#!perl -w use strict; use FindExt; # take a semicolon separated path list and turn it into a quoted # list of paths that Text::Parsewords will grok sub mungepath { my $p = shift; # remove leading/trailing semis/spaces $p =~ s/^[ ;]+//; $p =~ s/[ ;]+$//; $p =~ s/'/"/g; my @p = map { $_ = "\"$_\"" if /\s/ and !/^".*"$/; $_ } split /;/, $p; return join(' ', @p); } # generate an array of option strings from command-line args # or an option file # -- added by BKS, 10-17-1999 to fix command-line overflow problems sub loadopts { if ($ARGV[0] =~ /--cfgsh-option-file/) { shift @ARGV; my $optfile = shift @ARGV; local (*OPTF); open OPTF, '<', $optfile or die "Can't open $optfile: $!\n"; my @opts; chomp(my $line = ); my @vars = split(/\t+~\t+/, $line); for (@vars) { push(@opts, $_) unless (/^\s*$/); } close OPTF; return \@opts; } else { return \@ARGV; } } my %opt; my $optref = loadopts(); while (@{$optref} && $optref->[0] =~ /^([\w_]+)=(.*)$/) { $opt{$1}=$2; shift(@{$optref}); } FindExt::scan_ext("../cpan"); FindExt::scan_ext("../dist"); FindExt::scan_ext("../ext"); FindExt::set_static_extensions(split ' ', $opt{static_ext}); $opt{nonxs_ext} = join(' ',FindExt::nonxs_ext()) || ' '; $opt{static_ext} = join(' ',FindExt::static_ext()) || ' '; $opt{dynamic_ext} = join(' ',FindExt::dynamic_ext()) || ' '; $opt{extensions} = join(' ',FindExt::extensions()) || ' '; $opt{known_extensions} = join(' ',FindExt::known_extensions()) || ' '; my $pl_h = '../patchlevel.h'; if (-e $pl_h) { open PL, "<", $pl_h or die "Can't open $pl_h: $!"; while () { if (/^#\s*define\s+(PERL_\w+)\s+([\d.]+)/) { $opt{$1} = $2; } } close PL; } else { die "Can't find $pl_h: $!"; } my $patch_file = '../.patch'; if (-e $patch_file) { open my $fh, "<", $patch_file or die "Can't open $patch_file: $!"; chomp($opt{PERL_PATCHLEVEL} = <$fh>); close $fh; } $opt{version} = "$opt{PERL_REVISION}.$opt{PERL_VERSION}.$opt{PERL_SUBVERSION}"; $opt{version_patchlevel_string} = "version $opt{PERL_VERSION} subversion $opt{PERL_SUBVERSION}"; $opt{version_patchlevel_string} .= " patch $opt{PERL_PATCHLEVEL}" if exists $opt{PERL_PATCHLEVEL}; my $ver = `ver 2>nul`; if ($ver =~ /Version (\d+\.\d+)/) { $opt{osvers} = $1; } else { $opt{osvers} = '4.0'; } if (exists $opt{cc}) { # cl version detection borrowed from Test::Smoke's configsmoke.pl if ($opt{cc} =~ /\b(?:cl|icl)/) { #MSVC can come as clarm.exe, icl=Intel C my $output = `$opt{cc} --version 2>&1`; $opt{ccversion} = $output =~ /^.*Version\s+([\d.]+)/ ? $1 : '?'; } elsif ($opt{cc} =~ /\bgcc\b/) { chomp($opt{gccversion} = `$opt{cc} -dumpversion`); } } $opt{cf_by} = $ENV{USERNAME} unless $opt{cf_by}; if (!