package FindExt; our $VERSION = '1.00'; use strict; use warnings; my $no = join('|',qw(GDBM_File ODBM_File NDBM_File DB_File Syslog SysV Langinfo)); $no = qr/^(?:$no)$/i; my %ext; my $ext; my %static; sub getcwd { $ENV{'PWD'} = Win32::GetCwd(); $ENV{'PWD'} =~ s:\\:/:g ; return $ENV{'PWD'}; } sub set_static_extensions { # adjust results of scan_ext, and also save # statics in case scan_ext hasn't been called yet. %static = (); for (@_) { $static{$_} = 1; $ext{$_} = 'static' if $ext{$_} && $ext{$_} eq 'dynamic'; } } sub scan_ext { my $here = getcwd(); my $dir = shift; chdir($dir) || die "Cannot cd to $dir\n"; ($ext = getcwd()) =~ s,/,\\,g; find_ext(''); chdir($here) || die "Cannot cd to $here\n"; my @ext = extensions(); } sub dynamic_ext { return sort grep $ext{$_} eq 'dynamic',keys %ext; } sub static_ext { return sort grep $ext{$_} eq 'static',keys %ext; } sub nonxs_ext { return sort grep $ext{$_} eq 'nonxs',keys %ext; } sub extensions { return sort grep $ext{$_} ne 'known',keys %ext; } sub known_extensions { # faithfully copy Configure in not including nonxs extensions for the nonce return sort grep $ext{$_} ne 'nonxs',keys %ext; } sub is_static { return $ext{$_[0]} eq 'static' } # Function to recursively find available extensions, ignoring DynaLoader # NOTE: recursion limit of 10 to prevent runaway in case of symlink madness sub find_ext { opendir my $dh, '.'; my @items = grep { !/^\.\.?$/ } readdir $dh; closedir $dh; for my $xxx (@items) { if ($xxx ne "DynaLoader") { if (-f "$xxx/$xxx.xs") { $ext{"$_[0]$xxx"} = $static{"$_[0]$xxx"} ? 'static' : 'dynamic'; } elsif (-f "$xxx/Makefile.PL") { $ext{"$_[0]$xxx"} = 'nonxs'; } else { if (-d $xxx && @_ < 10) { chdir $xxx; find_ext("$_[0]$xxx/", @_); chdir ".."; } } $ext{"$_[0]$xxx"} = 'known' if $ext{"$_[0]$xxx"} && $xxx =~ $no; } } # Special case: Add in threads/shared since it is not picked up by the # recursive find above (and adding in general recursive finding breaks # SDBM_File/sdbm). A.D. 10/25/2001. if (!$_[0] && -d "threads/shared") { $ext{"threads/shared"} = 'dynamic'; } } 1;