path: root/UPGRADING
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Diffstat (limited to 'UPGRADING')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 757 deletions
index c9e5a021eb..9e23d7a247 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1. Backward Incompatible Changes
2. New Features
@@ -19,832 +19,508 @@
1. Backward Incompatible Changes
-Language changes
-Changes to variable handling
-* Indirect variable, property and method references are now interpreted with
- left-to-right semantics. Some examples:
- $$foo['bar']['baz'] // interpreted as ($$foo)['bar']['baz']
- $foo->$bar['baz'] // interpreted as ($foo->$bar)['baz']
- $foo->$bar['baz']() // interpreted as ($foo->$bar)['baz']()
- Foo::$bar['baz']() // interpreted as (Foo::$bar)['baz']()
- To restore the previous behavior add explicit curly braces:
- ${$foo['bar']['baz']}
- $foo->{$bar['baz']}
- $foo->{$bar['baz']}()
- Foo::{$bar['baz']}()
-* The global keyword now only accepts simple variables. Instead of
- global $$foo->bar;
- it is now required to write the following:
- global ${$foo->bar};
-* Parentheses around variables or function calls no longer have any influence
- on behavior. For example the following code, where the result of a function
- call is passed to a by-reference function
- function getArray() { return [1, 2, 3]; }
- $last = array_pop(getArray());
- // Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference
- $last = array_pop((getArray()));
- // Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference
- will now throw a strict standards error regardless of whether parentheses
- are used. Previously no notice was generated in the second case.
-* Array elements or object properties that are automatically created during
- by-reference assignments will now result in a different order. For example
- $array = [];
- $array["a"] =& $array["b"];
- $array["b"] = 1;
- var_dump($array);
- now results in the array ["a" => 1, "b" => 1], while previously the result
- was ["b" => 1, "a" => 1];
-Relevant RFCs:
-Changes to list()
-* list() will no longer assign variables in reverse order. For example
- list($array[], $array[], $array[]) = [1, 2, 3];
- var_dump($array);
- will now result in $array == [1, 2, 3] rather than [3, 2, 1]. Note that only
- the **order** of the assignments changed, but the assigned values stay the
- same. E.g. a normal usage like
- list($a, $b, $c) = [1, 2, 3];
- // $a = 1; $b = 2; $c = 3;
+- Core:
+ . 'void' can no longer be used as the name of a class, interface, or trait.
+ This applies to declarations, class_alias() and use statements.
+ . 'iterable' can no longer be used as the name of a class, interface, or
+ trait. This applies to declarations, class_alias() and use statements.
+ (RFC:
+ . (int), intval() where $base is 10 or unspecified, settype(), decbin(),
+ decoct(), dechex(), integer operators and other conversions now always
+ respect scientific notation in numeric strings.
+ (RFC:
+ . The ASCII 0x7F Delete control character is no longer permitted in unquoted
+ identifiers in source code.
+ . The following functions may no longer be called dynamically using $func(),
+ call_user_func(), array_map() or similar:
+ . extract()
+ . compact()
+ . get_defined_vars()
+ . func_get_args()
+ . func_get_arg()
+ . func_num_args()
+ . parse_str() with one argument
+ . mb_parse_str() with one argument
+ . assert() with a string argument
+ (RFC:
+ . If the error_log is set to syslog, the PHP error levels are mapped to the
+ syslog error levels. This brings finer differentiation in the error logs
+ in contrary to the previous approach where all the errors are loggged with
+ the notice level only.
+ . Don't call destructors of incompletely constructed objects, even if they
+ are kept referenced. See bug #29368 and Zend/tests/bug29368_1.phpt.
+ . call_user_func() will now consistently throw a warning if a function with
+ reference arguments is called. However, call_user_func() will no longer
+ abort the call in this case.
+ . rand() and srand() are now aliases of mt_rand() and mt_srand().
+ Consequently the output of the following functions has changed:
+ . rand()
+ . shuffle()
+ . str_shuffle()
+ . array_rand()
+ . Fixes to random number generators mean that mt_rand() now produces a
+ different sequence of outputs to previous versions. If you relied on
+ mt_srand() to produce a deterministic sequence, it can be called using
+ mt_srand($seed, MT_RAND_PHP) to produce the old sequences.
+ . URL rewriter has been improved.
+ . Use dedicated buffer for Session module rewrite and User rewrite.
+ . Full path URL rewrite is supported. Allowed domain can be specified.
+ $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is allowed by default when host whitelist is empty.
+ . Use session.trans_sid_tags and session.trans_sid_hosts to control
+ session rewrite.
+ . Use url_rewriter.tags and url_rewriter.hosts to control user rewrite.
+ . <form>'s "action" attribute is used to check if URL rewrite is allowed
+ and listed under hosts whitelist.
+ . <fieldset> is no longer considered as a special tag. <form> is the
+ only tag considered special.
+ . Calling a function with less arguments than mandatory declared ones in
+ signature now issues a Fatal Error (Error Exception) instead of a Warning.
+ (RFC
+ . The error message for E_RECOVERABLE errors has been changed from "Catchable
+ fatal error" to "Recoverable fatal error".
+ . The empty index operator (e.g. $str[] = $x) is not supported for strings
+ anymore, and throws a fatal error instead of silently converting to array.
+ . Array elements or object properties that are automatically created during
+ by-reference assignments will now result in a different order. For example
- will retain its current behavior.
-* Empty list() assignments are no longer allowed. As such all of the following
- are invalid:
- list() = $a;
- list(,,) = $a;
- list($x, list(), $y) = $a;
-* list() no longer supports unpacking strings (while previously this was only
- supported in some cases). The code
- $string = "xy";
- list($x, $y) = $string;
- will now result in $x == null and $y == null (without notices) instead of
- $x == "x" and $y == "y". Furthermore list() is now always guaranteed to
- work with objects implementing ArrayAccess, e.g.
- list($a, $b) = (object) new ArrayObject([0, 1]);
- will now result in $a == 0 and $b == 1. Previously both $a and $b were null.
-Relevant RFCs:
-Changes to foreach
-* Iteration with foreach() no longer has any effect on the internal array
- pointer, which can be accessed through the current()/next()/etc family of
- functions. For example
- $array = [0, 1, 2];
- foreach ($array as &$val) {
- var_dump(current($array));
- }
- will now print the value int(0) three times. Previously the output was int(1),
- int(2) and bool(false).
-* When iterating arrays by-value, foreach will now always operate on a copy of
- the array, as such changes to the array during iteration will not influence
- iteration behavior. For example
- $array = [0, 1, 2];
- $ref =& $array; // Necessary to trigger the old behavior
- foreach ($array as $val) {
- var_dump($val);
- unset($array[1]);
- }
- will now print all three elements (0 1 2), while previously the second element
- 1 was skipped (0 2).
-* When iterating arrays by-reference, modifications to the array will continue
- to influence the iteration. However PHP will now do a better job of
- maintaining a correct position in a number of cases. E.g. appending to an
- array during by-reference iteration
- $array = [0];
- foreach ($array as &$val) {
- var_dump($val);
- $array[1] = 1;
- }
- will now iterate over the appended element as well. As such the output of this
- example will now be "int(0) int(1)", while previously it was only "int(0)".
-* Iteration of plain (non-Traversable) objects by-value or by-reference will
- behave like by-reference iteration of arrays. This matches the previous
- behavior apart from the more accurate position management mentioned in the
- previous point.
-* Iteration of Traversable objects remains unchanged.
-Relevant RFC:
-Changes to parameter handling
-* It is no longer possible to define two function parameters with the same name.
- For example, the following method will trigger a compile-time error:
- public function foo($a, $b, $unused, $unused) {
- // ...
- }
- Code like this should be changed to use distinct parameter names, for example:
- public function foo($a, $b, $unused1, $unused2) {
- // ...
- }
-* The func_get_arg() and func_get_args() functions will no longer return the
- original value that was passed to a parameter and will instead provide the
- current value (which might have been modified). For example
- function foo($x) {
- $x++;
- var_dump(func_get_arg(0));
- }
- foo(1);
- will now print "2" instead of "1". This code should be changed to either
- perform modifications only after calling func_get_arg(s)
- function foo($x) {
- var_dump(func_get_arg(0));
- $x++;
- }
- or avoid modifying the parameters altogether:
- function foo($x) {
- $newX = $x + 1;
- var_dump(func_get_arg(0));
- }
-* Similarly exception backtraces will no longer display the original value that
- was passed to a function and show the modified value instead. For example
- function foo($x) {
- $x = 42;
- throw new Exception;
- }
- foo("string");
- will now result in the stack trace
- Stack trace:
- #0 file.php(4): foo(42)
- #1 {main}
- while previously it was:
- Stack trace:
- #0 file.php(4): foo('string')
- #1 {main}
- While this should not impact runtime behavior of your code, it is worthwhile
- to be aware of this difference for debugging purposes.
- The same limitation also applies to debug_backtrace() and other functions
- inspecting function arguments.
-Relevant RFC:
-Changes to integer handling
-* Invalid octal literals (containing digits larger than 7) now produce compile
- errors. For example, the following is no longer valid:
+ $array = [];
+ $array["a"] =& $array["b"];
+ $array["b"] = 1;
+ var_dump($array);
- $i = 0781; // 8 is not a valid octal digit!
- Previously the invalid digits (and any following valid digits) were simply
- ignored. As such $i previously held the value 7, because the last two digits
- were silently discarded.
-* Bitwise shifts by negative numbers will now throw an ArithmeticError:
- var_dump(1 >> -1);
- // ArithmeticError: Bit shift by negative number
-* Left bitwise shifts by a number of bits beyond the bit width of an integer
- will always result in 0:
- var_dump(1 << 64); // int(0)
- Previously the behavior of this code was dependent on the used CPU
- architecture. For example on x86 (including x86-64) the result was int(1),
- because the shift operand was wrapped.
-* Similarly right bitwise shifts by a number of bits beyond the bit width of an
- integer will always result in 0 or -1 (depending on sign):
- var_dump(1 >> 64); // int(0)
- var_dump(-1 >> 64); // int(-1)
-Relevant RFC:
-Changes to string handling
-* Strings that contain hexadecimal numbers are no longer considered to be
- numeric and don't receive special treatment anymore. Some examples of the
- new behavior:
- var_dump("0x123" == "291"); // bool(false) (previously true)
- var_dump(is_numeric("0x123")); // bool(false) (previously true)
- var_dump("0xe" + "0x1"); // int(0) (previously 16)
- var_dump(substr("foo", "0x1")); // string(3) "foo" (previously "oo")
- // Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered
- filter_var() can be used to check if a string contains a hexadecimal number
- or convert such a string into an integer:
- $str = "0xffff";
- $int = filter_var($str, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_HEX);
- if (false === $int) {
- throw new Exception("Invalid integer!");
- }
- var_dump($int); // int(65535)
-* Due to the addition of the Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax for double-quoted
- strings and heredocs, "\u{" followed by an invalid sequence will now result in
- an error:
- $str = "\u{xyz}"; // Fatal error: Invalid UTF-8 codepoint escape sequence
- To avoid this the leading backslash should be escaped:
- $str = "\\u{xyz}"; // Works fine
- However, "\u" without a following { is unaffected. As such the following code
- won't error and will work the same as before:
- $str = "\u202e"; // Works fine
-Relevant RFCs:
-Changes to error handling
-* There are now two exception classes: Exception and Error. Both classes
- implement a new interface Throwable. Type hints in exception handling code
- may need to be changed to account for this.
-* Some fatal errors and recoverable fatal errors now throw an Error instead.
- As Error is a separate class from Exception, these exceptions will not be
- caught by existing try/catch blocks.
- For the recoverable fatal errors which have been converted into an exception,
- it is no longer possible to silently ignore the error from an error handler.
- In particular, it is no longer possible to ignore type hint failures.
-* Parser errors now generate a ParseError that extends Error. Error
- handling for eval()s on potentially invalid code should be changed to catch
- ParseError in addition to the previous return value / error_get_last()
- based handling.
-* Constructors of internal classes will now always throw an exception on
- failure. Previously some constructors returned NULL or an unusable object.
-* The error level of some E_STRICT notices has been changed.
-Relevant RFCs:
-Other language changes
-* Removed support for static calls to non-static methods from an incompatible
- $this context. In this case $this will not be defined, but the call will be
- allowed with a deprecation notice. An example:
- class A {
- public function test() { var_dump($this); }
- }
- // Note: Does NOT extend A
- class B {
- public function callNonStaticMethodOfA() { A::test(); }
- }
- (new B)->callNonStaticMethodOfA();
- // Deprecated: Non-static method A::test() should not be called statically
- // Notice: Undefined variable $this
- Note that this only applies to calls from an incompatible context. If class B
- extended from A the call would be allowed without any notices.
-* It is no longer possible to use the following class, interface and trait names
- (case-insensitive):
- bool
- int
- float
- string
- null
- false
- true
- This applies to class/interface/trait declarations, class_alias() and use
- statements.
- Furthermore the following class, interface and trait names are now reserved
- for future use, but do not yet throw an error when used:
- resource
- object
- mixed
- numeric
-* The yield language construct no longer requires parentheses when used in an
- expression context. It is now a right-associative operator with precedence
- between the "print" and "=>" operators. This can result in different behavior
- in some cases, for example:
- echo yield -1;
- // Was previously interpreted as
- echo (yield) - 1;
- // And is now interpreted as
- echo yield (-1);
- yield $foo or die;
- // Was previously interpreted as
- yield ($foo or die);
- // And is now interpreted as
- (yield $foo) or die;
- Such cases can always be resolved by adding additional parentheses.
- . Removed ASP (<%) and script (<script language=php>) tags.
- (RFC:
- . Removed support for assigning the result of new by reference.
- . Removed support for scoped calls to non-static methods from an incompatible
- $this context. See details in
- . Removed support for #-style comments in ini files. Use ;-style comments
- instead.
- . $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is no longer available. Use the php://input stream instead.
-Standard library changes
- . substr() now returns an empty string instead of FALSE when the truncation happens on boundaries.
- . call_user_method() and call_user_method_array() no longer exists.
- . ob_start() no longer issues an E_ERROR, but instead an E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR in case an
- output buffer is created in an output buffer handler.
- . The internal sorting algorithm has been improved, what may result in
- different sort order of elements that compare as equal.
- . Removed dl() function on fpm-fcgi.
- . setcookie() with an empty cookie name now issues a WARNING and doesn't send an empty set-cookie header line anymore.
-- Curl:
- . Removed support for disabling the CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD option. All curl file
- uploads must use the curl_file / CURLFile APIs.
- . curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CERTINFO) returns certificate Subject and Issuer
- as a string (PHP >= 5.6.25)
-- Date:
- . Removed $is_dst parameter from mktime() and gmmktime().
-- DBA
- . dba_delete() now returns false if the key was not found for the inifile
- handler, too.
-- GMP
- . Requires libgmp version 4.2 or newer now.
- . gmp_setbit() and gmp_clrbit() now return FALSE for negative indices, making
- them consistent with other GMP functions.
-- Intl:
- . Removed deprecated aliases datefmt_set_timezone_id() and
- IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID(). Use datefmt_set_timezone() and
- IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone() instead.
-- libxml:
- . Added LIBXML_BIGLINES parser option. It's available starting with libxml 2.9.0
- and adds suppport for line numbers >16-bit in the error reporting.
-- Mcrypt
- . Removed deprecated mcrypt_generic_end() alias in favor of
- mcrypt_generic_deinit().
- . Removed deprecated mcrypt_ecb(), mcrypt_cbc(), mcrypt_cfb() and mcrypt_ofb()
- functions in favor of mcrypt_encrypt() and mcrypt_decrypt() with an
- MCRYPT_MODE_* flag.
-- Session
- . session_start() accepts all INI settings as array. e.g. ['cache_limiter'=>'private']
- sets session.cache_limiter=private. It also supports 'read_and_close' which closes
- session data immediately after read data.
- . Save handler accepts validate_sid(), update_timestamp() which validates session
- ID existence, updates timestamp of session data. Compatibility of old user defined
- save handler is retained.
- . SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface is added. validateSid(), updateTimestamp()
- is defined in the interface.
- . session.lazy_write(default=On) INI setting enables only write session data when
- session data is updated.
- . session_regenerate_id() saves current $_SESSION before creating new session ID.
-- Opcache
- . Removed opcache.load_comments configuration directive. Now doc comments
- loading costs nothing and always enabled.
-- OpenSSL:
- . Removed the "rsa_key_size" SSL context option in favor of automatically
- setting the appropriate size given the negotiated crypto algorithm.
- . Removed "CN_match" and "SNI_server_name" SSL context options. Use automatic
- detection or the "peer_name" option instead.
-- PCRE:
- . Removed support for /e (PREG_REPLACE_EVAL) modifier. Use
- preg_replace_callback() instead.
-- PDO_pgsql:
-- Standard:
- . Removed string category support in setlocale(). Use the LC_* constants
- instead.
- . Removed set_magic_quotes_runtime() and its alias magic_quotes_runtime().
+ now results in the array ["b" => 1, "a" => 1], while for PHP 7.0 the result
+ was ["a" => 1, "b" => 1].
+ . The allowed_classes element of the $options parameter of unserialize() is
+ now strictly typed, i.e. if anything other than an array or a boolean is
+ given, unserialize() returns FALSE and issues an E_WARNING.
+ . $this, autoglobals, and variables with the same name as a parameter can no
+ longer be bound to a closure via the use construct.
- . Rejected RFC 7159 incompatible number formats in json_decode string -
- top level (07, 0xff, .1, -.1) and all levels ([1.], [1.e1])
- . Calling json_decode with 1st argument equal to empty PHP string or value that
- after casting to string is empty string (NULL, FALSE) results in JSON syntax error.
+ . The serialize_precision is used instead of precision when encoding double
+ values.
+ . An empty key is decoded as an empty property name instead of using _empty_
+ property name when decoding object to stdClass.
+ . When calling json_encode with JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE option, U+2028 and
+ U+2029 are escaped.
-- Stream:
- . Removed set_socket_blocking() in favor of its alias stream_set_blocking().
+- mbstring:
+ . mb_ereg() and mb_eregi() will now set the $regs argument to an empty array,
+ if nothing matched. Formerly, $regs was not modified in that case.
-- XML:
- . xml_set_object() now requires to manually unset the $parser when finished,
- to avoid memory leaks.
-- XSL:
- . Removed xsl.security_prefs ini option. Use XsltProcessor::setSecurityPrefs()
- instead.
+- OpenSSL:
+ . Dropped sslv2 stream.
+- Session:
+ . Session ID is generated from CSPRNG directly. As a result, Session ID length
+ could be any length between 22 and 256. Note: Max size of session ID depends
+ on save handler you are using.
+ . Following INIs are removed
+ . session.hash_function
+ . session.hash_bits_per_character
+ . session.entropy_file
+ . session.entropy_length
+ . New INIs and defaults
+ . session.sid_length (Number of session ID characters - 22 to 256.
+ php.ini-* default: 26 Compiled default: 32)
+ . session.sid_bits_per_character (Bits used per character - 4 to 6.
+ php.ini-* default: 5 Compiled default: 4)
+ . Length of old session ID string is determined as follows
+ . Used hash function's bits.
+ . session.hash_function=0 - MD5 128 bits (This was default)
+ . session.hash_function=1 - SHA1 160 bits
+ . Bits per character. (4, 5 or 6 bits per character)
+ . Examples
+ MD5 and 4 bits = 32 chars, ceil(128/4)=32
+ MD5 and 5 bits = 26 chars, ceil(128/5)=26
+ MD5 and 6 bits = 22 chars, ceil(128/6)=22
+ SHA1 and 4 bits = 40 chars, ceil(160/4)=40
+ SHA1 and 5 bits = 32 chars, ceil(160/5)=32
+ SHA1 and 6 bits = 27 chars, ceil(160/6)=27
+ and so on.
+ . session_start() returns FALSE and no longer initializes $_SESSION when
+ it failed to start session.
+- Reflection:
+ . The behavior of ReflectionMethod::invoke() and ::invokeArgs() has been
+ aligned, which causes slightly different behavior than before for some
+ pathological cases.
2. New Features
- Core
- . Added group use declarations.
- (RFC:
- . Added null coalesce operator (??).
- (RFC:
- . Support for strings with length >= 2^31 bytes in 64 bit builds.
- . Closure::call() method added (works only with userland classes).
- . Added \u{xxxxxx} Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax for double-quoted strings
- and heredocs.
- . define() now supports arrays as constant values, fixing an oversight where
- define() did not support arrays yet const syntax did.
- . Added the comparison operator (<=>), aka the spaceship operator.
- (RFC:
- . Added the yield from operator for delegating Generators like coroutines.
- (RFC:
- . Reserved keywords can now be used in various new contexts.
- (RFC:
- . Added support for scalar type declarations and strict mode using
- declare(strict_types=1) (RFC:
- . Added support for cryptographically secure user land RNG
- (RFC:
-- Opcache
- . Added second level file based opcode cache. It may be enabled by setting
- opcache.file_cache=<DIR> configuration directive in php.ini. The second
- level cache may improve performance when SHM is full, at server restart or
- SHM reset. In addition, it's possibe to use file cache without SHM at all,
- using opcache.file_cache_only=1 (this may be useful for sharing hosting),
- and disable file cache consistency check, to speedup loading at the cost of
- safety, using opcache.file_cache_consistency_checks=0.
- . Added ability to move PHP code pages (PHP TEXT segment) into HUGE pages.
- It's possible to enable/disable this feature in php.ini through
- opcache.huge_code_pages=0/1. OS should be configured to provide huge pages.
- . Added Windows only opcache.file_cache_fallback=1 ini option, which implies
- the implemented fallback mechanism. When OPcache was not able to reattach
- the shared memory segment to the desired address and opcache.file_cache
- is on, opcache.file_cache_only=1 will be automatically enforced.
-- OpenSSL
- . Added "alpn_protocols" SSL context option allowing encrypted client/server
- streams to negotiate alternative protocols using the ALPN TLS extension when
- built against OpenSSL 1.0.2 or newer. Negotiated protocol information is
- accessible through stream_get_meta_data() output.
-- Reflection
- . Added a ReflectionGenerator class (yield from Traces, current file/line,
- etc.)
- . Added a ReflectionType class to better support the new return type and
- scalar type declarations features. The new ReflectionParameter::getType()
- and ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getReturnType() methods both return an
- instance of ReflectionType.
-- Stream:
- . New Windows only stream context options was added to allow blocking reads
- on pipes. To enable it, pass array("pipe" => array("blocking" => true))
- when creating the stream context. Be aware, that this option can under
- circumstances cause dead locks on the pipe buffer. However it can be useful
- in several CLI use case scenarios.
+ . Added void return type, which requires that a function not return a value.
+ (RFC:
+ . Added iterable pseudo-type accepting any array or object implementing
+ Traversable.
+ (RFC:
+ . String offset access now supports negative references, which will be
+ counted from the end of the string.
+ (RFC:
+ . Added a form of the list() construct where keys can be specified.
+ (RFC:
+ . Added [] = as alternative construct to list() =.
+ (RFC:
+ . Number operators taking numeric strings now emit "A non well formed numeric
+ value encountered" E_NOTICEs for leading-numeric strings, and "A
+ non-numeric value encountered" E_WARNINGs for non-numeric strings.
+ This always applies to the +, -, *, /, **, %, << and >> operators, and
+ their assignment counterparts +=, -=, *=, /=, **=, %=, <<= and >>=.
+ For the bitwise operators |, & and ^, and their assignment counterparts
+ |=, &= and ^=, this only applies where only one operand is a string.
+ Note that this never applies to the bitwise NOT operator, ~, which does not
+ handle numeric strings, nor to the increment and decrement operators
+ ++ and --, which have a unique approach to handling numeric strings.
+ (RFC:
+ . Closure::fromCallable (RFC:
+ . Added support for class constant visibility modifiers.
+ (RFC:
+ . TypeError messages for arg_info type checks will now say "must be ...
+ or null", or "must ... or be null" where the parameter or return type
+ accepts null. arg_info type checks are used by all userland functions with
+ type declarations, and some internal functions. Both nullable type
+ declarations (?int) and parameters with default values of null
+ (int $foo = NULL) are considered to "accept null" for this purpose.
+ . The simple syntax for variable parsing inside of string literals now
+ supports negative offsets.
3. Changes in SAPI modules
-- FPM
- . Fixed bug #65933 (Cannot specify config lines longer than 1024 bytes).
- . Listen = port now listen on all addresses (IPv6 and IPv4-mapped).
+- apache2handler:
+ . Implemented per module logging.
+ . Implemented error level mapping between PHP and Apache for the error logs.
4. Deprecated Functionality
-- Core
- . PHP 4 style constructors, where the constructor name is the same as the
- class name, are now deprecated.
- . Static calls to non-static methods are now deprecated.
-- OpenSSL
- . The "capture_session_meta" SSL context option is now deprecated. Meta
- data concerning active crypto on a stream resource is now accessible
- through the return result from stream_get_meta_data().
+- 'e' option of mb_ereg_replace() and mb_eregi_replace().
+- ext/mcrypt is now fully deprecated.
5. Changed Functions
-- unserialize():
- . Added second parameter for unserialize function
- (RFC: allowing to specify
- acceptable classes:
- unserialize($foo, ["allowed_classes" => ["MyClass", "MyClass2"]]);
-- proc_open():
- . The maximum number of pipes used by proc_open() was previously limited by
- hardcoded value of 16. This limit is now removed and the number of pipes is
- effectively limited by the amount of memory available to PHP.
- . New Windows only configuration option "blocking_pipes" can be used to
- force blocking reads on child process pipes. This covers several
- edge cases in CLI usage however can lead to dead locks. Also, this
- correlates with the new stream context options for pipes.
-- array_column():
- The function now supports an array of objects as well as two-dimensional
- arrays. Only public properties are considered, and objects that make use of
- __get() for dynamic properties must also implement __isset().
-- stream_context_create()
- It accepts now a Windows only configuration
- array("pipe" => array("blocking" => <boolean>)) which forces blocking reads
- on pipes. This option should be used carefully because due to the
- platform restrictions dead locks on pipe buffers are possible.
