# # t/test.pl - most of Test::More functionality without the fuss # $Level = 1; my $test = 1; my $planned; $TODO = 0; $NO_ENDING = 0; sub plan { my $n; if (@_ == 1) { $n = shift; } else { my %plan = @_; $n = $plan{tests}; } print STDOUT "1..$n\n"; $planned = $n; } END { my $ran = $test - 1; if (!$NO_ENDING && defined $planned && $planned != $ran) { print STDERR "# Looks like you planned $planned tests but ran $ran.\n"; } } # Use this instead of "print STDERR" when outputing failure diagnostic # messages sub _diag { return unless @_; my @mess = map { /^#/ ? "$_\n" : "# $_\n" } map { split /\n/ } @_; my $fh = $TODO ? *STDOUT : *STDERR; print $fh @mess; } sub skip_all { if (@_) { print STDOUT "1..0 # Skipped: @_\n"; } else { print STDOUT "1..0\n"; } exit(0); } sub _ok { my ($pass, $where, $name, @mess) = @_; # Do not try to microoptimize by factoring out the "not ". # VMS will avenge. my $out; if ($name) { # escape out '#' or it will interfere with '# skip' and such $name =~ s/#/\\#/g; $out = $pass ? "ok $test - $name" : "not ok $test - $name"; } else { $out = $pass ? "ok $test" : "not ok $test"; } $out .= " # TODO $TODO" if $TODO; print STDOUT "$out\n"; unless ($pass) { _diag "# Failed $where\n"; } # Ensure that the message is properly escaped. _diag @mess; $test++; return $pass; } sub _where { my @caller = caller($Level); return "at $caller[1] line $caller[2]"; } # DON'T use this for matches. Use like() instead. sub ok ($@) { my ($pass, $name, @mess) = @_; _ok($pass, _where(), $name, @mess); } sub _q { my $x = shift; return 'undef' unless defined $x; my $q = $x; $q =~ s/\\/\\\\/; $q =~ s/'/\\'/; return "'$q'"; } sub _qq { my $x = shift; return defined $x ? '"' . display ($x) . '"' : 'undef'; }; # keys are the codes \n etc map to, values are 2 char strings such as \n my %backslash_escape; foreach my $x (split //, 'nrtfa\\\'"') { $backslash_escape{ord eval "\"\\$x\""} = "\\$x"; } # A way to display scalars containing control characters and Unicode. # Trying to avoid setting $_, or relying on local $_ to work. sub display { my @result; foreach my $x (@_) { if (defined $x and not ref $x) { my $y = ''; foreach my $c (unpack("U*", $x)) { if ($c > 255) { $y .= sprintf "\\x{%x}", $c; } elsif ($backslash_escape{$c}) { $y .= $backslash_escape{$c}; } else { my $z = chr $c; # Maybe we can get away with a literal... $z = sprintf "\\%03o", $c if $z =~ /[[:^print:]]/; $y .= $z; } } $x = $y; } return $x unless wantarray; push @result, $x; } return @result; } sub is ($$@) { my ($got, $expected, $name, @mess) = @_; my $pass; if( !defined $got || !defined $expected ) { # undef only matches undef $pass = !defined $got && !defined $expected; } else { $pass = $got eq $expected; } unless ($pass) { unshift(@mess, "# got "._q($got)."\n", "# expected "._q($expected)."\n"); } _ok($pass, _where(), $name, @mess); } sub isnt ($$@) { my ($got, $isnt, $name, @mess) = @_; my $pass; if( !defined $got || !defined $isnt ) { # undef only matches undef $pass = defined $got || defined $isnt; } else { $pass = $got ne $isnt; } unless( $pass ) { unshift(@mess, "# it should not be "._q($got)."\n", "# but it is.