#!./perl # # Tests for Perl mad environment # # $PERL_XMLDUMP BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require Config; import Config; require './test.pl'; skip_all_without_config('mad'); } use File::Path; use File::Spec; my $tempdir = tempfile; mkdir $tempdir, 0700 or die "Can't mkdir '$tempdir': $!"; unshift @INC, '../../lib'; my $cleanup = 1; END { if ($cleanup) { rmtree($tempdir); } } plan tests => 4; { delete local $ENV{$_} for keys %ENV; my $fn = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir(), "withoutT.xml"); $ENV{PERL_XMLDUMP} = $fn; fresh_perl_is('print q/hello/', '', {}, 'mad without -T'); ok(-f $fn, "xml file created without -T as expected"); } { delete local $ENV{$_} for keys %ENV; my $fn = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir(), "withT.xml"); fresh_perl_is('print q/hello/', 'hello', { switches => [ "-T" ] }, 'mad with -T'); ok(!-e $fn, "no xml file created with -T as expected"); }