path: root/win32
diff options
authorPhil Driscoll <>2001-07-23 09:10:02 +0000
committerPhil Driscoll <>2001-07-23 09:10:02 +0000
commite8e47107d865a16d2db429e5acba9b9a06adeccb (patch)
tree6b98b078b7bebac48a74dd32fcbe99cabb106c36 /win32
parenta95101669d2a926d938dad7cbc35bdfb8da7cabb (diff)
uploaded the install.txt version which was shipped with the 4.0.6 windows binary distributions with slight enhancement to cover the issue of dll location.
Diffstat (limited to 'win32')
1 files changed, 614 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/win32/install.txt b/win32/install.txt
index 94c37e4c57..7d7f6bcc40 100644
--- a/win32/install.txt
+++ b/win32/install.txt
@@ -1,148 +1,614 @@
-MySQL, ODBC, FTP, Calendar, BCMath, COM, PCRE, Session, WDDX and XML support is *built-in*.
-You don't need to load any additional extensions in order to use these functions.
-- mibs
-The mibs directory contains support files for SNMP.
-This directory should be moved to DRIVE:\usr\mibs (DRIVE being the drive where PHP is installed.)
-- dlls
-Some DLLs that are required for PHP and some extensions. Please copy them to your to your windows/system (Win9.x)
-or winnt/system32 (WinNT, Win2000) directory.
-If you already have these DLLs installed on your system, overwrite them only if something is not working correctly.
-Before overwriting them, it is a good idea to back them or move them to another folder - just in case something goes wrong.
-Installtion instructions
-1. Stop the Apache Webserver.
-Edit the httpd.conf and put in these lines, modified to your environment:
-# for the apache module
-LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
-AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4
-#for the cgi binary (you can use that one compiled with force cgi redirect too)
-ScriptAlias /php4/ "C:/php/"
-Action application/x-httpd-php4 "/php4/php.exe"
-AddType application/x-httpd-php4 .php
-2. Unzip the Package to c:\php, now move php4ts.dll to the windows/system(32) directory, overwritte any older file!
-3. Copy the php.ini-dist to your sysroot (directory where you installed windows), rename it to php.ini, and
-edit the php.ini to fit your needs.
-4. Restart the Apache server.
-Oreilly Wesite Pro:
-1. First make sure that you got atleast Version 2.5
-2. Edit the Server Properties and select the tab "Mapping"
-3. From the List select "Associations" and enter the desired extension (".php") and the path to the cgi exe or the isapi dll
-4. Now select "Content Types" add the same extension ".php" and enter the contenttype:
-cgi wwwserver/shellcgi
-isapi wwwserver/isapi
-5. Copy the php.ini-dist to your Systemroot (Directory where you installed windows), rename it to php.ini, and
-edit it to fit your needs.
-6. Edit the php.ini to fit your needs.
-1. Copy the php.ini-dist to your Systemroot (Directory where you installed windows), rename it to php.ini, and
-edit it to fit your needs.
-2. Make sure the webserver is running, and point your browser to xitamis admin console (usually, and click on Configuration
-3. Now navigate to the Filters, and put the extension which php should parse (i.e. .php) into the field File extensions (.xxx)
-4. In Filter command or script put the path and name of your php executable i.e. c:\php\php.exe
-5. Press the 'Save' icon
-IIS 4.0+ (isapi):
-1. Copy the php.ini-dist to your systemroot (the directory where you installed windows), rename it to php.ini, and
-edit it to fit your needs
-2. Start the Microsoft Management Console or the Internet Services Manager, located in your Control Panel
-3. Click on your webserver, and select properties
-4. If you don't want to perform HTTP Authentication using PHP, you can (and should) skip this step. Under ISAPI Filters,
-add a new ISAPI filter. Use PHP as the filter name, and supply a path to the php4isapi.dll
-5. Under Home Directory, click on the Configuration button. Add a new entry to the Application Mappings. Use the path the
-php4isapi.dll as the Executable, supply .php as the extension, leave Method exclusions, blank, and check the Script engine
-6. Stop IIS completely
-7. Start IIS again
-IIS 4.0+ (CGI)
-1. Copy the php.ini-dist to your systemroot (the directory where you installed windows), rename it to php.ini, and
-edit it to fit your needs
-2. Start the Microsoft Management Console (may appear as 'Internet Services Manager', either in your Windows NT 4.0
-Option Pack branch or the Control Panel->Administrative Tools under Windows 2000).
-3. Right click on your Web server node (will most probably appear as 'Default Web Server'), and select 'Properties'.
-4. Under 'Home Directory', click on the 'Configuration' button. Add a new
-5. entry to the Application Mappings; Use the path to php.exe as the Executable, supply .php as the extension, leave
-'Method exclusions', blank, and check the Script engine checkbox.
-6. Put a .php file under your Web server's document root and check if it works!
-PWS 4.0+ (isapi):
-1. Copy the php.ini-dist to your systemroot (the directory where you installed windows), rename it to php.ini, and
-edit it to fit your needs
-2. Edit the enclosed PWS-php4isapi.reg (ISAPI interface) or PWS-php4cgi.reg (CGI interface) file to reflect the location of
-your php4isapi.dll / php.exe. Forward slashes should be escaped, for example:
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\w3svc\parameters\Script Map] ".php"="C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\php4isapi.dll"
-3. In the PWS Manager, right click on a given directory you want to add PHP support to, and select Properties. Check the 'Execute' checkbox, and confirm.
-PWS 4.0+ (CGI):
-1. Copy the php.ini-dist to your systemroot (the directory where you installed windows), rename it to php.ini, and
-edit it to fit your needs
-2. Edit the enclosed PWS-php4.reg file to reflect the location of your php.exe. Forward slashes should be escaped,
-for example:
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\w3svc\parameters\Script Map] ".php"="C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\php.exe"
-3. In the PWS Manager, right click on a given directory you want to add PHP
-support to, and select Properties. Check the 'Execute' checkbox, and
-4. At this point, PWS should have built-in PHP support.
-NETSCAPE SERVERS, PHP as CGI (for Netscape Enterprise Server, iPlanet, perhaps Fastrack..)
-1. Copy the php.ini-dist to your systemroot (the directory where you installed windows), and edit it to fit your needs
-2. Copy php4ts.dll to your systemroot (the directory where you installed windows)
-3. Make a file assocition from the command line (type the 2 following lines)
- assoc .php=PHPScript
- ftype PHPScript=d:\php4\php.exe %1 %*
-4. In the Netscape Enterprise Administration Server create a dummy shellcgi directory and remove it just after
- (this step creates 5 important lines in obj.conf and allow the web server to handle shellcgi scripts)
-5. In the Netscape Enterprise Administration Server create a new mime type
- (Category:type,Content-Type:magnus-internal/shellcgi,File Suffix:php)
-6. Do it for each web server instance you want php to run
-7. More details
-NETSCAPE SERVERS, PHP as NSAPI (for Netscape Enterprise Server, iPlanet, perhaps Fastrack..)
-1. Copy the php.ini-dist to your systemroot (the directory where you installed windows), and edit it to fit your needs
-2. Copy php4ts.dll to your systemroot (the directory where you installed windows)
-3. Make a file assocition from the command line (type the 2 following lines)
- assoc .php=PHPScript
- ftype PHPScript=d:\php4\php.exe %1 %*
-4. In the Netscape Enterprise Administration Server create a new mime type
- (Category:type,Content-Type:magnus-internal/x-httpd-php,File Suffix:php)
-5. Stop your web service and edit obj.conf
-6.1 At the end of the Init section, place this 2 lines (necessarely after mime type init!)
- Init fn="load-modules" funcs="php4_init,php4_close,php4_execute,php4_auth_trans" shlib="d:/php4/sapi/php4nsapi.dll"
- Init fn="php4_init" errorString="Failed to initialise PHP!"
-6.2 In The < Object name="default" > section, place this line necessarely after all 'ObjectType' and before all 'AddLog' lines!
- Service fn="php4_execute" type="magnus-internal/x-httpd-php"
-6.3 At the end of the file, create a new object called x-httpd-php, by inserting this lines
- <Object name="x-httpd-php">
- ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/x-httpd-php"
- Service fn=php4_execute
- </Object>
-7. Restart your web service and apply changes
-8. Do it for each web server instance you want php to run
-9. More details \ No newline at end of file
+PHP/Windows Installation Notes
+Installation on Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000 systems
+There are two main ways to install PHP for Windows: either
+manually or by using the InstallShield installer.
+Windows InstallShield
+ The Windows PHP installer is available from the downloads page at
+ This installs the CGI version of PHP and, for IIS, PWS,
+ and Xitami, configures the web server as well.
+ Note that this version does *NOT* install any extensions or server
+ api versions of PHP.
+ Install your selected HTTP server on your system and make sure
+ that it works.
+ Run the executable installer and follow the instructions provided by
+ the installation wizard. Two types of installation are supported -
+ standard, which provides sensible defaults for all the settings it
+ can, and advanced, which asks questions as it goes along.
+ The installation wizard gathers enough information to set up the
+ php.ini file and configure the web server to use PHP.
+ For IIS and also PWS on NT Workstation, a list of all the
+ nodes on the server with script map settings is displayed, and you
+ can choose those nodes to which you wish to add the PHP script
+ mappings.
+ Once the installation has completed the installer will inform you
+ if you need to restart your system, restart the server, or just
+ start using PHP.
+Windows Manual installation from zip binary distribution
+ This install guide will help you manually install and configure
+ PHP on your Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000 webservers. This guide was compiled by
+ Bob Silva. The original version can be found at
+ This guide provides manual installation support for:
+ Personal Web Server 3 and 4 or newer
+ Internet Information Server 3 and 4 or newer
+ Apache 1.3.x
+ OmniHTTPd 2.0b1 and up
+ Oreilly Website Pro
+ Xitami
+ Netscape Enterprise Server, iPlanet
+ PHP 4 for Windows comes in two flavours - a CGI executable (php.exe),
+ and several SAPI modules (for exapmle php4isapi.dll). The latter form
+ is new to PHP 4, and provides significantly improved performance and
+ some new functionality. However, please note that the SAPI modules
+ are *NOT* yet considered to be production quality.
+ In particular, with the ISAPI module, you are likely to encounter serious
+ reliability problems especially on platforms older than W2K - you may
+ witness a lot of server 500 errors and suffer from other server modules
+ such as ASP also failing. You have been warned!
+ The reason for this is that the PHP SAPI modules are using the
+ thread-safe version of the PHP code, which is new to PHP 4, and has
+ not yet been tested and pounded enough to be considered completely
+ stable, and there are actually a few known bugs. On the other hand,
+ some people have reported very good results with the SAPI modules,
+ and there a few reports of problems with the Apache module version.
+ In short - your mileage may vary; If you need
+ absolute stability, trade the performance of the SAPI modules
+ with the stability of the CGI executable.
+ If you choose one of the SAPI modules and use Windows 95, be sure
+ to download the DCOM update from
+ For the ISAPI module, an ISAPI 4.0 compliant Web server
+ is required (tested on IIS 4.0, PWS 4.0 and IIS 5.0). IIS 3.0 is
+ *NOT* supported; You should download and install the Windows NT 4.0
+ Option Pack with IIS 4.0 if you want native PHP support.
+ The following steps should be performed on all installations
+ before the server specific instructions.
+ Extract the distribution file to a directory of your choice.
+ C:\PHP\ is a good start.
+ You need to ensure that the dlls which php uses can be found. The precise
+ dlls involved depend on which web server you use and whether you want to
+ run php as a cgi or as a server module. php4ts.dll is always used. If you are
+ using a server module (e.g. isapi or apache) then you will need the relevent
+ dll from the sapi folder. If you are using any php extension dlls then you
+ will need those as well. To make sure that the dlls can be found, you can
+ either copy them to the system directory (e.g. winnt/system32 or
+ windows/system) or you can make sure that they live in the same directory
+ as the main php executable or dll your web server will use (e.g. php.exe,
+ php4apache.dll).
+ Copy the file, php.ini-dist to your %WINDOWS% directory on
+ Windows 95/98 or to your %SYSTEMROOT% directory under Windows NT
+ or Windows 2000 and rename it to php.ini. Your %WINDOWS% or
+ %SYSTEMROOT% directory is typically:
+ c:\windows for Windows 95/98
+ c:\winnt or c:\winnt40 for NT/2000 servers
+ Edit your php.ini file:
+ You will need to change the 'extension_dir' setting to
+ point to your php-install-dir, or where you have placed
+ your 'php_*.dll' files. ex: c:\php
+ If you are using OmniHTTPd, do not follow the next step.
+ Set the 'doc_root' to point to your webservers
+ document_root. ex: c:\apache\htdocs or c:\webroot
+ Choose which extensions you would like to load when PHP
+ starts, noting that several extensions are already built
+ into the Windows release, see the section about
+ Windows extensions for details of the built in extensions.
+ You can uncomment the: 'extension=php_*.dll' lines
+ in php.ini to load these extensions.
+ Some extensions require you to have additional libraries
+ installed on your system for the module to work correctly.
+ The PHP FAQ at has more information on
+ where to get supporting libraries. You can also load a
+ module dynamically in your script using dl. See the section
+ about Windows extensions.
+ Note that on a new installation it is advisable to first get
+ PHP working and tested without any extensions before enabling
+ them in php.ini.
+ On PWS and IIS, you can set the browscap.ini
+ to point to: 'c:\windows\system\inetsrv\browscap.ini' on
+ Windows 9x/Me and 'c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\browscap.ini'
+ on NT/2000 Server. Additional information on using the
+ browscap functionality in PHP can be found at
+ select the "source" button to see it in action.
+ Note that the mibs directory supplied with the Windows distribution
+ contains support files for SNMP. This directory should be moved to
+ DRIVE:\usr\mibs (DRIVE being the drive where PHP is installed.)
+ Some DLLs are required for some PHP extensions. Please copy them to
+ your to your windows/system (Win9.x) or winnt/system32 (WinNT, Win2000)
+ directory. If you already have these DLLs installed on your system,
+ overwrite them only if something is not working correctly.
+ Before overwriting them, it is a good idea to back them or move them to
+ another folder - just in case something goes wrong.
+Installation of Windows extensions
+ After installing PHP and a webserver on Windows, you will
+ probably want to install some extensions for added functionality.
+ The following table describes some of the extensions available. As
+ described in the manual installation steps, you can choose which
+ extensions you would like to load when PHP starts by uncommenting the:
+ extension=php_*.dll' lines in php.ini. Some
+ extensions require you to have additional libraries installed on
+ your system for the module to work correctly. The PHP
+ FAQ at at has more information on
+ where to get supporting libraries. You can also load a module
+ dynamically in your script using dl.
+ The DLLs for PHP extensions are prefixed with 'php_'. This
+ prevents confusion between PHP extensions and their supporting
+ libraries.
+ Note:
+ In PHP 4.0.5 MySQL, ODBC, FTP, Calendar, BCMath, COM, PCRE,
+ Session, WDDX and XML support is <emphasis>built-in</emphasis>.
+ You don't need to load any additional extensions in order to
+ use these functions.
+ PHP Extensions
+ php_calendar.dll Calendar conversion functions
+ php_crypt.dll Crypt functions
+ php_dbase.dll dBase functions
+ php_dbm.dll Berkeley DB2 library
+ php_filepro.dll Read-only access to Filepro databases
+ php_gd.dll GD library functions for GIF manipulation
+ php_hyperwave.dll HyperWave functions
+ php_imap4r2.dll IMAP 4 functions
+ php_ldap.dll LDAP functions
+ php_msql1.dll mSQL 1 client
+ php_msql2.dll mSQL 2 client
+ php_mssql.dll MSSQL client (requires MSSQL DB-Libraries)
+ php3_mysql.dll (built into PHP 4) MySQL functions
+ php_nsmail.dll Netscape mail functions
+ php_oci73.dll Oracle functions
+ php_snmp.dll SNMP get and walk functions (NT only!)
+ php_zlib.dll ZLib compression functions
+Web server configuration
+ Installing PHP on Windows with Apache 1.3.x
+ There are two ways to set up PHP to work with Apache 1.3.x
+ on Windows. One is to use the CGI binary (php.exe),
+ the other is to use the Apache module dll. In either case
+ you need to stop the Apache server, and edit your
+ srm.conf or httpd.conf to configure Apache to work with PHP.
+ Although there can be a few variations of configuring PHP
+ under Apache, these are simple enough to be used by the
+ newcomer. Please consult the Apache Docs for further
+ configuration directives.
+ If you unzipped the PHP package to C:\PHP\ as desribed
+ above, you need to insert these lines to your Apache conf
+ file to set up the CGI binary:
+ ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"
+ AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
+ Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"
+ Remember to restart the server, for example,
+ followed by
+ If you would like to use PHP as a module in Apache,
+ you should move php4ts.dll to the windows/system (for Windows 9x/Me)
+ or winnt/system32 (for Windows NT/2000) directory, overwriting any
+ older file. Then you should add the following two lines to you Apache
+ conf file:
+ LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
+ AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
+ Remember to restart the server, for example,
+ followed by
+ To use the source code highlighting feature, simply create a PHP
+ script file and stick this code in:
+ <?php show_source("original_php_script.php"); ?>
+ Substitute original_php_script.php with the name of the
+ file you wish to show the source of. (This is the only way of
+ doing so).
+ On Win-Apache all backslashes in a path statement such
+ as: "c:\directory\file.ext", must be converted to
+ forward slashes.
+ Installing PHP on Windows with IIS/PWS
+ This section contains notes and hints specific to IIS (Microsoft
+ Internet Information Server). Installing PHP for PWS/IIS 3 and
+ PWS/IIS 4 or newer versions.
+ Windows and PWS/IIS 3 - including PWS on Win 9x/ME
+ The recommended method for configuring these servers is to use
+ the REG file incuded with the distribution (pws-php4cgi.reg).
+ You may want to edit this file and make sure the extensions and PHP
+ install directories match your configuration - once you have done
+ this, just double click on the file and it will update your registry.
+ Alternatively, you can follow the steps below to do it manually.
+ These steps involve working directly with the Windows
+ registry. One error here can leave your system in an unstable
+ state. We highly recommend that you back up your registry
+ first. The PHP Development team will not be held responsible if
+ you damage your registry.
+ Run Regedit.
+ Navigate to:
+ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/W3Svc/Parameters/ScriptMap
+ On the edit menu select: New->String Value.
+ Type in the extension you wish to use for your php scripts. ex: .php
+ Double click on the new string value and enter the path to
+ php.exe in the value data field.
+ ex: c:\php\php.exe
+ Repeat these steps for each extension you wish to associate
+ with PHP scripts.
+ The following steps do not affect the web server installation and only
+ apply if you want your php scripts to be executed when they are run
+ from the command line (ex. run c:\myscripts\test.php) or by double
+ clicking on them in a directory viewer window. You may wish to skip
+ this step as you might prefer the php files to load into a text
+ editor when you double click on them.
+ Now navigate to: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
+ On the edit menu select: New->Key
+ Name the key to the extension you setup in the previous
+ section. ex: .php
+ Highlight the new key and in the right side pane, double click
+ the "default value" and enter phpfile.
+ Repeat the last step for each extension you set up in the
+ previous section.
+ Now create another New->Key under
+ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and name it phpfile
+ Highlight the new key 'phpfile' and in the
+ right side pane, double click the "default value" and enter
+ PHP Script.
+ Right click on the 'phpfile' key and select
+ New->Key, name it Shell.
+ Right click on the 'Shell' key and select
+ New->Key, name it open.
+ Right click on the 'open' key and select
+ New->Key, name it command.
+ Highlight the new key 'command' and in the
+ right side pane, double click the "default value" and enter
+ the path to php.exe ex: c:\php\php.exe -q %1
+ (don't forget the '%1').
+ Exit Regedit.
+ If using PWS on Windows, reboot to reload the registry.
+ PWS and IIS 3 users now have a fully operational system. IIS 3
+ users can use a nifty tool available at
+ from Steven Genusa to configure their script maps.
+ Windows NT/2000 and IIS 4 or newer and PWS 4 on NT Workstation or W2K non server editions
+ To install PHP on an NT/2000 Server running IIS 4 or newer,
+ follow these instructions. You have two options to set up
+ PHP, using the CGI binary (php.exe) or with the ISAPI module.
+ In either case, you need to start the Microsoft Management
+ Console (may appear as 'Internet Services Manager', either
+ in your Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack branch or the Control
+ Panel=>Administrative Tools under Windows 2000). Then
+ right click on your Web server node (this will most probably
+ appear as 'Default Web Server'), and select 'Properties'.
+ If you want to use the CGI binary, do the following:
+ Under 'Home Directory', 'Virtual Directory', or
+ 'Directory', click on the 'Configuration' button,
+ and then enter the App Mappings tab.
+ Click Add, and in the Executable box, type:
+ c:\php\php.exe (assuming that you have unzipped PHP in c:\php\).
+ In the Extension box, type the file name extension you want
+ associated with PHP scripts. Leave 'Method exclusions'
+ blank, and check the Script engine checkbox. You may also
+ like to check the 'check that file exists' box - for a small
+ performance penalty, IIS (or PWS) will check that the script
+ file exists and sort out authentication before firing up php.
+ This means that you will get sensible 404 style error messages
+ instead of cgi errors complaing that php did not output any data.
+ You must repeat from 'Click Add...' for each extension you
+ want associated with PHP scripts.
+ (.php is recommended. although .phtml and .php3 may be
+ required for legacy applications.)
+ Set up the appropriate security. (This is done in Internet
+ Service Manager), and if your NT Server uses NTFS file system,
+ add execute rights for I_USR_ to the directory that contains
+ php.exe
+ To use the ISAPI module, do the following:
+ If you don't want to perform HTTP Authentication using PHP,
+ you can (and should) skip this step. Under ISAPI Filters,
+ add a new ISAPI filter. Use PHP as the filter name, and
+ supply a path to the php4isapi.dll.
+ Under 'Home Directory', click on the 'Configuration' button.
+ Add a new entry to the Application Mappings. Use the path
+ to the php4isapi.dll as the Executable, supply .php as the
+ extension, leave Method exclusions blank, and check the
+ Script engine checkbox.
+ Stop IIS completely (net stop iisadmin)
+ Start IIS again (net start w3svc)
+ Installing PHP on Windows with OmniHTTPd Server
+ This section contains notes and hints specific to
+ OmniHTTPd 2.0b1 and up for Windows
+ This has got to be the easiest config there is:
+ Step 1: Install OmniHTTPd server.
+ Step 2: Right click on the blue OmniHTTPd icon in the system
+ tray and select 'Properties'
+ Step 3: Click on 'Web Server Global Settings'
+ Step 4: On the 'External' tab, enter:
+ virtual = .php | actual = c:\path-to-php-dir\php.exe
+ and use the Add button.
+ Step 5: On the Mime tab, enter:
+ virtual = wwwserver/stdcgi | actual = .php
+ and use the Add button.
+ Step 6: Click 'OK'
+ Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each extension you want to associate with PHP.
+ Some OmniHTTPd packages come with built in PHP support.
+ You can choose at setup time to do a custom setup, and
+ uncheck the PHP component. We recommend you to use the latest
+ PHP binaries. Some OmniHTTPd servers come with PHP 4 beta
+ distributions, so you should choose not to set up
+ the built in support, but install your own. If the server
+ is already on your machine, use the Replace button in Step
+ 4 and 5 to set the new, correct information.
+ Installing PHP on Windows with Oreilly Website Pro
+ This section contains notes and hints specific to Oreilly
+ Website Pro 2.5 and up for Windows
+ This list describes how to set up the PHP CGI binary
+ or the ISAPI module to work with Oreilly Website Pro
+ on Windows.
+ Edit the Server Properties and select the tab "Mapping".
+ From the List select "Associations" and enter the desired
+ extension (".php") and the path to the CGI exe (ex. c:\php\php.exe)
+ or the ISAPI dll file (ex. c:\php\sapi\php4isapi.dll).
+ Select "Content Types" add the same extension ".php"
+ and enter the content type. If you choose the CGI exe
+ file, enter 'wwwserver/shellcgi', if you chose the
+ ISAPI module, enter 'wwwserver/isapi' (both without quotes).
+ Installing PHP on Windows with Xitami
+ This section contains notes and hints specific to Xitami.
+ This list describes how to set up the PHP CGI binary
+ to work with Xitami on Windows.
+ Make sure the webserver is running, and point
+ your browser to xitamis admin console
+ (usually, and click on
+ Configuration.
+ Navigate to the Filters, and put the
+ extension which php should parse (i.e. .php)
+ into the field File extensions (.xxx).
+ In Filter command or script put the path and name
+ of your php executable i.e. c:\php\php.exe.
+ Press the 'Save' icon.
+ Installing PHP on Windows with Netscape servers.
+ To Install PHP as CGI (for Netscape Enterprise Server, iPlanet, perhaps Fastrack)
+ Copy php4ts.dll to your systemroot (the directory where you installed windows)
+ Make a file assocition from the command line (type the 2 following lines)
+ assoc .php=PHPScript
+ ftype PHPScript=c:\php\php.exe %1 %*
+ In the Netscape Enterprise Administration Server create a dummy shellcgi
+ directory and remove it just after (this step creates 5 important lines in
+ obj.conf and allow the web server to handle shellcgi scripts)
+ In the Netscape Enterprise Administration Server create a new mime type
+ (Category:type,Content-Type:magnus-internal/shellcgi,File Suffix:php)
+ Do it for each web server instance you want php to run
+ More details
+ To Install PHP as NSAPI (for Netscape Enterprise Server, iPlanet, perhaps Fastrack)
+ Copy php4ts.dll to your systemroot (the directory where you installed windows)
+ Make a file assocition from the command line (type the 2 following lines)
+ assoc .php=PHPScript
+ ftype PHPScript=c:\php\php.exe %1 %*
+ In the Netscape Enterprise Administration Server create a new mime type
+ (Category:type,Content-Type:magnus-internal/x-httpd-php,File Suffix:php)
+ Stop your web service and edit obj.conf
+ At the end of the Init section, place these 2 lines (necessarily after mime type init!)
