path: root/ext/ncurses
diff options
authorHartmut Holzgraefe <>2001-06-13 07:26:41 +0000
committerHartmut Holzgraefe <>2001-06-13 07:26:41 +0000
commitf3fa23ace99c3c32ea670ddf2960e5dbf6f370c7 (patch)
tree2e62152cec467cd7a5df4c66c2e0e8d1d7336297 /ext/ncurses
parent5ae35781e3e9166c67161c0152b7ac4b62439d40 (diff)
more functions, most of the simple ones (parameterwise) are now in
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/ncurses')
4 files changed, 1150 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/ext/ncurses/c-prototypes b/ext/ncurses/c-prototypes
index 18b1c1ba3b..c76c8feb51 100644
--- a/ext/ncurses/c-prototypes
+++ b/ext/ncurses/c-prototypes
@@ -1,263 +1,263 @@
-int addch(int);
-int addchnstr(int *, int);
-int addchstr(int *);
-int addnstr(string, int);
-int addstr(string);
-int assume_default_colors (int, int);
-int attr_get(int *, int *, void *);
-int attr_off(int, void *);
-int attr_on(int, void *);
-int attr_set(int, int, void *);
-int attroff(int);
-int attron(int);
-int attrset(int);
-int baudrate(void);
-int beep(void);
-int bkgd(int);
-void bkgdset(int);
-int border(int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int);
-int box(resource, int, int);
-bool can_change_color(void);
-int cbreak(void);
-int chgat(int, int, int, void *);
-int clear(void);
-int clearok(resource,bool);
-int clrtobot(void);
-int clrtoeol(void);
-int color_content(int,int*,int*,int*);
-int color_set(int,void*);
-int copywin(resource,resource,int,int,int,int,int,int,int);
-int curs_set(int);
-int def_prog_mode(void);
-int def_shell_mode(void);
-int define_key (string, int);
-int delay_output(int);
-int delch(void);
-int deleteln(void);
-void delscreen(SCREEN *);
-int delwin(resource);
-int doupdate(void);
-int echo(void);
-int echochar(int);
-int endwin(void);
-int erase(void);
-char erasechar(void);
-void filter(void);
-int flash(void);
-int flushinp(void);
-int getbkgd(resource);
-int getch(void);
-int getmouse(MEVENT *);
-int getnstr(string, int);
-int getstr(string);
-int halfdelay(int);
-bool has_colors(void);
-bool has_ic(void);
-bool has_il(void);
-int has_key(int); /* do we have given key? */
-int hline(int, int);
-void idcok(resource, bool);
-int idlok(resource, bool);
-void immedok(resource, bool);
-int inch(void);
-int inchnstr(int *, int);
-int inchstr(int *);
-int init_color(int,int,int,int);
-int init_pair(int,int,int);
-int innstr(string, int);
-int insch(int);
-int insdelln(int);
-int insertln(void);
-int insnstr(string, int);
-int insstr(string);
-int instr(string);
-int intrflush(resource,bool);
-bool is_linetouched(resource,int);
-bool is_wintouched(resource);
-bool isendwin(void);
-int keyok (int, bool);
-int keypad(resource,bool);
-char killchar(void);
-int leaveok(resource,bool);
-int mcprint(string, int); /* direct data to printer */
-int meta(resource,bool);
-int mouseinterval(int);
-mmask_t mousemask(mmask_t, mmask_t *);
-int move(int, int);
-int mvaddch(int, int, int);
-int mvaddchnstr(int, int, int *, int);
-int mvaddchstr(int, int, int *);
-int mvaddnstr(int, int, string, int);
-int mvaddstr(int, int, string);
-int mvchgat(int, int, int, int, int, void *);
-int mvcur(int,int,int,int);
-int mvdelch(int, int);
-int mvderwin(resource, int, int);
-int mvgetch(int, int);
-int mvgetnstr(int, int, string, int);
-int mvgetstr(int, int, string);
-int mvhline(int, int, int, int);
-int mvinch(int, int);
-int mvinchnstr(int, int, int *, int);
-int mvinchstr(int, int, int *);
-int mvinnstr(int, int, string, int);
-int mvinsch(int, int, int);
-int mvinsnstr(int, int, string, int);
-int mvinsstr(int, int, string);
-int mvinstr(int, int, string);
-int mvprintw(int,int, string,...);
-int mvscanw(int,int, string,...);
-int mvwaddch(resource, int, int, int);
-int mvwaddchnstr(resource, int, int, int *, int);
-int mvwaddchstr(resource, int, int, int *);
-int mvwaddnstr(resource, int, int, string, int);
-int mvwaddstr(resource, int, int, string);
-int mvwchgat(resource, int, int, int, int, int, void *);
-int mvwdelch(resource, int, int);
-int mvwgetch(resource, int, int);
-int mvwgetnstr(resource, int, int, string, int);
-int mvwgetstr(resource, int, int, string);
-int mvwhline(resource, int, int, int, int);
-int mvwin(resource,int,int);
-int mvwinch(resource, int, int);
-int mvwinchstr(resource, int, int, int *);
-int mvwinnstr(resource, int, int, string, int);
-int mvwinsch(resource, int, int, int);
-int mvwinsnstr(resource, int, int, string, int);
-int mvwinsstr(resource, int, int, string);
-int mvwinstr(resource, int, int, string);
-int mvwinchnstr(resource, int, int, int *, int);
-int mvwprintw(resource,int,int, string,...);
-int mvwscanw(resource,int,int, string,...);
-int mvwvline(resource,int, int, int, int);
-int napms(int);
-int nl(void);
-int nocbreak(void);
-int nodelay(resource,bool);
-int noecho(void);
-int nonl(void);
-void noqiflush(void);
-int noraw(void);
-int notimeout(resource,bool);
-int overlay(resource,resource);
-int overwrite(resource,resource);
-int pair_content(int,int*,int*);
-int pechochar(resource, int);
-int pnoutrefresh(resource,int,int,int,int,int,int);
-int prefresh(resource,int,int,int,int,int,int);
-int printw( string,...);
-int putp(string);
-int putwin(resource, FILE *);
