#!./perl # # Tests for Perl run-time environment variable settings # # $PERL5OPT, $PERL5LIB, etc. BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require Config; import Config; require './test.pl'; skip_all_without_config('d_fork'); } plan tests => 84; my $STDOUT = tempfile(); my $STDERR = tempfile(); my $PERL = $ENV{PERL} || './perl'; my $FAILURE_CODE = 119; delete $ENV{PERLLIB}; delete $ENV{PERL5LIB}; delete $ENV{PERL5OPT}; # Run perl with specified environment and arguments, return (STDOUT, STDERR) sub runperl_and_capture { local *F; my ($env, $args) = @_; local %ENV = %ENV; delete $ENV{PERLLIB}; delete $ENV{PERL5LIB}; delete $ENV{PERL5OPT}; my $pid = fork; return (0, "Couldn't fork: $!") unless defined $pid; # failure if ($pid) { # parent wait; return (0, "Failure in child.\n") if ($?>>8) == $FAILURE_CODE; open my $stdout, '<', $STDOUT or return (0, "Couldn't read $STDOUT file: $!"); open my $stderr, '<', $STDERR or return (0, "Couldn't read $STDERR file: $!"); local $/; # Empty file with <$stderr> returns nothing in list context # (because there are no lines) Use scalar to force it to '' return (scalar <$stdout>, scalar <$stderr>); } else { # child for my $k (keys %$env) { $ENV{$k} = $env->{$k}; } open STDOUT, '>', $STDOUT or exit $FAILURE_CODE; open STDERR, '>', $STDERR and do { exec $PERL, @$args }; # it didn't_work: print STDOUT "IWHCWJIHCI\cNHJWCJQWKJQJWCQW\n"; exit $FAILURE_CODE; } } sub try { my ($env, $args, $stdout, $stderr) = @_; my ($actual_stdout, $actual_stderr) = runperl_and_capture($env, $args); local $::Level = $::Level + 1; is ($stdout, $actual_stdout); is ($stderr, $actual_stderr); } # PERL5OPT Command-line options (switches). Switches in # this variable are taken as if they were on # every Perl command line. Only the -[DIMUdmtw] # switches are allowed. When running taint # checks (because the program was running setuid # or setgid, or the -T switch was used), this # variable is ignored. If PERL5OPT begins with # -T, tainting will be enabled, and any # subsequent options ignored. try({PERL5OPT => '-w'}, ['-e', 'print $::x'], "", qq{Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.\nUse of uninitialized value \$x in print at -e line 1.\n}); try({PERL5OPT => '-Mstrict'}, ['-I../lib', '-e', 'print $::x'], "", ""); try({PERL5OPT => '-Mstrict'}, ['-I../lib', '-e', 'print $x'], "", qq{Global symbol "\$x" requires explicit package name at -e line 1.\nExecution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.\n}); # Fails in 5.6.0 try({PERL5OPT => '-Mstrict -w'}, ['-I../lib', '-e', 'print $x'], "", qq{Global symbol "\$x" requires explicit package name at -e line 1.\nExecution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.\n}); # Fails in 5.6.0 try({PERL5OPT => '-w -Mstrict'}, ['-I../lib', '-e', 'print $::x'], "", < '-w -Mstrict'}, ['-I../lib', '-e', 'print $::x'], "", < '-MExporter'}, ['-I../lib', '-e0'], "", ""); # Fails in 5.6.0 try({PERL5OPT => '-MExporter -MExporter'}, ['-I../lib', '-e0'], "", ""); try({PERL5OPT => '-Mstrict -Mwarnings'}, ['-I../lib', '-e', 'print "ok" if $INC{"strict.pm"} and $INC{"warnings.pm"}'], "ok", ""); open my $fh, ">", "Oooof.pm" or die "Can't write Oooof.pm: $!"; print $fh "package Oooof; 1;\n"; close $fh; END { 1 while unlink "Oooof.pm" } try({PERL5OPT => '-I. -MOooof'}, ['-e', 'print "ok" if $INC{"Oooof.pm"} eq "Oooof.pm"'], "ok", ""); try({PERL5OPT => '-I./ -MOooof'}, ['-e', 'print "ok" if $INC{"Oooof.pm"} eq "Oooof.pm"'], "ok", ""); try({PERL5OPT => '-w -w'}, ['-e', 'print $ENV{PERL5OPT}'], '-w -w', ''); try({PERL5OPT => '-t'}, ['-e', 'print ${^TAINT}'], '-1', ''); try({PERL5OPT => '-W'}, ['-I../lib','-e', 'local $^W = 0; no warnings; print $x'], '', < "foobar$Config{path_sep}42"}, ['-e', 'print grep { $_ eq "foobar" } @INC'], 'foobar', ''); try({PERLLIB => "foobar$Config{path_sep}42"}, ['-e', 'print grep { $_ eq "42" } @INC'], '42', ''); try({PERL5LIB => "foobar$Config{path_sep}42"}, ['-e', 'print grep { $_ eq "foobar" } @INC'], 'foobar', ''); try({PERL5LIB => "foobar$Config{path_sep}42"}, ['-e', 'print grep { $_ eq "42" } @INC'], '42', ''); try({PERL5LIB => "foo", PERLLIB => "bar"}, ['-e', 'print grep { $_ eq "foo" } @INC'], 'foo', ''); try({PERL5LIB => "foo", PERLLIB => "bar"}, ['-e', 'print grep { $_ eq "bar" } @INC'], '', ''); # Tests for S_incpush_use_sep(): my @dump_inc = ('-e', 'print "$_\n" foreach @INC'); my ($out, $err) = runperl_and_capture({}, [@dump_inc]); is ($err, '', 'No errors when determining @INC'); my @default_inc = split /\n/, $out; is ($default_inc[-1], '.', '. is last in @INC'); my $sep = $Config{path_sep}; foreach (['nothing', ''], ['something', 'zwapp', 'zwapp'], ['two things', "zwapp${sep}bam", 'zwapp', 'bam'], ['two things, ::', "zwapp${sep}${sep}bam", 'zwapp', 'bam'], [': at start', "${sep}zwapp", 'zwapp'], [': at end', "zwapp${sep}", 'zwapp'], [':: sandwich ::', "${sep}${sep}zwapp${sep}${sep}", 'zwapp'], [':', "${sep}"], ['::', "${sep}${sep}"], [':::', "${sep}${sep}${sep}"], ['two things and :', "zwapp${sep}bam${sep}", 'zwapp', 'bam'], [': and two things', "${sep}zwapp${sep}bam", 'zwapp', 'bam'], [': two things :', "${sep}zwapp${sep}bam${sep}", 'zwapp', 'bam'], ['three things', "zwapp${sep}bam${sep}${sep}owww", 'zwapp', 'bam', 'owww'], ) { my ($name, $lib, @expect) = @$_; push @expect, @default_inc; ($out, $err) = runperl_and_capture({PERL5LIB => $lib}, [@dump_inc]); is ($err, '', "No errors when determining \@INC for $name"); my @inc = split /\n/, $out; is (scalar @inc, scalar @expect, "expected number of elements in \@INC for $name"); is ("@inc", "@expect", "expected elements in \@INC for $name"); } # PERL5LIB tests with included arch directories still missing