path: root/UPGRADING
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authorKalle Sommer Nielsen <>2017-07-19 10:19:32 +0200
committerKalle Sommer Nielsen <>2017-07-19 10:19:32 +0200
commita398df3e364e97196b4c7115fdd687f3f81b7db0 (patch)
tree6549e0cb4fb6aac0c511c59786272caf4836e238 /UPGRADING
parentbfdd22a3de252e81a70859a6ca28e2ba1533ef70 (diff)
Removed Bird(broken)step support from ODBC
Diffstat (limited to 'UPGRADING')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 282 deletions
index 6e6dd5592a..8711371bcf 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1. Backward Incompatible Changes
2. New Features
@@ -19,136 +19,10 @@ PHP 7.2 UPGRADE NOTES
1. Backward Incompatible Changes
-- Core:
- . gettype() will now return "resource (closed)" instead of "unknown type" for
- closed resources.
- . is_object() will now return true for objects of class
- __PHP_Incomplete_Class.
- . Support for Netware operating systems have been removed.
- . Casting arrays to objects (with (object) or settype()) will now covert
- integer keys to string property names. This fixes the behaviour of previous
- versions, where integer keys would become inaccessible properties with
- integer names.
- . Casting objects to arrays (with (array) or settype()), and retrieving
- object properties in an array with get_object_vars(), will now convert
- numeric string property names (that is, property names of the format
- /^(0|(-?[1-9][0-9]*))$/ where PHP_INT_MIN <= n <= PHP_INT_MAX) to integer
- keys. This fixes the behaviour of previous versions, where numeric string
- property names would become inaccessible string keys.
- . Unqualified references to undefined constants now generate a Warning instead
- of a notice. They will generate an Error in a future version of PHP.
- (
- . Minimum supported Windows versions are Windows 7/Server 2008 R2.
- . Initial trait property value compatibility check will no longer perform
- any casts. (Bug #74269)
- . "object" (in any case) can no longer be used as a class name.
-- BCMath:
- . The bcmod() function no longer truncates fractional numbers to integers. As
- such, its behavior now follows fmod() rather than the `%` operator. For
- example `bcmod('4', '3.5')` now returns '0.5' instead of '1'.
-- Hash:
- . The hash_hmac(), hash_hmac_file(), hash_pbkdf2() and hash_init() (with
- HASH_HMAC) functions no longer accept non-cryptographic hashes.
- . The json_decode() option JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY is used if the second
- parameter (assoc) is null. Previously JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY was always
- ignored.
-- Session:
- . Removed register_globals related code and "!" can be used as $_SESSION key name.
- . Session is made to manage session status correctly and prevents invalid operations.
- Only inappropriate codes are affected by this change. If you have problems with this,
- it means you have problem in your code.
- . Functions are made to set or return correct session status.
- session_start(), session_status(), session_regenerate_id()
- . Functions are made to return bool from null. These functions have void parameter
- and void parameter is checked.
- session_unset(), session_write_close()/session_commit(), session_abort(),
- session_reset()
- . Functions prohibit invalid operations with regard to session status and
- HTTP header status, returns correct bool return value.
- session_start(), session_set_cookie_params(), session_name(), session_module_name(),
- session_set_save_handler(), session_regenerate_id(), session_cache_limiter(),
- session_cache_expire(), session_unset(), session_destroy(),
- session_write_close()/session_commit(), session_reset()
- . INI value change by ini_set() returns update status correctly. Invalid INI modifications
- are checked and made to fail.
-, session.save_path, session.cookie_lifetime, session.cookie_path,
- session.cookie_domain, session.cookie_httponly, session.cookie_secure,
- session.use_cookies, session.use_only_cookies, session.use_strict_mode,
- session.referer_check, session.cache_limiter, session.cache_expire,
- session.lazy_write, session.save_handler, session.serialize_handler,
- session.gc_probability, session.gc_divior, session.gc_maxlifetime,
- . Some E_ERRORs are changed to E_WARNING since session status is managed correctly.
