 9; print $x }) c (?{ print $y; local $y = $y+1; print $x; my $x = 10; print $x }) ){2} '}/x; print $x,$a,$b CODE 'multiple (?{})s in "foo" =~ /$string/x'; fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', '123123', {}, for my $x(1..3) { push @regexps = qr/(?{ print $x })a/; } "a" =~ $_ for @regexps; "ba" =~ /b$_/ for @regexps; CODE 'qr/(?{})/ is a closure'; off; "a" =~ do { package foo; qr/(?{ $::pack = __PACKAGE__ })a/ }; is $pack, 'foo', 'qr// inherits package'; "a" =~ do { use re "/x"; qr/(?{ $::re = qr-- })a/ }; is $re, '(?^x:)', 'qr// inherits pragmata'; on; "ba" =~ /b${\do { package baz; qr|(?{ $::pack = __PACKAGE__ })a| }}/; is $pack, 'baz', '/text$qr/ inherits package'; "ba" =~ m+b${\do { use re "/i"; qr|(?{ $::re = qr-- })a| }}+; is $re, '(?^i:)', '/text$qr/ inherits pragmata'; off; { use re 'eval'; package bar; "ba" =~ /${\'(?{ $::pack = __PACKAGE__ })a'}/; } is $pack, 'bar', '/$text/ containing (?{}) inherits package'; { use re 'eval', "/m"; "ba" =~ /${\'(?{ $::re = qr -- })a'}/; } is $re, '(?^m:)', '/$text/ containing (?{}) inherits pragmata'; on; fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', '45', { stderr => 1 }, '(?{die})'; eval { my $a=4; my $b=5; "a" =~ /(?{die})a/ }; print $a,$b" CODE SKIP: { # The remaining TODO tests crash, which will display an error dialog # on Windows that has to be manually dismissed. We don't want this # to happen for release builds: 5.14.x, 5.16.x etc. skip "Don't run crashing TODO test on release build", 3 if $::TODO && $^O eq "MSWin32" && (int($]*1000) & 1) == 0; fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', '45', { stderr => 1 }, '(?{last})'; { my $a=4; my $b=5; "a" =~ /(?{last})a/ }; print $a,$b CODE fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', '45', { stderr => 1 }, '(?{next})'; { my $a=4; my $b=5; "a" =~ /(?{last})a/ }; print $a,$b CODE fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', '45', { stderr => 1 }, '(?{return})'; print sub { my $a=4; my $b=5; "a" =~ /(?{return $a.$b})a/ }->(); CODE } fresh_perl_is <<'CODE', '45', { stderr => 1 }, '(?{goto})'; my $a=4; my $b=5; "a" =~ /(?{goto _})a/; die; _: print $a,$b CODE