-void qiflush(void);
-int raw(void);
-int redrawwin(resource);
-int refresh(void);
-int reset_prog_mode(void);
-int reset_shell_mode(void);
-int resetty(void);
-int resizeterm (int, int);
-int ripoffline(int, int (*init)(resource, int));
-int savetty(void);
-int scanw( string,...);
-int scr_dump(string);
-int scr_init(string);
-int scr_restore(string);
-int scr_set(string);
-int scrl(int);
-int scroll(resource);
-int scrollok(resource,bool);
-int setscrreg(int,int);
-int slk_attroff(int);
-int slk_attr_off(int, void *); /* generated:WIDEC */
-int slk_attron(int);
-int slk_attr_on(int,void*); /* generated:WIDEC */
-int slk_attrset(int);
-int slk_attr(void);
-int slk_attr_set(int,int,void*);
-int slk_clear(void);
-int slk_color(int);
-int slk_init(int);
-int slk_noutrefresh(void);
-int slk_refresh(void);
-int slk_restore(void);
-int slk_set(int,string,int);
-int slk_touch(void);
-int standend(void);
-int standout(void);
-int start_color(void);
-int syncok(resource, bool);
-int termattrs(void);
-int tigetflag( string);
-int tigetnum( string);
-void timeout(int);
-int typeahead(int);
-int ungetch(int);
-int ungetmouse(MEVENT *);
-int untouchwin(resource);
-int use_default_colors (void);
-void use_env(bool);
-int use_extended_names (bool);
-int vidattr(int);
-int vidputs(int, int (*)(int));
-int vline(int, int);
-int vw_printw(resource, string,va_list);
-int vw_scanw(resource, string,va_list);
-int vwprintw(resource, string,va_list);
-int vwscanw(resource, string,va_list);
-int waddch(resource, int);
-int waddchnstr(resource,int *const,int);
-int waddchstr(resource,int *);
-int waddnstr(resource,stringconst,int);
-int waddstr(resource,string);
-int wattr_get(resource, int *, int *, void *);
-int wattr_off(resource, int, void *);
-int wattr_on(resource, int, void *);
-int wattr_set(resource, int, int, void *);
-int wattroff(resource, int);
-int wattron(resource, int);
-int wattrset(resource, int);
-int wbkgd(resource,int);
-void wbkgdset(resource,int);
-int wborder(resource,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int);
-int wchgat(resource, int, int, int, void *);
-int wclear(resource);
-int wclrtobot(resource);
-int wclrtoeol(resource);
-int wcolor_set(resource,int,void*);
-void wcursyncup(resource);
-int wdelch(resource);
-int wdeleteln(resource);
-int wechochar(resource, int);
-bool wenclose(resource, int, int);
-int werase(resource);
-int wgetch(resource);
-int wgetnstr(resource,string,int);
-int wgetstr(resource, string);
-int whline(resource, int, int);
-int winch(resource);
-int winchnstr(resource, int *, int);
-int winchstr(resource, int *);
-int winnstr(resource, string, int);
-int winsch(resource, int);
-int winsdelln(resource,int);
-int winsertln(resource);
-int winsnstr(resource, string,int);
-int winsstr(resource, string);
-int winstr(resource, string);
-bool wmouse_trafo(resource win,int* y, int* x, bool to_screen);
-int wmove(resource,int,int);
-int wnoutrefresh(resource);
-int wprintw(resource, string,...);
-int wredrawln(resource,int,int);
-int wrefresh(resource);
-int wresize (resource, int, int);
-int wscanw(resource, string,...);
-int wscrl(resource,int);
-int wsetscrreg(resource,int,int);
-int wstandend(resource);
-int wstandout(resource);
-void wsyncdown(resource);
-void wsyncup(resource);
-void wtimeout(resource,int);
-int wtouchln(resource,int,int,int);
-int wvline(resource,int,int);
++ int addch(int);
+- int addchnstr(int *,int);
+- int addchstr(int *);
+- int addnstr(string,int);
+- int addstr(string);
+- int assume_default_colors (int,int);
+- int attr_get(int *,int *,void *);
+- int attr_off(int,void *);
+- int attr_on(int,void *);
+- int attr_set(int,int,void *);
++ int attroff(int);
++ int attron(int);
++ int attrset(int);
++ int baudrate(void);
++ int beep(void);
++ int bkgd(int);
++ void bkgdset(int);
+- int border(int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int);
+- int box(resource,int,int);
++ bool can_change_color(void);
++ int cbreak(void);
+- int chgat(int,int,int,void *);
++ int clear(void);
+- int clearok(resource,bool);
++ int clrtobot(void);
++ int clrtoeol(void);
+- int color_content(int,int*,int*,int*);
++ int color_set(int,void*);
+- int copywin(resource,resource,int,int,int,int,int,int,int);
++ int curs_set(int);
++ int def_prog_mode(void);
++ int def_shell_mode(void);
+- int define_key (string,int);
++ int delay_output(int);
++ int delch(void);
++ int deleteln(void);
+- void delscreen(SCREEN *);
++ int delwin(resource);
++ int doupdate(void);
++ int echo(void);
++ int echochar(int);
++ int endwin(void);
++ int erase(void);
++ char erasechar(void);
++ void filter(void);
++ int flash(void);
++ int flushinp(void);
+- int getbkgd(resource);
++ int getch(void);
+- int getmouse(MEVENT *);
+- int getnstr(string,int);
+- int getstr(string);
++ int halfdelay(int);
++ bool has_colors(void);
++ bool has_ic(void);
++ bool has_il(void);
++ int has_key(int); /* do we have given key? */
+- int hline(int,int);
+- void idcok(resource,bool);
+- int idlok(resource,bool);
+- void immedok(resource,bool);
++ int inch(void);
+- int inchnstr(int *,int);
+- int inchstr(int *);
+- int init_color(int,int,int,int);
++ int init_pair(int,int,int);
+- int innstr(string,int);
