path: root/netware
diff options
authorAnantha Kesari H Y <>2005-07-16 12:55:45 +0000
committerAnantha Kesari H Y <>2005-07-16 12:55:45 +0000
commit191c216beaf40b1171d8f4ccec20930a0ed4c176 (patch)
tree84e4117ac787e95e27318bf0b80bfb72bd77211d /netware
parentc0365c31341cbac83b83140bba244521c6c298c6 (diff)
NetWare can make use of the Autoconf based build system
Diffstat (limited to 'netware')
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 2832 deletions
diff --git a/netware/ApacheCore.imp b/netware/ApacheCore.imp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f77837970..0000000000
--- a/netware/ApacheCore.imp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
- ap_MD5Final,
- ap_MD5Init,
- ap_MD5Update,
- ap_acquire_mutex,
- ap_add_cgi_vars,
- ap_add_common_vars,
- ap_add_loaded_module,
- ap_add_module,
- ap_add_named_module,
- ap_add_per_dir_conf,
- ap_add_per_url_conf,
- ap_add_version_component,
- ap_allow_options,
- ap_allow_overrides,
- ap_append_arrays,
- ap_array_cat,
- ap_auth_name,
- ap_auth_type,
- ap_basic_http_header,
- ap_bclose,
- ap_bcreate,
- ap_bfilbuf,
- ap_bfileno,
- ap_bflsbuf,
- ap_bflush,
- ap_bgetopt,
- ap_bgets,
- ap_bhalfduplex,
- ap_block_alarms,
- ap_blookc,
- ap_bnonblock,
- ap_bonerror,
- ap_bpushfd,
- ap_bputs,
- ap_bread,
- ap_bsetflag,
- ap_bsetopt,
- ap_bskiplf,
- ap_bspawn_child,
- ap_bwrite,
- ap_bytes_in_free_blocks,
- ap_bytes_in_pool,
- ap_call_exec,
- ap_can_exec,
- ap_cfg_closefile,
- ap_cfg_getc,
- ap_cfg_getline,
- ap_chdir_file,
- ap_check_alarm,
- ap_check_cmd_context,
- ap_checkmask,
- ap_cleanup_for_exec,
- ap_clear_module_list,
- ap_clear_pool,
- ap_clear_table,
- ap_close_piped_log,
- ap_construct_server,
- ap_construct_url,
- ap_content_type_tolower,
- ap_copy_array,
- ap_copy_array_hdr,
- ap_copy_table,
- ap_count_dirs,
- ap_cpystrn,
- ap_create_environment,
- ap_create_mutex,
- ap_create_per_dir_config,
- ap_custom_response,
- ap_default_port_for_request,
- ap_default_port_for_scheme,
- ap_default_type,
- ap_destroy_mutex,
- ap_destroy_pool,
- ap_destroy_sub_req,
- ap_die,
- ap_discard_request_body,
- ap_document_root,
- ap_each_byterange,
- ap_error_log2stderr,
- ap_escape_html,
- ap_escape_path_segment,
- ap_escape_quotes,
- ap_escape_shell_cmd,
- ap_exists_scoreboard_image,
- ap_finalize_request_protocol,
- ap_find_command,
- ap_find_command_in_modules,
- ap_find_last_token,
- ap_find_linked_module,
- ap_find_module_name,
- ap_find_path_info,
- ap_find_token,
- ap_get_basic_auth_pw,
- ap_get_client_block,
- ap_get_gmtoff,
- ap_get_limit_req_body,
- ap_get_remote_host,
- ap_get_remote_logname,
- ap_get_server_built,
- ap_get_server_name,
- ap_get_server_port,
- ap_get_server_version,
- ap_get_time,
- ap_get_token,
- ap_getparents,
- ap_getword,
- ap_getword_conf,
- ap_getword_conf_nc,
- ap_getword_nc,
- ap_getword_nulls,
- ap_getword_nulls_nc,
- ap_getword_white,
- ap_getword_white_nc,
- ap_gm_timestr_822,
- ap_gname2id,
- ap_handle_command,
- ap_hard_timeout,
- ap_ht_time,
- ap_ind,
- ap_index_of_response,
- ap_init_virtual_host,
- ap_internal_redirect,
- ap_internal_redirect_handler,
- ap_is_directory,
- ap_is_fnmatch,
- ap_is_initial_req,
- ap_is_matchexp,
- ap_is_url,
- ap_kill_cleanup,
- ap_kill_cleanups_for_fd,
- ap_kill_cleanups_for_socket,
- ap_kill_timeout,
- ap_log_assert,
- ap_log_error_old,
- ap_log_reason,
- ap_log_unixerr,
- ap_make_array,
- ap_make_dirstr,
- ap_make_dirstr_parent,
- ap_make_dirstr_prefix,
- ap_make_full_path,
- ap_make_sub_pool,
- ap_make_table,
- ap_matches_request_vhost,
- ap_md5,
- ap_md5_binary,
- ap_md5contextTo64,
- ap_md5digest,
- ap_meets_conditions,
- ap_no2slash,
- ap_note_auth_failure,
- ap_note_basic_auth_failure,
- ap_note_cleanups_for_fd,
- ap_note_cleanups_for_file,
- ap_note_cleanups_for_socket,
- ap_note_digest_auth_failure,
- ap_note_subprocess,
- ap_open_mutex,
- ap_open_piped_log,
- ap_os_escape_path,
- ap_overlap_tables,
- ap_overlay_tables,
- ap_palloc,
- ap_parseHTTPdate,
- ap_parse_hostinfo_components,
- ap_parse_uri,
- ap_parse_uri_components,
- ap_pcalloc,
- ap_pcfg_open_custom,
- ap_pcfg_openfile,
- ap_pclosedir,
- ap_pclosef,
- ap_pclosesocket,
- ap_pduphostent,
- ap_pfclose,
- ap_pfdopen,
- ap_pfopen,
- ap_pgethostbyname,
- ap_popendir,
- ap_popenf,
- ap_pregcomp,
- ap_pregfree,
- ap_pregsub,
- ap_psignature,
- ap_psocket,
- ap_pstrdup,
- ap_pstrndup,
- ap_push_array,
- ap_pvsprintf,
- ap_rationalize_mtime,
- ap_register_cleanup,
- ap_release_mutex,
- ap_remove_loaded_module,
- ap_remove_module,
- ap_requires,
- ap_reset_timeout,
- ap_rflush,
- ap_rind,
- ap_rputc,
- ap_rputs,
- ap_run_cleanup,
- ap_run_sub_req,
- ap_rwrite,
- ap_satisfies,
- ap_scan_script_header_err,
- ap_scan_script_header_err_buff,
- ap_scan_script_header_err_core,
- ap_send_fb,
- ap_send_fb_length,
- ap_send_fd,
- ap_send_fd_length,
- ap_send_http_header,
- ap_send_http_trace,
- ap_send_mmap,
- ap_send_size,
- ap_server_root_relative,
- ap_set_byterange,
- ap_set_content_length,
- ap_set_etag,
- ap_set_keepalive,
- ap_set_last_modified,
- ap_setup_client_block,
- ap_should_client_block,
- ap_soft_timeout,
- ap_some_auth_required,
- ap_spawn_child,
- ap_srm_command_loop,
- ap_str_tolower,
- ap_strcasecmp_match,
- ap_strcmp_match,
- ap_sub_req_lookup_file,
- ap_sub_req_lookup_uri,
- ap_sync_scoreboard_image,
- ap_table_add,
- ap_table_addn,
- ap_table_get,
- ap_table_merge,
- ap_table_mergen,
- ap_table_set,
- ap_table_setn,
- ap_table_unset,
- ap_tm2sec,
- ap_uname2id,
- ap_unblock_alarms,
- ap_unescape_url,
- ap_unparse_uri_components,
- ap_update_mtime,
- ap_uudecode,
- ap_uuencode,
- ap_vbprintf,
- ap_vformatter,
- ap_vsnprintf,
- regcomp,
- regexec,
- regfree,
- access_module,
- alias_module,
- ap_bprintf,
- ap_bvputs,
- ap_day_snames,
- ap_extended_status,
- ap_limit_section,
- ap_loaded_modules,
- ap_log_error,
- ap_log_printf,
- ap_log_rerror,
- ap_month_snames,
- ap_null_cleanup,
- ap_psprintf,
- ap_pstrcat,
- ap_restart_time,
- ap_rprintf,
- ap_rvputs,
- ap_scoreboard_image,
- ap_send_header_field,
- ap_server_argv0,
- ap_server_root,
- ap_set_file_slot,
- ap_set_flag_slot,
- ap_set_string_slot,
- ap_set_string_slot_lower,
- ap_snprintf,
- ap_suexec_enabled,
- ap_table_do,
- apache_main,
- asis_module,
- auth_module,
- autoindex_module,
- config_log_module,
- core_module,
- dir_module,
- env_module,
- imap_module,
- includes_module,
- mime_module,
- negotiation_module,
- setenvif_module,
- so_module,
- top_module,
- ap_fnmatch,
- ap_method_number_of,
- ap_exists_config_define,
- ap_single_module_configure,
- ap_make_etag,
- ap_array_pstrcat,
- ap_find_list_item,
- ap_MD5Encode,
- ap_validate_password,
- ap_size_list_item,
- ap_get_list_item,
- ap_scoreboard_fname,
- ap_pid_fname,
- ap_excess_requests_per_child,
- ap_threads_per_child,
- ap_max_requests_per_child,
- ap_daemons_to_start,
- ap_daemons_min_free,
- ap_daemons_max_free,
- ap_daemons_limit,
- ap_user_name,
- ap_user_id,
- ap_group_id,
- ap_standalone,
- ap_server_confname,
- ap_sub_req_method_uri,
- ap_regerror,
- ap_regexec,
- ap_field_noparam,
- ap_pbase64decode,
- ap_pbase64encode,
- ap_base64encode,
- ap_base64encode_binary,
- ap_base64encode_len,
- ap_base64decode,
- ap_base64decode_binary,
- ap_base64decode_len,
- ap_SHA1Init,
- ap_SHA1Update_binary,
- ap_SHA1Update,
- ap_SHA1Final,
- ap_sha1_base64,
- ap_my_generation,
- ap_get_virthost_addr,
- ap_listeners,
- ap_listenbacklog,
- clean_parent_exit,
- init_tsd,
- ap_set_config_vectors,
- ap_strcasestr,
- ap_to64,
- ap_vrprintf,
- regerror,
- ap_add_file_conf,
- ap_configtestonly,
- ap_is_rdirectory,
- ap_remove_spaces,
- ap_scan_script_header_err_strs,
- ap_start_shutdown,
- ap_start_restart,
- ap_stripprefix,
- ap_send_error_response,
- ap_os_canonical_filename,
- ap_os_http_method,
- os_readdir,
- os_opendir