\n"); } _ok($pass, _where(), $name, @mess); } sub cmp_ok ($$$@) { my($got, $type, $expected, $name, @mess) = @_; my $pass; { local $^W = 0; local($@,$!); # don't interfere with $@ # eval() sometimes resets $! $pass = eval "\$got $type \$expected"; } unless ($pass) { # It seems Irix long doubles can have 2147483648 and 2147483648 # that stringify to the same thing but are acutally numerically # different. Display the numbers if $type isn't a string operator, # and the numbers are stringwise the same. # (all string operators have alphabetic names, so tr/a-z// is true) # This will also show numbers for some uneeded cases, but will # definately be helpful for things such as == and <= that fail if ($got eq $expected and $type !~ tr/a-z//) { unshift @mess, "# $got - $expected = " . ($got - $expected) . "\n"; } unshift(@mess, "# got "._q($got)."\n", "# expected $type "._q($expected)."\n"); } _ok($pass, _where(), $name, @mess); } # Check that $got is within $range of $expected # if $range is 0, then check it's exact # else if $expected is 0, then $range is an absolute value # otherwise $range is a fractional error. # Here $range must be numeric, >= 0 # Non numeric ranges might be a useful future extension. (eg %) sub within ($$$@) { my ($got, $expected, $range, $name, @mess) = @_; my $pass; if (!defined $got or !defined $expected or !defined $range) { # This is a fail, but doesn't need extra diagnostics } elsif ($got !~ tr/0-9// or $expected !~ tr/0-9// or $range !~ tr/0-9//) { # This is a fail unshift @mess, "# got, expected and range must be numeric\n"; } elsif ($range < 0) { # This is also a fail unshift @mess, "# range must not be negative\n"; } elsif ($range == 0) { # Within 0 is == $pass = $got == $expected; } elsif ($expected == 0) { # If expected is 0, treat range as absolute $pass = ($got <= $range) && ($got >= - $range); } else { my $diff = $got - $expected; $pass = abs ($diff / $expected) < $range; } unless ($pass) { if ($got eq $expected) { unshift @mess, "# $got - $expected = " . ($got - $expected) . "\n"; } unshift@mess, "# got "._q($got)."\n", "# expected "._q($expected)." (within "._q($range).")\n"; } _ok($pass, _where(), $name, @mess); } # Note: this isn't quite as fancy as Test::More::like(). sub like ($$@) { my ($got, $expected, $name, @mess) = @_; my $pass; if (ref $expected eq 'Regexp') { $pass = $got =~ $expected; unless ($pass) { unshift(@mess, "# got '$got'\n", "# expected /$expected/\n"); } } else { $pass = $got =~ /$expected/; unless ($pass) { unshift(@mess, "# got '$got'\n", "# expected /$expected/\n"); } } _ok($pass, _where(), $name, @mess); } sub pass { _ok(1, '', @_); } sub fail { _ok(0, _where(), @_); } sub curr_test { $test = shift if @_; return $test; } sub next_test { $test++; } # Note: can't pass multipart messages since we try to # be compatible with Test::More::skip(). sub skip { my $why = shift; my $n = @_ ? shift : 1; for (1..$n) { print STDOUT "ok $test # skip: $why\n"; $test++; } local $^W = 0; last SKIP; } sub eq_array { my ($ra, $rb) = @_; return 0 unless $#$ra == $#$rb; for my $i (0..$#$ra) { return 0 unless $ra->[$i] eq $rb->[$i]; } return 1; } sub eq_hash { my ($orig, $suspect) = @_; my $fail; while (my ($key, $value) = each %$suspect) { # Force a hash recompute if this perl's internals can cache the hash key. $key = "" . $key; if (exists $orig->{$key}) { if ($orig->{$key} ne $value) { print STDOUT "# key ", _qq($key), " was ", _qq($orig->{$key}), " now ", _qq($value), "\n"; $fail = 1; } } else { print STDOUT "# key ", _qq($key), " is ", _qq($value), ", not in original.