-- dirname()
- A new optional argument ($levels) allow to go up various times
- dirname(dirname($foo)) => dirname($foo, 2);
-- debug_zval_dump
- It prints now "int" instead of "long", and "float" instead of "double".
-- getenv()
- Since 7.0.9, getenv() has optional second parameter, making it only
- consider local environment and not SAPI environment if true.
+- get_headers() has an extra parameter which allows passing a custom stream
+ context.
+- The first $varname argument for getenv() is no longer mandatory, the
+ current environment variables will be returned as an associative array
+ when omitted.
+- json_encode() accepts new option JSON_UNESCAPED_LINE_TERMINATORS that
+ disables escaping of U+2028 and U+2029 characters when
+- long2ip() accepts integer as parameter now
+- openssl_encrypt and openssl_decrypt have extra parameters for handling
+ authenticated encryption (tag, aad, tag_length) and decryption (tag, aad).
+- pg_last_notice() accepts optional long parameter to specify operation.
+ PGSQL_NOTICE_LAST - Get last notice (Default)
+ PGSQL_NOTICE_ALL - Get all stored notices
+ PGSQL_NOTICE_CLEAR - Remove all stored notices
+ It returns empty string or array on successful PGSQL_NOTICE_LAST/ALL calls.
+ It returned FALSE for empty notice previously.
+- pg_fetch_all() accepts 2nd optional result type parameter like
+ pg_fetch_row().
+- pg_select() accepts 4th optional result type parameter like pg_fetch_row().
+- parse_url() is more restrictive now and supports RFC3986.
+- unpack() accepts an additional optional $offset argument. '@' format code
+ (that specifes an absolute position) is applyed to input data after
+ the $offset argument.
+- strpos(), stripos(), substr_count(), grapheme_strpos(), grapheme_stripos(),
+ grapheme_extract(), iconv_strpos(), mb_strimwidth(), mb_ereg_search_setpos(),
+ mb_strpos() and mb_stripos() now accept negative string offsets.
+- substr_count() and mb_strimwidth() additionally also accept negative length.
+- file_get_contents() accepts a negative seek offset if the stream is seekable.
+- tempnam() throws a notice when failing back to the system temp dir.
+- getopt() has an extra by-ref parameter : optind
+- mb_ereg() and mb_ereg_replace() reject illegal byte sequences.
+- FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODE can be used with filter_var() for email validation
+ according to RFC 6531.
+- output_reset_rewrite_vars() no longer reset session URL rewrite vars.
+- the lasinsertid() in pdo_pgsql extension triggers an error, when no nextval()
+ were called in in the current session.
- fopen()
- Since 7.0.16, mode 'e' was added, which sets the close-on-exec flag
+ Since 7.1.2, mode 'e' was added, which sets the close-on-exec flag
on the opened file descriptor. This mode is only available in PHP compiled on
POSIX.1-2008 conform systems.
6. New Functions
+- Core:
+ . Added sapi_windows_cp_set(), sapi_windows_cp_get(), sapi_windows_cp_is_utf8(),
+ sapi_windows_cp_conv() for codepage handling.
+- cURL:
+ . Added curl_multi_errno() and curl_share_errno() to return the last error
+ number of curl_multi and curl_share resources.
+ . Added curl_share_strerror() to convert error code to error message text
+ describing the error.
+- Hash:
+ . In PHP 7.1.2: Added hash_hkdf() function, which implements the HMAC-based
+ Key Derivation Function (HKDF) algorithm according to RFC 5869. The
+ implementation combines the Extract and Expand steps.
+- pcntl:
+ . Added pcntl_signal_get_handler() that returns the current signal handler
+ for a particular signal.
+- Session:
+ . Added session_gc() that performs session data garbage collection.
+ . Added session_create_id() for creating custom session ID.
-- GMP
- . Added gmp_random_seed().
-- PCRE:
- . Added preg_replace_callback_array function
- (RFC:
-- Standard
- . Added intdiv() function for integer division.
- . Added error_clear_last() function to reset error state.
-- Zip:
- . Added ZipArchive::setCompressionIndex() and ZipArchive::setCompressionName()
- for setting the compression method.
-- Zlib:
- . Added deflate_init(), deflate_add(), inflate_init(), inflate_add()
- functions allowing incremental/streaming compression/decompression.
+- Standard:
+ . Added is_iterable() that determines if a value will be accepted by the new
+ iterable pseudo-type.
7. New Classes and Interfaces
-- ReflectionGenerator
-- ReflectionType
8. Removed Extensions and SAPIs
-- sapi/aolserver
-- sapi/apache
-- sapi/apache_hooks
-- sapi/apache2filter
-- sapi/caudium
-- sapi/continuity
-- sapi/isapi
-- sapi/milter
-- sapi/nsapi
-- sapi/phttpd
-- sapi/pi3web
-- sapi/roxen
-- sapi/thttpd
-- sapi/tux
-- sapi/webjames
-- ext/mssql
-- ext/mysql
-- ext/sybase_ct
-- ext/ereg
-For more details see
-NOTE: NSAPI was not voted in the RFC, however it was removed afterwards. It turned
-out, that the corresponding SDK isn't available anymore.
9. Other Changes to Extensions
-- Mhash
- Mhash is not an extension anymore, use function_exists("mhash") to check whether
- it is avaliable.
