#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require "./test.pl"; require Config; $Config::Config{d_pseudofork} or skip_all("no pseudo-fork"); eval 'use Errno'; die $@ if $@ and !is_miniperl(); } # [perl #77672] backticks capture text printed to stdout when working # with multiple threads on windows watchdog(20); # before the fix this would often lock up fresh_perl_like(<<'PERL', qr/\A[z\n]+\z/, {}, "popen and threads"); if (!defined fork) { die "can't fork" } for(1..100) { print "zzzzzzzzzzzzz\n"; my $r=`perl -v`; print $r if($r=~/zzzzzzzzzzzzz/); } PERL done_testing();