BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(../lib .); require ""; } plan tests => 4784; sub MyUniClass { <?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO'); # make sure it finds class in other package is(($str =~ /(\p{Other::Class}+)/)[0], '@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_'); # make sure it finds class in other OTHER package is(($str =~ /(\p{A::B::Intersection}+)/)[0], '@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO'); # all of these should look in lib/unicore/bc/ $str = "\x{070D}\x{070E}\x{070F}\x{0710}\x{0711}"; is(($str =~ /(\P{BidiClass: ArabicLetter}+)/)[0], "\x{070E}\x{070F}"); is(($str =~ /(\P{BidiClass: AL}+)/)[0], "\x{070E}\x{070F}"); is(($str =~ /(\P{BC :ArabicLetter}+)/)[0], "\x{070E}\x{070F}"); is(($str =~ /(\P{bc=AL}+)/)[0], "\x{070E}\x{070F}"); # make sure InGreek works $str = "[\x{038B}\x{038C}\x{038D}]"; is(($str =~ /(\p{InGreek}+)/)[0], "\x{038B}\x{038C}\x{038D}"); is(($str =~ /(\p{Script:InGreek}+)/)[0], "\x{038B}\x{038C}\x{038D}"); is(($str =~ /(\p{Script=InGreek}+)/)[0], "\x{038B}\x{038C}\x{038D}"); is(($str =~ /(\p{sc:InGreek}+)/)[0], "\x{038B}\x{038C}\x{038D}"); is(($str =~ /(\p{sc=InGreek}+)/)[0], "\x{038B}\x{038C}\x{038D}"); use File::Spec; my $updir = File::Spec->updir; # the %utf8::... hashes are already in existence # because was run by *utf8::PropertyAlias = *utf8::PropertyAlias; # thwart a warning no warnings 'utf8'; # we do not want warnings about surrogates etc sub char_range { my ($h1, $h2) = @_; my $str; if (ord('A') == 193 && $h1 < 256) { my $h3 = ($h2 || $h1) + 1; if ($h3 - $h1 == 1) { $str = join "", pack 'U*', $h1 .. $h3; # Using pack since chr doesn't generate Unicode chars for value < 256. } elsif ($h3 - $h1 > 1) { for (my $i = $h1; $i <= $h3; $i++) { $str = join "", $str, pack 'U*', $i; } } } else { $str = join "", map chr, $h1 .. (($h2 || $h1) + 1); } return $str; } # non-General Category and non-Script while (my ($abbrev, $files) = each %utf8::PVA_abbr_map) { my $prop_name = $utf8::PropertyAlias{$abbrev}; next unless $prop_name; next if $abbrev eq "gc_sc"; for (sort keys %$files) { my $filename = File::Spec->catfile( $updir => lib => unicore => lib => $abbrev => "$files->{$_}.pl" ); next unless -e $filename; my ($h1, $h2) = map hex, (split(/\t/, (do $filename), 3))[0,1]; my $str = char_range($h1, $h2); for my $p ($prop_name, $abbrev) { for my $c ($files->{$_}, $_) { is($str =~ /(\p{$p: $c}+)/ && $1, substr($str, 0, -1)); is($str =~ /(\P{$p= $c}+)/ && $1, substr($str, -1)); } } } } # General Category and Script for my $p ('gc', 'sc') { while (my ($abbr) = each %{ $utf8::PropValueAlias{$p} }) { my $filename = File::Spec->catfile( $updir => lib => unicore => lib => gc_sc => "$utf8::PVA_abbr_map{gc_sc}{$abbr}.pl" ); next unless -e $filename; my ($h1, $h2) = map hex, (split(/\t/, (do $filename), 3))[0,1]; my $str = char_range($h1, $h2); for my $x ($p, { gc => 'General Category', sc => 'Script' }->{$p}) { for my $y ($abbr, $utf8::PropValueAlias{$p}{$abbr}, $utf8::PVA_abbr_map{gc_sc}{$abbr}) { is($str =~ /(\p{$x: $y}+)/ && $1, substr($str, 0, -1)); is($str =~ /(\P{$x= $y}+)/ && $1, substr($str, -1)); SKIP: { skip("surrogate", 1) if $abbr eq 'cs'; test_regexp ($str, $y); } } } } } # test extra properties (ASCII_Hex_Digit, Bidi_Control, etc.) SKIP: { skip "Can't reliably derive class names from file names", 576 if $^O eq 'VMS'; # On case tolerant filesystems, will cause a -e test for to # return true. Try to work around this by reading the filenames explicitly # to get a case sensitive test. N.B. This will fail if filename case is # not preserved because you might go looking for a class name of CF or cf # when you really want Cf. Storing case sensitive data in filenames is # simply not portable. my %files; my $dirname = File::Spec->catdir($updir => lib => unicore => lib => 'gc_sc'); opendir D, $dirname or die $!; @files{readdir(D)} = (); closedir D; for (keys %utf8::PA_reverse) { my $leafname = "$utf8::PA_reverse{$_}.pl"; next unless exists $files{$leafname}; my $filename = File::Spec->catfile($dirname, $leafname); my ($h1, $h2) = map hex, (split(/\t/, (do $filename), 3))[0,1]; my $str = char_range($h1, $h2); for my $x ('gc', 'General Category') { print "# $filename $x $_, $utf8::PA_reverse{$_}\n"; for my $y ($_, $utf8::PA_reverse{$_}) { is($str =~ /(\p{$x: $y}+)/ && $1, substr($str, 0, -1)); is($str =~ /(\P{$x= $y}+)/ && $1, substr($str, -1)); test_regexp ($str, $y); } } } } # test the blocks (InFoobar) for (grep $utf8::Canonical{$_} =~ /^In/, keys %utf8::Canonical) { my $filename = File::Spec->catfile( $updir => lib => unicore => lib => gc_sc => "$utf8::Canonical{$_}.pl" ); next unless -e $filename; print "# In$_ $filename\n"; my ($h1, $h2) = map hex, (split(/\t/, (do $filename), 3))[0,1]; my $str = char_range($h1, $h2); my $blk = $_; SKIP: { skip($blk, 2) if $blk =~ /surrogates/i; test_regexp ($str, $blk); $blk =~ s/^In/Block:/; test_regexp ($str, $blk); } }