++ int insch(int);
++ int insdelln(int);
++ int insertln(void);
+- int insnstr(string,int);
+- int insstr(string);
+- int instr(string);
+- int intrflush(resource,bool);
+- bool is_linetouched(resource,int);
+- bool is_wintouched(resource);
++ bool isendwin(void);
+- int keyok (int,bool);
+- int keypad(resource,bool);
++ char killchar(void);
+- int leaveok(resource,bool);
+- int mcprint(string,int); /* direct data to printer */
+- int meta(resource,bool);
++ int mouseinterval(int);
+- mmask_t mousemask(mmask_t,mmask_t *);
++ int move(int,int);
+- int mvaddch(int,int,int);
+- int mvaddchnstr(int,int,int *,int);
+- int mvaddchstr(int,int,int *);
+- int mvaddnstr(int,int,string,int);
+- int mvaddstr(int,int,string);
+- int mvchgat(int,int,int,int,int,void *);
+- int mvcur(int,int,int,int);
+- int mvdelch(int,int);
+- int mvderwin(resource,int,int);
+- int mvgetch(int,int);
+- int mvgetnstr(int,int,string,int);
+- int mvgetstr(int,int,string);
+- int mvhline(int,int,int,int);
+- int mvinch(int,int);
+- int mvinchnstr(int,int,int *,int);
+- int mvinchstr(int,int,int *);
+- int mvinnstr(int,int,string,int);
+- int mvinsch(int,int,int);
+- int mvinsnstr(int,int,string,int);
+- int mvinsstr(int,int,string);
+- int mvinstr(int,int,string);
+- int mvprintw(int,int, string,...);
+- int mvscanw(int,int, string,...);
+- int mvwaddch(resource,int,int,int);
+- int mvwaddchnstr(resource,int,int,int *,int);
+- int mvwaddchstr(resource,int,int,int *);
+- int mvwaddnstr(resource,int,int,string,int);
+- int mvwaddstr(resource,int,int,string);
+- int mvwchgat(resource,int,int,int,int,int,void *);
+- int mvwdelch(resource,int,int);
+- int mvwgetch(resource,int,int);
+- int mvwgetnstr(resource,int,int,string,int);
+- int mvwgetstr(resource,int,int,string);
+- int mvwhline(resource,int,int,int,int);
+- int mvwin(resource,int,int);
+- int mvwinch(resource,int,int);
+- int mvwinchstr(resource,int,int,int *);
+- int mvwinnstr(resource,int,int,string,int);
+- int mvwinsch(resource,int,int,int);
+- int mvwinsnstr(resource,int,int,string,int);
+- int mvwinsstr(resource,int,int,string);
+- int mvwinstr(resource,int,int,string);
+- int mvwinchnstr(resource,int,int,int *,int);
+- int mvwprintw(resource,int,int, string,...);
+- int mvwscanw(resource,int,int, string,...);
+- int mvwvline(resource,int,int,int,int);
++ int napms(int);
++ int nl(void);
++ int nocbreak(void);
+- int nodelay(resource,bool);
++ int noecho(void);
++ int nonl(void);
++ void noqiflush(void);
++ int noraw(void);
+- int notimeout(resource,bool);
+- int overlay(resource,resource);
+- int overwrite(resource,resource);
+- int pair_content(int,int*,int*);
+- int pechochar(resource,int);
+- int pnoutrefresh(resource,int,int,int,int,int,int);
+- int prefresh(resource,int,int,int,int,int,int);
+- int printw( string,...);
+- int putp(string);
+- int putwin(resource,FILE *);
++ void qiflush(void);
++ int raw(void);
+- int redrawwin(resource);
++ int refresh(void);
+- int reset_prog_mode(void);
+- int reset_shell_mode(void);
++ int resetty(void);
+- int resizeterm (int,int);
+- int ripoffline(int,int (*init)(resource,int));
++ int savetty(void);
+- int scanw( string,...);
+- int scr_dump(string);
+- int scr_init(string);
+- int scr_restore(string);
+- int scr_set(string);
++ int scrl(int);
+- int scroll(resource);
+- int scrollok(resource,bool);
+- int setscrreg(int,int);
++ int slk_attroff(int);
+- int slk_attr_off(int,void *); /* generated:WIDEC */
++ int slk_attron(int);
+- int slk_attr_on(int,void*); /* generated:WIDEC */
++ int slk_attrset(int);
++ int slk_attr(void);
+- int slk_attr_set(int,int,void*);
++ int slk_clear(void);
++ int slk_color(int);
++ int slk_init(int);
++ int slk_noutrefresh(void);
+- int slk_refresh(void);
+- int slk_restore(void);
+- int slk_set(int,string,int);
+- int slk_touch(void);
++ int standend(void);
++ int standout(void);
++ int start_color(void);
+- int syncok(resource,bool);
++ int termattrs(void);
+- int tigetflag( string);
+- int tigetnum( string);
++ void timeout(int);
++ int typeahead(int);
++ int ungetch(int);
+- int ungetmouse(MEVENT *);
+- int untouchwin(resource);
++ int use_default_colors (void);
++ void use_env(bool);
++ int use_extended_names (bool);
++ int vidattr(int);
+- int vidputs(int,int (*)(int));
+- int vline(int,int);
+- int vw_printw(resource, string,va_list);
+- int vw_scanw(resource, string,va_list);
+- int vwprintw(resource, string,va_list);
+- int vwscanw(resource, string,va_list);
+- int waddch(resource,int);
+- int waddchnstr(resource,int *const,int);
+- int waddchstr(resource,int *);
+- int waddnstr(resource,stringconst,int);
+- int waddstr(resource,string);
+- int wattr_get(resource,int *,int *,void *);
+- int wattr_off(resource, int,void *);
+- int wattr_on(resource, int,void *);
+- int wattr_set(resource,int,int,void *);
+- int wattroff(resource,int);
+- int wattron(resource,int);
+- int wattrset(resource,int);
+- int wbkgd(resource,int);
+- void wbkgdset(resource,int);
+- int wborder(resource,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int);
+- int wchgat(resource,int,int,int,void *);
+- int wclear(resource);
+- int wclrtobot(resource);
+- int wclrtoeol(resource);
+- int wcolor_set(resource,int,void*);