diff --git a/netware/BisonExtStandard.bat b/netware/BisonExtStandard.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 4b394d8308..0000000000
--- a/netware/BisonExtStandard.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
diff --git a/netware/BisonFlexZend.bat b/netware/BisonFlexZend.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 5ed6aa3a18..0000000000
--- a/netware/BisonFlexZend.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-bison --output=zend_ini_parser.c -v -d -p ini_ zend_ini_parser.y
-flex -B -i -Sflex.skl -Pini_ -ozend_ini_scanner.c zend_ini_scanner.l
-REM flex -i -Pini_ -ozend_ini_scanner.c zend_ini_scanner.l
-bison --output=zend_language_parser.c -v -d -p zend zend_language_parser.y
-flex -B -i -Sflex.skl -Pzend -ozend_language_scanner.c zend_language_scanner.l
-REM flex -i -Pzend -ozend_language_scanner.c zend_language_scanner.l
diff --git a/netware/ZendEngine2.mak b/netware/ZendEngine2.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index effd309835..0000000000
--- a/netware/ZendEngine2.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# Temporarily here -- later may go into some batch file
-# which will set this as an environment variable
-# Module details
-#include the common settings
-include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/common.mif
-# Extensions of all input and output files
-.SUFFIXES: .nlm .lib .obj .cpp .c .msg .mlc .mdb .xdc .d
-C_SRC = zend.c \
- zend_alloc.c \
- zend_API.c \
- zend_builtin_functions.c \
- zend_compile.c \
- zend_constants.c \
- zend_dynamic_array.c \
- zend_execute.c \
- zend_execute_API.c \
- zend_extensions.c \
- zend_hash.c \
- zend_highlight.c \
- zend_indent.c \
- zend_ini.c \
- zend_ini_parser.c \
- zend_ini_scanner.c \
- zend_language_parser.c \
- zend_language_scanner.c \
- zend_list.c \
- zend_llist.c \
- zend_multibyte.c \
- zend_object_handlers.c \
- zend_objects.c \
- zend_opcode.c \
- zend_operators.c \
- zend_ptr_stack.c \
- zend_qsort.c \
- zend_sprintf.c \
- zend_stack.c \
- zend_static_allocator.c \
- zend_ts_hash.c \
- zend_variables.c
-# Destination directories and files
-OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.obj) $(C_SRC:.c=.obj))
-DEPDS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.d) $(C_SRC:.c=.d))
-# Binary file
-ifndef BINARY
-# Compile flags
-C_FLAGS = -c -maxerrors 25 -msgstyle std
-C_FLAGS += -wchar_t on -bool on
-C_FLAGS += -processor Pentium
-C_FLAGS += -nostdinc
-C_FLAGS += -relax_pointers # To remove type-casting errors
-# These are required to use dlclose so that the PHP extensions are automatically unloaded
-# when apache is unloaded
-C_FLAGS += -I. -I- -I../netware -I$(SDK_DIR)/include # ../netware added for special SYS/STAT.H
-C_FLAGS += -I$(MWCIncludes)
-# Link flags
-LD_FLAGS = -type library
-# Extra stuff based on debug / release builds
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- C_FLAGS += -inline smart -sym on -sym codeview4 -sym internal -opt off -opt intrinsics
- LD_FLAGS += -sym codeview4 -sym internal
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtld.lib
- C_FLAGS += -opt speed -inline on -inline auto -sym off
- LD_FLAGS += -sym off
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtl.lib
-# Virtual paths
-vpath %.cpp .
-vpath %.c .
-vpath %.obj $(OBJ_DIR)
-all: prebuild project
-.PHONY: all
- @if not exist $(OBJ_DIR) md $(OBJ_DIR)
-project: $(BINARY) $(MESSAGE)
- @echo Build complete.
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.d: %.c
- @echo Building Dependencies for $(<F)
- @$(CC) -M $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.obj: %.c
- @echo Compiling $?...
- @$(CC) $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
- @echo Linking $@...
-.PHONY: clean
-clean: cleansrc cleanobj cleanbin
-.PHONY: cleansrc
- @echo Deleting all generated source files...
- -@del "zend_ini_parser.c"
- -@del "zend_ini_parser.h"
- -@del "zend_ini_scanner.c"
- -@del "zend_language_parser.c"
- -@del "zend_language_parser.h"
- -@del "zend_language_scanner.c"
- -@del "zend_ini_parser.output"
- -@del "zend_language_parser.output"
-.PHONY: cleand
- @echo Deleting all dependency files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
-.PHONY: cleanobj
- @echo Deleting all object files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
-.PHONY: cleanbin
- @echo Deleting binary files...
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).lib"
diff --git a/netware/build.bat b/netware/build.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 5c8e310a53..0000000000
--- a/netware/build.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-cd ..\%1
-if "%2" == "clean" make -f ..\netware\%1.mak clean
-if "%2" == "/?" goto USAGE
-if "%1" == "zend" call ..\netware\BisonFlexZend
-if "%1" == "ZendEngine2" call ..\netware\BisonFlexZend
-REM Build command
-make -f ..\netware\%1.mak
-goto EXIT
- @echo on
- @echo Usage: build moduleName [clean]
- @echo clean - delete all object files and binaries before building
-cd ..\netware \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/netware/buildext.bat b/netware/buildext.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 6cea5530cc..0000000000
--- a/netware/buildext.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-cd ..\ext\%1
-if "%2" == "clean" make -f %1.mak clean
-if "%2" == "/?" goto USAGE
-REM Build command
-make -f %1.mak
-goto EXIT
- @echo on
- @echo Usage: buildext extension_name [clean]
- @echo clean - delete all object files and binaries before building
-cd ..\..\netware
diff --git a/netware/buildlib.bat b/netware/buildlib.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 5abd71229d..0000000000
--- a/netware/buildlib.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-cd ..
-if "%1" == "clean" make -f netware\phplib.mak clean
-if "%1" == "/?" goto USAGE
-call netware\BisonExtStandard
-REM Build command
-make -f netware\phplib.mak
-goto EXIT
- @echo on
- @echo Usage: buildlib [clean]
- @echo clean - delete all object files and binaries before building
-cd netware \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/netware/buildsapi.bat b/netware/buildsapi.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index ddf299af23..0000000000
--- a/netware/buildsapi.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-cd ..\sapi\%1
-if "%2" == "clean" make -f ..\..\netware\php5%1.mak clean
-if "%2" == "/?" goto USAGE
-REM Build command
-make -f ..\..\netware\php5%1.mak
-goto EXIT
- @echo on
- @echo Usage: buildsapi SAPI_Module_Name [clean]
- @echo clean - delete all object files and binaries before building
-cd ..\..\netware
diff --git a/netware/common.mif b/netware/common.mif
deleted file mode 100644
index a2250e3b8c..0000000000
--- a/netware/common.mif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Common include file for PHP build.
-# Include this in every make file.
-# Set following directories based on your setting
-# Path to CodeWarrior installation
-# LibC directory
-ifndef SDK_DIR
-SDK_DIR = P:/APPS/script/sw/libc
-# MPK related directory
-ifndef MPK_DIR
-MPK_DIR = p:/apps/script/mpk
-XDCTOOL = mpkxdc
-# Winsock stuff
-WINSOCK_DIR = P:/APPS/script/sw/Winsock2
-# LDAP stuff
-LDAP_DIR = P:/APPS/script/sw/cldapsdk
-# XML-EXPAT stuff
-EXPAT_DIR = P:/APPS/script/sw/expat
-# Web Server defaults to Apache 1.3.x
-ifndef APACHE_VER
-# Apache directory
-ifeq '$(APACHE_VER)' '1.3'
-APACHE_DIR = P:/APPS/script/sw/Apache1.3.xSource
-APACHE_DIR = P:/APPS/script/sw/Apache2Source
-# CW includes, libraries and tools
-export MWCIncludes=$(CW_PATH)/include
-export MWLibraries=$(CW_PATH)/lib
-# Compiler and linker tools
-CC = mwccnlm
-LINK = mwldnlm
-# Build type defaults to 'release'
-ifndef BUILD
-BUILD = release
-ifndef STACK_SIZE
-COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Novell\, Inc. All Rights Reserved."
