#!/usr/bin/env python ''' PEXPECT LICENSE This license is approved by the OSI and FSF as GPL-compatible. http://opensource.org/licenses/isc-license.txt Copyright (c) 2012, Noah Spurrier PERMISSION TO USE, COPY, MODIFY, AND/OR DISTRIBUTE THIS SOFTWARE FOR ANY PURPOSE WITH OR WITHOUT FEE IS HEREBY GRANTED, PROVIDED THAT THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ''' from __future__ import with_statement # bring 'with' stmt to py25 import pexpect import unittest import PexpectTestCase import os import re import time # the program cat(1) may display ^D\x08\x08 when \x04 (EOF, Ctrl-D) is sent _CAT_EOF = b'^D\x08\x08' class TestCaseMisc(PexpectTestCase.PexpectTestCase): def test_isatty (self): child = pexpect.spawn('cat') assert child.isatty(), "Not returning True. Should always be True." def test_read (self): child = pexpect.spawn('cat') child.sendline ("abc") child.sendeof() self.assertEqual(child.read(0), b'') self.assertEqual(child.read(1), b'a') self.assertEqual(child.read(1), b'b') self.assertEqual(child.read(1), b'c') self.assertEqual(child.read(2), b'\r\n') remaining = child.read().replace(_CAT_EOF, b'') self.assertEqual(remaining, b'abc\r\n') def test_readline (self): '''See the note in test_readlines() for an explaination as to why I allow line3 and line4 to return multiple patterns. Basically, this is done to handle a valid condition on slow systems. ''' child = pexpect.spawn('cat') child.sendline ("abc") time.sleep(0.5) child.sendline ("123") time.sleep(0.5) child.sendeof() line1 = child.readline(0) line2 = child.readline() line3 = child.readline(2) line4 = child.readline(1) line5 = child.readline() time.sleep(1) # time for child to "complete" ;/ assert not child.isalive(), child.isalive() assert child.exitstatus == 0, child.exitstatus self.assertEqual(line1, b'') self.assertEqual(line2, b'abc\r\n') assert (line3 == b'abc\r\n' or line3 == '123\r\n'), line3 assert (line4 == b'123\r\n' or line4 == 'abc\r\n'), line4 self.assertEqual(line5, b'123\r\n') def test_iter (self): '''See the note in test_readlines() for an explaination as to why I allow line3 and line4 to return multiple patterns. Basically, this is done to handle a valid condition on slow systems. ''' child = pexpect.spawn('cat') child.sendline ("abc") time.sleep(0.5) child.sendline ("123") time.sleep(0.5) child.sendeof() # Don't use ''.join() because we want to test the ITERATOR. page = b'' for line in child: page += line page = page.replace(_CAT_EOF, b'') # This is just a really bad test all together, we should write our # own 'cat' utility that only writes to stdout after EOF is recv, # this must take into consideration all possible platform impl.'s # of `cat', and their related terminal and line-buffer handling assert (page == b'abc\r\nabc\r\n123\r\n123\r\n' or page == b'abc\r\n123\r\nabc\r\n123\r\n' or page == b'abc\r\n123abc\r\n\r\n123\r\n') , \ "iterator did not work. page=%r"(page,) def test_readlines(self): '''Note that on some slow or heavily loaded systems that the lines coming back from 'cat' may come even after the EOF. We except to see two copies of the lines we send 'cat'. The first line is the TTY echo, the second line is from 'cat'. Usually 'cat' will respond with 'abc' before we have a chance to send the second line, '123'. If this does not happen then the lines may appear out of order. This is technically not an error. That's just the nature of asynchronous communication. This is why the assert will allow either of the two possible patterns to be returned by lineslined(). The (lame) alternative is to put a long sleep between the two sendline() calls, but then I have to make assumptions about how fast 'cat' can reply. ''' child = pexpect.spawn('cat') child.sendline ("abc") time.sleep(0.5) child.sendline ("123") time.sleep(0.5) child.sendeof() time.sleep(1) # time for child to "complete" ;/ assert not child.isalive(), child.isalive() assert child.exitstatus == 0, child.exitstatus page = b''.join(child.readlines()).replace(_CAT_EOF, b'') assert (page == b'abc\r\nabc\r\n123\r\n123\r\n' or page == b'abc\r\n123\r\nabc\r\n123\r\n'), ( "readlines() did not work. page=%r" % (page,)) def test_write (self): child = pexpect.spawn('cat') child.write('a') child.write('\r') self.assertEqual(child.readline(), b'a\r\n') def test_writelines (self): child = pexpect.spawn('cat') child.writelines(['abc','123','xyz','\r']) child.sendeof() line = child.readline() assert