BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use File::Spec; my $CF = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir, "lib", "unicore"), "CaseFolding.txt"); use constant EBCDIC => ord 'A' == 193; if (open(CF, $CF)) { my @CF; while () { # Skip S since we are going for 'F'ull case folding. I is obsolete starting # with Unicode 3.2, but leaving it in does no harm, and allows backward # compatibility if (/^([0-9A-F]+); ([CFI]); ((?:[0-9A-F]+)(?: [0-9A-F]+)*); \# (.+)/) { next if EBCDIC && hex $1 < 0x100; push @CF, [$1, $2, $3, $4]; } } close(CF); die qq[$0: failed to find casefoldings from "$CF"\n] unless @CF; print "1..", scalar @CF, "\n"; my $i = 0; for my $cf (@CF) { my ($code, $status, $mapping, $name) = @$cf; $i++; my $a = pack("U0U*", hex $code); my $b = pack("U0U*", map { hex } split " ", $mapping); my $t0 = ":$a:" =~ /:$a:/ ? 1 : 0; my $t1 = ":$a:" =~ /:$a:/i ? 1 : 0; my $t2 = ":$a:" =~ /:[$a]:/ ? 1 : 0; my $t3 = ":$a:" =~ /:[$a]:/i ? 1 : 0; my $t4 = ":$a:" =~ /:$b:/i ? 1 : 0; my $t5 = ":$a:" =~ /:[$b]:/i ? 1 : 0; my $t6 = ":$b:" =~ /:$a:/i ? 1 : 0; my $t7 = ":$b:" =~ /:[$a]:/i ? 1 : 0; print $t0 && $t1 && $t2 && $t3 && $t4 && $t5 && $t6 && $t7 ? "ok $i \# - $code - $name - $mapping - $status\n" : "not ok $i \# - $code - $name - $mapping - $status - $t0 $t1 $t2 $t3 $t4 $t5 $t6 $t7\n"; } } else { die qq[$0: failed to open "$CF": $!\n]; }