\n"; $fail = 1; } } foreach (keys %$orig) { # Force a hash recompute if this perl's internals can cache the hash key. $_ = "" . $_; next if (exists $suspect->{$_}); print STDOUT "# key ", _qq($_), " was ", _qq($orig->{$_}), " now missing.\n"; $fail = 1; } !$fail; } sub require_ok ($) { my ($require) = @_; eval < [ command-line switches ] # nolib => 1 # don't use -I../lib (included by default) # prog => one-liner (avoid quotes) # progs => [ multi-liner (avoid quotes) ] # progfile => perl script # stdin => string to feed the stdin # stderr => redirect stderr to stdout # args => [ command-line arguments to the perl program ] # verbose => print the command line my $is_mswin = $^O eq 'MSWin32'; my $is_netware = $^O eq 'NetWare'; my $is_macos = $^O eq 'MacOS'; my $is_vms = $^O eq 'VMS'; sub _quote_args { my ($runperl, $args) = @_; foreach (@$args) { # In VMS protect with doublequotes because otherwise # DCL will lowercase -- unless already doublequoted. $_ = q(").$_.q(") if $is_vms && !/^\"/ && length($_) > 0; $$runperl .= ' ' . $_; } } sub _create_runperl { # Create the string to qx in runperl(). my %args = @_; my $runperl = $^X =~ m/\s/ ? qq{"$^X"} : $^X; unless ($args{nolib}) { if ($is_macos) { $runperl .= ' -I::lib'; # Use UNIX style error messages instead of MPW style. $runperl .= ' -MMac::err=unix' if $args{stderr}; } else { $runperl .= ' "-I../lib"'; # doublequotes because of VMS } } if ($args{switches}) { local $Level = 2; die "test.pl:runperl(): 'switches' must be an ARRAYREF " . _where() unless ref $args{switches} eq "ARRAY"; _quote_args(\$runperl, $args{switches}); } if (defined $args{prog}) { die "test.pl:runperl(): both 'prog' and 'progs' cannot be used " . _where() if defined $args{progs}; $args{progs} = [$args{prog}] } if (defined $args{progs}) { die "test.pl:runperl(): 'progs' must be an ARRAYREF " . _where() unless ref $args{progs} eq "ARRAY"; foreach my $prog (@{$args{progs}}) { if ($is_mswin || $is_netware || $is_vms) { $runperl .= qq ( -e "$prog" ); } else { $runperl .= qq ( -e '$prog' ); } } } elsif (defined $args{progfile}) { $runperl .= qq( "$args{progfile}"); } if (defined $args{stdin}) { # so we don't try to put literal newlines and crs onto the # command line. $args{stdin} =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $args{stdin} =~ s/\r/\\r/g; if ($is_mswin || $is_netware || $is_vms) { $runperl = qq{$^X -e "print qq(} . $args{stdin} . q{)" | } . $runperl; } elsif ($is_macos) { # MacOS can only do two processes under MPW at once; # the test itself is one; we can't do two more, so # write to temp file my $stdin = qq{$^X -e 'print qq(} . $args{stdin} . qq{)' > teststdin; }; if ($args{verbose}) { my $stdindisplay = $stdin; $stdindisplay =~ s/\n/\n\#/g; print STDERR "# $stdindisplay\n"; } `$stdin`; $runperl .= q{ < teststdin }; } else { $runperl = qq{$^X -e 'print qq(} . $args{stdin} . q{)' | } . $runperl; } } if (defined $args{args}) { _quote_args(\$runperl, $args{args}); } $runperl .= ' 2>&1' if $args{stderr} && !$is_macos; $runperl .= " \xB3 Dev:Null" if !