package FindExt; our $VERSION = '1.02'; use strict; use warnings; my $no = join('|',qw(GDBM_File ODBM_File NDBM_File DB_File VMS VMS-DCLsym VMS-Stdio Sys-Syslog IPC-SysV I18N-Langinfo)); $no = qr/^(?:$no)$/i; sub apply_config { my ($config) = @_; my @no; push @no, 'Sys-Syslog' if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; # duplicates logic from Configure (mostly) push @no, "DB_File" unless $config->{i_db}; push @no, "GDBM_File" unless $config->{i_gdbm}; push @no, "I18N-Langinfo" unless $config->{i_langinfo} && $config->{i_nl_langinfo}; push @no, "IPC-SysV" unless $config->{d_msg} || $config->{d_sem} || $config->{d_shm}; push @no, "NDBM_File" unless $config->{d_ndbm}; push @no, "ODBM_File" unless ($config->{i_dbm} || $config->{i_rpcsvcdbm}) && !$config->{d_cplusplus}; push @no, "VMS.*" unless $^O eq "VMS"; push @no, "Win32.*" unless $^O eq "MSWin32" || $^O eq "cygwin"; $no = join('|', @no); $no = qr/^(?:$no)$/i; } my %ext; my %static; sub set_static_extensions { # adjust results of scan_ext, and also save # statics in case scan_ext hasn't been called yet. # if '*' is passed then all XS extensions are static # (with possible exclusions) %static = (); my @list = @_; if (@_ and $_[0] eq '*') { my %excl = map {$_=>1} map {m/^!(.*)$/} @_[1 .. $#_]; @list = grep {!exists $excl{$_}} keys %ext; } for (@list) { $static{$_} = 1; $ext{$_} = 'static' if $ext{$_} && $ext{$_} eq 'dynamic'; } # Encode is a special case. If we are building Encode as a static # extension, we need to explicitly list its subextensions as well. # For other nested extensions, this is handled automatically by # the appropriate Makefile.PL. if ($ext{Encode} && $ext{Encode} eq 'static') { require File::Find; File::Find::find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { return unless m!\b(Encode/.+)/Makefile\.PL!; $static{$1} = 1; $ext{$1} = 'static'; }, }, "../cpan/Encode"); } } sub scan_ext { my $dir = shift; find_ext("$dir/"); extensions(); } sub _ext_eq { my $key = shift; sub { sort grep $ext{$_} eq $key, keys %ext; } } *dynamic_ext = _ext_eq('dynamic'); *static_ext = _ext_eq('static'); *nonxs_ext = _ext_eq('nonxs'); sub _ext_ne { my $key = shift; sub { sort grep $ext{$_} ne $key, keys %ext; } } *extensions = _ext_ne('known'); sub known_extensions { sort keys %ext; } sub is_static { return $ext{$_[0]} eq 'static' } sub has_xs_or_c { my $dir = shift; opendir my $dh, $dir or die "opendir $dir: $!"; while (defined (my $item = readdir $dh)) { return 1 if $item =~ /\.xs$/; return 1 if $item =~ /\.c$/; } return 0; } # Function to find available extensions, ignoring DynaLoader sub find_ext { my $ext_dir = shift; opendir my $dh, "$ext_dir"; while (defined (my $item = readdir $dh)) { next if $item =~ /^\.\.?$/; next if $item eq "DynaLoader"; next unless -d "$ext_dir$item"; my $this_ext = $item; my $leaf = $item; $this_ext =~ s!-!/!g; $leaf =~ s/.*-//; # Temporary hack to cope with smokers that are not clearing directories: next if $ext{$this_ext}; if (has_xs_or_c("$ext_dir$item")) { $ext{$this_ext} = $static{$this_ext} ? 'static' : 'dynamic'; } else { $ext{$this_ext} = 'nonxs'; } $ext{$this_ext} = 'known' if $ext{$this_ext} && $item =~ $no; } } 1; # Local variables: # cperl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: # # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et: