path: root/scripts
diff options
authorZoe Slattery <>2008-02-06 10:56:22 +0000
committerZoe Slattery <>2008-02-06 10:56:22 +0000
commitd7fd465bae053d6c0c9b7ad4c80769b64ef2347f (patch)
treeaeec1cd82fd196a8ffd2e696db164e383f4fe6f7 /scripts
parenta6fe8d8ca70d520ff7e87a4e75ca92fc561f07a6 (diff)
Fixing bug 44042
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/dev/generate_phpt.php b/scripts/dev/generate_phpt.php
index 8fc30db02c..c43a911d57 100644
--- a/scripts/dev/generate_phpt.php
+++ b/scripts/dev/generate_phpt.php
@@ -33,13 +33,16 @@ dirlist($opt['source_loc'], $c_file_count, $all_c);
$test_info = get_loc_proto($all_c, $opt['name'], $opt['source_loc']);
if (!$test_info['found']) {
- echo "Exiting: Unable to find implementation of {$opt['name']} in {$opt['source_loc']}\n";
+ echo "\nExiting: Unable to find implementation of {$opt['name']} in {$opt['source_loc']}\n";
+ if ($test_info['falias']) {
+ //But it may be aliased to something else
+ echo "\n{$test_info['name']}() is an alias of {$test_info['alias']}() --- Write test cases for this instead \n";
+ }
if ($test_info['falias']) {
- //If this function is falias'd to another function direct the test case writer to the principle alias for tests
- echo "{$test_info['name']}() is an alias of {$test_info['alias']}() --- please see testcases for {$test_info['alias']}() \n";
- exit();
+ //If this function is falias'd to another function tell the test case writer about them
+ echo "\nNote: {$test_info['name']}() is an alias of {$test_info['alias']}() \n";
if ($test_info['error'] != NULL) {
echo $test_info['error']."\n";
@@ -330,8 +333,8 @@ function gen_array_with_diff_values($var_type, $array_name, $code_block) {
$variation_array['float'] = array(
- "10.5e10",
- "10.6E-10",
+ "10.1234567e10",
+ "10.7654321E-10",
@@ -801,86 +804,6 @@ function gen_one_arg_code($fn_name, $arg_name, $arg_type, $code_block) {
array_push ($code_block, "var_dump( $fn_name(\$$arg_name) );");
return $code_block;
- * Function to get the name of the source file in which the function is implemented and the proto comment
- * Arguments:
- * $all_c => list of all c files in the PHP source
- * $fname => function name
- * $source => directory path of PHP source code
- * Returns:
- * $test_info = > array( source file, return type, parameters, falias, found, alias, error)
- */
-function get_loc_proto($all_c, $fname, $source) {
-//get location
- $test_info['name'] = $fname;
- $test_info['source_file'] = NULL;
- $test_info['return_type'] = NULL;
- $test_info['params'] = NULL;
- $test_info['falias'] = false;
- $test_info['found'] = false;
- $test_info['alias'] = NULL;
- $test_info['error'] = NULL;
- $escaped_source = preg_replace("/\\\/", "\\\\\\", $source);
- $escaped_source = preg_replace("/\//", "\\\/", $escaped_source);
- for ($i=0; $i<count($all_c); $i++)
- {
- $strings=file_get_contents(chop($all_c[$i]));
- if (preg_match ("/FUNCTION\($fname\)/",$strings))
- {
- //strip build specific part of the implementation file name
- preg_match("/$escaped_source\/(.*)$/", $all_c[$i], $tmp);
- $test_info['source_file'] = $tmp[1];
- //get prototype information
- if (preg_match("/\/\*\s+{{{\s*proto\s+(\w*)\s*$fname\(\s*(.*)\s*\)(\n|)\s*(.*)\*\//", $strings, $matches)) {
- $test_info['return_type'] = $matches[1];
- $test_info['params'] = $matches[2];
- $test_info['desc'] = $matches[4];
- }
- else {
- $test_info['error'] = "Failed to parse prototype for $fname in $all_c[$i] in function get_loc_proto()";
- }
- $test_info['found'] = true;
- if (preg_match ("/FALIAS\((\w+).*$fname,.*\)/",$strings, $alias_name)) {
- // This is not the main implementation, set falias to true
- $test_info['falias'] = true;
- if ( $test_info['alias'] != NULL) {
- $test_info['alias'] = $test_info['alias']." ".$alias_name[1];
- } else {
- $test_info['alias'] = $alias_name[1];
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- elseif (preg_match ("/FALIAS\($fname,\s*(\w+).*\)/",$strings, $alias_name)){
- // This is the main implementation but it has other functions aliased to it
- // Leave falias as false, but collect a list of the alias names
- if ( $test_info['alias'] != NULL) {
- $test_info['alias'] = $test_info['alias']." ".$alias_name[1];
- } else {
- $test_info['alias'] = $alias_name[1];
- }
- //strip build specific part of the implementation file name
- preg_match("/$escaped_source\/(.*)$/", $all_c[$i], $tmp);
- $test_info['source_file']= $tmp[1];
- $test_info['found'] = true;
- }
- //Some functions are in their own files and not declared using FUNTION/FALIAS.