-# Compile flags
-ifeq '$(APACHE_VER)' '1.3'
-C_FLAGS = -align 1
-C_FLAGS = -align 4
-# Link flags
-LD_FLAGS = -stacksize $(STACK_SIZE) -type generic -zerobss
-LD_FLAGS += -o $(BINARY) -map $(MAP_FILE) -nlmversion $(VMAJ),$(VMIN),$(VREV)
-# Module details
-LD_FLAGS += -screenname Default
-LD_FLAGS += -threadname $(MODULE_NAME)__p
diff --git a/netware/libpq-fe.h b/netware/libpq-fe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 879a447091..0000000000
--- a/netware/libpq-fe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
- *
- * libpq-fe.h
- * This file contains definitions for structures and
- * externs for functions used by frontend postgres applications.
- *
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#ifndef LIBPQ_FE_H
-#define LIBPQ_FE_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-#include <stdio.h>
- * postgres_ext.h defines the backend's externally visible types,
- * such as Oid.
- */
-#include "postgres_ext.h"
-/* SSL type is needed here only to declare PQgetssl() */
-#ifdef USE_SSL
-#include <openssl/ssl.h>
-/* Application-visible enum types */
-typedef enum
- /*
- * Although you may decide to change this list in some way, values
- * which become unused should never be removed, nor should constants
- * be redefined - that would break compatibility with existing code.
- */
- /* Non-blocking mode only below here */
- /*
- * The existence of these should never be relied upon - they should
- * only be used for user feedback or similar purposes.
- */
- CONNECTION_STARTED, /* Waiting for connection to be made. */
- CONNECTION_MADE, /* Connection OK; waiting to send. */
- CONNECTION_AWAITING_RESPONSE, /* Waiting for a response from the
- * postmaster. */
- CONNECTION_AUTH_OK, /* Received authentication; waiting for
- * backend startup. */
- CONNECTION_SETENV /* Negotiating environment. */
-} ConnStatusType;
-typedef enum
- PGRES_POLLING_READING, /* These two indicate that one may */
- PGRES_POLLING_WRITING, /* use select before polling again. */
- PGRES_POLLING_ACTIVE /* Can call poll function immediately. */
-} PostgresPollingStatusType;
-typedef enum
- PGRES_COMMAND_OK, /* a query command that doesn't return
- * anything was executed properly by the
- * backend */
- PGRES_TUPLES_OK, /* a query command that returns tuples was
- * executed properly by the backend,
- * PGresult contains the result tuples */
- PGRES_COPY_OUT, /* Copy Out data transfer in progress */
- PGRES_COPY_IN, /* Copy In data transfer in progress */
- PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE, /* an unexpected response was recv'd from
- * the backend */
-} ExecStatusType;
-/* PGconn encapsulates a connection to the backend.
- * The contents of this struct are not supposed to be known to applications.
- */
-typedef struct pg_conn PGconn;
-/* PGresult encapsulates the result of a query (or more precisely, of a single
- * SQL command --- a query string given to PQsendQuery can contain multiple
- * commands and thus return multiple PGresult objects).
- * The contents of this struct are not supposed to be known to applications.
- */
-typedef struct pg_result PGresult;
-/* PGnotify represents the occurrence of a NOTIFY message.
- * Ideally this would be an opaque typedef, but it's so simple that it's
- * unlikely to change.
- * NOTE: in Postgres 6.4 and later, the be_pid is the notifying backend's,
- * whereas in earlier versions it was always your own backend's PID.
- */
-typedef struct pgNotify
- char relname[NAMEDATALEN]; /* name of relation containing
- * data */
- int be_pid; /* process id of backend */
-} PGnotify;
-/* PQnoticeProcessor is the function type for the notice-message callback.
- */
-typedef void (*PQnoticeProcessor) (void *arg, const char *message);
-/* Print options for PQprint() */
-typedef char pqbool;
-typedef struct _PQprintOpt
- pqbool header; /* print output field headings and row
- * count */
- pqbool align; /* fill align the fields */
- pqbool standard; /* old brain dead format */
- pqbool html3; /* output html tables */
- pqbool expanded; /* expand tables */
- pqbool pager; /* use pager for output if needed */
- char *fieldSep; /* field separator */
- char *tableOpt; /* insert to HTML <table ...> */
- char *caption; /* HTML <caption> */
- char **fieldName; /* null terminated array of repalcement
- * field names */
-} PQprintOpt;
-/* ----------------
- * Structure for the conninfo parameter definitions returned by PQconndefaults
- *
- * All fields except "val" point at static strings which must not be altered.
- * "val" is either NULL or a malloc'd current-value string. PQconninfoFree()
- * will release both the val strings and the PQconninfoOption array itself.
- * ----------------
- */
-typedef struct _PQconninfoOption
- char *keyword; /* The keyword of the option */
- char *envvar; /* Fallback environment variable name */
- char *compiled; /* Fallback compiled in default value */
- char *val; /* Option's current value, or NULL */
- char *label; /* Label for field in connect dialog */
- char *dispchar; /* Character to display for this field in
- * a connect dialog. Values are: ""
- * Display entered value as is "*"
- * Password field - hide value "D" Debug
- * option - don't show by default */
- int dispsize; /* Field size in characters for dialog */
-} PQconninfoOption;
-/* ----------------
- * PQArgBlock -- structure for PQfn() arguments
- * ----------------
- */
-typedef struct
- int len;
- int isint;
- union
- {
- int *ptr; /* can't use void (dec compiler barfs) */
- int integer;
- } u;
-} PQArgBlock;
-/* ----------------
- * Exported functions of libpq
- * ----------------
- */
-/* === in fe-connect.c === */
-/* make a new client connection to the backend */
-/* Asynchronous (non-blocking) */
-extern PGconn *PQconnectStart(const char *conninfo);
-extern PostgresPollingStatusType PQconnectPoll(PGconn *conn);
-/* Synchronous (blocking) */
-extern PGconn *PQconnectdb(const char *conninfo);
-extern PGconn *PQsetdbLogin(const char *pghost, const char *pgport,
- const char *pgoptions, const char *pgtty,
- const char *dbName,
- const char *login, const char *pwd);
-/* close the current connection and free the PGconn data structure */
-extern void PQfinish(PGconn *conn);
-/* get info about connection options known to PQconnectdb */
-extern PQconninfoOption *PQconndefaults(void);
-/* free the data structure returned by PQconndefaults() */
-extern void PQconninfoFree(PQconninfoOption *connOptions);
- * close the current connection and restablish a new one with the same
- * parameters
- */
-/* Asynchronous (non-blocking) */
-extern int PQresetStart(PGconn *conn);
-extern PostgresPollingStatusType PQresetPoll(PGconn *conn);
-/* Synchronous (blocking) */
-extern void PQreset(PGconn *conn);
-/* issue a cancel request */
-extern int PQrequestCancel(PGconn *conn);
-/* Accessor functions for PGconn objects */
-extern char *PQdb(const PGconn *conn);
-extern char *PQuser(const PGconn *conn);
-extern char *PQpass(const PGconn *conn);
-extern char *PQhost(const PGconn *conn);
-extern char *PQport(const PGconn *conn);
-extern char *PQtty(const PGconn *conn);
-extern char *PQoptions(const PGconn *conn);
-extern ConnStatusType PQstatus(const PGconn *conn);
-extern char *PQerrorMessage(const PGconn *conn);
-extern int PQsocket(const PGconn *conn);
-extern int PQbackendPID(const PGconn *conn);
-extern int PQclientEncoding(const PGconn *conn);
-extern int PQsetClientEncoding(PGconn *conn, const char *encoding);
-#ifdef USE_SSL
-/* Get the SSL structure associated with a connection */
-extern SSL *PQgetssl(PGconn *conn);
-/* Enable/disable tracing */
-extern void PQtrace(PGconn *conn, FILE *debug_port);
-extern void PQuntrace(PGconn *conn);
-/* Override default notice processor */
-extern PQnoticeProcessor PQsetNoticeProcessor(PGconn *conn,
- PQnoticeProcessor proc,
- void *arg);
-/* === in fe-exec.c === */
-/* Quoting strings before inclusion in queries. */
-extern size_t PQescapeString(char *to, const char *from, size_t length);
-extern unsigned char *PQescapeBytea(unsigned char *bintext, size_t binlen,
- size_t *bytealen);
-/* Simple synchronous query */
-extern PGresult *PQexec(PGconn *conn, const char *query);
-extern PGnotify *PQnotifies(PGconn *conn);
-extern void PQfreeNotify(PGnotify *notify);
-/* Interface for multiple-result or asynchronous queries */
-extern int PQsendQuery(PGconn *conn, const char *query);
-extern PGresult *PQgetResult(PGconn *conn);
-/* Routines for managing an asychronous query */
-extern int PQisBusy(PGconn *conn);
-extern int PQconsumeInput(PGconn *conn);
-/* Routines for copy in/out */
-extern int PQgetline(PGconn *conn, char *string, int length);
-extern int PQputline(PGconn *conn, const char *string);
-extern int PQgetlineAsync(PGconn *conn, char *buffer, int bufsize);
-extern int PQputnbytes(PGconn *conn, const char *buffer, int nbytes);
-extern int PQendcopy(PGconn *conn);
-/* Set blocking/nonblocking connection to the backend */
-extern int PQsetnonblocking(PGconn *conn, int arg);
-extern int PQisnonblocking(const PGconn *conn);
-/* Force the write buffer to be written (or at least try) */
-extern int PQflush(PGconn *conn);
- * "Fast path" interface --- not really recommended for application
- * use
- */
-extern PGresult *PQfn(PGconn *conn,
- int fnid,
- int *result_buf,
- int *result_len,
- int result_is_int,
- const PQArgBlock *args,
- int nargs);
-/* Accessor functions for PGresult objects */
-extern ExecStatusType PQresultStatus(const PGresult *res);
-extern char *PQresStatus(ExecStatusType status);
-extern char *PQresultErrorMessage(const PGresult *res);
-extern int PQntuples(const PGresult *res);
-extern int PQnfields(const PGresult *res);
-extern int PQbinaryTuples(const PGresult *res);
-extern char *PQfname(const PGresult *res, int field_num);
-extern int PQfnumber(const PGresult *res, const char *field_name);
-extern Oid PQftype(const PGresult *res, int field_num);
-extern int PQfsize(const PGresult *res, int field_num);
-extern int PQfmod(const PGresult *res, int field_num);
-extern char *PQcmdStatus(PGresult *res);
-extern char *PQoidStatus(const PGresult *res); /* old and ugly */
-extern Oid PQoidValue(const PGresult *res); /* new and improved */
-extern char *PQcmdTuples(PGresult *res);
-extern char *PQgetvalue(const PGresult *res, int tup_num, int field_num);
-extern int PQgetlength(const PGresult *res, int tup_num, int field_num);
-extern int PQgetisnull(const PGresult *res, int tup_num, int field_num);
-/* Delete a PGresult */
-extern void PQclear(PGresult *res);
- * Make an empty PGresult with given status (some apps find this
- * useful). If conn is not NULL and status indicates an error, the
- * conn's errorMessage is copied.