+- void wcursyncup(resource);
+- int wdelch(resource);
+- int wdeleteln(resource);
+- int wechochar(resource,int);
+- bool wenclose(resource,int,int);
+- int werase(resource);
+- int wgetch(resource);
+- int wgetnstr(resource,string,int);
+- int wgetstr(resource,string);
+- int whline(resource,int,int);
+- int winch(resource);
+- int winchnstr(resource,int *,int);
+- int winchstr(resource,int *);
+- int winnstr(resource,string,int);
+- int winsch(resource,int);
+- int winsdelln(resource,int);
+- int winsertln(resource);
+- int winsnstr(resource,string,int);
+- int winsstr(resource,string);
+- int winstr(resource,string);
+- bool wmouse_trafo(resource win,int* y,int* x,bool to_screen);
+- int wmove(resource,int,int);
+- int wnoutrefresh(resource);
+- int wprintw(resource, string,...);
+- int wredrawln(resource,int,int);
+- int wrefresh(resource);
+- int wresize (resource,int,int);
+- int wscanw(resource,string,...);
+- int wscrl(resource,int);
+- int wsetscrreg(resource,int,int);
+- int wstandend(resource);
+- int wstandout(resource);
+- void wsyncdown(resource);
+- void wsyncup(resource);
+- void wtimeout(resource,int);
+- int wtouchln(resource,int,int,int);
+- int wvline(resource,int,int);
diff --git a/ext/ncurses/ncurses_fe.c b/ext/ncurses/ncurses_fe.c
index fdd4af59d4..a4e3db59fd 100644
--- a/ext/ncurses/ncurses_fe.c
+++ b/ext/ncurses/ncurses_fe.c
@@ -43,5 +43,76 @@ function_entry ncurses_functions[] = {
PHP_FE(ncurses_init_pair, NULL)
PHP_FE(ncurses_newwin, NULL)
PHP_FE(ncurses_delwin, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_standout, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_standend, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_baudrate, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_beep, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_can_change_color, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_cbreak, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_clear, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_clrtobot, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_clrtoeol, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_def_prog_mode, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_def_shell_mode, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_delch, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_deleteln, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_doupdate, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_echo, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_echochar, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_erase, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_erasechar, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_flash, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_flushinp, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_has_ic, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_has_il, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_inch, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_insertln, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_isendwin, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_killchar, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_nl, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_nocbreak, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_noecho, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_nonl, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_noraw, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_raw, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_resetty, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_savetty, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_termattrs, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_use_default_colors, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_attr, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_clear, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_noutrefresh, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_refresh, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_restore, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_touch, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_attroff, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_attron, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_attrset, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_bkgd, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_curs_set, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_delay_output, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_echochar, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_halfdelay, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_has_key, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_insch, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_insdelln, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_mouseinterval, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_napms, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_scrl, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_attroff, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_attron, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_attrset, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_color, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_slk_init, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_typeahead, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_ungetch, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_vidattr, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_use_extended_names, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_bkgdset, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_filter, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_noqiflush, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_qiflush, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_timeout, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(ncurses_use_env, NULL)