- session_start()
- . Session no longer initialize $_SESSION for invalid and useless session.
- session_start()
- . When headers are already sent and try to set new INI values, session_name(),
- session_module_name(), session_save_path(), session_cache_limiter() and
- session_cache_expire() are no longer works. Older PHPs accepts new values even
- if new values will not be effective.
- This new corrected behavior may affect command line mode CLI scripts that manage
- sessions. Use output buffer just like web applications to resolve problems on
- CLI scripts.
2. New Features
-- Core:
- . It is now possible to remove argument type annotations when overriding an
- inherited method. This complies with contravariance of method argument types
- under the Liskov Substitution Principle.
- (
- . It is now allowed to override an abstract method with another abstract
- method in a child class.
- (
- . A trailing comma in group use statements is now allowed.
- (
- . The "object" type annotation is now supported.
- (
-- DBA:
- . Implemented support for the LMDB backend.
-- OCI8:
- . Added Oracle Database Transparent Application Failover (TAF) callback support.
-- PCRE:
- . Added `J` modifier for setting PCRE_DUPNAMES.
- . Added `PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL` flag to allow distinguish between unmatched
- subpatterns and empty matches by reporting NULL and "" (empty string),
- respectively.
-- Sodium
- . New cryptographic extension
-- SQLite3:
- . Implemented writing to BLOBs.
-- Standard:
- . Simplified password hashing API updated to support Argon2i hashes when PHP is compiled with libargon2
- (
- . proc_nice() is now supported on Windows platforms.
-- Zip:
- . read/write encrypted archive, relying on libzip 1.2.0,
- using new methods:
- ZipArchive::setEncryptionName($name, $method [, $password]);
- ZipArchive::setEncryptionIndex($index, $method [, $password]);
- and new constants:
- ZipArchive::EM_NONE
- ZipArchive::EM_AES_128
- ZipArchive::EM_AES_192
- ZipArchive::EM_AES_256
- . accept 'password' from zip stream context
- . ZipArchive implements countable, added ZipArchive::count() method.
3. Changes in SAPI modules
@@ -157,100 +31,14 @@ PHP 7.2 UPGRADE NOTES
4. Deprecated Functionality
-All the deprecated functionality listed in the following will be removed in
-PHP 8.0.
-- Core:
- . The trace_errors ini directive has been deprecated.
- . The __autoload() mechanism has been deprecated, use spl_autoload_register()
- instead.
- . The (unset) cast has been deprecated. This does not affect the unset($var)
- language construct.
- . The create_function() function has been deprecated, use anonymous functions
- instead.
- . The each() function has been deprecated, use a foreach loop instead.
-- EXIF:
- . The read_exif_data() alias have been deprecated, use exif_read_data() instead.
-- GD:
- . png2wbmp() and jpeg2wbmp() have been deprecated.
-- GMP:
- . The gmp_random() function has been deprecated, use gmp_random_bits() or
- gmp_random_range() instead.
-- Intl:
- . INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 has been deprecated; use INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46
- instead.
-- Mbstring:
- . The mbstring.func_overload ini directive has been deprecated.
-- Standard:
- . Calling parse_str() without the result argument has been deprecated.
- . Calling assert() with a string argument has been deprecated, use an ordinary
- expression instead.
-See also:
5. Changed Functions
-- Standard:
- . password_hash() can generate Argon2i hashes when the algorithm is set to PASSWORD_ARGON2I.
- When using PASSWORD_ARGON2I, the following cost factors may be set: 'memory_cost', 'time_cost',
- and 'threads'. These cost factors will default to 'PASSWORD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_MEMORY_COST',
- . password_verify() can verify Argon2i hashes.
- . password_get_info() and password_needs_rehash() can accept Argon2i hashes.
- . mail()/mb_send_mail() accept array $extra_header. Array parameter is checked against RFC 2822.
- Array format is
- $extra_headers = [
- 'Header-Name' => 'Header value',
- 'Multiple' => ['One header', 'Another header'],
- 'Multiline' = "FirstLine\r\n SecondLine",
- ];
- . count() now raises a warning when an invalid parameter is passed.
- Only arrays and objects implementing the Countable interface should be passed.
- . pack() and unpack() now support float and double in both little and big endian.
- . number_format() ensures zero values never contain a negative sign.
-- XML:
- . utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() have been moved to the Standard extension
- as string functions.
6. New Functions
-- Core:
- . Added stream_isatty().
- . Added sapi_windows_vt100_support().
-- DOM:
- . DomNodeList implements Countable, added DomNodeList::count().
- . DOMNamedNodeMap implements Countable, added DOMNamedNodeMap::count().
-- GD:
- . Added imagesetclip() and imagegetclip().
- . Added imageopenpolygon().
- . Added imageresolution().
- . Added imagecreatefrombmp() and imagebmp().
-- Mbstring:
- . Added mb_chr() and mb_ord().
- . Added mb_scurb() that scrub broken multibyte strings.
-- OCI8:
- . Added oci_register_taf_callback() and oci_disable_taf_callback() for
- Oracle Database TAF callback support.
-- Sockets:
- . Added socket_addrinfo_lookup(), socket_addrinfo_connect(),
- socket_addrinfo_bind() and socket_addrinfo_explain().
7. New Classes and Interfaces
@@ -259,94 +47,28 @@ See also:
8. Removed Extensions and SAPIs
-- Mcrypt:
- . The deprecated mcrypt extension has been moved to PECL.
- . libmcrypt has not been maintained since 2007 and the continued use of this
- extension is strongly discouraged.
- . Users are advised to use alternatives such as OpenSSL or libsodium.
9. Other Changes to Extensions
-- EXIF:
- . Added extended exif tag support for the following formats:
- Samsung, DJI, Panasonic, Sony, Pentax, Minolta, Sigma/Foveon,
- AGFA, Kyocera, Ricoh & Epson.
- . exif_read_data() and exif_thumbnail() now supports a passed streams as their
- first parameter.
-- GD:
- . Removed --enable-gd-native-ttf configuration option which was unused as
- of PHP 5.5.0 anyway.
- . imagegd() stores truecolor images as real truecolor images. Formerly, they
- have been converted to palette.
- . imageantialias() is now also available if compiled with a system libgd.
-- Mbstring
- . mb_check_encoding() accepts array parameter. Both key and value
- encodings are checked recursively.
- . mb_convert_encoding() accepts array parameter. Only value encodings
- are converted recursively.
- . The '--with-pdo-oci' configure syntax no longer needs the vesion number of the
- Oracle Instant Client.
-- pdo_sqlite
- . Use sqlite3_prepare_v2() and sqlite3_close_v2() functions instead of their
- legacy counterparts.
+ . Support for Birdstep has been removed.
10. New Global Constants
-- Core:
- . PHP_FLOAT_DIG number of decimal digits, that can be rounded into a
- float and back without precision loss
- . PHP_FLOAT_EPSILON smallest representable positive number x, so then
- x + 1.0 != 1.0
- . PHP_FLOAT_MIN min representable float number
- . PHP_FLOAT_MAX max representable float number
- . PHP_OS_FAMILY current operating system family
-- Fileinfo:
- . FILEINFO_EXTENSION include list of possible file extensions
-- GD:
-- Standard:
11. Changes to INI File Handling
-- sql.safe_mode
+- birdstep.max_links
. This INI directive have been removed.
-- realpath_cache_size
- . Set to 4096k by default
12. Windows Support
-- Support for VT100 console mode
- On systems starting with 10.0.10586, cmd.exe supports ANSI escape sequences.
- The corresponding console mode is enabled by default on CLI on suitable
- systems. As well, the function sapi_windows_vt100_support() is provided,
- to control and query the corresponding information in the scripts.
13. Other Changes