- */
-extern PGresult *PQmakeEmptyPGresult(PGconn *conn, ExecStatusType status);
-/* === in fe-print.c === */
-extern void
-PQprint(FILE *fout, /* output stream */
- const PGresult *res,
- const PQprintOpt *ps); /* option structure */
- * really old printing routines
- */
-extern void
-PQdisplayTuples(const PGresult *res,
- FILE *fp, /* where to send the output */
- int fillAlign, /* pad the fields with spaces */
- const char *fieldSep, /* field separator */
- int printHeader, /* display headers? */
- int quiet);
-extern void
-PQprintTuples(const PGresult *res,
- FILE *fout, /* output stream */
- int printAttName, /* print attribute names */
- int terseOutput, /* delimiter bars */
- int width); /* width of column, if 0, use variable
- * width */
-/* === in fe-lobj.c === */
-/* Large-object access routines */
-extern int lo_open(PGconn *conn, Oid lobjId, int mode);
-extern int lo_close(PGconn *conn, int fd);
-extern int lo_read(PGconn *conn, int fd, char *buf, size_t len);
-extern int lo_write(PGconn *conn, int fd, char *buf, size_t len);
-extern int lo_lseek(PGconn *conn, int fd, int offset, int whence);
-extern Oid lo_creat(PGconn *conn, int mode);
-extern int lo_tell(PGconn *conn, int fd);
-extern int lo_unlink(PGconn *conn, Oid lobjId);
-extern Oid lo_import(PGconn *conn, const char *filename);
-extern int lo_export(PGconn *conn, Oid lobjId, const char *filename);
-/* === in fe-misc.c === */
-/* Determine length of multibyte encoded char at *s */
-extern int PQmblen(const unsigned char *s, int encoding);
-/* Get encoding id from environment variable PGCLIENTENCODING */
-extern int PQenv2encoding(void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* LIBPQ_FE_H */
diff --git a/netware/libpq.imp b/netware/libpq.imp
deleted file mode 100644
index 922679f07e..0000000000
--- a/netware/libpq.imp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- lo_open,
- lo_close,
- lo_read,
- lo_write,
- lo_lseek,
- lo_creat,
- lo_tell,
- lo_unlink,
- lo_import,
- lo_export,
- PQconnectdb,
- PQconnectStart,
- PQconndefaults,
- PQsetdbLogin,
- PQconnectPoll,
- PQfinish,
- PQreset,
- PQresetStart,
- PQresetPoll,
- PQrequestCancel,
- PQconninfoFree,
- PQdb,
- PQuser,
- PQpass,
- PQhost,
- PQport,
- PQtty,
- PQoptions,
- PQstatus,
- PQerrorMessage,
- PQsocket,
- PQbackendPID,
- PQclientEncoding,
- PQsetClientEncoding,
- PQtrace,
- PQuntrace,
- PQsetNoticeProcessor,
- PQmakeEmptyPGresult,
- PQclear,
- PQsendQuery,
- PQconsumeInput,
- PQisBusy,
- PQgetResult,
- PQexec,
- PQnotifies,
- PQgetline,
- PQgetlineAsync,
- PQputline,
- PQputnbytes,
- PQendcopy,
- PQfn,
- PQresultStatus,
- PQresStatus,
- PQresultErrorMessage,
- PQntuples,
- PQnfields,
- PQbinaryTuples,
- PQfname,
- PQfnumber,
- PQftype,
- PQfsize,
- PQfmod,
- PQcmdStatus,
- PQoidStatus,
- PQoidValue,
- PQcmdTuples,
- PQgetvalue,
- PQgetlength,
- PQgetisnull,
- PQsetnonblocking,
- PQisnonblocking,
- PQflush,
- PQmblen,
- PQenv2encoding,
- PQprint,
- PQdisplayTuples,
- PQprintTuples,
- pg_valid_client_encoding,
- pg_valid_server_encoding,
- pg_char_to_encname_struct,
- pg_char_to_encoding,
- pg_encoding_to_char,
- createPQExpBuffer,
- initPQExpBuffer,
- destroyPQExpBuffer,
- termPQExpBuffer,
- resetPQExpBuffer,
- enlargePQExpBuffer,
- printfPQExpBuffer,
- appendPQExpBuffer,
- appendPQExpBufferStr,
- appendPQExpBufferChar,
- appendBinaryPQExpBuffer
diff --git a/netware/php-nw.bat b/netware/php-nw.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 3d2b59d8a8..0000000000
--- a/netware/php-nw.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-REM CodeWarrior stuff
-set path=%path%;P:\APPS\SCRIPT\SW\CW71-4\BIN
-REM Tools for building Zend
-set path=%path%;P:\APPS\SCRIPT\SW\GNUWIN32\BIN
-REM Build options
-setbuild r 1
diff --git a/netware/php5apache.mak b/netware/php5apache.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index d7d9342b13..0000000000
--- a/netware/php5apache.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# Temporarily here -- later may go into some batch file
-# which will set this as an environment variable
-# Module details
-MODULE_NAME = mod_php
-MODULE_DESC = "PHP 5 - Apache 1.3 Module"
-VMAJ = 3
-VMIN = 0
-VREV = 0
-#include the common settings
-include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/common.mif
-# Extensions of all input and output files
-.SUFFIXES: .nlm .lib .obj .cpp .c .msg .mlc .mdb .xdc .d
-# Source files
-C_SRC = mod_php5.c \
- php_apache.c \
- sapi_apache.c \
- libpre.c
-# Destination directories and files
-OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.obj) $(C_SRC:.c=.obj))
-DEPDS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.d) $(C_SRC:.c=.d))
-# Binary file
-ifndef BINARY
-# Compile flags
-C_FLAGS = -c -maxerrors 25 -msgstyle gcc
-C_FLAGS += -wchar_t on -bool on
-C_FLAGS += -processor Pentium
-C_FLAGS += -w nounusedarg -msext on
-C_FLAGS += -nostdinc
-C_FLAGS += -relax_pointers # To remove type-casting errors
-C_FLAGS += -I. -I- -I. -I../../netware -I$(SDK_DIR)/include # ../../netware added for special SYS/STAT.H
-C_FLAGS += -I$(MWCIncludes)
-C_FLAGS += -I$(APACHE_DIR)/include -I$(APACHE_DIR)/os/netware
-C_FLAGS += -I- -I../../main -I../../Zend -I../../TSRM -I../../ext/standard
-C_FLAGS += -I../../ -I../../netware -I$(PROJECT_ROOT)/regex
-C_FLAGS += -I$(WINSOCK_DIR)/include/nlm -I$(WINSOCK_DIR)/include
-# Extra stuff based on debug / release builds
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- C_FLAGS += -inline smart -sym on -sym codeview4 -opt off -opt intrinsics -sym internal -DDEBUGGING -DDKFBPON
- C_FLAGS += -exc cw
- LD_FLAGS += -sym on -sym codeview4 -sym internal -osym $(SYM_FILE)
- LD_FLAGS += -msgstyle std
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtld.lib
- C_FLAGS += -opt speed -inline on -inline smart -inline auto -sym off -DZEND_DEBUG=0
- C_FLAGS += -opt intrinsics
- C_FLAGS += -opt level=4
- LD_FLAGS += -sym off
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtl.lib
-# Dependencies
-MODULE = LibC \
- phplib
-IMPORT = @$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libc.imp \
- @$(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/apachecore.imp \
- @$(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/phplib.imp
-EXPORT = php5_module
-# Virtual paths
-vpath %.cpp .
-vpath %.c .
-vpath %.obj $(OBJ_DIR)
-all: prebuild project
-.PHONY: all
- @if not exist $(OBJ_DIR) md $(OBJ_DIR)
-project: $(BINARY) $(MESSAGE)
- @echo Build complete.
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.d: %.c
- @echo Building Dependencies for $(<F)
- @$(CC) -M $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.obj: %.c
- @echo Compiling $?...
- @$(CC) $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
- @echo Import $(IMPORT) > $(basename $@).def
-ifdef API
- @echo Import $(API) >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Module $(MODULE) >> $(basename $@).def
-ifdef EXPORT
- @echo Export $(EXPORT) >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo AutoUnload >> $(basename $@).def
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- @echo Debug >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Flag_On 0x00000008 >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Start _lib_start >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Exit _lib_stop >> $(basename $@).def
- $(MPKTOOL) $(XDCFLAGS) $(basename $@).xdc
- @echo xdcdata $(basename $@).xdc >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Linking $@...
- @echo $(LD_FLAGS) -commandfile $(basename $@).def > $(basename $@).link
-ifdef LIBRARY
- @echo $(LIBRARY) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(OBJECTS) >> $(basename $@).link
- @$(LINK) @$(basename $@).link
-.PHONY: clean
-clean: cleanobj cleanbin
-.PHONY: cleand
- @echo Deleting all dependency files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
-.PHONY: cleanobj
- @echo Deleting all object files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
-.PHONY: cleanbin
- @echo Deleting binary files...
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).nlm"
- @echo Deleting MAP, DEF files, etc....
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).map"
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).def"
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).link"
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- -@del $(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).sym
diff --git a/netware/php5apache2filter.mak b/netware/php5apache2filter.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc1a29192..0000000000
--- a/netware/php5apache2filter.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# Temporarily here -- later may go into some batch file
-# which will set this as an environment variable
-# Module details
-MODULE_NAME = mod_php
-MODULE_DESC = "PHP 5 - Apache 2.0 Module"
-VMAJ = 3
-VMIN = 0
-VREV = 0
-#include the common settings
-include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/common.mif
-# Extensions of all input and output files
-.SUFFIXES: .nlm .lib .obj .cpp .c .msg .mlc .mdb .xdc .d
-# Source files
-C_SRC = apache_config.c \
- php_functions.c \
- sapi_apache2.c
-# Destination directories and files
-OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.obj) $(C_SRC:.c=.obj))
-DEPDS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.d) $(C_SRC:.c=.d))
-# Binary file
-ifndef BINARY
-# Compile flags
-C_FLAGS += -c -maxerrors 25 -msgstyle gcc
-C_FLAGS += -wchar_t on -bool on
-C_FLAGS += -processor Pentium
-C_FLAGS += -w nounusedarg -msext on
-C_FLAGS += -nostdinc
-C_FLAGS += -relax_pointers # To remove type-casting errors
-C_FLAGS += -I. -I- -I. -I../../netware -I$(SDK_DIR)/include # ../../netware added for special SYS/STAT.H
-C_FLAGS += -I$(SDK_DIR)/include/winsock # For Apache 2.0 headers
-C_FLAGS += -I$(MWCIncludes)
-C_FLAGS += -I$(APACHE_DIR)/include
-C_FLAGS += -I- -I../../main -I../../Zend -I../../TSRM -I../../ext/standard
-C_FLAGS += -I../../ -I../../netware -I$(PROJECT_ROOT)/regex
-C_FLAGS += -I$(WINSOCK_DIR)/include/nlm -I$(WINSOCK_DIR)/include
-# Extra stuff based on debug / release builds
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- C_FLAGS += -inline smart -sym on -sym codeview4 -opt off -opt intrinsics -sym internal -DDEBUGGING -DDKFBPON
- C_FLAGS += -exc cw
- LD_FLAGS += -sym on -sym codeview4 -sym internal -osym $(SYM_FILE)
- LD_FLAGS += -msgstyle std
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtld.lib
- C_FLAGS += -opt speed -inline on -inline smart -inline auto -sym off -DZEND_DEBUG=0
- C_FLAGS += -opt intrinsics
- C_FLAGS += -opt level=4
- LD_FLAGS += -sym off
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtl.lib
-# Dependencies
-MODULE = LibC \
- phplib
-IMPORT = @$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libc.imp \
- @$(APACHE_DIR)/lib/httpd.imp \
- @$(APACHE_DIR)/lib/aprlib.imp \
- @$(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/phplib.imp
-EXPORT = php5_module
-# Virtual paths
-vpath %.cpp .
-vpath %.c .
-vpath %.obj $(OBJ_DIR)
-all: prebuild project
-.PHONY: all
- @if not exist $(OBJ_DIR) md $(OBJ_DIR)
-project: $(BINARY) $(MESSAGE)
- @echo Build complete.
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.d: %.c
- @echo Building Dependencies for $(<F)
- @$(CC) -M $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.obj: %.c
- @echo Compiling $?...
- @$(CC) $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
- @echo Import $(IMPORT) > $(basename $@).def
-ifdef API
- @echo Import $(API) >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Module $(MODULE) >> $(basename $@).def
-ifdef EXPORT
- @echo Export $(EXPORT) >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo AutoUnload >> $(basename $@).def
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- @echo Debug >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Flag_On 0x00000008 >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Start _lib_start >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Exit _lib_stop >> $(basename $@).def
- $(MPKTOOL) $(XDCFLAGS) $(basename $@).xdc
- @echo xdcdata $(basename $@).xdc >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Linking $@...
- @echo $(LD_FLAGS) -commandfile $(basename $@).def > $(basename $@).link
-ifdef LIBRARY
- @echo $(LIBRARY) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(OBJECTS) $(APACHE_DIR)/lib/libpre.obj >> $(basename $@).link
- @$(LINK) @$(basename $@).link
-.PHONY: clean
-clean: cleanobj cleanbin
-.PHONY: cleand
- @echo Deleting all dependency files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
-.PHONY: cleanobj
- @echo Deleting all object files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
-.PHONY: cleanbin
- @echo Deleting binary files...
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).nlm"
- @echo Deleting MAP, DEF files, etc....
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).map"
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).def"
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).link"
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- -@del $(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).sym
diff --git a/netware/php5cli.mak b/netware/php5cli.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 30a1896f20..0000000000
--- a/netware/php5cli.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Temporarily here -- later may go into some batch file
-# which will set this as an environment variable
-# Module details
-MODULE_DESC = "PHP 5 - Command Line Interface"
-VMAJ = 2
-VMIN = 0
-VREV = 0
-#include the common settings
-include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/common.mif
-# Extensions of all input and output files
-.SUFFIXES: .nlm .lib .obj .cpp .c .msg .mlc .mdb .xdc .d
-# Source files
-C_SRC = getopt.c \
- php_cli.c
-# Library files
-# Destination directories and files
-OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.obj) $(C_SRC:.c=.obj))
-DEPDS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.d) $(C_SRC:.c=.d))
-# Binary file
-ifndef BINARY
-# Compile flags
-C_FLAGS += -c -maxerrors 25 -msgstyle gcc
-C_FLAGS += -wchar_t on -bool on
-C_FLAGS += -processor Pentium
-C_FLAGS += -w nounusedarg -msext on
-C_FLAGS += -nostdinc
-C_FLAGS += -relax_pointers # To remove type-casting errors
-C_FLAGS += -I. -I- -I. -I../../netware -I$(SDK_DIR)/include # ../../netware added for special SYS/STAT.H
-C_FLAGS += -I$(MWCIncludes)
-C_FLAGS += -I- -I../../main -I../../Zend -I../../TSRM -I../../ext/standard
-C_FLAGS += -I../../ -I../../netware -I$(PROJECT_ROOT)/regex
-C_FLAGS += -I$(WINSOCK_DIR)/include/nlm -I$(WINSOCK_DIR)/include
-# Extra stuff based on debug / release builds
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- C_FLAGS += -inline smart -sym on -sym codeview4 -opt off -opt intrinsics -sym internal -DDEBUGGING -DDKFBPON
- C_FLAGS += -exc cw
- LD_FLAGS += -sym on -sym codeview4 -sym internal -osym $(SYM_FILE)
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtld.lib
- C_FLAGS += -opt speed -inline on -inline smart -inline auto -sym off -DZEND_DEBUG=0
- C_FLAGS += -opt intrinsics
- C_FLAGS += -opt level=4
- LD_FLAGS += -sym off
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtl.lib
-# Dependencies
-MODULE = LibC \
- phplib
-IMPORT = @$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libc.imp \
- @$(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/phplib.imp
-API =
-# Virtual paths
-vpath %.cpp .
-vpath %.c .
-vpath %.obj $(OBJ_DIR)
-all: prebuild project
-.PHONY: all
- @if not exist $(OBJ_DIR) md $(OBJ_DIR)
-project: $(BINARY) $(MESSAGE)
- @echo Build complete.
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.d: %.c
- @echo Building Dependencies for $(<F)
- @$(CC) -M $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.obj: %.c
- @echo Compiling $?...
