#!./perl -w # Tests for the command-line switches: # -0, -c, -l, -s, -m, -M, -V, -v, -h, -i, -E and all unknown # Some switches have their own tests, see MANIFEST. BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } BEGIN { require "./test.pl"; } plan(tests => 71); use Config; # due to a bug in VMS's piping which makes it impossible for runperl() # to emulate echo -n (ie. stdin always winds up with a newline), these # tests almost totally fail. $TODO = "runperl() unable to emulate echo -n due to pipe bug" if $^O eq 'VMS'; my $r; my @tmpfiles = (); END { unlink_all @tmpfiles } # Tests for -0 $r = runperl( switches => [ '-0', ], stdin => 'foo\0bar\0baz\0', prog => 'print qq(<$_>) while <>', ); is( $r, "", "-0" ); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-l', '-0', '-p' ], stdin => 'foo\0bar\0baz\0', prog => '1', ); is( $r, "foo\nbar\nbaz\n", "-0 after a -l" ); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-0', '-l', '-p' ], stdin => 'foo\0bar\0baz\0', prog => '1', ); is( $r, "foo\0bar\0baz\0", "-0 before a -l" ); $r = runperl( switches => [ sprintf("-0%o", ord 'x') ], stdin => 'fooxbarxbazx', prog => 'print qq(<$_>) while <>', ); is( $r, "", "-0 with octal number" ); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-00', '-p' ], stdin => 'abc\ndef\n\nghi\njkl\nmno\n\npq\n', prog => 's/\n/-/g;$_.=q(/)', ); is( $r, 'abc-def--/ghi-jkl-mno--/pq-/', '-00 (paragraph mode)' ); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-0777', '-p' ], stdin => 'abc\ndef\n\nghi\njkl\nmno\n\npq\n', prog => 's/\n/-/g;$_.=q(/)', ); is( $r, 'abc-def--ghi-jkl-mno--pq-/', '-0777 (slurp mode)' ); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-066' ], prog => 'BEGIN { print qq{($/)} } print qq{[$/]}', ); is( $r, "(\066)[\066]", '$/ set at compile-time' ); # Tests for -c my $filename = tempfile(); SKIP: { local $TODO = ''; # this one works on VMS open my $f, ">$filename" or skip( "Can't write temp file $filename: $!" ); print $f <<'SWTEST'; BEGIN { print "block 1\n"; } CHECK { print "block 2\n"; } INIT { print "block 3\n"; } print "block 4\n"; END { print "block 5\n"; } SWTEST close $f or die "Could not close: $!"; $r = runperl( switches => [ '-c' ], progfile => $filename, stderr => 1, ); # Because of the stderr redirection, we can't tell reliably the order # in which the output is given ok( $r =~ /$filename syntax OK/ && $r =~ /\bblock 1\b/ && $r =~ /\bblock 2\b/ && $r !~ /\bblock 3\b/ && $r !~ /\bblock 4\b/ && $r !~ /\bblock 5\b/, '-c' ); } # Tests for -l $r = runperl( switches => [ sprintf("-l%o", ord 'x') ], prog => 'print for qw/foo bar/' ); is( $r, 'fooxbarx', '-l with octal number' ); # Tests for -s $r = runperl( switches => [ '-s' ], prog => 'for (qw/abc def ghi/) {print defined $$_ ? $$_ : q(-)}', args => [ '--', '-abc=2', '-def', ], ); is( $r, '21-', '-s switch parsing' ); $filename = tempfile(); SKIP: { open my $f, ">$filename" or skip( "Can't write temp file $filename: $!" ); print $f <<'SWTEST'; #!perl -s BEGIN { print $x,$y; exit } SWTEST close $f or die "Could not close: $!"; $r = runperl( progfile => $filename, args => [ '-x=foo -y' ], ); is( $r, 'foo1', '-s on the shebang line' ); } # Bug ID 20011106.084 $filename = tempfile(); SKIP: { open my $f, ">$filename" or skip( "Can't write temp file $filename: $!" ); print $f <<'SWTEST'; #!perl -sn BEGIN { print $x; exit } SWTEST close $f or die "Could not close: $!"; $r = runperl( progfile => $filename, args => [ '-x=foo' ], ); is( $r, 'foo', '-sn on the shebang line' ); } # Tests for -m and -M my $package = tempfile(); $filename = "$package.pm"; SKIP: { open my $f, ">$filename" or skip( "Can't write temp file $filename: $!",4 ); print $f <<"SWTESTPM"; package $package; sub import { print map "<\$_>", \@_ } 1; SWTESTPM close $f or die "Could not close: $!"; $r = runperl( switches => [ "-M$package" ], prog => '1', ); is( $r, "<$package>", '-M' ); $r = runperl( switches => [ "-M$package=foo" ], prog => '1', ); is( $r, "<$package>", '-M with import parameter' ); $r = runperl( switches => [ "-m$package" ], prog => '1', ); { local $TODO = ''; # this one works on VMS is( $r, '', '-m' ); } $r = runperl( switches => [ "-m$package=foo,bar" ], prog => '1', ); is( $r, "<$package>", '-m with import parameters' ); push @tmpfiles, $filename; { local $TODO = ''; # these work on VMS is( runperl( switches => [ '-MTie::Hash' ], stderr => 1, prog => 1 ), '', "-MFoo::Bar allowed" ); like( runperl( switches => [ "-M:$package" ], stderr => 1, prog => 'die q{oops}' ), qr/Invalid module name [\w:]+ with -M option\b/, "-M:Foo not allowed" ); like( runperl( switches => [ '-mA:B:C' ], stderr => 1, prog => 'die q{oops}' ), qr/Invalid module name [\w:]+ with -m option\b/, "-mFoo:Bar not allowed" ); like( runperl( switches => [ '-m-A:B:C' ], stderr => 1, prog => 'die q{oops}' ), qr/Invalid module name [\w:]+ with -m option\b/, "-m-Foo:Bar not allowed" ); like( runperl( switches => [ '-m-' ], stderr => 1, prog => 'die q{oops}' ), qr/Module name required with -m option\b/, "-m- not allowed" ); like( runperl( switches => [ '-M-=' ], stderr => 1, prog => 'die q{oops}' ), qr/Module name required with -M option\b/, "-M- not allowed" ); } # disable TODO on VMS } # Tests for -V { local $TODO = ''; # these ones should work on VMS # basic perl -V should generate significant output. # we don't test actual format too much since it could change like( runperl( switches => ['-V'] ), qr/(\n.*){20}/, '-V generates 20+ lines' ); like( runperl( switches => ['-V'] ), qr/\ASummary of my perl5 .*configuration:/, '-V looks okay' ); # lookup a known config var chomp( $r=runperl( switches => ['-V:osname'] ) ); is( $r, "osname='$^O';", 'perl -V:osname'); # lookup a nonexistent var chomp( $r=runperl( switches => ['-V:this_var_makes_switches_test_fail'] ) ); is( $r, "this_var_makes_switches_test_fail='UNKNOWN';", 'perl -V:unknown var'); # regexp lookup # platforms that don't like this quoting can either skip this test # or fix test.pl _quote_args $r = runperl( switches => ['"-V:i\D+size"'] ); # should be unlike( $r, qr/^$|not found|UNKNOWN/ ); like( $r, qr/^(?!.*(not found|UNKNOWN))./, 'perl -V:re got a result' ); # make sure each line we got matches the re ok( !( grep !/^i\D+size=/, split /^/, $r ), '-V:re correct' ); } # Tests for -v { local $TODO = ''; # these ones should work on VMS # there are definitely known build configs where this test will fail # DG/UX comes to mind. Maybe we should remove these special cases? my $v = sprintf "%vd", $^V; my $ver = $Config{PERL_VERSION}; my $rel = $Config{PERL_SUBVERSION}; like( runperl( switches => ['-v'] ), qr/This is perl 5, version \Q$ver\E, subversion \Q$rel\E \(v\Q$v\E(?:[-*\w]+| \([^)]+\))?\) built for \Q$Config{archname}\E.+Copyright.+Larry Wall.+Artistic License.+GNU General Public License/s, '-v looks okay' ); } # Tests for -h { local $TODO = ''; # these ones should work on VMS like( runperl( switches => ['-h'] ), qr/Usage: .+(?i:perl(?:$Config{_exe})?).+switches.+programfile.+arguments/, '-h looks okay' ); } # Tests for switches which do not exist foreach my $switch (split //, "ABbGgHJjKkLNOoPQqRrYyZz123456789_") { local $TODO = ''; # these ones should work on VMS like( runperl( switches => ["-$switch"], stderr => 1, prog => 'die q{oops}' ), qr/\QUnrecognized switch: -$switch (-h will show valid options)./, "-$switch correctly unknown" ); } # Tests for -i { local $TODO = ''; # these ones should work on VMS sub do_i_unlink { unlink_all("file", "file.bak") } open(FILE, ">file") or die "$0: Failed to create 'file': $!"; print FILE <<__EOF__; foo yada dada bada foo bing king kong foo __EOF__ close FILE; END { do_i_unlink() } runperl( switches => ['-pi.bak'], prog => 's/foo/bar/', args => ['file'] ); open(FILE, "file") or die "$0: Failed to open 'file': $!"; chomp(my @file = ); close FILE; open(BAK, "file.bak") or die "$0: Failed to open 'file': $!"; chomp(my @bak = ); close BAK; is(join(":", @file), "bar yada dada:bada bar bing:king kong bar", "-i new file"); is(join(":", @bak), "foo yada dada:bada foo bing:king kong foo", "-i backup file"); } # Tests for -E $TODO = ''; # the -E tests work on VMS $r = runperl( switches => [ '-E', '"say q(Hello, world!)"'] ); is( $r, "Hello, world!\n", "-E say" ); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-E', '"undef ~~ undef and say q(Hello, world!)"'] ); is( $r, "Hello, world!\n", "-E ~~" ); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-E', '"given(undef) {when(undef) { say q(Hello, world!)"}}'] ); is( $r, "Hello, world!\n", "-E given" ); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-nE', q("} END { say q/affe/") ], stdin => 'zomtek', ); is( $r, "affe\n", '-E works outside of the block created by -n' ); $r = runperl( switches => [ '-E', q("*{'bar'} = sub{}; print 'Hello, world!',qq|\n|;")] ); is( $r, "Hello, world!\n", "-E does not enable strictures" ); # RT #30660 $filename = tempfile(); SKIP: { open my $f, ">$filename" or skip( "Can't write temp file $filename: $!" ); print $f <<'SWTEST'; #!perl -w -iok print "$^I\n"; SWTEST close $f or die "Could not close: $!"; $r = runperl( progfile => $filename, ); like( $r, qr/ok/, 'Spaces on the #! line (#30660)' ); }