path: root/ext/com_dotnet/com_wrapper.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/com_dotnet/com_wrapper.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 635 deletions
diff --git a/ext/com_dotnet/com_wrapper.c b/ext/com_dotnet/com_wrapper.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0236d2e1ab..0000000000
--- a/ext/com_dotnet/com_wrapper.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | PHP Version 5 |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Copyright (c) 1997-2005 The PHP Group |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license, |
- | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
- | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
- | |
- | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
- | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
- | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Author: Wez Furlong <> |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- */
-/* $Id$ */
-/* This module exports a PHP object as a COM object by wrapping it
- * using IDispatchEx */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "php.h"
-#include "php_ini.h"
-#include "ext/standard/info.h"
-#include "php_com_dotnet.h"
-#include "php_com_dotnet_internal.h"
-typedef struct {
- /* This first part MUST match the declaration
- * of interface IDispatchEx */
- CONST_VTBL struct IDispatchExVtbl *lpVtbl;
- /* now the PHP stuff */
- DWORD engine_thread; /* for sanity checking */
- zval *object; /* the object exported */
- LONG refcount; /* COM reference count */
- HashTable *dispid_to_name; /* keep track of dispid -> name mappings */
- HashTable *name_to_dispid; /* keep track of name -> dispid mappings */
- GUID sinkid; /* iid that we "implement" for event sinking */
- int id;
-} php_dispatchex;
-static int le_dispatch;
-static void disp_destructor(php_dispatchex *disp);
-static void dispatch_dtor(zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)
- php_dispatchex *disp = (php_dispatchex *)rsrc->ptr;
- disp_destructor(disp);
-int php_com_wrapper_minit(INIT_FUNC_ARGS)
- le_dispatch = zend_register_list_destructors_ex(dispatch_dtor,
- NULL, "com_dotnet_dispatch_wrapper", module_number);
- return le_dispatch;
-/* {{{ trace */
-static inline void trace(char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- char buf[4096];
- sprintf(buf, "T=%08x ", GetCurrentThreadId());
- OutputDebugString(buf);
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
- OutputDebugString(buf);
- va_end(ap);
-/* }}} */
-#ifdef ZTS
-# define TSRMLS_FIXED()
-#define FETCH_DISP(methname) \
- php_dispatchex *disp = (php_dispatchex*)This; \
- trace(" PHP:%s %s\n", Z_OBJCE_P(disp->object)->name, methname); \
- if (GetCurrentThreadId() != disp->engine_thread) \
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_queryinterface(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
- /* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppvObject)
- FETCH_DISP("QueryInterface");
- if (IsEqualGUID(&IID_IUnknown, riid) ||
- IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDispatch, riid) ||
- IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDispatchEx, riid) ||
- IsEqualGUID(&disp->sinkid, riid)) {
- *ppvObject = This;
- InterlockedIncrement(&disp->refcount);
- return S_OK;
- }
- *ppvObject = NULL;
-static ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_addref(IDispatchEx *This)
- FETCH_DISP("AddRef");
- return InterlockedIncrement(&disp->refcount);
-static ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_release(IDispatchEx *This)
- ULONG ret;
- FETCH_DISP("Release");
- ret = InterlockedDecrement(&disp->refcount);
- trace("-- refcount now %d\n", ret);
- if (ret == 0) {
- /* destroy it */
- if (disp->id)
- zend_list_delete(disp->id);
- }
- return ret;
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_gettypeinfocount(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [out] */ UINT *pctinfo)
- FETCH_DISP("GetTypeInfoCount");
- *pctinfo = 0;
- return S_OK;
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_gettypeinfo(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ UINT iTInfo,
- /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
