# This file fills in a config_h.SH template based on the data # of the file config.def and outputs a config.h. # # Written January 24, 2000 by Jarkko Hietaniemi [jhi@iki.fi] # Modified February 2, 2000 by Paul Green [Paul_Green@stratus.com] # Modified October 23, 2000 by Paul Green [Paul_Green@stratus.com] # # Read in the definitions file # if (open(CONFIG_DEF, "config.def")) { while (<CONFIG_DEF>) { if (/^([^=]+)='(.*)'$/) { my ($var, $val) = ($1, $2); $define{$var} = $val; $used{$var} = 0; } else { warn "config.def: $.: illegal line: $_"; } } } else { die "$0: Cannot open config.def: $!"; } close (CONFIG_DEF); # # Open the template input file. # $lineno = 0; unless (open(CONFIG_SH, "../config_h.SH")) { die "$0: Cannot open ../config_h.SH: $!"; } # # Open the output file. # unless (open(CONFIG_H, ">config.h.new")) { die "$0: Cannot open config.h.new for output: $!"; } # # Skip lines before the first !GROK!THIS! # while (<CONFIG_SH>) { $lineno = $lineno + 1; last if /^sed <<!GROK!THIS!/; } # # Process the rest of the file, a line at a time. # Stop when the next !GROK!THIS! is found. # while (<CONFIG_SH>) { $lineno = $lineno + 1; last if /^!GROK!THIS!/; # # The definition of SITEARCH and SITEARCH_EXP has to be commented-out. # The easiest way to do this is to special-case it here. # if (/^#define SITEARCH*/) { s@(^.*$)@/*$1@; } # # The case of #$d_foo at the BOL has to be handled carefully. # If $d_foo is "undef", then we must first comment out the entire line. # if (/^#(\$\w+)/) { if (exists $define{$1}) { $used{$1}=1; s@^#(\$\w+)@("$define{$1}" eq "undef") ? "/*#define":"#$define{$1}"@e; } } # # There could be multiple $variables on this line. # Find and replace all of them. # if (/(\$\w+)/) { s/(\$\w+)/(exists $define{$1}) ? (($used{$1}=1),$define{$1}) : ((print "Undefined keyword $1 on line $lineno\n"),$1)/ge; print CONFIG_H; } # # There are no variables, just print the line out. # else { print CONFIG_H; } } unless (close (CONFIG_H)) { die "$0: Cannot close config.h.new: $!"; } close (CONFIG_SH); while (($key,$value) = each %used) { if ($value == 0) { print "Unused keyword definition: $key\n"; } }