- @$(CC) $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
- @echo Import $(IMPORT) > $(basename $@).def
-ifdef API
- @echo Import $(API) >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Module $(MODULE) >> $(basename $@).def
-ifdef EXPORT
- @echo Export $(EXPORT) >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo AutoUnload >> $(basename $@).def
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- @echo Debug >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Flag_On 0x00000008 >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Start _LibCPrelude >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Exit _LibCPostlude >> $(basename $@).def
- $(MPKTOOL) $(XDCFLAGS) $(basename $@).xdc
- @echo xdcdata $(basename $@).xdc >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Linking $@...
- @echo $(LD_FLAGS) -commandfile $(basename $@).def > $(basename $@).link
-ifdef LIBRARY
- @echo $(LIBRARY) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(OBJECTS) >> $(basename $@).link
- @$(LINK) @$(basename $@).link
-.PHONY: clean
-clean: cleanobj cleanbin
-.PHONY: cleand
- @echo Deleting all dependency files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
-.PHONY: cleanobj
- @echo Deleting all object files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
-.PHONY: cleanbin
- @echo Deleting binary files...
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).nlm"
- @echo Deleting MAP, DEF files, etc....
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).map"
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).def"
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).link"
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- -@del $(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).sym
diff --git a/netware/phplib.imp b/netware/phplib.imp
deleted file mode 100644
index d1ecedc982..0000000000
--- a/netware/phplib.imp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/netware/phplib.mak b/netware/phplib.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d22fcd104..0000000000
--- a/netware/phplib.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-# Temporarily here -- later may go into some batch file
-# which will set this as an environment variable
-# Module details
-MODULE_NAME = phplib
-MODULE_DESC = "PHP 5 - Script Interpreter and Library"
-VMAJ = 3
-VMIN = 0
-VREV = 0
-#include the common settings
-include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/common.mif
-# Extensions of all input and output files
-.SUFFIXES: .nlm .lib .obj .cpp .c .msg .mlc .mdb .xdc .d
-# Source files
-C_SRC = ext/bcmath/bcmath.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/add.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/compare.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/debug.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/div.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/divmod.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/doaddsub.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/init.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/int2num.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/nearzero.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/neg.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/num2long.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/num2str.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/outofmem.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/output.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/raise.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/raisemod.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/recmul.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/rmzero.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/rt.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/sqrt.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/str2num.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/sub.c \
- ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src/zero.c \
- ext/calendar/cal_unix.c \
- ext/calendar/calendar.c \
- ext/calendar/dow.c \
- ext/calendar/easter.c \
- ext/calendar/french.c \
- ext/calendar/gregor.c \
- ext/calendar/jewish.c \
- ext/calendar/julian.c \
- ext/ftp/ftp.c \
- ext/ftp/php_ftp.c \
- ext/mcal/php_mcal.c \
- ext/pcre/php_pcre.c \
- ext/pcre/pcrelib/chartables.c \
- ext/pcre/pcrelib/get.c \
- ext/pcre/pcrelib/maketables.c \
- ext/pcre/pcrelib/pcre.c \
- ext/pcre/pcrelib/pcreposix.c \
- ext/pcre/pcrelib/study.c \
- ext/session/mod_files.c \
- ext/session/mod_mm.c \
- ext/session/mod_user.c \
- ext/session/session.c \
- ext/snmp/snmp.c \
- ext/standard/aggregation.c \
- ext/standard/array.c \
- ext/standard/assert.c \
- ext/standard/base64.c \
- ext/standard/basic_functions.c \
- ext/standard/browscap.c \
- ext/standard/crc32.c \
- ext/standard/credits.c \
- ext/standard/css.c \
- ext/standard/cyr_convert.c \
- ext/standard/datetime.c \
- ext/standard/dir.c \
- ext/standard/dl.c \
- ext/standard/dns.c \
- ext/standard/exec.c \
- ext/standard/file.c \
- ext/standard/filestat.c \
- ext/standard/filters.c \
- ext/standard/flock_compat.c \
- ext/standard/formatted_print.c \
- ext/standard/fsock.c \
- ext/standard/ftok.c \
- ext/standard/ftp_fopen_wrapper.c \
- ext/standard/head.c \
- ext/standard/html.c \
- ext/standard/http_fopen_wrapper.c \
- ext/standard/image.c \
- ext/standard/incomplete_class.c \
- ext/standard/info.c \
- ext/standard/iptc.c \
- ext/standard/lcg.c \
- ext/standard/levenshtein.c \
- ext/standard/link.c \
- ext/standard/mail.c \
- ext/standard/math.c \
- ext/standard/md5.c \
- ext/standard/metaphone.c \
- ext/standard/microtime.c \
- ext/standard/pack.c \
- ext/standard/pageinfo.c \
- ext/standard/php_fopen_wrapper.c \
- ext/standard/quot_print.c \
- ext/standard/rand.c \
- ext/standard/reg.c \
- ext/standard/scanf.c \
- ext/standard/sha1.c \
- ext/standard/soundex.c \
- ext/standard/string.c \
- ext/standard/strnatcmp.c \
- ext/standard/type.c \
- ext/standard/uniqid.c \
- ext/standard/url.c \
- ext/standard/url_scanner.c \
- ext/standard/url_scanner_ex.c \
- ext/standard/user_filters.c \
- ext/standard/var.c \
- ext/standard/var_unserializer.c \
- ext/standard/versioning.c \
- main/fopen_wrappers.c \
- main/internal_functions_nw.c \
- main/main.c \
- main/memory_streams.c \
- main/mergesort.c \
- main/network.c \
- main/output.c \
- main/php_content_types.c \
- main/php_ini.c \
- main/php_logos.c \
- main/php_open_temporary_file.c \
- main/php_sprintf.c \
- main/php_ticks.c \
- main/php_variables.c \
- main/reentrancy.c \
- main/rfc1867.c \
- main/safe_mode.c \
- main/SAPI.c \
- main/snprintf.c \
- main/spprintf.c \
- main/streams.c \
- main/strlcat.c \
- main/strlcpy.c \
- main/user_streams.c \
- netware/geterrnoptr.c \
- netware/mktemp.c \
- netware/pipe.c \
- netware/pwd.c \
- netware/start.c \
- netware/time_nw.c \
- netware/wfile.c \
- regex/regcomp.c \
- regex/regerror.c \
- regex/regexec.c \
- regex/regfree.c \
-# ext/standard/crypt.c \
-# ext/com/COM.c \
-# ext/com/conversion.c \
-# ext/odbc/php_odbc.c \
-# ext/snmp/winsnmp.c \
-# netware/winutil.c \
-# netware/registry.c \
-# main/alloca.c \
-# ext/wddx/wddx.c \
-# netware/readdir.c \
-WIN32_C_SRC = sendmail.c \
-CPP_SRC_NODIR = $(notdir $(CPP_SRC))
-C_SRC_NODIR = $(notdir $(C_SRC))
-SRC_DIR = $(dir $(CPP_SRC) $(C_SRC))
-# Library files
-# Destination directories and files
-OBJECTS = $(join $(SRC_DIR), $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC_NODIR:.c=.obj) $(C_SRC_NODIR:.c=.obj)))
-WIN32_OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(WIN32_C_SRC:.c=.obj))
-DEPDS = $(join $(SRC_DIR), $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC_NODIR:.c=.d) $(C_SRC_NODIR:.c=.d)))
-# Binary file
-ifndef BINARY
-# Compile flags
-C_FLAGS += -c -maxerrors 25 -msgstyle gcc
-C_FLAGS += -wchar_t on -bool on
-C_FLAGS += -relax_pointers # To remove type-casting errors
-C_FLAGS += -processor Pentium
-C_FLAGS += -nostdinc -nosyspath
-C_FLAGS += -DCLIB_STAT_PATCH # stat patch
-C_FLAGS += -DLINK_SIZE=2 # Added for the new definition in ext\pcre\pcrelib\internal.h
-# Below added for the file ext\pcre\pcrelib\pcreposix.c and
-# the default value is what is defined in the changelog file
-C_FLAGS += -I. -Imain -Inetware -Iregex -IZend -ITSRM
-C_FLAGS += -Iext/standard -Iext/mcal -Iext/pcre -Iext/pcre/pcrelib
-C_FLAGS += -Iext/bcmath -Iext/bcmath/libbcmath/src
-C_FLAGS += -Iext/odbc -Iext/session -Iext/ftp -Iext/wddx -Iext/calendar -Iext/snmp
-C_FLAGS += -I- -Inetware -I$(SDK_DIR)/include -I$(MWCIncludes) # netware added for special SYS/STAT.H : Venkat(6/2/02)
-C_FLAGS += -Iwin32
-C_FLAGS += -I$(SDK_DIR)/include/winsock # Added for socket calls
-# Extra stuff based on debug / release builds
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- C_FLAGS += -inline smart -sym on -sym codeview4 -sym internal -opt off -opt intrinsics
- LD_FLAGS += -sym codeview4 -sym internal -osym $(SYM_FILE)
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtl.lib
- C_FLAGS += -opt speed -inline on -inline auto -sym off -DZEND_DEBUG=0
- LD_FLAGS += -sym off
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtl.lib
-# Dependencies
-IMPORT = @$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libc.imp \
- @$(SDK_DIR)/imports/ws2nlm.imp \
- @$(MPK_DIR)/import/mpkOrg.imp
-EXPORT = @$(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/phplib.imp
-API = NXGetEnvCount \
- NXCopyEnv \
- OutputToScreen \
- bsd_fd_set
-# Virtual paths
-vpath %.cpp .