line == b'abc123xyz\r\n', ( "writelines() did not work. line=%r" % (line,)) def test_eof(self): child = pexpect.spawn('cat') child.sendeof() try: child.expect ('the unexpected') except: pass assert child.eof(), "child.eof() did not return True" def test_terminate(self): child = pexpect.spawn('cat') child.terminate(force=1) assert child.terminated, "child.terminated is not True" def test_bad_child_pid(self): child = pexpect.spawn('cat') child.terminate(force=1) child.terminated = 0 # Force invalid state to test code try: child.isalive() except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect: pass else: self.fail ("child.isalive() should have raised a pexpect.ExceptionPexpect") child.terminated = 1 # Force back to valid state so __del__ won't complain def test_bad_arguments (self): '''This tests that we get a graceful error when passing bad arguments.''' try: p = pexpect.spawn(1) except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect: pass else: self.fail ("pexpect.spawn(1) should have raised a pexpect.ExceptionPexpect.") try: p = pexpect.spawn('ls', '-la') # should really use pexpect.spawn('ls', ['-ls']) except TypeError: pass else: self.fail ("pexpect.spawn('ls', '-la') should have raised a TypeError.") try: p = pexpect.spawn('cat') p.close() p.read_nonblocking(size=1, timeout=3) except ValueError: pass else: self.fail ("read_nonblocking on closed spawn object should have raised a ValueError.") def test_isalive(self): child = pexpect.spawn('cat') assert child.isalive(), child.isalive() child.sendeof() child.expect(pexpect.EOF) assert not child.isalive(), child.isalive() def test_bad_type_in_expect(self): child = pexpect.spawn('cat') try: child.expect({}) # We don't support dicts yet. Should give TypeError except TypeError: pass else: self.fail ("child.expect({}) should have raised a TypeError") def test_winsize(self): child = pexpect.spawn('cat') child.setwinsize(10,13) assert child.getwinsize()==(10,13), "getwinsize() did not return (10,13)" def test_env(self): default = pexpect.run('env') userenv = pexpect.run('env', env={'foo':'pexpect'}) assert default!=userenv, "'default' and 'userenv' should be different" assert b'foo' in userenv and b'pexpect' in userenv, "'foo' and 'pexpect' should be in 'userenv'" def test_cwd (self): # This assumes 'pwd' and '/tmp' exist on this platform. default = pexpect.run('pwd') tmpdir = pexpect.run('pwd', cwd='/tmp') assert default!=tmpdir, "'default' and 'tmpdir' should be different" assert (b'tmp' in tmpdir), "'tmp' should be returned by 'pwd' command" def test_which (self): p = os.defpath ep = os.environ['PATH'] os.defpath = ":/tmp" os.environ['PATH'] = ":/tmp" wp = pexpect.which ("ticker.py") assert wp == 'ticker.py', "Should return a string. Returned %s" % wp os.defpath = "/tmp" os.environ['PATH'] = "/tmp" wp = pexpect.which ("ticker.py") assert wp == None, "Executable should not be found. Returned %s" % wp os.defpath = p os.environ['PATH'] = ep def test_searcher_re (self): # This should be done programatically, if we copied and pasted output, # there wouldnt be a whole lot to test, really, other than our ability # to copy and paste correctly :-) ss = pexpect.searcher_re ([ re.compile('this'), re.compile('that'), re.compile('and'), re.compile('the'), re.compile('other') ]) out = ('searcher_re:\n 0: re.compile("this")\n ' '1: re.compile("that")\n 2: re.compile("and")\n ' '3: re.compile("the")\n 4: re.compile("other")') assert ss.__str__() == out, (ss.__str__(), out) ss = pexpect.searcher_re ([ pexpect.TIMEOUT, re.compile('this'), re.compile('that'), re.compile('and'), pexpect.EOF,re.compile('other') ]) out = ('searcher_re:\n 0: TIMEOUT\n 1: re.compile("this")\n ' '2: re.compile("that")\n 3: re.compile("and")\n ' '4: EOF\n 5: re.compile("other")') assert ss.__str__() == out, (ss.__str__(), out) def test_searcher_string (self): ss = pexpect.searcher_string ([ 'this', 'that', 'and', 'the', 'other' ]) out = ('searcher_string:\n 0: "this"\n 1: "that"\n ' '2: "and"\n 3: "the"\n 4: "other"') assert ss.__str__() == out, (ss.__str__(), out) ss = pexpect.searcher_string ([ 'this', pexpect.EOF, 'that', 'and', 'the', 'other', pexpect.TIMEOUT ]) out = ('searcher_string:\n 0: "this"\n 1: EOF\n ' '2: "that"\n 3: "and"\n 4: "the"\n ' '5: "other"\n 6: TIMEOUT') assert ss.__str__() == out, (ss.__str__(), out) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() suite = unittest.makeSuite(TestCaseMisc,'test')