=head1 NAME buildext.pl - build extensions =head1 SYNOPSIS buildext.pl make [-make_opts] dep directory [target] E.g. buildext.pl nmake -nologo perldll.def ..\ext buildext.pl nmake -nologo perldll.def ..\ext clean buildext.pl dmake perldll.def ..\ext buildext.pl dmake perldll.def ..\ext clean =cut use File::Basename; use Cwd; use FindExt; my $here = getcwd(); my $perl = $^X; $here =~ s,/,\\,g; if ($perl =~ m#^\.\.#) { $perl = "$here\\$perl"; } my $make = shift; $make .= " ".shift while $ARGV[0]=~/^-/; my $dep = shift; my $dmod = -M $dep; my $dir = shift; chdir($dir) || die "Cannot cd to $dir\n"; my $targ = shift; (my $ext = getcwd()) =~ s,/,\\,g; FindExt::scan_ext($ext); my @ext = FindExt::extensions(); foreach my $dir (sort @ext) { if (chdir("$ext\\$dir")) { my $mmod = -M 'Makefile'; if (!(-f 'Makefile') || $mmod > $dmod) { print "\nRunning Makefile.PL in $dir\n"; print "$perl \"-I$here\\..\\lib\" Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=perl\n"; my $code = system($perl,"-I$here\\..\\lib",'Makefile.PL','INSTALLDIRS=perl'); warn "$code from $dir's Makefile.PL" if $code; $mmod = -M 'Makefile'; if ($mmod > $dmod) { warn "Makefile $mmod > $dmod ($dep)\n"; } } if ($targ) { print "Making $targ in $dir\n$make $targ\n"; system("$make $targ"); } else { print "Making $dir\n$make\n"; system($make); } chdir($here) || die "Cannot cd to $here:$!"; } else { warn "Cannot cd to $ext\\$dir:$!"; } }