- /* [out] */ ITypeInfo **ppTInfo)
- FETCH_DISP("GetTypeInfo");
- *ppTInfo = NULL;
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_getidsofnames(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
- /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR *rgszNames,
- /* [in] */ UINT cNames,
- /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
- /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID *rgDispId)
- UINT i;
- HRESULT ret = S_OK;
- FETCH_DISP("GetIDsOfNames");
- for (i = 0; i < cNames; i++) {
- char *name;
- unsigned int namelen;
- zval **tmp;
- name = php_com_olestring_to_string(rgszNames[i], &namelen, COMG(code_page) TSRMLS_CC);
- /* Lookup the name in the hash */
- if (zend_hash_find(disp->name_to_dispid, name, namelen+1, (void**)&tmp) == FAILURE) {
- rgDispId[i] = 0;
- } else {
- rgDispId[i] = Z_LVAL_PP(tmp);
- }
- efree(name);
- }
- return ret;
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember,
- /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
- /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
- /* [in] */ WORD wFlags,
- /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS *pDispParams,
- /* [out] */ VARIANT *pVarResult,
- /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo,
- /* [out] */ UINT *puArgErr)
- return This->lpVtbl->InvokeEx(This, dispIdMember,
- lcid, wFlags, pDispParams,
- pVarResult, pExcepInfo, NULL);
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_getdispid(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ BSTR bstrName,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfdex,
- /* [out] */ DISPID *pid)
- char *name;
- unsigned int namelen;
- zval **tmp;
- FETCH_DISP("GetDispID");
- name = php_com_olestring_to_string(bstrName, &namelen, COMG(code_page) TSRMLS_CC);
- trace("Looking for %s, namelen=%d in %p\n", name, namelen, disp->name_to_dispid);
- /* Lookup the name in the hash */
- if (zend_hash_find(disp->name_to_dispid, name, namelen+1, (void**)&tmp) == SUCCESS) {
- trace("found it\n");
- *pid = Z_LVAL_PP(tmp);
- ret = S_OK;
- }
- efree(name);
- return ret;
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_invokeex(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ DISPID id,
- /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
- /* [in] */ WORD wFlags,
- /* [in] */ DISPPARAMS *pdp,
- /* [out] */ VARIANT *pvarRes,
- /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO *pei,
- /* [unique][in] */ IServiceProvider *pspCaller)
- zval **name;
- UINT i;
- zval *retval = NULL;
- zval ***params = NULL;
- FETCH_DISP("InvokeEx");
- if (SUCCESS == zend_hash_index_find(disp->dispid_to_name, id, (void**)&name)) {
- /* TODO: add support for overloaded objects */
- trace("-- Invoke: %d %20s [%d] flags=%08x args=%d\n", id, Z_STRVAL_PP(name), Z_STRLEN_PP(name), wFlags, pdp->cArgs);
- /* convert args into zvals.
- * Args are in reverse order */
- if (pdp->cArgs) {
- params = (zval ***)safe_emalloc(sizeof(zval **), pdp->cArgs, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < pdp->cArgs; i++) {
- VARIANT *arg;
- zval *zarg;
- arg = &pdp->rgvarg[ pdp->cArgs - 1 - i];
- trace("alloc zval for arg %d VT=%08x\n", i, V_VT(arg));
- php_com_wrap_variant(zarg, arg, COMG(code_page) TSRMLS_CC);
- params[i] = (zval**)emalloc(sizeof(zval**));
- *params[i] = zarg;
- }
- }
- trace("arguments processed, prepare to do some work\n");
- /* TODO: if PHP raises an exception here, we should catch it
- * and expose it as a COM exception */
- retval = zend_read_property(Z_OBJCE_P(disp->object), disp->object, Z_STRVAL_PP(name), Z_STRLEN_PP(name)+1, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
- } else if (wFlags & DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT) {
- zend_update_property(Z_OBJCE_P(disp->object), disp->object, Z_STRVAL_PP(name), Z_STRLEN_PP(name)+1, *params[0] TSRMLS_CC);
- } else if (wFlags & DISPATCH_METHOD) {
- zend_try {
- if (SUCCESS == call_user_function_ex(EG(function_table), &disp->object, *name,
- &retval, pdp->cArgs, params, 1, NULL TSRMLS_CC)) {
- ret = S_OK;
- trace("function called ok\n");
- } else {
- trace("failed to call func\n");
- }
- } zend_catch {
- trace("something blew up\n");
