@rem = ' @echo off if exist perl.exe goto perlhere echo Cannot run without perl.exe in current directory!! Did you build it? pause goto endofperl :perlhere if exist perlglob.exe goto perlglobhere echo Cannot run without perlglob.exe in current directory!! Did you build it? pause goto endofperl :perlglobhere perl %0.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto endofperl @rem '; #Portions (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Developed by hip communications inc., http://info.hip.com/info/ # This is written in a peculiar style, since we're trying to avoid # most of the constructs we'll be testing for. $| = 1; if ($ARGV[0] eq '-v') { $verbose = 1; shift; } # WYT 1995-05-02 chdir 't' if -f 't/TESTNT'; if ($ARGV[0] eq '') { # @ARGV = split(/[ \n]/, # `echo base/*.t comp/*.t cmd/*.t io/*.t; echo op/*.t lib/*.t`); # `ls base/*.t comp/*.t cmd/*.t io/*.t op/*.t lib/*.t`); # WYT 1995-05-02 wildcard expansion, # `perl -e "print( join( ' ', \@ARGV ) )" base/*.t comp/*.t cmd/*.t io/*.t op/*.t lib/*.t nt/*.t`); # WYT 1995-06-01 removed all dependency on perlglob # WYT 1995-11-28 hacked up to cope with braindead Win95 console. push( @ARGV, `dir/s/b base` ); push( @ARGV, `dir/s/b comp` ); push( @ARGV, `dir/s/b cmd` ); push( @ARGV, `dir/s/b io` ); push( @ARGV, `dir/s/b op` ); push( @ARGV, `dir/s/b lib` ); push( @ARGV, `dir/s/b nt` ); grep( chomp, @ARGV ); @ARGV = grep( /\.t$/, @ARGV ); grep( s/.*t\\//, @ARGV ); } $sharpbang = 0; $bad = 0; $good = 0; $total = @ARGV; while ($test = shift) { if ($test =~ /^$/) { next; } $te = $test; # chop off 't' extension chop($te); print "$te" . '.' x (15 - length($te)); if ($sharpbang) { open(results,"./$test |") || (print "can't run.\n"); } else { $switch = ''; # open(results,"./perl$switch $test |") || (print "can't run.\n"); open(results,"perl$switch $test |") || (print "can't run.\n"); } $ok = 0; $next = 0; while (<results>) { if ($verbose) { print $_; } unless (/^#/||/^$/) { if (/^1\.\.([0-9]+)/) { $max = $1; $totmax += $max; $files += 1; $next = 1; $ok = 1; } else { $next = $1, $ok = 0, last if /^not ok ([0-9]*)/; if (/^ok (.*)/ && $1 == $next) { $next = $next + 1; } else { $ok = 0; } } } } $next = $next - 1; if ($ok && $next == $max) { print "ok\n"; $good = $good + 1; } else { $next += 1; print "FAILED on test $next\n"; $bad = $bad + 1; $_ = $test; if (/^base/) { die "Failed a basic test--cannot continue.\n"; } } } if ($bad == 0) { if ($ok) { print "All tests successful.\n"; } else { die "FAILED--no tests were run for some reason.\n"; } } else { $pct = sprintf("%.2f", $good / $total * 100); if ($bad == 1) { warn "Failed 1 test, $pct% okay.\n"; } else { die "Failed $bad/$total tests, $pct% okay.\n"; } } # WYT 1995-05-03 times not implemented. #($user,$sys,$cuser,$csys) = times; #print sprintf("u=%g s=%g cu=%g cs=%g files=%d tests=%d\n", # $user,$sys,$cuser,$csys,$files,$totmax); #`del /f Cmd_while.tmp Comp.try null 2>NULL`; unlink 'Cmd_while.tmp', 'Comp.try', 'null'; __END__ :endofperl