#!./perl # Regression tests for attributes.pm and the C< : attrs> syntax. BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); skip_all_if_miniperl("miniperl can't load attributes"); } use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); use warnings; use feature 'unicode_strings'; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_ }; sub eval_ok ($;$) { eval shift; is( $@, '', @_); } fresh_perl_is 'use attributes; print "ok"', 'ok', {}, 'attributes.pm can load without warnings.pm already loaded'; eval 'sub è1 ($) : plùgh ;'; like $@, qr/^Invalid CODE attributes?: ["']?plùgh["']? at/; eval 'sub ɛ2 ($) : plǖgh(0,0) xyzzy ;'; like $@, qr/^Invalid CODE attributes: ["']?plǖgh\(0,0\)["']? /; eval 'my ($x,$y) : plǖgh;'; like $@, qr/^Invalid SCALAR attribute: ["']?plǖgh["']? at/; # bug #16080 eval '{my $x : plǖgh}'; like $@, qr/^Invalid SCALAR attribute: ["']?plǖgh["']? at/; eval '{my ($x,$y) : plǖgh(})}'; like $@, qr/^Invalid SCALAR attribute: ["']?plǖgh\(\}\)["']? at/; # More syntax tests from the attributes manpage eval 'my $x : Şʨᚻ(10,ᕘ(7,3)) : 에ㄒ펜ሲ;'; like $@, qr/^Invalid SCALAR attributes: ["']?Şʨᚻ\(10,ᕘ\(7,3\)\) : 에ㄒ펜ሲ["']? at/; eval q/my $x : Ugļᑈ('\(") :받;/; like $@, qr/^Invalid SCALAR attributes: ["']?Ugļᑈ\('\\\("\) : 받["']? at/; eval 'my $x : Şʨᚻ(10,ᕘ();'; like $@, qr/^Unterminated attribute parameter in attribute list at/; eval q/my $x : Ugļᑈ('(');/; like $@, qr/^Unterminated attribute parameter in attribute list at/; sub A::MODIFY_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES { return } eval 'my A $x : plǖgh;'; like $@, qr/^SCALAR package attribute may clash with future reserved word: ["']?plǖgh["']? at/; eval 'my A $x : plǖgh plover;'; like $@, qr/^SCALAR package attributes may clash with future reserved words: ["']?plǖgh["']? /; no warnings 'reserved'; eval 'my A $x : plǖgh;'; is $@, ''; eval 'package Càt; my Càt @socks;'; is $@, ''; eval 'my Càt %nap;'; is $@, ''; sub X::MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES { die "$_[0]" } sub X::ᕘ { 1 } *Y::bar = \&X::ᕘ; *Y::bar = \&X::ᕘ; # second time for -w eval 'package Z; sub Y::bar : ᕘ'; like $@, qr/^X at /; # Begin testing attributes that tie { package Ttìè; sub DESTROY {} sub TIESCALAR { my $x = $_[1]; bless \$x, $_[0]; } sub FETCH { ${$_[0]} } sub STORE { ::pass; ${$_[0]} = $_[1]*2; } package Tlòòp; sub MODIFY_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES { tie ${$_[1]}, 'Ttìè', -1; (); } } eval_ok ' package Tlòòp; for my $i (0..2) { my $x : TìèLòòp = $i; $x != $i*2 and ::is $x, $i*2; } '; # bug #15898 eval 'our ${""} : ᕘ = 1'; like $@, qr/Can't declare scalar dereference in "our"/; eval 'my $$ᕘ : bar = 1'; like $@, qr/Can't declare scalar dereference in "my"/; # this will segfault if it fails sub PVBM () { 'ᕘ' } { my $dummy = index 'ᕘ', PVBM } ok !defined(eval 'attributes::get(\PVBM)'), 'PVBMs don\'t segfault attributes::get'; { # [perl #49472] Attributes + Unknown Error eval ' use strict; sub MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTE{} sub f:Blah {$nosuchvar}; '; my $err = $@; like ($err, qr/Global symbol "\$nosuchvar" requires /, 'perl #49472'); } # Test that code attributes always get applied to the same CV that # we're left with at the end (bug#66970). { package bug66970; our $c; sub MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES { $c = $_[1]; () } $c=undef; eval 'sub t0 :ᕘ'; main::ok $c == \&{"t0"}; $c=undef; eval 'sub t1 :ᕘ { }'; main::ok $c == \&{"t1"}; $c=undef; eval 'sub t2'; our $t2a = \&{"t2"}; $c=undef; eval 'sub t2 :ᕘ'; main::ok $c == \&{"t2"} && $c == $t2a; $c=undef; eval 'sub t3'; our $t3a = \&{"t3"}; $c=undef; eval 'sub t3 :ᕘ { }'; main::ok $c == \&{"t3"} && $c == $t3a; $c=undef; eval 'sub t4 :ᕘ'; our $t4a = \&{"t4"}; our $t4b = $c; $c=undef; eval 'sub t4 :ᕘ'; main::ok $c == \&{"t4"} && $c == $t4b && $c == $t4a; $c=undef; eval 'sub t5 :ᕘ'; our $t5a = \&{"t5"}; our $t5b = $c; $c=undef; eval 'sub t5 :ᕘ { }'; main::ok $c == \&{"t5"} && $c == $t5b && $c == $t5a; } # [perl #68560] Calling closure prototypes (only accessible via :attr) { package brength; my $proto; sub MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES { $proto = $_[1]; _: } eval q{ my $x; () = sub :a0 { $x }; }; package main; eval { $proto->() }; # used to crash in pp_entersub like $@, qr/^Closure prototype called/, "Calling closure proto with (no) args"; eval { () = &$proto }; # used to crash in pp_leavesub like $@, qr/^Closure prototype called/, 'Calling closure proto with no @_ that returns a lexical'; } # [perl #68658] Attributes on stately variables { package thwext; sub MODIFY_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES { () } my $i = 0; my $x_values = ''; eval 'sub ᕘ { use 5.01; state $x :A0 = $i++; $x_values .= $x }'; ᕘ(); ᕘ(); package main; is $x_values, '00', 'state with attributes'; } { package 닌g난ㄬ; sub MODIFY_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES{} sub MODIFY_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTES{ } sub MODIFY_HASH_ATTRIBUTES{ } my ($cows, @go, %bong) : テa퐅Š = qw[ jibber jabber joo ]; ::is $cows, 'jibber', 'list assignment to scalar with attrs'; ::is "@go", 'jabber joo', 'list assignment to array with attrs'; } done_testing();