+- Date:
+ . Invalid serialization data for a DateTime or DatePeriod object will now
+ throw an instance of Error from __wakeup() or __set_state() instead of
+ resulting in a fatal error.
+ . Timezone initialization failure from serialized data will now throw an
+ instance of Error from __wakeup() or __set_state() instead of resulting in
+ a fatal error.
+ . DateTime and DateTimeImmutable now properly incorporate microseconds when
+ constructed from the current time, either explicitly or with a relative
+ string (e.g. "first day of next month"). This means that naive comparisons
+ of two newly created instances will now more likely return FALSE instead of
+ new DateTime() == new DateTime();
+- DBA:
+ . Data modification functions (e.g.: dba_insert()) now throw an instance of
+ Error instead of triggering a catchable fatal error if the key does not
+ contain exactly two elements.
+- DOM:
+ . Invalid schema or RelaxNG validation contexts will throw an instance of
+ Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+ . Attempting to register a node class that does not extend the appropriate
+ base class will now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a
+ fatal error.
+ . Attempting to read an invalid or write to a readonly property will throw
+ an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+- GD:
+ . Changed the default of the ini setting gd.jpeg_ignore_warning to 1.
+- IMAP:
+ . An email address longer than 16385 bytes will throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+- Intl:
+ . Failure to call the parent constructor in a class extending Collator
+ before invoking the parent methods will throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a recoverable fatal error.
+ . Cloning a Transliterator object may will now throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error if cloning the internal
+ transliterator fails.
+- LDAP:
+ . Providing an unknown modification type to ldap_batch_modify() will now
+ throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+- Mbstring:
+ . mb_ereg() and mb_eregi() will now throw an instance of ParseError if an
+ invalid PHP expression is provided and the 'e' option is used.
+- Mcrypt:
+ . mcrypt_encrypt() and mcrypt_decrypt() will throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error if mcrypt cannot be initialized.
+- Mysqli:
+ . Attempting to read an invalid or write to a readonly property will throw
+ an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
- PDO_Firebird
- As of PHP 7.0.16, the fetched data for integer fields is aware of the Firebird
- datatypes. Previously all integers was fetched as strings, starting with the
+ As of PHP 7.1.2, the fetched data for integer fields is aware of the Firebird
+ datatypes. Previously all integers was fetched as strings, starting with
aforementioned PHP version integer fields are translated to the PHP integer
datatype. The 64-bit integers are still fetched as strings in 32-bit PHP
-- GD
- The bundled libgd requires libwebp instead of libvpx for the WebP functionality.
+- Reflection:
+ . Failure to retrieve a reflection object or retrieve an object property
+ will now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+- Session:
+ . Custom session handlers that do not return strings for session IDs will
+ now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error
+ when a function is called that must generate a session ID.
+ . Only CSPRNG is used to generate session ID.
+- SimpleXML:
+ . Creating an unnamed or duplicate attribute will throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error.
-- Openssl
- minimum supported OpenSSL version series was raised to 0.9.8
+- SPL:
+ . Attempting to clone an SplDirectory object will throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+ . Calling ArrayIterator::append() when iterating over an object will throw an
+ instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
-- Shmop
- The shmop identifiers have been changed from ints to resources of type shmop.
+- SQLite3:
+ . Upgraded bundled SQLite lib to 3.13.0
+- Standard:
+ . assert() will throw a ParseError when evaluating a string given as the first
+ argument if the PHP code is invalid instead of resulting in a catchable
+ fatal error.
+ . Calling forward_static_call() outside of a class scope will now throw an
+ instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+- Tidy:
+ . Creating a tidyNode manually will now throw an instance of Error instead of
+ resulting in a fatal error.
+- WDDX:
+ . A circular reference when serializing will now throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+ . A circular reference when serializing will now throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+- Zip:
+ . ZipArchive::addGlob() will throw an instance of Error instead of resulting
+ in a fatal error if glob support is not available.
10. New Global Constants
-- Core
- . PHP_INT_MIN added.
- . This error constant is added to signal errors due to stack size limitations
- when PCRE JIT support is enabled:
-- Zlib
- . These constants are added to control flush behavior with the new
- incremental deflate_add() and inflate_add() functions:
-- GD
- . IMG_WEBP (>= 7.0.10)
- . T1Lib support removed, thus lifting the optional dependency on T1Lib, the
- following is therefore not available anymore:
- Functions:
- - imagepsbbox()
- - imagepsencodefont()
- - imagepsextendedfont()
- - imagepsfreefont()
- - imagepsloadfont()
- - imagepsslantfont()
- - imagepstext()
- Resources:
- - 'gd PS font'
- - 'gd PS encoding'
-- Zip
- . Filename encoding flags, as of 7.0.8
- - ZipArchive::FL_ENC_GUESS
- - ZipArchive::FL_ENC_RAW
- - ZipArchive::FL_ENC_STRICT
- - ZipArchive::FL_ENC_UTF_8
- - ZipArchive::FL_ENC_CP437
+- Core:
+- JSON:
+- Pgsql:
+- Standard:
11. Changes to INI File Handling
-- Core
- . Removed asp_tags ini directive. Trying to enable it will result in a fatal
- error.
- . Removed always_populate_raw_post_data ini directive.
- . realpath_cache_size set to 4096k by default
+- serialize_precision
+ . If the value is set to -1, then the dtoa mode 0 is used. The value -1
+ is now used by default.