{NULL, NULL, NULL} /* Must be the last line in ncurses_functions[] */
diff --git a/ext/ncurses/ncurses_functions.c b/ext/ncurses/ncurses_functions.c
index ea73ba1e6b..dca635a74b 100644
--- a/ext/ncurses/ncurses_functions.c
+++ b/ext/ncurses/ncurses_functions.c
@@ -181,3 +181,748 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(ncurses_start_color)
/* }}} */
+/* ----- */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_standout()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(standout());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_standend()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(standend());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_baudrate()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(baudrate());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_beep()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(beep());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_can_change_color()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(can_change_color());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_cbreak()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(cbreak());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_clear()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(clear());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_clrtobot()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(clrtobot());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_clrtoeol()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(clrtoeol());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_def_prog_mode()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(def_prog_mode());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_def_shell_mode()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(def_shell_mode());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_delch()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(delch());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_deleteln()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(deleteln());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_doupdate()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(doupdate());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_echo()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(echo());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_erase()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(erase());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_erasechar()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(erasechar());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_flash()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(flash());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_flushinp()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(flushinp());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_has_ic()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(has_ic());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_has_il()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(has_il());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_inch()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(inch());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_insertln()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(insertln());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_isendwin()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(isendwin());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_killchar()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(killchar());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_nl()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(nl());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_nocbreak()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(nocbreak());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_noecho()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(noecho());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_nonl()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(nonl());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_noraw()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(noraw());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_raw()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(raw());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_resetty()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(resetty());