- } zend_end_try();
- } else {
- trace("Don't know how to handle this invocation %08x\n", wFlags);
- }
- /* release arguments */
- if (params) {
- for (i = 0; i < pdp->cArgs; i++) {
- zval_ptr_dtor(params[i]);
- efree(params[i]);
- }
- efree(params);
- }
- /* return value */
- if (retval) {
- if (pvarRes) {
- VariantInit(pvarRes);
- php_com_variant_from_zval(pvarRes, retval, COMG(code_page) TSRMLS_CC);
- }
- zval_ptr_dtor(&retval);
- } else if (pvarRes) {
- VariantInit(pvarRes);
- }
- } else {
- trace("InvokeEx: I don't support DISPID=%d\n", id);
- }
- return ret;
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_deletememberbyname(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ BSTR bstrName,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfdex)
- FETCH_DISP("DeleteMemberByName");
- /* TODO: unset */
- return S_FALSE;
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_deletememberbydispid(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ DISPID id)
- FETCH_DISP("DeleteMemberByDispID");
- /* TODO: unset */
- return S_FALSE;
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_getmemberproperties(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ DISPID id,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfdexFetch,
- /* [out] */ DWORD *pgrfdex)
- FETCH_DISP("GetMemberProperties");
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_getmembername(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ DISPID id,
- /* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrName)
- zval *name;
- FETCH_DISP("GetMemberName");
- if (SUCCESS == zend_hash_index_find(disp->dispid_to_name, id, (void**)&name)) {
- OLECHAR *olestr = php_com_string_to_olestring(Z_STRVAL_P(name), Z_STRLEN_P(name), COMG(code_page) TSRMLS_CC);
- *pbstrName = SysAllocString(olestr);
- efree(olestr);
- return S_OK;
- } else {
- }
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_getnextdispid(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfdex,
- /* [in] */ DISPID id,
- /* [out] */ DISPID *pid)
- ulong next = id+1;
- FETCH_DISP("GetNextDispID");
- while(!zend_hash_index_exists(disp->dispid_to_name, next))
- next++;
- if (zend_hash_index_exists(disp->dispid_to_name, next)) {
- *pid = next;
- return S_OK;
- }
- return S_FALSE;
-static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE disp_getnamespaceparent(
- IDispatchEx *This,
- /* [out] */ IUnknown **ppunk)
- FETCH_DISP("GetNameSpaceParent");
- *ppunk = NULL;
- return E_NOTIMPL;
-static struct IDispatchExVtbl php_dispatch_vtbl = {
- disp_queryinterface,
- disp_addref,
- disp_release,
- disp_gettypeinfocount,
- disp_gettypeinfo,
- disp_getidsofnames,
- disp_invoke,
- disp_getdispid,
- disp_invokeex,
- disp_deletememberbyname,
- disp_deletememberbydispid,
- disp_getmemberproperties,
- disp_getmembername,
- disp_getnextdispid,
- disp_getnamespaceparent
-/* enumerate functions and properties of the object and assign
- * dispatch ids */
-static void generate_dispids(php_dispatchex *disp TSRMLS_DC)
- HashPosition pos;
- char *name = NULL;
- zval *tmp;
- int namelen;
- int keytype;
- ulong pid;
- if (disp->dispid_to_name == NULL) {
- ALLOC_HASHTABLE(disp->dispid_to_name);
- ALLOC_HASHTABLE(disp->name_to_dispid);
- zend_hash_init(disp->name_to_dispid, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0);
- zend_hash_init(disp->dispid_to_name, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0);
- }
- /* properties */
- if (Z_OBJPROP_P(disp->object)) {
- zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(Z_OBJPROP_P(disp->object), &pos);
- while (HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTANT != (keytype =
- zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(Z_OBJPROP_P(disp->object), &name,
- &namelen, &pid, 0, &pos))) {
- char namebuf[32];
- if (keytype == HASH_KEY_IS_LONG) {
- sprintf(namebuf, "%d", pid);
- name = namebuf;
- namelen = strlen(namebuf)+1;
- }
- zend_hash_move_forward_ex(Z_OBJPROP_P(disp->object), &pos);
- /* Find the existing id */
- if (zend_hash_find(disp->name_to_dispid, name, namelen, (void**)&tmp) == SUCCESS)
- continue;
- /* add the mappings */
- ZVAL_STRINGL(tmp, name, namelen-1, 1);
