#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use strict; require './test.pl'; # Test '-x' print runperl( switches => ['-x'], progfile => 'run/switchx.aux' ); # Test '-xdir' print runperl( switches => ['-x./run'], progfile => 'run/switchx2.aux', args => [ 3 ] ); curr_test(5); # Test the error message for not found like(runperl(switches => ['-x'], progfile => 'run/switchx3.aux', stderr => 1), qr/^No Perl script found in input\r?\n\z/, "Test the error message when -x can't find a #!perl line"); SKIP: { skip("These tests embed newlines in command line arguments, which isn't portable to $^O", 2) if $^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'VMS'; my @progs = ("die;\n", "#!perl\n", "warn;\n"); is(runperl(progs => \@progs, stderr => 1, non_portable => 1), "Died at -e line 1.\n", 'Test program dies'); is(runperl(progs => \@progs, stderr => 1, non_portable => 1, switches => ['-x']), "No Perl script found in input\n", '-x and -e gives expected error'); }