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_savetty()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(savetty());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_termattrs()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(termattrs());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_use_default_colors()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(use_default_colors());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_slk_attr()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_attr());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_slk_clear()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_clear());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_slk_noutrefresh()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_noutrefresh());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_slk_refresh()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_refresh());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_slk_restore()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_restore());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool ncurses_slk_touch()
+ */
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_touch());
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_attroff(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(attroff(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_attron(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(attron(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_attrset(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(attrset(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_bkgd(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(bkgd(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_curs_set(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(curs_set(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_delay_output(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(delay_output(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_echochar(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(echochar(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_halfdelay(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(halfdelay(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_has_key(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(has_key(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_insch(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(insch(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_insdelln(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(insdelln(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_mouseinterval(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(mouseinterval(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_napms(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(napms(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_scrl(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(scrl(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_slk_attroff(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_attroff(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_slk_attron(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_attron(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_slk_attrset(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_attrset(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_slk_color(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_color(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_slk_init(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(slk_init(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_typeahead(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(typeahead(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_ungetch(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(ungetch(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_vidattr(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(vidattr(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_use_extended_names(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ RETURN_LONG(use_extended_names(_INT(intarg)));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_bkgdset(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ bkgdset(_INT(intarg));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_filter()
+ */
+ filter();
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_noqiflush()
+ */
+ noqiflush();
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_qiflush()
+ */
+ qiflush();
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_timeout(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ timeout(_INT(intarg));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int ncurses_use_env(int intarg)
+ */
+ zval **intarg;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &intarg) == FAILURE){
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(intarg);
+ use_env(_INT(intarg));
+/* }}} */
diff --git a/ext/ncurses/php_ncurses_fe.h b/ext/ncurses/php_ncurses_fe.h
index ae652c0a33..1719576dbf 100644
--- a/ext/ncurses/php_ncurses_fe.h
+++ b/ext/ncurses/php_ncurses_fe.h
@@ -33,5 +33,75 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(ncurses_color_set);