- zend_hash_index_update(disp->dispid_to_name, pid, (void*)&tmp, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
- ZVAL_LONG(tmp, pid);
- zend_hash_update(disp->name_to_dispid, name, namelen, (void*)&tmp, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
- }
- }
- /* functions */
- if (Z_OBJCE_P(disp->object)) {
- zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(&Z_OBJCE_P(disp->object)->function_table, &pos);
- while (HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTANT != (keytype =
- zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(&Z_OBJCE_P(disp->object)->function_table,
- &name, &namelen, &pid, 0, &pos))) {
- char namebuf[32];
- if (keytype == HASH_KEY_IS_LONG) {
- sprintf(namebuf, "%d", pid);
- name = namebuf;
- namelen = strlen(namebuf) + 1;
- }
- zend_hash_move_forward_ex(Z_OBJPROP_P(disp->object), &pos);
- /* Find the existing id */
- if (zend_hash_find(disp->name_to_dispid, name, namelen, (void**)&tmp) == SUCCESS)
- continue;
- /* add the mappings */
- ZVAL_STRINGL(tmp, name, namelen-1, 1);
- zend_hash_index_update(disp->dispid_to_name, pid, (void*)&tmp, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
- ZVAL_LONG(tmp, pid);
- zend_hash_update(disp->name_to_dispid, name, namelen, (void*)&tmp, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
- }
- }
-static php_dispatchex *disp_constructor(zval *object TSRMLS_DC)
- php_dispatchex *disp = (php_dispatchex*)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(php_dispatchex));
- trace("constructing a COM proxy\n");
- if (disp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- memset(disp, 0, sizeof(php_dispatchex));
- disp->engine_thread = GetCurrentThreadId();
- disp->lpVtbl = &php_dispatch_vtbl;
- disp->refcount = 1;
- if (object)
- ZVAL_ADDREF(object);
- disp->object = object;
- disp->id = zend_list_insert(disp, le_dispatch);
- return disp;
-static void disp_destructor(php_dispatchex *disp)
- trace("destroying COM wrapper for PHP object %s\n", Z_OBJCE_P(disp->object)->name);
- disp->id = 0;
- if (disp->refcount > 0)
- CoDisconnectObject((IUnknown*)disp, 0);
- zend_hash_destroy(disp->dispid_to_name);
- zend_hash_destroy(disp->name_to_dispid);
- FREE_HASHTABLE(disp->dispid_to_name);
- FREE_HASHTABLE(disp->name_to_dispid);
- if (disp->object)
- zval_ptr_dtor(&disp->object);
- CoTaskMemFree(disp);
-PHPAPI IDispatch *php_com_wrapper_export_as_sink(zval *val, GUID *sinkid,
- HashTable *id_to_name TSRMLS_DC)
- php_dispatchex *disp = disp_constructor(val TSRMLS_CC);
- HashPosition pos;
- char *name = NULL;
- zval *tmp, **ntmp;
- int namelen;
- int keytype;
- ulong pid;
- disp->dispid_to_name = id_to_name;
- memcpy(&disp->sinkid, sinkid, sizeof(disp->sinkid));
- /* build up the reverse mapping */
- ALLOC_HASHTABLE(disp->name_to_dispid);
- zend_hash_init(disp->name_to_dispid, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0);
- zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(id_to_name, &pos);
- while (HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTANT != (keytype =
- zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(id_to_name, &name, &namelen, &pid, 0, &pos))) {
- if (keytype == HASH_KEY_IS_LONG) {
- zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(id_to_name, (void**)&ntmp, &pos);
- ZVAL_LONG(tmp, pid);
- zend_hash_update(disp->name_to_dispid, Z_STRVAL_PP(ntmp),
- Z_STRLEN_PP(ntmp)+1, (void*)&tmp, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
- }
- zend_hash_move_forward_ex(id_to_name, &pos);
- }
- return (IDispatch*)disp;
-PHPAPI IDispatch *php_com_wrapper_export(zval *val TSRMLS_DC)
- php_dispatchex *disp = NULL;
- if (Z_TYPE_P(val) != IS_OBJECT) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (php_com_is_valid_object(val TSRMLS_CC)) {
- /* pass back its IDispatch directly */
- php_com_dotnet_object *obj = CDNO_FETCH(val);
- if (obj == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (V_VT(&obj->v) == VT_DISPATCH && V_DISPATCH(&obj->v)) {
- IDispatch_AddRef(V_DISPATCH(&obj->v));
- return V_DISPATCH(&obj->v);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- disp = disp_constructor(val TSRMLS_CC);
- generate_dispids(disp TSRMLS_CC);
- return (IDispatch*)disp;