
helper script to make life for PerlCE easier.

There are different modes for running this script:
  perl comp.pl --run [any-command-line-arguments]
  perl comp.pl --do [any-command-line-arguments]
  perl comp.pl --copy pc:[pc-location] ce:[ce-location]

--run executes this build of perl on CE device with arguments provided
--run=test will display a predefined messagebox that say everything is ok.

--do  Executes on local computer command that is presented by arguments
      immediately following after --do
      Most reason why you may want to execute script in this mode is that
      arguments preprocessed to replace [p] occurrences into current perl
      location. Typically it is handy to run
  perl comp.pl --do cecopy pc:..\lib\Exporter.pm ce:[p]\lib

--copy copies file to CE device
  here also [p] will be expanded to corrent PerlCE path, and additionally
  when --copy=compact specified then, if filename looks like perl module,
  then POD will be stripped away from that file


use strict;
use Cross;
use Config;

# edit value of $inst_root variable to reflect your desired location of
# built perl
my $inst_root = $Config{prefix};

my %opts = (
  # %known_opts enumerates allowed opts as well as specifies default and initial values
  my %known_opts = (
     'do' => '',
     'run' => '',
     'copy' => '',
  #options itself
  my %specified_opts = (
    (map {/^--([\-_\w]+)=(.*)$/} @ARGV),                            # --opt=smth
    (map {/^no-?(.*)$/i?($1=>0):($_=>1)} map {/^--([\-_\w]+)$/} @ARGV),  # --opt --no-opt --noopt
die "option '$_' is not recognized" for grep {!exists $known_opts{$_}} keys %specified_opts;
@ARGV = grep {!/^--/} @ARGV;

if ($opts{'do'}) {
  s/\[p\]/$inst_root/g for @ARGV;
elsif ($opts{'run'}) {
  if ($opts{'run'} eq 'test') {
  else {
    system("ceexec","$inst_root\\bin\\perl", map {/^".*"$/s?$_:"\"$_\""} @ARGV);
elsif ($opts{'copy'}) {
  if ($opts{'copy'} eq 'compact') {
    die "todo";
  s/\[p\]/$inst_root/g for @ARGV;
  if ($ARGV[0]=~/^pc:/i) {system("cedel",$ARGV[1])}
else {
  # todo


  Author Vadim Konovalov.