+ Init fn="load-modules" funcs="php4_init,php4_close,php4_execute,php4_auth_trans" shlib="c:/php/sapi/php4nsapi.dll"
+ Init fn="php4_init" errorString="Failed to initialise PHP!"
+ In The < Object name="default" > section, place this line necessarily after all 'ObjectType' and before all 'AddLog' lines!
+ Service fn="php4_execute" type="magnus-internal/x-httpd-php"
+ At the end of the file, create a new object called x-httpd-php, by inserting this lines
+ <Object name="x-httpd-php">
+ ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/x-httpd-php"
+ Service fn=php4_execute
+ </Object>
+ Restart your web service and apply changes
+ Do it for each web server instance you want php to run
+ More details
+ Read the FAQ
+ Some problems are more common than others. The most common ones
+ are listed in the PHP FAQ, found at
+ Common problems with Windows
+ The following problems often occur with IIS/PWS, but some points may
+ also apply to other servers.
+ For test purposes it is best to use just a simple test script. One
+ containing just the following line will suffice:
+ <?php phpinfo();?>
+ You have installed PHP, but when try to access a php script file via your
+ browser, you get a blank screen:
+ Do a 'view source' in the web browser and you will probably find that you
+ can see the source code of your php script. This means that the web server
+ did not send the script to php for interpretation. Something is wrong with
+ the server configuration - double check the server configuration against
+ the php installation instructions.
+ You have installed PHP, but when try to access a php script file via your
+ browser, you get a server 500 error:
+ Something went wrong when the server tried to run PHP. To get to see a
+ sensible error message, from the command line, change to the directory
+ containing php.exe and run <literal>php.exe -i</literal>
+ If php has any problems running, then a suitable error message will be displayed
+ which will give you a clue as to what needs to be done next.
+ If you get a screen full of html codes (the output of the phpinfo() function) then
+ php is working ok, and your problem may be related to your server configuration
+ which you should double check.
+ You have installed PHP, but when try to access a php script file via your
+ browser, you get the error:
+ cgi error:
+ The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
+ HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
+ This error message means that php failed to output anything at all.
+ From the command line hange to the directory containing php.exe. Run
+ php.exe -i
+ If php has any problems running, then a suitable
+ error message will be displayed which will give you a clue as to what needs to
+ be done next. If you get a screen full of html codes (the output of the
+ phpinfo() function) then php is working ok.
+ Once php is working at the command line, try accessing the php script via the browser again.
+ If it still fails then it could be one of the following:
+ file permissions on your php script, php.exe, php4ts.dll, php.ini or any php
+ extensions you are trying to load are such that the anonymous internet user
+ ISUR_<machinename> cannot access them.
+ The script file does not exist (or possibly isn't where you think it is
+ relative to your web root directory). Note that for IIS you can trap this error by ticking
+ the 'check file exists' box when setting up the script mappings in the Internet Services
+ Manager. If a script file does not exist then the server will return a 404 error instead.
+ There is also the additional benefit that IIS will do any authentication required for you
+ based on the NTLanMan permissions on your script file.
+ Other problems
+ If you are still stuck, someone on the PHP installation mailing list may be
+ able to help you. You should check out the archive first, in case
+ someone already answered someone else who had the same problem as
+ you. The archives are available from the support page on
+ To subscribe to the PHP installation
+ mailing list, send an empty mail to
+ The mailing list address is
+ If you want to get help on the mailing list, please try to be
+ precise and give the necessary details about your environment
+ (which operating system, what PHP version, what web server, if
+ ou are running PHP as CGI or a server module, etc.), and
+ referably enough code to make others able to reproduce and test
+ our problem.
+Bug reports
+ If you think you have found a bug in PHP, please report it. The
+ PHP developers probably don't know about it, and unless you
+ report it, chances are it won't be fixed. You can report bugs
+ using the bug-tracking system at
+ Read the Bugs-Dos-And-Donts at
+ before submitting any bug reports!