#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; # for fresh_perl_is() etc require './loc_tools.pl'; # to find locales } use strict; ######## # These tests are here instead of lib/locale.t because # some bugs depend on the internal state of the locale # settings and pragma/locale messes up that state pretty badly. # We need "fresh runs". BEGIN { eval { require POSIX; POSIX->import("locale_h") }; if ($@) { skip_all("could not load the POSIX module"); # running minitest? } } use Config; my $have_strtod = $Config{d_strtod} eq 'define'; my @locales = find_locales( [ 'LC_ALL', 'LC_CTYPE', 'LC_NUMERIC' ]); skip_all("no locales available") unless @locales; note("locales available: @locales"); my $debug = 0; my $switches = ""; if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] ne "") { if ($ARGV[0] ne 'debug') { print STDERR "Usage: $0 [ debug ]\n"; exit 1 } $debug = 1; $switches = "switches => [ '-DLv' ]"; } # reset the locale environment delete local @ENV{'LANG', (grep /^LC_[A-Z]+$/, keys %ENV)}; # If user wants this to happen, they set the environment variable AND use # 'debug' delete local $ENV{'PERL_DEBUG_LOCALE_INIT'} unless $debug; { fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", use locale; use POSIX; POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_CTYPE(),"C"); print "h" =~ /[g\\w]/i || 0; print "\\n"; EOF 1, { stderr => 'devnull' }, "/il matching of [bracketed] doesn't skip POSIX class if fails individ char"); } { fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", use locale; use POSIX; POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_CTYPE(),"C"); print "0" =~ /[\\d[:punct:]]/l || 0; print "\\n"; EOF 1, { stderr => 'devnull' }, "/l matching of [bracketed] doesn't skip non-first POSIX class"); } my $non_C_locale; foreach my $locale (@locales) { next if $locale eq "C" || $locale eq 'POSIX' || $locale eq "C.UTF-8"; $non_C_locale = $locale; last; } if ($non_C_locale) { note("using non-C locale '$non_C_locale'"); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $non_C_locale); isnt(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC), "C", "retrieving current non-C LC_NUMERIC doesn't give 'C'"); setlocale(LC_ALL, $non_C_locale); isnt(setlocale(LC_ALL), "C", "retrieving current non-C LC_ALL doesn't give 'C'"); my @test_numeric_locales = @locales; # Skip this locale on these cygwin versions as the returned radix character # length is wrong if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' && version->new(($Config{'osvers'} =~ /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/)[0]) le v2.4.1) { @test_numeric_locales = grep { $_ !~ m/ps_AF/i } @test_numeric_locales; } # Similarly the arabic locales on solaris don't work right on the # multi-byte radix character, generating malformed UTF-8. if ($^O eq 'solaris') { @test_numeric_locales = grep { $_ !~ m/ ^ ( ar_ | pa_ ) /x } @test_numeric_locales; } fresh_perl_is("for (qw(@test_numeric_locales)) {\n" . <<'EOF', use POSIX qw(locale_h); use locale; setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "$_") or next; my $s = sprintf "%g %g", 3.1, 3.1; next if $s eq '3.1 3.1' || $s =~ /^(3.+1) \1$/; no warnings "utf8"; print "$_ $s\n"; } EOF "", { eval $switches }, "no locales where LC_NUMERIC breaks"); SKIP: { skip("Windows stores locale defaults in the registry", 1 ) if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; fresh_perl_is("for (qw(@locales)) {\n" . <<'EOF', use POSIX qw(locale_h); use locale; my $in = 4.2; my $s = sprintf "%g", $in; # avoid any constant folding bugs next if $s eq "4.2"; no warnings "utf8"; print "$_ $s\n"; } EOF "", { eval $switches }, "LC_NUMERIC without environment nor setlocale() has no effect in any locale"); } # try to find out a locale where LC_NUMERIC makes a difference my $original_locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC); my ($base, $different, $comma, $difference, $utf8_radix); my $radix_encoded_as_utf8; for ("C", @locales) { # prefer C for the base if available use locale; setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $_) or next; my $in = 4.2; # avoid any constant folding bugs if ((my $s = sprintf("%g", $in)) eq "4.2") { $base ||= $_; } else { $different ||= $_; $difference ||= $s; my $radix = localeconv()->{decimal_point}; # For utf8 locales with a non-ascii radix, it should be encoded as # UTF-8 with the internal flag so set. if (! defined $utf8_radix && $radix =~ /[[:^ascii:]]/u # /u because /l can raise warnings && is_locale_utf8($_)) { $utf8_radix = $_; $radix_encoded_as_utf8 = utf8::is_utf8($radix); } else { $comma ||= $_ if $radix eq ','; } } last if $base && $different && $comma && $utf8_radix; } setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $original_locale); SKIP: { skip("no UTF-8 locale available where LC_NUMERIC radix isn't ASCII", 1 ) unless $utf8_radix; ok($radix_encoded_as_utf8 == 1, "UTF-8 locale '$utf8_radix' with non-ASCII" . " radix is marked UTF-8"); } SKIP: { skip("no locale available where LC_NUMERIC radix isn't '.'", 30) unless $different; note("using the '$different' locale for LC_NUMERIC tests"); { local $ENV{LC_NUMERIC} = $different; fresh_perl_is(<<'EOF', "4.2", { eval $switches }, format STDOUT = @.# 4.179 . write; EOF "format() does not look at LC_NUMERIC without 'use locale'"); { fresh_perl_is(<<'EOF', "$difference\n", { eval $switches }, use POSIX; use locale; format STDOUT = @.# 4.179 . write; EOF "format() looks at LC_NUMERIC with 'use locale'"); } { fresh_perl_is(<<'EOF', ",,", { eval $switches }, use POSIX; no warnings "utf8"; print localeconv()->{decimal_point}; use locale; print localeconv()->{decimal_point}; EOF "localeconv() looks at LC_NUMERIC with and without 'use locale'"); } { my $categories = ":collate :characters :collate :ctype :monetary :time"; fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", "4.2", { eval $switches }, use locale qw($categories); format STDOUT = @.# 4.179 . write; EOF "format() does not look at LC_NUMERIC with 'use locale qw($categories)'"); } { fresh_perl_is(<<'EOF', $difference, { eval $switches }, use locale; format STDOUT = @.# 4.179 . write; EOF "format() looks at LC_NUMERIC with 'use locale'"); } for my $category (qw(collate characters collate ctype monetary time)) { for my $negation ("!", "not_") { fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", $difference, { eval $switches }, use locale ":$negation$category"; format STDOUT = @.# 4.179 . write; EOF "format() looks at LC_NUMERIC with 'use locale \":" . "$negation$category\"'"); } } { fresh_perl_is(<<'EOF', $difference, { eval $switches }, use locale ":numeric"; format STDOUT = @.# 4.179 . write; EOF "format() looks at LC_NUMERIC with 'use locale \":numeric\"'"); } { fresh_perl_is(<<'EOF', "4.2", { eval $switches }, format STDOUT = @.# 4.179 . { use locale; write; } EOF "too late to look at the locale at write() time"); } { fresh_perl_is(<<'EOF', $difference, { eval $switches }, use locale; format STDOUT = @.# 4.179 . { no locale; write; } EOF "too late to ignore the locale at write() time"); } } { # do not let "use 5.000" affect the locale! # this test is to prevent regression of [rt.perl.org #105784] fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", use locale; use POSIX; my \$i = 0.123; POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_NUMERIC(),"$different"); \$a = sprintf("%.2f", \$i); require version; \$b = sprintf("%.2f", \$i); no warnings "utf8"; print ".\$a \$b" unless \$a eq \$b EOF "", { eval $switches }, "version does not clobber version"); fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", use locale; use POSIX; my \$i = 0.123; POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_NUMERIC(),"$different"); \$a = sprintf("%.2f", \$i); eval "use v5.0.0"; \$b = sprintf("%.2f", \$i); no warnings "utf8"; print "\$a \$b" unless \$a eq \$b EOF "", { eval $switches }, "version does not clobber version (via eval)"); } { local $ENV{LC_NUMERIC} = $different; fresh_perl_is(<<'EOF', "$difference "x4, { eval $switches }, use locale; use POSIX qw(locale_h); my $in = 4.2; printf("%g %g %s %s ", $in, 4.2, sprintf("%g", $in), sprintf("%g", 4.2)); EOF "sprintf() and printf() look at LC_NUMERIC regardless of constant folding"); } { local $ENV{LC_NUMERIC} = $different; fresh_perl_is(<<'EOF', "$difference "x4, { eval $switches }, use locale; use POSIX qw(locale_h); my $in = 4.2; printf("%g %g %s %s ", $in, 4.2, sprintf("%g", $in), sprintf("%g", 4.2)); EOF "Uses the above test to verify that on Windows the system default locale has lower priority than LC_NUMERIC"); } # within this block, STDERR is closed. This is because fresh_perl_is() # forks a shell, and some shells (like bash) can complain noisily when # LC_ALL or similar is set to an invalid value { open my $saved_stderr, ">&STDERR" or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!"; close STDERR; { local $ENV{LC_ALL} = "invalid"; local $ENV{LC_NUMERIC} = "invalid"; local $ENV{LANG} = $different; local $ENV{PERL_BADLANG} = 0; if (! fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", "$difference", { eval $switches }, if (\$ENV{LC_ALL} ne "invalid") { # Make the test pass if the sh didn't accept the ENV set no warnings "utf8"; print "$difference\n"; exit 0; } use locale; use POSIX qw(locale_h); my \$in = 4.2; printf("%g", \$in); EOF "LANG is used if LC_ALL, LC_NUMERIC are invalid")) { note "To see details change this .t, do not close STDERR"; } } SKIP: { if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { skip("Win32 uses system default locale in preference to \"C\"", 1); } else { local $ENV{LC_ALL} = "invalid"; local $ENV{LC_NUMERIC} = "invalid"; local $ENV{LANG} = "invalid"; local $ENV{PERL_BADLANG} = 0; if (! fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", 4.2, { eval $switches }, if (\$ENV{LC_ALL} ne "invalid") { no warnings "utf8"; print "$difference\n"; exit 0; } use locale; use POSIX qw(locale_h); my \$in = 4.2; printf("%g", \$in); EOF 'C locale is used if LC_ALL, LC_NUMERIC, LANG are invalid')) { note "To see details change this .t, do not close STDERR"; } } } open STDERR, ">&", $saved_stderr or die "Can't dup \$saved_stderr: $!"; } { local $ENV{LC_NUMERIC} = $different; fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", use POSIX qw(locale_h); BEGIN { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, \"$different\"); }; setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); use 5.008; print setlocale(LC_NUMERIC); EOF "C", { stderr => 'devnull' }, "No compile error on v-strings when setting the locale to non-dot radix at compile time when default environment has non-dot radix"); } unless ($comma) { skip("no locale available where LC_NUMERIC is a comma", 3); } else { fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", my \$i = 1.5; { use locale; use POSIX; POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_NUMERIC(),"$comma"); print \$i, "\n"; } print \$i, "\n"; EOF "1,5\n1.5", { stderr => 'devnull' }, "Radix print properly in locale scope, and without"); fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", my \$i = 1.5; # Should be exactly representable as a base 2 # fraction, so can use 'eq' below use locale; use POSIX; POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_NUMERIC(),"$comma"); print \$i, "\n"; \$i += 1; print \$i, "\n"; EOF "1,5\n2,5", { stderr => 'devnull' }, "Can do math when radix is a comma"); # [perl 115800] SKIP: { unless ($have_strtod) { skip("no strtod()", 1); } else { fresh_perl_is(<<"EOF", use POSIX; POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_NUMERIC(),"$comma"); my \$one_point_5 = POSIX::strtod("1,5"); \$one_point_5 =~ s/0+\$//; # Remove any trailing zeros print \$one_point_5, "\n"; EOF "1.5", { stderr => 'devnull' }, "POSIX::strtod() uses underlying locale"); } } } } SKIP: { # Note: the setlocale Configure probe could be enhanced to give us the # syntax to use, but khw doesn't think it's worth it at this time, as # the current outliers seem to be skipped by the test just below # anyway. If the POSIX 2008 locale functions are being used, the # syntax becomes mostly irrelevant, so do the test anyway if they are. # It's a lot of trouble to figure out in a perl script. if ($Config{d_setlocale_accepts_any_locale_name} eq 'true') { skip("Can't distinguish between valid and invalid locale names on this system", 2); } my @valid_categories = valid_locale_categories(); my $valid_string = ""; my $invalid_string = ""; # Deliberately don't include all categories, so as to test this situation for my $i (0 .. @valid_categories - 2) { my $category = $valid_categories[$i]; if ($category ne "LC_ALL") { $invalid_string .= ";" if $invalid_string ne ""; $invalid_string .= "$category=foo_BAR"; next unless $non_C_locale; $valid_string .= ";" if $valid_string ne ""; $valid_string .= "$category=$non_C_locale"; } } fresh_perl(<<"EOF", use locale; use POSIX; POSIX::setlocale(LC_ALL, "$invalid_string"); EOF {}); is ($?, 0, "In setting complicated invalid LC_ALL, final individ category doesn't need a \';'"); skip("no non-C locale available", 1 ) unless $non_C_locale; fresh_perl(<<"EOF", use locale; use POSIX; POSIX::setlocale(LC_ALL, "$valid_string"); EOF {}); is ($?, 0, "In setting complicated valid LC_ALL, final individ category doesn't need a \';'"); } } done_testing();