$opt{cf_email}) { my $computername = eval{(gethostbyname('localhost'))[0]}; # gethostbyname might not be implemented in miniperl $computername = $ENV{COMPUTERNAME} if $@; $opt{cf_email} = $opt{cf_by} . '@' . $computername; } $opt{usemymalloc} = 'y' if $opt{d_mymalloc} eq 'define'; $opt{libpth} = mungepath($opt{libpth}) if exists $opt{libpth}; $opt{incpath} = mungepath($opt{incpath}) if exists $opt{incpath}; my $int64; if ($opt{cc} =~ /\b(?:cl|icl)/) { $int64 = '__int64'; } elsif ($opt{cc} =~ /\bgcc\b/) { $int64 = 'long long'; } # set large files options if ($opt{uselargefiles} eq 'define') { $opt{lseeksize} = 8; $opt{lseektype} = $int64; } else { $opt{lseeksize} = 4; $opt{lseektype} = 'long'; } # set 64-bit options if ($opt{WIN64} eq 'define') { $opt{d_atoll} = 'define'; $opt{d_strtoll} = 'define'; $opt{d_strtoull} = 'define'; $opt{ptrsize} = 8; $opt{sizesize} = 8; $opt{ssizetype} = $int64; $opt{st_ino_size} = 8; } else { $opt{d_atoll} = 'undef'; $opt{d_strtoll} = 'undef'; $opt{d_strtoull} = 'undef'; $opt{ptrsize} = 4; $opt{sizesize} = 4; $opt{ssizetype} = 'int'; $opt{st_ino_size} = 4; } # set 64-bit-int options if ($opt{use64bitint} eq 'define') { if ($opt{uselongdouble} eq 'define') { $opt{d_nv_preserves_uv} = 'define'; $opt{nv_preserves_uv_bits} = 64; } else { $opt{d_nv_preserves_uv} = 'undef'; $opt{nv_preserves_uv_bits} = 53; } $opt{ivdformat} = qq{"I64d"}; $opt{ivsize} = 8; $opt{ivtype} = $int64; $opt{sPRIXU64} = qq{"I64X"}; $opt{sPRId64} = qq{"I64d"}; $opt{sPRIi64} = qq{"I64i"}; $opt{sPRIo64} = qq{"I64o"}; $opt{sPRIu64} = qq{"I64u"}; $opt{sPRIx64} = qq{"I64x"}; $opt{uvXUformat} = qq{"I64X"}; $opt{uvoformat} = qq{"I64o"}; $opt{uvsize} = 8; $opt{uvtype} = qq{unsigned $int64}; $opt{uvuformat} = qq{"I64u"}; $opt{uvxformat} = qq{"I64x"}; } else { $opt{d_nv_preserves_uv} = 'define'; $opt{ivdformat} = '"ld"'; $opt{ivsize} = 4; $opt{ivtype} = 'long'; $opt{nv_preserves_uv_bits} = 32; $opt{sPRIXU64} = '"lX"'; $opt{sPRId64} = '"ld"'; $opt{sPRIi64} = '"li"'; $opt{sPRIo64} = '"lo"'; $opt{sPRIu64} = '"lu"'; $opt{sPRIx64} = '"lx"'; $opt{uvXUformat} = '"lX"'; $opt{uvoformat} = '"lo"'; $opt{uvsize} = 4; $opt{uvtype} = 'unsigned long'; $opt{uvuformat} = '"lu"'; $opt{uvxformat} = '"lx"'; } unless ($opt{cc} =~ /\bcl/) { if ($opt{WIN64} eq 'define') { $opt{longdblsize} = 16; $opt{longdblinfbytes} = '0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00'; $opt{longdblnanbytes} = '0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00'; } else { $opt{longdblsize} = 12; $opt{longdblinfbytes} = '0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00'; $opt{longdblnanbytes} = '0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00'; } } # set long double options if ($opt{uselongdouble} eq 'define') { $opt{d_Gconvert} = 'sprintf((b),"%.*""Lg",(n),(x))'; $opt{d_PRIEUldbl} = 'define'; $opt{d_PRIFUldbl} = 'define'; $opt{d_PRIGUldbl} = 'define'; $opt{d_frexpl} = 'define'; $opt{d_isnanl} = 'define'; $opt{d_modfl} = 'define'; $opt{d_modflproto} = 'define'; $opt{d_sqrtl} = 'define'; $opt{d_strtold} = 'define'; $opt{d_PRIeldbl} = 'define'; $opt{d_PRIfldbl} = 'define'; $opt{d_PRIgldbl} = 'define'; $opt{d_SCNfldbl} = 'define'; $opt{nvsize} = $opt{longdblsize}; $opt{nvtype} = 'long double'; $opt{nv_overflows_integers_at} = '256.0*256.0*256.0*256.0*256.0*256.0*256.0*2.0*2.0*2.0*2.0*2.0*2.0*2.0*2.0'; $opt{nvEUformat} = '"LE"'; $opt{nvFUformat} = '"LF"'; $opt{nvGUformat} = '"LG"'; $opt{nveformat} = '"Le"'; $opt{nvfformat} = '"Lf"'; $opt{nvgformat} = '"Lg"'; $opt{longdblkind} = 3; $opt{longdblmantbits} = 64; } else { $opt{d_Gconvert} = 'sprintf((b),"%.