#!./perl -w BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; skip_all_if_miniperl(); } use Config; my $perlio_log = "perlio$$.txt"; skip_all "DEBUGGING build required" unless $::Config{ccflags} =~ /DEBUGGING/ or $^O eq 'VMS' && $::Config{usedebugging_perl} eq 'Y'; plan tests => 8; END { unlink $perlio_log; } { unlink $perlio_log; local $ENV{PERLIO_DEBUG} = $perlio_log; fresh_perl_is("print qq(hello\n)", "hello\n", { stderr => 1 }, "No perlio debug file without -Di..."); ok(!-e $perlio_log, "...no perlio.txt found"); fresh_perl_like("print qq(hello\n)", qr/\nEXECUTING...\n{1,2}hello\n?/, { stderr => 1, switches => [ "-Di" ] }, "Perlio debug file with both -Di and PERLIO_DEBUG..."); ok(-e $perlio_log, "... perlio debugging file found with -Di and PERLIO_DEBUG"); unlink $perlio_log; fresh_perl_like("print qq(hello\n)", qr/define raw/, { stderr => 1, switches => [ "-TDi" ] }, "Perlio debug output to stderr with -TDi (with PERLIO_DEBUG)..."); ok(!-e $perlio_log, "...no perlio debugging file found"); } { local $ENV{PERLIO_DEBUG}; fresh_perl_like("print qq(hello)", qr/define raw/, { stderr => 1, switches => [ '-Di' ] }, "-Di defaults to stderr"); fresh_perl_like("print qq(hello)", qr/define raw/, { stderr => 1, switches => [ '-TDi' ] }, "Perlio debug output to STDERR with -TDi (no PERLIO_DEBUG)"); }