- //If we haven't found either FUNCTION or FAILIAS try just looking for the prototype
- elseif (preg_match ("/\/\*\s+{{{\s*proto\s+(\w*)\s*$fname\(\s*(.*)\s*\)(\n|)\s*(.*)\*\//", $strings, $matches)) {
- $test_info['return_type'] = $matches[1];
- $test_info['params'] = $matches[2];
- $test_info['desc'] = $matches[4];
- $test_info['found'] = true;
- preg_match("/$escaped_source\/(.*)$/", $all_c[$i], $tmp);
- $test_info['source_file']= $tmp[1];
- break;
- }
- }
- return $test_info;
* Generates code for basic functionality test. The generated code
* will test the function with it's mandatory arguments and with all optional arguments.
@@ -1102,4 +1025,74 @@ function gen_zero_arg_error_case($fn_name, $code_block) {
array_push ($code_block, "var_dump( $fn_name() );");
return $code_block;
+function get_loc_proto($all_c, $fname, $source) {
+//get location
+ $test_info['name'] = $fname;
+ $test_info['source_file'] = NULL;
+ $test_info['return_type'] = NULL;
+ $test_info['params'] = NULL;
+ $test_info['falias'] = false;
+ $test_info['found'] = false;
+ $test_info['alias'] = NULL;
+ $test_info['error'] = NULL;
+ $escaped_source = preg_replace("/\\\/", "\\\\\\", $source);
+ $escaped_source = preg_replace("/\//", "\\\/", $escaped_source);
+ for ($i=0; $i<count($all_c); $i++)
+ {
+ $strings=file_get_contents(chop($all_c[$i]));
+ if (preg_match ("/FUNCTION\($fname\)/",$strings))
+ {
+ //strip build specific part of the implementation file name
+ preg_match("/$escaped_source\/(.*)$/", $all_c[$i], $tmp);
+ $test_info['source_file'] = $tmp[1];
+ //get prototype information
+ if (preg_match("/\/\*\s+{{{\s*proto\s+(\w*)\s*$fname\(\s*(.*)\s*\)(\n|)\s*(.*?)(\*\/|\n)/", $strings, $matches)) {
+ $test_info['return_type'] = $matches[1];
+ $test_info['params'] = $matches[2];
+ $test_info['desc'] = $matches[4];
+ }
+ else {
+ $test_info['error'] = "\nFailed to parse prototype for $fname in $all_c[$i]".
+ "\nEither the {{{proto comment is too hard to parse, or ".
+ "\nthe real implementation is in an alias.\n";
+ }
+ $test_info['found'] = true;
+ if ((preg_match ("/FALIAS\($fname,\s*(\w+),.*\)/",$strings, $alias_name))
+ || (preg_match ("/FALIAS\((\w+),\s*$fname.*\)/",$strings, $alias_name))) {
+ // There is another alias referred to in the same C source file. Make a note of it.
+ $test_info['falias'] = true;
+ if ( $test_info['alias'] != NULL) {
+ $test_info['alias'] = $test_info['alias']." ".$alias_name[1];
+ } else {
+ $test_info['alias'] = $alias_name[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ((preg_match ("/FALIAS\($fname,\s*(\w+),.*\)/",$strings, $alias_name))
+ || (preg_match ("/FALIAS\((\w+),\s*$fname.*\)/",$strings, $alias_name))) {
+ // There is an alias to the function in a different file from the main function definition - make a note of it
+ $test_info['falias'] = true;
+ if ( $test_info['alias'] != NULL) {
+ $test_info['alias'] = $test_info['alias']." ".$alias_name[1];
+ } else {
+ $test_info['alias'] = $alias_name[1];
+ }
+ }
+ //Some functions are in their own files and not declared using FUNTION/FALIAS.
+ //If we haven't found either FUNCTION or FALIAS try just looking for the prototype
+ elseif (preg_match ("/\/\*\s+{{{\s*proto\s+(\w*)\s*$fname\(\s*(.*)\s*\)(\n|)\s*(.*)\*\//", $strings, $matches)) {
+ $test_info['return_type'] = $matches[1];
+ $test_info['params'] = $matches[2];
+ $test_info['desc'] = $matches[4];
+ $test_info['found'] = true;
+ preg_match("/$escaped_source\/(.*)$/", $all_c[$i], $tmp);
+ $test_info['source_file']= $tmp[1];
+ //break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $test_info;