-vpath %.c . win32
-vpath %.obj $(OBJ_DIR)
-all: prebuild project
-.PHONY: all
- @if not exist main\$(OBJ_DIR) md main\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist regex\$(OBJ_DIR) md regex\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist netware\$(OBJ_DIR) md netware\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\standard\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\standard\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\bcmath\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\bcmath\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\bcmath\libbcmath\src\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\bcmath\libbcmath\src\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\mcal\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\mcal\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\pcre\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\pcre\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\pcre\pcrelib\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\pcre\pcrelib\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\odbc\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\odbc\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\session\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\session\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\ftp\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\ftp\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\wddx\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\wddx\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\calendar\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\calendar\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist ext\snmp\$(OBJ_DIR) md ext\snmp\$(OBJ_DIR)
- @if not exist $(FINAL_DIR) md $(FINAL_DIR)
-project: $(BINARY) $(MESSAGE)
- @echo Build complete.
-%.d: ../%.c
- @echo Building Dependencies for $(<F)
- @$(CC) -M $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
-%.obj: ../%.c
- @echo Compiling $?...
-# writing the flags to a file. Otherwise fails on win95 due too many characters in command line.
- @echo $(wordlist 1, 20, $(C_FLAGS)) > $(basename $(OBJ_DIR)\$(notdir $@)).cfg
- @echo $(wordlist 21, 40, $(C_FLAGS)) >> $(basename $(OBJ_DIR)\$(notdir $@)).cfg
- @echo $(wordlist 41, 60, $(C_FLAGS)) >> $(basename $(OBJ_DIR)\$(notdir $@)).cfg
- @echo $(wordlist 61, 80, $(C_FLAGS)) >> $(basename $(OBJ_DIR)\$(notdir $@)).cfg
- @$(CC) $< @$(basename $(OBJ_DIR)\$(notdir $@)).cfg -o $@
- @del $(basename $(OBJ_DIR)\$(notdir $@)).cfg
- @echo Import $(IMPORT) > $(basename $@).def
-ifdef API
- @echo Import $(API) >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Module $(MODULE) >> $(basename $@).def
-ifdef EXPORT
- @echo Export $(EXPORT) >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo AutoUnload >> $(basename $@).def
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- @echo Debug >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Flag_On 0x00000008 >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Start _LibCPrelude >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Exit _LibCPostlude >> $(basename $@).def
- $(MPKTOOL) $(XDCFLAGS) $(basename $@).xdc
- @echo xdcdata $(basename $@).xdc >> $(basename $@).def
- @echo Linking $@...
- @echo $(LD_FLAGS) -commandfile $(basename $@).def > $(basename $@).link
-ifdef LIBRARY
- @echo $(LIBRARY) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 1, 10, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 11, 20, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 21, 30, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 31, 40, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 41, 50, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 51, 60, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 61, 70, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 71, 80, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 81, 85, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 86, 90, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 91, 95, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 96, 100, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 101, 105, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 106, 110, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 111, 115, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 116, 120, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 121, 125, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 126, 130, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 131, 135, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 136, 140, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 141, 141, $(OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @echo $(wordlist 1, 2, $(WIN32_OBJECTS)) >> $(basename $@).link
- @$(LINK) @$(basename $@).link
-.PHONY: clean
-clean: cleansrc cleanobj cleanbin
-.PHONY: cleand
- @echo Deleting all dependency files...
- -@del "main\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "regex\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "netware\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\standard\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\bcmath\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\bcmath\libbcmath\src\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\mcal\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\pcre\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\pcre\pcrelib\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\odbc\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\session\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\ftp\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\wddx\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\calendar\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
- -@del "ext\snmp\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
-.PHONY: cleansrc
- @echo Deleting all generated source files...
-.PHONY: cleanobj
- @echo Deleting all object files...
- -@del "main\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "regex\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "netware\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\standard\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\bcmath\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\bcmath\libbcmath\src\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\mcal\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\pcre\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\pcre\pcrelib\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\odbc\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\session\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\ftp\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\wddx\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\calendar\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
- -@del "ext\snmp\$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
-.PHONY: cleanbin
- @echo Deleting binary files...
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).nlm"
- @echo Deleting MAP, DEF files, etc....
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).map"
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).def"
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).link"
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- -@del $(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).sym
diff --git a/netware/phptest.ncf b/netware/phptest.ncf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cb599e194..0000000000
--- a/netware/phptest.ncf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-php -q run-tests.php > results.txt \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/netware/postgres_ext.h b/netware/postgres_ext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b79a23f15..0000000000
--- a/netware/postgres_ext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- *
- * postgres_ext.h
- *
- * This file contains declarations of things that are visible everywhere
- * in PostgreSQL *and* are visible to clients of frontend interface libraries.
- * For example, the Oid type is part of the API of libpq and other libraries.
- *
- * Declarations which are specific to a particular interface should
- * go in the header file for that interface (such as libpq-fe.h). This
- * file is only for fundamental Postgres declarations.
- *
- * User-written C functions don't count as "external to Postgres."
- * Those function much as local modifications to the backend itself, and
- * use header files that are otherwise internal to Postgres to interface
- * with the backend.
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- * Object ID is a fundamental type in Postgres.
- */
-typedef unsigned int Oid;
-#define InvalidOid ((Oid) 0)
-/* you will need to include <limits.h> to use the above #define */
- * NAMEDATALEN is the max length for system identifiers (e.g. table names,
- * attribute names, function names, etc.)
- *
- * NOTE that databases with different NAMEDATALEN's cannot interoperate!
- */
-#define NAMEDATALEN 32
diff --git a/netware/setbuild.bat b/netware/setbuild.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index a1685624ed..0000000000
--- a/netware/setbuild.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-if "%1" == "/?" goto USAGE
-if "%1" == "d" set BUILD=debug
-if "%1" == "r" set BUILD=release
-if "%2" == "1" set APACHE_VER=1.3
-if "%2" == "2" set APACHE_VER=2
-goto EXIT
- @echo on
- @echo Usage: setbuild d|r 1|2
- @echo set build type as 'debug' or 'release'
- @echo set Web Server as Apache 1.3.x or Apache 2.0.x
-:EXIT \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/netware/time_nw.c b/netware/time_nw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 195f18cdd9..0000000000
--- a/netware/time_nw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
- * *
- * DH_TIME.C *
- * *
- * Freely redistributable and modifiable. Use at your own risk. *
- * *
- * Copyright 1994 The Downhill Project *
- *
- * Modified by Shane Caraveo for use with PHP
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- /**
- *
- * 04-Feb-2001
- * - Added patch by "Vanhanen, Reijo" <>
- * Improves accuracy of msec
- */
-/* Include stuff ************************************************************ */
-#include "time_nw.h"
-#include "unistd.h"
-#include "signal.h"
-/*#include <winbase.h>
-#include <mmsystem.h>*/
-#include <errno.h>
-int getfilesystemtime(struct timeval *time_Info)
