#!./perl -IFoo::Bar -IBla BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib'; # Do NOT make this @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; # for which_perl() etc plan(4); } my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS'; my $lib; $lib = 'Bla'; ok do { grep { $_ eq $lib } @INC[0..($#INC-1)] }, 'Identified entry in @INC'; SKIP: { skip 'Double colons not allowed in dir spec', 1 if $Is_VMS; $lib = 'Foo::Bar'; ok do { grep { $_ eq $lib } @INC[0..($#INC-1)] }, 'Identified entry in @INC with double colons'; } $lib = 'Bla2'; fresh_perl_is("print grep { \$_ eq '$lib' } \@INC[0..(\$#INC-1)]", $lib, { switches => ['-IBla2'], nolib => 1 }, '-I'); SKIP: { skip 'Double colons not allowed in dir spec', 1 if $Is_VMS; $lib = 'Foo::Bar2'; fresh_perl_is("print grep { \$_ eq '$lib' } \@INC", $lib, { switches => ['-IFoo::Bar2'], nolib => 1 }, '-I with colons'); }