$args{stderr} && $is_macos; if ($args{verbose}) { my $runperldisplay = $runperl; $runperldisplay =~ s/\n/\n\#/g; print STDERR "# $runperldisplay\n"; } return $runperl; } sub runperl { my $runperl = &_create_runperl; my $result = `$runperl`; $result =~ s/\n\n/\n/ if $is_vms; # XXX pipes sometimes double these return $result; } *run_perl = \&runperl; # Nice alias. sub DIE { print STDERR "# @_\n"; exit 1; } # A somewhat safer version of the sometimes wrong $^X. my $Perl; sub which_perl { unless (defined $Perl) { $Perl = $^X; # VMS should have 'perl' aliased properly return $Perl if $^O eq 'VMS'; my $exe; eval "require Config; Config->import"; if ($@) { warn "test.pl had problems loading Config: $@"; $exe = ''; } else { $exe = $Config{_exe}; } $exe = '' unless defined $exe; # This doesn't absolutize the path: beware of future chdirs(). # We could do File::Spec->abs2rel() but that does getcwd()s, # which is a bit heavyweight to do here. if ($Perl =~ /^perl\Q$exe\E$/i) { my $perl = "perl$exe"; eval "require File::Spec"; if ($@) { warn "test.pl had problems loading File::Spec: $@"; $Perl = "./$perl"; } else { $Perl = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir(), $perl); } } # Build up the name of the executable file from the name of # the command. if ($Perl !~ /\Q$exe\E$/i) { $Perl .= $exe; } warn "which_perl: cannot find $Perl from $^X" unless -f $Perl; # For subcommands to use. $ENV{PERLEXE} = $Perl; } return $Perl; } sub unlink_all { foreach my $file (@_) { 1 while unlink $file; print STDERR "# Couldn't unlink '$file': $!\n" if -f $file; } } my $tmpfile = "misctmp000"; 1 while -f ++$tmpfile; END { unlink_all $tmpfile } # # _fresh_perl # # The $resolve must be a subref that tests the first argument # for success, or returns the definition of success (e.g. the # expected scalar) if given no arguments. # sub _fresh_perl { my($prog, $resolve, $runperl_args, $name) = @_; $runperl_args ||= {}; $runperl_args->{progfile} = $tmpfile; $runperl_args->{stderr} = 1; open TEST, ">$tmpfile" or die "Cannot open $tmpfile: $!"; # VMS adjustments if( $^O eq 'VMS' ) { $prog =~ s#/dev/null#NL:#; # VMS file locking $prog =~ s{if \(-e _ and -f _ and -r _\)} {if (-e _ and -f _)} } print TEST $prog, "\n"; close TEST or die "Cannot close $tmpfile: $!"; my $results = runperl(%$runperl_args); my $status = $?; # Clean up the results into something a bit more predictable. $results =~ s/\n+$//; $results =~ s/at\s+misctmp\d+\s+line/at - line/g; $results =~ s/of\s+misctmp\d+\s+aborted/of - aborted/g; # bison says 'parse error' instead of 'syntax error', # various yaccs may or may not capitalize 'syntax'. $results =~ s/^(syntax|parse) error/syntax error/mig; if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # some tests will trigger VMS messages that won't be expected $results =~ s/\n?%[A-Z]+-[SIWEF]-[A-Z]+,.*//; # pipes double these sometimes $results =~ s/\n\n/\n/g; } my $pass = $resolve->($results); unless ($pass) { _diag "# PROG: \n$prog\n"; _diag "# EXPECTED:\n", $resolve->(), "\n"; _diag "# GOT:\n$results\n"; _diag "# STATUS: $status\n"; } # Use the first line of the program as a name if none was given unless( $name ) { ($first_line, $name) = $prog =~ /^((.{1,50}).*)/; $name .= '...' if length $first_line > length $name; } _ok($pass, _where(), "fresh_perl - $name"); } # # run_perl_is # # Combination of run_perl() and is(). # sub fresh_perl_is { my($prog, $expected, $runperl_args, $name) = @_; local $Level = 2; _fresh_perl($prog, sub { @_ ? $_[0] eq $expected : $expected }, $runperl_args, $name); } # # run_perl_like # # Combination of run_perl() and like(). # sub fresh_perl_like { my($prog, $expected, $runperl_args, $name) = @_; local $Level = 2; _fresh_perl($prog, sub { @_ ? $_[0] =~ (ref $expected ? $expected : /$expected/) : $expected }, $runperl_args, $name); } 1;