#!/usr/bin/env python ''' PEXPECT LICENSE This license is approved by the OSI and FSF as GPL-compatible. http://opensource.org/licenses/isc-license.txt Copyright (c) 2012, Noah Spurrier PERMISSION TO USE, COPY, MODIFY, AND/OR DISTRIBUTE THIS SOFTWARE FOR ANY PURPOSE WITH OR WITHOUT FEE IS HEREBY GRANTED, PROVIDED THAT THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ''' from pexpect import ANSI import unittest from . import PexpectTestCase import os import shutil import sys import tempfile PY3 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3) write_target = 'I\'ve got a ferret sticking up my nose. \n' +\ '(He\'s got a ferret sticking up his nose.) \n' +\ 'How it got there I can\'t tell \n' +\ 'But now it\'s there it hurts like hell \n' +\ 'And what is more it radically affects my sense of smell. \n' +\ '(His sense of smell.) ' write_text = 'I\'ve got a ferret sticking up my nose.\n' + \ '(He\'s got a ferret sticking up his nose.)\n' + \ 'How it got there I can\'t tell\n' + \ 'But now it\'s there it hurts like hell\n' + \ 'And what is more it radically affects my sense of smell.\n' + \ '(His sense of smell.)\n' + \ 'I can see a bare-bottomed mandril.\n' + \ '(Slyly eyeing his other nostril.)\n' + \ 'If it jumps inside there too I really don\'t know what to do\n' + \ 'I\'ll be the proud posessor of a kind of nasal zoo.\n' + \ '(A nasal zoo.)\n' + \ 'I\'ve got a ferret sticking up my nose.\n' + \ '(And what is worst of all it constantly explodes.)\n' + \ '"Ferrets don\'t explode," you say\n' + \ 'But it happened nine times yesterday\n' + \ 'And I should know for each time I was standing in the way.\n' + \ 'I\'ve got a ferret sticking up my nose.\n' + \ '(He\'s got a ferret sticking up his nose.)\n' + \ 'How it got there I can\'t tell\n' + \ 'But now it\'s there it hurts like hell\n' + \ 'And what is more it radically affects my sense of smell.\n' + \ '(His sense of smell.)' tetris_target=' XX XXXX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX \n' +\ ' XX XX XX XXXX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX \n' +\ ' XX XXXXXX XX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXX XX XX \n' +\ ' XXXX XXXXXX XX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXX XXXX XX XX \n' +\ ' XX XX XXXX XX XX \n' +\ ' XX XX XX XX XX \n' +\ ' XX XX XXXX XXXX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX \n' +\ ' XX XXXXXXXX XX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX \n' +\ ' XX XXXX XXXXXX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXX XXXXXXXX \n' +\ ' XXXXXXXXXX XX XX \n' +\ ' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \n' +\ ' \n' +\ ' J->LEFT K->ROTATE L->RIGHT SPACE->DROP P->PAUSE Q->QUIT \n' +\ ' ' torture_target='+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n' +\ '|a`opqrs` This is the `srqpo`a |\n' +\ '|VT100 series Torture Test Demonstration. |\n' +\ '|VT100 series Torture Test Demonstration. |\n' +\ '|This is a normal line __________________________________________________y_ |\n' +\ '|This is a bold line (normal unless the Advanced Video Option is installed) |\n' +\ '|This line is underlined _ " " " " " " _y_ |\n' +\ '|This is a blinking line _ " " " " " " _y_ |\n' +\ '|This is inverse video _ (underlined if no AVO and cursor is underline) _y_ |\n' +\ '|Normal gjpqy Underline Blink Underline+Blink gjpqy |\n' +\ '|Bold gjpqy Underline Blink Underline+Blink gjpqy |\n' +\ '|Inverse Underline Blink Underline+Blink |\n' +\ '|Bold+Inverse Underline Blink Underline+Blink |\n' +\ '|This is double width |\n' +\ '|This is double height |\n' +\ '|This is double height |\n' +\ '|_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789ioy |\n' +\ '|_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789ioy |\n' +\ '|_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789ioy |\n' +\ '|`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ lqwqk |\n' +\ '|`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ tqnqu |\n' +\ '|`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ tqnqu |\n' +\ '|`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ mqvqj |\n' +\ '| This test created by Joe Smith, 8-May-85 |\n' +\ '| |\n' +\ '+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n' class ansiTestCase (PexpectTestCase.PexpectTestCase): def test_write (self): s = ANSI.ANSI (6,65) s.fill('.') s.cursor_home() for c in write_text: s.write (c) assert str(s) == write_target def test_torturet (self): s = ANSI.ANSI (24,80) with open('torturet.vt') as f: sample_text = f.read() # This causes ANSI.py's DoLog to write in the cwd. Make sure we're in a # writeable directory. d = tempfile.mkdtemp() old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(d) try: for c in sample_text: s.process (c) finally: os.chdir(old_cwd) shutil.rmtree(d) assert s.pretty() == torture_target, 'processed: \n' + s.pretty() + '\nexpected:\n' + torture_target def test_tetris (self): s = ANSI.ANSI (24,80) with open('tetris.data') as f: tetris_text = f.read() for c in tetris_text: s.process (c) assert str(s) == tetris_target def test_lines(self): s = ANSI.ANSI(5, 5) s.write('a'*6 + '\n') s.write('ab\bcd\n') s.write('ab\rcd\n') assert str(s) == ('aaaaa\n' 'a \n' 'acd \n' 'cd \n' ' ') def test_number_x(self): """Test the FSM state used to handle more than 2 numeric parameters.""" class TestANSI(ANSI.ANSI): captured_memory = None def do_sgr(self, fsm): assert self.captured_memory is None self.captured_memory = fsm.memory s = TestANSI(1, 20) s.write('\x1b[0;1;32;45mtest') assert str(s) == ('test ') assert s.captured_memory is not None assert s.captured_memory == [s, '0', '1', '32', '45'] def test_fsm_memory(self): """Test the FSM stack/memory does not have numbers left on it after some sequences with numbers are passed in.""" s = ANSI.ANSI(1, 20) s.write('\x1b[0;1;2;3m\x1b[4;5;6;7q\x1b[?8h\x1b[?9ltest') assert str(s) == ('test ') assert s.state.memory == [s] def test_utf8_bytes(self): """Test that when bytes are passed in containing UTF-8 encoded characters, where the encoding of each character consists of multiple bytes, the characters are correctly decoded. Incremental decoding is also tested.""" s = ANSI.ANSI(2, 10, encoding='utf-8') # This is the UTF-8 encoding of the UCS character "HOURGLASS" # followed by the UTF-8 encoding of the UCS character # "KEYBOARD". These characters can't be encoded in cp437 or # latin-1. The "KEYBOARD" character is split into two # separate writes. s.write(b'\xe2\x8c\x9b') s.write(b'\xe2\x8c') s.write(b'\xa8') if PY3: assert str(s) == u'\u231b\u2328 \n ' else: assert unicode(s) == u'\u231b\u2328 \n ' assert str(s) == b'\xe2\x8c\x9b\xe2\x8c\xa8 \n ' assert s.dump() == u'\u231b\u2328 ' assert s.pretty() == u'+----------+\n|\u231b\u2328 |\n| |\n+----------+\n' assert s.get_abs(1, 1) == u'\u231b' assert s.get_region(1, 1, 1, 5) == [u'\u231b\u2328 '] def test_unicode(self): """Test passing in of a unicode string.""" s = ANSI.ANSI(2, 10, encoding="utf-8") s.write(u'\u231b\u2328') if PY3: assert str(s) == u'\u231b\u2328 \n ' else: assert unicode(s) == u'\u231b\u2328 \n ' assert str(s) == b'\xe2\x8c\x9b\xe2\x8c\xa8 \n ' assert s.dump() == u'\u231b\u2328 ' assert s.pretty() == u'+----------+\n|\u231b\u2328 |\n| |\n+----------+\n' assert s.get_abs(1, 1) == u'\u231b' assert s.get_region(1, 1, 1, 5) == [u'\u231b\u2328 '] def test_decode_error(self): """Test that default handling of decode errors replaces the invalid characters.""" s = ANSI.ANSI(2, 10, encoding="ascii") s.write(b'\xff') # a non-ASCII character # In unicode, the non-ASCII character is replaced with # REPLACEMENT CHARACTER. if PY3: assert str(s) == u'\ufffd \n ' else: assert unicode(s) == u'\ufffd \n ' assert str(s) == b'? \n ' assert s.dump() == u'\ufffd ' assert s.pretty() == u'+----------+\n|\ufffd |\n| |\n+----------+\n' assert s.get_abs(1, 1) == u'\ufffd' assert s.get_region(1, 1, 1, 5) == [u'\ufffd '] if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() suite = unittest.makeSuite(ansiTestCase,'test')