#!./perl -w BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(../lib lib); } BEGIN { require "./test.pl"; } # This test depends on t/lib/Devel/switchd*.pm. plan(tests => 17); my $r; my $filename = tempfile(); SKIP: { open my $f, ">$filename" or skip( "Can't write temp file $filename: $!" ); print $f <<'__SWDTEST__'; package Bar; sub bar { $_[0] * $_[0] } package Foo; sub foo { my $s; $s += Bar::bar($_) for 1..$_[0]; } package main; Foo::foo(3); __SWDTEST__ close $f; $| = 1; # Unbufferize. $r = runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-f', '-d:switchd' ], progfile => $filename, args => ['3'], ); like($r, qr/^sub;import;DB;sub;DB;DB;sub;DB;sub;DB;sub;DB;$/, 'Got debugging output: 1'); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-f', '-d:switchd=a,42' ], progfile => $filename, args => ['4'], ); like($r, qr/^sub;import;DB;sub;DB;DB;sub;DB;sub;DB;sub;DB;$/, 'Got debugging output: 2'); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-f', '-d:-switchd=a,42' ], progfile => $filename, args => ['4'], ); like($r, qr/^sub;unimport;DB;sub;DB;DB;sub;DB;sub;DB;sub;DB;$/, 'Got debugging output: 3'); } # [perl #71806] cmp_ok( runperl( # less is useful for something :-) switches => [ '"-Mless ++INC->{q-Devel/_.pm-}"' ], progs => [ '#!perl -d:_', 'sub DB::DB{} print scalar @{q/_', 0, 'The debugger can see the lines of the main program under #!perl -d', ); like runperl( switches => [ '"-Mless ++INC->{q-Devel/_.pm-}"' ], progs => [ '#!perl -d:_', 'sub DB::DB{} print line=>__LINE__', ], ), qr/line2/, '#!perl -d:whatever does not throw line numbers off'; # [perl #48332] like( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-d:switchd_empty' ], progs => [ 'sub foo { print qq _1\n_ }', '*old_foo = \&foo;', '*foo = sub { print qq _2\n_ };', 'old_foo(); foo();', ], ), qr "1\r?\n2\r?\n", 'Subroutine redefinition works in the debugger [perl #48332]', ); # [rt.cpan.org #69862] like( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-d:switchd_empty' ], progs => [ 'sub DB::sub { goto &$DB::sub }', 'sub foo { print qq _1\n_ }', 'sub bar { print qq _2\n_ }', 'delete $::{foo}; eval { foo() };', 'my $bar = *bar; undef *bar; eval { &$bar };', ], ), qr "1\r?\n2\r?\n", 'Subroutines no longer found under their names can be called', ); # [rt.cpan.org #69862] like( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-d:switchd_empty' ], progs => [ 'sub DB::sub { goto &$DB::sub }', 'sub foo { goto &bar::baz; }', 'sub bar::baz { print qq _ok\n_ }', 'delete $::{bar::::};', 'foo();', ], ), qr "ok\r?\n", 'No crash when calling orphaned subroutine via goto &', ); # test when DB::DB is seen but not defined [perl #114990] like( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-d:nodb' ], prog => [ '1' ], stderr => 1, ), qr/^No DB::DB routine defined/, "No crash when *DB::DB exists but not &DB::DB", ); like( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib' ], prog => 'sub DB::DB; BEGIN { $^P = 0x22; } for(0..9){ warn }', stderr => 1, ), qr/^No DB::DB routine defined/, "No crash when &DB::DB exists but isn't actually defined", ); # or seen and defined later is( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-d:nodb' ], # nodb.pm contains *DB::DB...if 0 prog => 'warn; sub DB::DB { print qq-ok\n-; exit }', stderr => 1, ), "ok\n", "DB::DB works after '*DB::DB if 0'", ); # [perl #115742] Recursive DB::DB clobbering its own pad like( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib' ], progs => [ split "\n", <<'=' BEGIN { $^P = 0x22; } package DB; sub DB { my $x = 42; return if $__++; $^D |= 1 << 30; # allow recursive calls main::foo(); print $x//q-u-, qq-\n-; } package main; chop; sub foo { chop; } = ], stderr => 1, ), qr/42/, "Recursive DB::DB does not clobber its own pad", ); # [perl #118627] like( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-d:switchd_empty' ], prog => 'print @{q|_<-e|}', ), qr "use Devel::switchd_empty;(?:BEGIN|\r?\nprint)", # miniperl tacks a BEGIN block on to the same line 'Copy on write does not mangle ${"_<-e"}[0] [perl #118627]', ); # PERL5DB with embedded newlines { local $ENV{PERL5DB} = "sub DB::DB{}\nwarn"; is( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-ld' ], prog => 'warn', stderr => 1 ), "Warning: something's wrong.\n" ."Warning: something's wrong at -e line 1.\n", 'PERL5DB with embedded newlines', ); } # test that DB::goto works is( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-d:switchd_goto' ], prog => 'sub baz { print qq|hello;\n| } sub foo { goto &baz } foo()', stderr => 1, ), "goto;hello;\n", "DB::goto" ); # Test that %DB::lsub is not vivified is( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-d:switchd_empty' ], progs => ['sub DB::sub {} sub foo : lvalue {} foo();', 'print qq-ok\n- unless defined *DB::lsub{HASH}'], ), "ok\n", "%DB::lsub is not vivified" ); # Test setting of breakpoints without *DB::dbline aliased is( runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', '-d:nodb' ], progs => [ split "\n", 'sub DB::DB { $DB::single = 0, return if $DB::single; print qq[ok\n]; exit } ${q(_<).__FILE__}{6} = 1; # set a breakpoint sub foo { die; # line 6 } foo(); ' ], stderr => 1 ), "ok\n", "setting breakpoints without *DB::dbline aliased" );