+- precision
+ . If the value is set to -1, then the dtoa mode 0 is used. No changes
+ in default value which is still 14.
+- realpath_cache_size
+ . Set to 4096k by default
12. Windows Support
-- Core
- . Support for native 64 bit integers in 64 bit builds.
- . Support for large files in 64 bit builds.
- . Support for getrusage()
-- ftp
- . The ftp extension is always shipped shared
- . For SSL support, the dependency on the openssl extension was abolished. Instead
- it depends alone on the openssl library. If it's present at the compile time,
- ftp_ssl_connect() is enabled automatically.
-- imap
- . Static building of ext/imap is disabled
-- odbc
- . The odbc extension is always shipped shared
+- Core:
+ . Support for long and UTF-8 path;
+ If a web application is UTF-8 conform, no further action is required. For
+ applications depending on paths in non UTF-8 encodings for I/O, an explicit
+ INI directive has to be set. The encoding INI settings check relies on the
+ order in the core:
+ - internal_encoding
+ - default_charset
+ - zend.multibyte
+ Several functions for codepage handling were itroduced:
+ - sapi_windows_cp_set() to set the default codepage
+ - sapi_windows_cp_get() to retrieve the current codepage
+ - sapi_windows_cp_is_utf8()
+ - sapi_windows_cp_conv() to convert between codepages, using iconv()
+ compatible signature
+ These functions are thread safe.
+ The console output codepage is adjusted depending on the encoding used in
+ PHP. Depending on the concrete system OEM codepage, the visible output
+ might or might be not correct. For example, in the default cmd.exe and on
+ a system with the OEM codepage 437, outputs in codepages 1251, 1252, 1253
+ and some others can be shown correctly when using UTF-8. On the same system,
+ chars in codepage like 20932 probably won't be shown correctly. This refers
+ to the particular system rules for codepage, font compatibility and the
+ particular console program used. PHP automatically sets the console codepage
+ according to the encoding rules from php.ini. Using alternative consoles
+ instead of cmd.exe directly might bring better experience in some cases.
+ Nevertheless be aware, runtime codepage switch after the request start
+ might bring unexpected side effects on CLI. The preferrable way is php.ini,
+ When PHP CLI is used in a console emulator, that doesn't support Unicode,
+ it might possibly be required, to avoid changing the console codepage. The
+ best way to achieve it is by setting the default or internal encoding to
+ correspond the ANSI codepage. Another method is to set the INI directives
+ output_encoding and input_encoding to the required codepage, in which case
+ however the difference between internal and I/O codepage is likely to cause
+ mojibake. In rare cases, if PHP happens to crash gracefully, the original
+ console codepage might be not restored. In this case, the chcp command
+ can be used, to restore it manually.
+ Special awareness for the DBCS systems - the codepage switch on runtime
+ using ini_set() is likely to cause display issues. The difference to the
+ non DBCS systems is, that the extended characters require two console cells
+ to be displayed. In certain case, only the mapping of the characters into
+ the glyph set of the font could happen, no actual font change. This is the
+ nature of DBCS systems, the most simple way to prevent display issues is
+ to avoid usage of ini_set() for the codepage change.
+ As a result of UTF-8 support in the streams, PHP scripts are not limited
+ to ASCII or ANSI filenames anymore. This is supported out of the box on
+ CLI. For other SAPI, the documentation for the corresponding server
+ is useful.
+ Long paths support is transparent. Paths longer than 260 bytes get
+ automatically prefixed with \\?\. The max path length is limited to
+ 2048 bytes. Be aware, that the path segment limit (basename length) still
+ persists.
+ For the best portability, it is strongely recommended to handle filenames,
+ I/O and other related topics UTF-8. Additionally, for the console applications,
+ the usage of a TrueType font is preferrable and the usage of ini_set() for
+ the codepage change is discouraged.
+ . Support for ftok()
+ . PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN is respected. If this environment variable is defined,
+ the first php-fcgi.exe process will exec the specified number of children.
+ Those will share the same TCP socket.
+- readline:
+ . The readline extension is supported through the WinEditLine library
+ ( Thereby, the interactive CLI
+ shell is supported as well (php.exe -a).
+ It is well known, but nevertheless is worth mentioning again, that
+ the readline extension is not thread safe and will never be. Thus,
+ the usage of it with any true thread safe SAPI (like Apache mod_winnt) is
+ strongely discouraged.
13. Other Changes
-- Core
- . Instead of being undefined and platform-dependent, NaN and Infinity will
- always be zero when cast to integer.
- . Calling a method on a non-object now raises a catchable error instead of a
- fatal error; see:
- . Error messages for zend_parse_parameters, type hints and conversions now
- always say "integer" and "float" instead of "long" and "double".
- . Output buffering now continues to work for an aborted connection if
- ignore_user_abort is set to true.
- . Zend Extensions API was extended with zend_extension.op_array_persist_calc()
- and zend_extensions.op_array_persist() handlers. They allow to store (or
- reset) associated with op_array addition information in Opcache Shared
- Memory.
- . zend_internal_function.reserved[] array was introduced to allow association
- of aditional information with internal functions. In PHP-5 it was possible
- to use zend_function.op_array.reserved[] even for internal functions, but
- now we don't allocate extra space.
- . curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CERTINFO) returns certificate Subject and Issuer
- as a string (PHP >= 7.0.10)