#!./perl my $Perl; my $dtrace; BEGIN { chdir 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; skip_all_without_config("usedtrace"); $dtrace = $Config::Config{dtrace}; $Perl = which_perl(); `$dtrace -V` or skip_all("$dtrace unavailable"); my $result = `$dtrace -qnBEGIN -c'$Perl -e 1' 2>&1`; $? && skip_all("Apparently can't probe using $dtrace (perhaps you need root?): $result"); } use strict; use warnings; use IPC::Open2; plan(tests => 5); dtrace_like( '1', 'BEGIN { trace(42+666) }', qr/708/, 'really running DTrace', ); dtrace_like( 'package My; sub outer { Your::inner() } package Your; sub inner { } package Other; My::outer(); Your::inner();', 'sub-entry { printf("-> %s::%s at %s line %d!\n", copyinstr(arg3), copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1), arg2) } sub-return { printf("<- %s::%s at %s line %d!\n", copyinstr(arg3), copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1), arg2) }', qr/-> My::outer at - line 2! -> Your::inner at - line 4! <- Your::inner at - line 4! <- My::outer at - line 2! -> Your::inner at - line 4! <- Your::inner at - line 4!/, 'traced multiple function calls', ); dtrace_like( '1', 'phase-change { printf("%s -> %s; ", copyinstr(arg1), copyinstr(arg0)) }', qr/START -> RUN; RUN -> DESTRUCT;/, 'phase changes of a simple script', ); # this code taken from t/op/magic_phase.t which tests all of the # transitions of ${^GLOBAL_PHASE}. instead of printing (which will # interact nondeterministically with the DTrace output), we increment # an unused variable for side effects dtrace_like(<< 'MAGIC_OP', my $x = 0; BEGIN { $x++ } CHECK { $x++ } INIT { $x++ } sub Moo::DESTROY { $x++ } my $tiger = bless {}, Moo::; sub Kooh::DESTROY { $x++ } our $affe = bless {}, Kooh::; END { $x++ } MAGIC_OP 'phase-change { printf("%s -> %s; ", copyinstr(arg1), copyinstr(arg0)) }', qr/START -> CHECK; CHECK -> INIT; INIT -> RUN; RUN -> END; END -> DESTRUCT;/, 'phase-changes in a script that exercises all of ${^GLOBAL_PHASE}', ); dtrace_like(<< 'PHASES', my $x = 0; sub foo { $x++ } sub bar { $x++ } sub baz { $x++ } INIT { foo() } bar(); END { baz() } PHASES ' BEGIN { starting = 1 } phase-change { phase = arg0 } phase-change /copyinstr(arg0) == "RUN"/ { starting = 0 } phase-change /copyinstr(arg0) == "END"/ { ending = 1 } sub-entry /copyinstr(arg0) != copyinstr(phase) && (starting || ending)/ { printf("%s during %s; ", copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(phase)); } ', qr/foo during INIT; baz during END;/, 'make sure sub-entry and phase-change interact well', ); sub dtrace_like { my $perl = shift; my $probes = shift; my $expected = shift; my $name = shift; my ($reader, $writer); my $pid = open2($reader, $writer, $dtrace, '-q', '-n', 'BEGIN { trace("ready!\n") }', # necessary! see below '-n', $probes, '-c', $Perl, ); # wait until DTrace tells us that it is initialized # otherwise our probes won't properly fire chomp(my $throwaway = <$reader>); $throwaway eq "ready!" or die "Unexpected 'ready!' result from DTrace: $throwaway"; # now we can start executing our perl print $writer $perl; close $writer; # read all the dtrace results back in local $/; my $result = <$reader>; # make sure that dtrace is all done and successful waitpid($pid, 0); my $child_exit_status = $? >> 8; die "Unexpected error from DTrace: $result" if $child_exit_status != 0; like($result, $expected, $name); }