-__int64 ff;
- GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); *//* 100 ns blocks since 01-Jan-1641 *//*
- *//* resolution seems to be 0.01 sec *//*
- ff = *(__int64*)(&ft);
- time_Info->tv_sec = (int)(ff/(__int64)10000000-(__int64)11644473600);
- time_Info->tv_usec = (int)(ff % 10000000)/10;
- return 0;
-int gettimeofday(struct timeval *time_Info, struct timezone *timezone_Info)
-#ifdef NETWARE
- return 0;
- static struct timeval starttime = {0, 0};
- static __int64 lasttime = 0;
- static __int64 freq = 0;
- __int64 timer;
- BOOL b;
- double dt;
- /* Get the time, if they want it */
- if (time_Info != NULL) {
- if (starttime.tv_sec == 0) {
- b = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&li);
- if (!b) {
- starttime.tv_sec = -1;
- }
- else {
- freq = li.QuadPart;
- b = QueryPerformanceCounter(&li);
- if (!b) {
- starttime.tv_sec = -1;
- }
- else {
- getfilesystemtime(&starttime);
- timer = li.QuadPart;
- dt = (double)timer/freq;
- starttime.tv_usec -= (int)((dt-(int)dt)*1000000);
- if (starttime.tv_usec < 0) {
- starttime.tv_usec += 1000000;
- --starttime.tv_sec;
- }
- starttime.tv_sec -= (int)dt;
- }
- }
- }
- if (starttime.tv_sec > 0) {
- b = QueryPerformanceCounter(&li);
- if (!b) {
- starttime.tv_sec = -1;
- }
- else {
- timer = li.QuadPart;
- if (timer < lasttime) {
- getfilesystemtime(time_Info);
- dt = (double)timer/freq;
- starttime = *time_Info;
- starttime.tv_usec -= (int)((dt-(int)dt)*1000000);
- if (starttime.tv_usec < 0) {
- starttime.tv_usec += 1000000;
- --starttime.tv_sec;
- }
- starttime.tv_sec -= (int)dt;
- }
- else {
- lasttime = timer;
- dt = (double)timer/freq;
- time_Info->tv_sec = starttime.tv_sec + (int)dt;
- time_Info->tv_usec = starttime.tv_usec + (int)((dt-(int)dt)*1000000);
- if (time_Info->tv_usec > 1000000) {
- time_Info->tv_usec -= 1000000;
- ++time_Info->tv_sec;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (starttime.tv_sec < 0) {
- getfilesystemtime(time_Info);
- }
- }
- /* Get the timezone, if they want it */
- if (timezone_Info != NULL) {
- _tzset();
- timezone_Info->tz_minuteswest = _timezone;
- timezone_Info->tz_dsttime = _daylight;
- }
- /* And return */
- return 0;
-/* this usleep isnt exactly accurate but should do ok */
-void usleep(unsigned int useconds)
-struct timeval tnow, tthen, t0;
- gettimeofday(&tthen, NULL);
- t0 = tthen;
- tthen.tv_usec += useconds;
- while (tthen.tv_usec > 1000000) {
- tthen.tv_usec -= 1000000;
- tthen.tv_sec++;
- }
- if (useconds > 10000) {
- useconds -= 10000;
- Sleep(useconds/1000);
- }
- while (1) {
- gettimeofday(&tnow, NULL);
- if (tnow.tv_sec > tthen.tv_sec) {
- break;
- }
- if (tnow.tv_sec == tthen.tv_sec) {
- if (tnow.tv_usec > tthen.tv_usec) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifndef THREAD_SAFE
-unsigned int proftimer, virttimer, realtimer;
-extern LPMSG phpmsg;
-struct timer_msg {
- int signal;
- unsigned int threadid;
-LPTIMECALLBACK setitimer_timeout(UINT uTimerID, UINT info, DWORD dwUser, DWORD dw1, DWORD dw2)
- struct timer_msg *msg = (struct timer_msg *) info;
- if (msg) {
- raise((int) msg->signal);
- PostThreadMessage(msg->threadid,
- WM_NOTIFY, msg->signal, 0);
- free(msg);
- }
- return 0;
-int setitimer(int which, const struct itimerval *value, struct itimerval *ovalue)
- int timeout = value->it_value.tv_sec * 1000 + value->it_value.tv_usec;
- int repeat = TIME_ONESHOT;
- /*make sure the message queue is initialized *//*
- PeekMessage(phpmsg, NULL, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE);
- if (timeout > 0) {
- struct timer_msg *msg = malloc(sizeof(struct timer_msg));
- msg->threadid = GetCurrentThreadId();
- if (!ovalue) {
- repeat = TIME_PERIODIC;
- }
- switch (which) {
- msg->signal = SIGALRM;
- realtimer = timeSetEvent(timeout, 100, (LPTIMECALLBACK) setitimer_timeout, (UINT) msg, repeat);
- break;
- msg->signal = SIGVTALRM;
- virttimer = timeSetEvent(timeout, 100, (LPTIMECALLBACK) setitimer_timeout, (UINT) msg, repeat);
- break;
- msg->signal = SIGPROF;
- proftimer = timeSetEvent(timeout, 100, (LPTIMECALLBACK) setitimer_timeout, (UINT) msg, repeat);
- break;
- default:
- errno = EINVAL;
- return -1;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- switch (which) {
- timeKillEvent(realtimer);
- break;
- timeKillEvent(virttimer);
- break;
- timeKillEvent(proftimer);
- break;
- default:
- errno = EINVAL;
- return -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/netware/tsrm.mak b/netware/tsrm.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index d0088ecb4a..0000000000
--- a/netware/tsrm.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Temporarily here -- later may go into some batch file
-# which will set this as an environment variable
-# Module details
-#include the common settings
-include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/common.mif
-# Extensions of all input and output files
-.SUFFIXES: .nlm .lib .obj .cpp .c .msg .mlc .mdb .xdc .d
-# Source files
-C_SRC = TSRM.c \
- tsrm_nw.c \
- tsrm_strtok_r.c \
- tsrm_virtual_cwd.c
-# Destination directories and files
-OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.obj) $(C_SRC:.c=.obj))
-DEPDS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.d) $(C_SRC:.c=.d))
-# Binary file
-ifndef BINARY
-# Compile flags
-C_FLAGS = -c -maxerrors 25 -msgstyle gcc
-C_FLAGS += -wchar_t on -bool on
-C_FLAGS += -processor Pentium
-C_FLAGS += -nostdinc
-C_FLAGS += -relax_pointers # To remove type-casting errors
-#C_FLAGS += -DUSE_MPK # To use the LibC recursive mutex locking
-C_FLAGS += -I. -I- -I../netware -I$(SDK_DIR)/include # ../netware added for special SYS/STAT.H
-C_FLAGS += -I$(MPK_DIR)/include1
-C_FLAGS += -I$(MWCIncludes)
-# Link flags
-LD_FLAGS = -type library
-# Extra stuff based on debug / release builds
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- C_FLAGS += -inline smart -sym on -sym codeview4 -sym internal -opt off -opt intrinsics -DTSRM_DEBUG=1
- LD_FLAGS += -sym codeview4 -sym internal
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtld.lib
- C_FLAGS += -opt speed -inline smart -inline auto -sym off -DTSRM_DEBUG=0
- LD_FLAGS += -sym off
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtl.lib
-# Virtual paths
-vpath %.cpp .
-vpath %.c .
-vpath %.obj $(OBJ_DIR)
-all: prebuild project
-.PHONY: all
- @if not exist $(OBJ_DIR) md $(OBJ_DIR)
-project: $(BINARY) $(MESSAGE)
- @echo Build complete.
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.d: %.c
- @echo Building Dependencies for $(<F)
- @$(CC) -M $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.obj: %.c
- @echo Compiling $?...
- @$(CC) $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
- @echo Linking $@...
-.PHONY: clean
-clean: cleanobj cleanbin
-.PHONY: cleand
- @echo Deleting all dependency files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
-.PHONY: cleanobj
- @echo Deleting all object files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
-.PHONY: cleanbin
- @echo Deleting binary files...
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).lib"
diff --git a/netware/zend.mak b/netware/zend.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b1074808..0000000000
--- a/netware/zend.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# Temporarily here -- later may go into some batch file
-# which will set this as an environment variable
-# Module details
-#include the common settings
-include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/common.mif
-# Extensions of all input and output files
-.SUFFIXES: .nlm .lib .obj .cpp .c .msg .mlc .mdb .xdc .d
-C_SRC = zend.c \
- zend_alloc.c \
- zend_API.c \
- zend_builtin_functions.c \
- zend_compile.c \
- zend_constants.c \
- zend_dynamic_array.c \
- zend_execute.c \
- zend_execute_API.c \
- zend_extensions.c \
- zend_hash.c \
- zend_highlight.c \
- zend_indent.c \
- zend_ini.c \
- zend_ini_parser.c \
- zend_ini_scanner.c \
- zend_language_parser.c \
- zend_language_scanner.c \
- zend_list.c \
- zend_llist.c \
- zend_multibyte.c \
- zend_opcode.c \
- zend_operators.c \
- zend_ptr_stack.c \
- zend_qsort.c \
- zend_sprintf.c \
- zend_stack.c \
- zend_static_allocator.c \
- zend_variables.c
-# Destination directories and files
-OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.obj) $(C_SRC:.c=.obj))
-DEPDS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.d) $(C_SRC:.c=.d))
-# Binary file
-ifndef BINARY
-# Compile flags
-C_FLAGS = -c -maxerrors 25 -msgstyle std
-C_FLAGS += -wchar_t on -bool on
-C_FLAGS += -processor Pentium
-C_FLAGS += -nostdinc
-C_FLAGS += -relax_pointers # To remove type-casting errors
-# These are required to use dlclose so that the PHP extensions are automatically unloaded
-# when apache is unloaded
-C_FLAGS += -I. -I- -I../netware -I$(SDK_DIR)/include # ../netware added for special SYS/STAT.H
-C_FLAGS += -I$(MWCIncludes)
-# Link flags
-LD_FLAGS = -type library
-# Extra stuff based on debug / release builds
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- C_FLAGS += -inline smart -sym on -sym codeview4 -sym internal -opt off -opt intrinsics
- LD_FLAGS += -sym codeview4 -sym internal
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtld.lib
- C_FLAGS += -opt speed -inline on -inline auto -sym off
- LD_FLAGS += -sym off
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtl.lib
-# Virtual paths
-vpath %.cpp .
-vpath %.c .
-vpath %.obj $(OBJ_DIR)
-all: prebuild project
-.PHONY: all
- @if not exist $(OBJ_DIR) md $(OBJ_DIR)
-project: $(BINARY) $(MESSAGE)
- @echo Build complete.
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.d: %.c
- @echo Building Dependencies for $(<F)
- @$(CC) -M $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.obj: %.c
- @echo Compiling $?...
- @$(CC) $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
- @echo Linking $@...
-.PHONY: clean
-clean: cleansrc cleanobj cleanbin
-.PHONY: cleansrc
- @echo Deleting all generated source files...
- -@del "zend_ini_parser.c"
- -@del "zend_ini_parser.h"
- -@del "zend_ini_scanner.c"
- -@del "zend_language_parser.c"
- -@del "zend_language_parser.h"
- -@del "zend_language_scanner.c"
- -@del "zend_ini_parser.output"
- -@del "zend_language_parser.output"
-.PHONY: cleand
- @echo Deleting all dependency files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
-.PHONY: cleanobj
- @echo Deleting all object files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
-.PHONY: cleanbin
- @echo Deleting binary files...
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).lib"