*g",(n),(x))'; $opt{d_PRIEUldbl} = 'undef'; $opt{d_PRIFUldbl} = 'undef'; $opt{d_PRIGUldbl} = 'undef'; $opt{d_frexpl} = 'undef'; $opt{d_isnanl} = 'undef'; $opt{d_modfl} = 'undef'; $opt{d_modflproto} = 'undef'; $opt{d_sqrtl} = 'undef'; $opt{d_strtold} = 'undef'; $opt{d_PRIeldbl} = 'undef'; $opt{d_PRIfldbl} = 'undef'; $opt{d_PRIgldbl} = 'undef'; $opt{d_SCNfldbl} = 'undef'; $opt{nvsize} = 8; $opt{nvtype} = 'double'; $opt{nv_overflows_integers_at} = '256.0*256.0*256.0*256.0*256.0*256.0*2.0*2.0*2.0*2.0*2.0'; $opt{nvEUformat} = '"E"'; $opt{nvFUformat} = '"F"'; $opt{nvGUformat} = '"G"'; $opt{nveformat} = '"e"'; $opt{nvfformat} = '"f"'; $opt{nvgformat} = '"g"'; } # change the s{GM|LOCAL}TIME_{min|max} for VS2005 (aka VC 8) and # VS2008 (aka VC 9) or higher (presuming that later versions will have # at least the range of that). if ($opt{cc} =~ /\bcl/ and $opt{ccversion} =~ /^(\d+)/) { my $ccversion = $1; if ($ccversion >= 14) { $opt{sGMTIME_max} = 32535291599; $opt{sLOCALTIME_max} = 32535244799; } if($ccversion < 13) { #VC6 $opt{ar} ='lib'; } if ($ccversion >= 19) { # VC14 $opt{stdio_base} = 'PERLIO_FILE_base(fp)'; $opt{stdio_bufsiz} = '(PERLIO_FILE_cnt(fp) + PERLIO_FILE_ptr(fp) - PERLIO_FILE_base(fp))'; $opt{stdio_cnt} = 'PERLIO_FILE_cnt(fp)'; $opt{stdio_ptr} = 'PERLIO_FILE_ptr(fp)'; $opt{i_stdbool} = 'define'; } } #find out which MSVC this ICC is using elsif ($opt{cc} =~ /\bicl/) { my $output = `cl --version 2>&1`; my $num_ver = $output =~ /^.*Version\s+([\d.]+)/ ? $1 : '?'; if($num_ver =~ /^(\d+)/ && $1 >= 14) { $opt{sGMTIME_max} = 32535291599; $opt{sLOCALTIME_max} = 32535244799; } if ($num_ver =~ /^(\d+)/ && $1 >= 19) { # VC14 $opt{stdio_base} = 'PERLIO_FILE_base(fp)'; $opt{stdio_bufsiz} = '(PERLIO_FILE_cnt(fp) + PERLIO_FILE_ptr(fp) - PERLIO_FILE_base(fp))'; $opt{stdio_cnt} = 'PERLIO_FILE_cnt(fp)'; $opt{stdio_ptr} = 'PERLIO_FILE_ptr(fp)'; $opt{i_stdbool} = 'define'; } $opt{ar} ='xilib'; } if ($opt{useithreads} eq 'define' && $opt{ccflags} =~ /-DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS\b/) { $opt{d_pseudofork} = 'define'; } if ($opt{usecplusplus} eq 'define') { $opt{d_cplusplus} = 'define'; $opt{extern_C} = 'extern "C"'; } #if the fields above are defined, they override the defaults in the premade #config file while (<>) { s/~([\w_]+)~/exists $opt{$1} ? $opt{$1} : ''/eg; if (/^([\w_]+)=(.*)$/) { my($k,$v) = ($1,$2); # this depends on cf_time being empty in the template (or we'll # get a loop) if ($k eq 'cf_time') { $_ = "$k='" . localtime(time) . "'\n" if $v =~ /^\s*'\s*'/; } elsif (exists $opt{$k}) { $_ = "$k='$opt{$k}'\n"; } } print; }