path: root/ext/intl/tests/formatter_get_set_attribute2.phpt
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/intl/tests/formatter_get_set_attribute2.phpt')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/intl/tests/formatter_get_set_attribute2.phpt b/ext/intl/tests/formatter_get_set_attribute2.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d5fe69dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/intl/tests/formatter_get_set_attribute2.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+numfmt_get/set_attribute() icu >= 4.8
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if(version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '4.8') < 0) print 'skip'; ?>
+ * Get/set various number formatting attributes.
+ */
+function ut_main()
+ // attr_name => array( attr, value )
+ $attributes = array(
+ 'PARSE_INT_ONLY' => array( NumberFormatter::PARSE_INT_ONLY, 1, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'GROUPING_USED' => array( NumberFormatter::GROUPING_USED, 0, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'DECIMAL_ALWAYS_SHOWN' => array( NumberFormatter::DECIMAL_ALWAYS_SHOWN, 1, 12345 ),
+ 'MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS' => array( NumberFormatter::MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS, 2, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'MIN_INTEGER_DIGITS' => array( NumberFormatter::MIN_INTEGER_DIGITS, 20, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'INTEGER_DIGITS' => array( NumberFormatter::INTEGER_DIGITS, 7, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS' => array( NumberFormatter::MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, 2, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS' => array( NumberFormatter::MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS, 20, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'FRACTION_DIGITS' => array( NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, 5, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'MULTIPLIER' => array( NumberFormatter::MULTIPLIER, 2, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'GROUPING_SIZE' => array( NumberFormatter::GROUPING_SIZE, 2, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'ROUNDING_MODE' => array( NumberFormatter::ROUNDING_MODE, 1, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'ROUNDING_INCREMENT' => array( NumberFormatter::ROUNDING_INCREMENT, (float)2, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'FORMAT_WIDTH' => array( NumberFormatter::FORMAT_WIDTH, 27, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'PADDING_POSITION' => array( NumberFormatter::PADDING_POSITION, 21, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE' => array( NumberFormatter::SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE, 2, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED' => array( NumberFormatter::SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED, 1, 12345.123456 ),
+ 'MIN_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS' => array( NumberFormatter::MIN_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, 3, 1 ),
+ 'MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS' => array( NumberFormatter::MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, 4, 12345.123456 ),
+ // 'LENIENT_PARSE' => array( NumberFormatter::LENIENT_PARSE, 2, 12345.123456 )
+ );
+ $res_str = '';
+ $fmt = ut_nfmt_create( "en_US", NumberFormatter::DECIMAL );
+ foreach( $attributes as $attr_name => $args )
+ {
+ list( $attr, $new_val, $number ) = $args;
+ $res_str .= "\nAttribute $attr_name\n";
+ // Get original value of the attribute.
+ $orig_val = ut_nfmt_get_attribute( $fmt, $attr );
+ // Format the number using the original attribute value.
+ $rc = ut_nfmt_format( $fmt, $number );
+ $ps = ut_nfmt_parse( $fmt, $rc );
+ $res_str .= sprintf( "Old attribute value: %s ; Format result: %s ; Parse result: %s\n",
+ dump( $orig_val ),
+ dump( $rc ),
+ dump( $ps ) );
+ // Set new attribute value.
+ $rc = ut_nfmt_set_attribute( $fmt, $attr, $new_val );
+ if( $rc )
+ $res_str .= "Setting attribute: ok\n";
+ else
+ $res_str .= sprintf( "Setting attribute failed: %s\n", ut_nfmt_get_error_message( $fmt ) );
+ // Format the number using the new value.
+ $rc = ut_nfmt_format( $fmt, $number );
+ // Get current value of the attribute and check if it equals $new_val.
+ $attr_val_check = ut_nfmt_get_attribute( $fmt, $attr );
+ if( $attr_val_check !== $new_val )
+ $res_str .= "ERROR: New $attr_name attribute value has not been set correctly.\n";
+ $ps = ut_nfmt_parse( $fmt, $rc );
+ $res_str .= sprintf( "New attribute value: %s ; Format result: %s ; Parse result: %s\n",
+ dump( $new_val ),
+ dump( $rc ),
+ dump( $ps ) );
+ // Restore original attribute of the value
+ if( $attr != NumberFormatter::INTEGER_DIGITS && $attr != NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS
+ && $attr != NumberFormatter::FORMAT_WIDTH && $attr != NumberFormatter::SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED )
+ ut_nfmt_set_attribute( $fmt, $attr, $orig_val );
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( '' );
+// Run the test
+Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345
+Old attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '12345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
+Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '12,345' ; Parse result: 12345
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '12,345.' ; Parse result: 12345
+Old attribute value: 309 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '45.123' ; Parse result: 45.123
+Old attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 20 ; Format result: '00,000,000,000,000,012,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
+Old attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 7 ; Format result: '0,012,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
+Old attribute value: 3 ; Format result: '0,012,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12' ; Parse result: 12345.12
+Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '0,012,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 20 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12345600000000000000' ; Parse result: 12345.123456
+Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '0,012,345.123456' ; Parse result: 12345.123456
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 5 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Old attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '0,024,690.24691' ; Parse result: 12345.123455
+Old attribute value: 3 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '0,01,23,45.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Old attribute value: 4 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12345' ; Parse result: 12345.12345
+Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '0,012,346.00000' ; Parse result: 12346
+Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 27 ; Format result: '************0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '************0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 21 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '************0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '************00,12,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '************0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '*******************12,345.1' ; Parse result: 12345.1
+Old attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '**************************1' ; Parse result: 1
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 3 ; Format result: '***********************1.00' ; Parse result: 1
+Old attribute value: 6 ; Format result: '*******************12,345.1' ; Parse result: 12345.1
+Setting attribute: ok
+New attribute value: 4 ; Format result: '*********************12,350' ; Parse result: 12350