path: root/ext/mbstring/oniguruma/doc/RE
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diff --git a/ext/mbstring/oniguruma/doc/RE b/ext/mbstring/oniguruma/doc/RE
index 5a2783d167..21efe531a4 100644
--- a/ext/mbstring/oniguruma/doc/RE
+++ b/ext/mbstring/oniguruma/doc/RE
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Oniguruma Regular Expressions Version 4.3.0 2006/08/17
+Oniguruma Regular Expressions Version 5.9.1 2007/09/05
syntax: ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY (default)
@@ -70,6 +70,38 @@ syntax: ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY (default)
\H non hexadecimal digit char
+ Character Property
+ * \p{property-name}
+ * \p{^property-name} (negative)
+ * \P{property-name} (negative)
+ property-name:
+ + works on all encodings
+ Alnum, Alpha, Blank, Cntrl, Digit, Graph, Lower,
+ Print, Punct, Space, Upper, XDigit, Word, ASCII,
+ + works on EUC_JP, Shift_JIS
+ Hiragana, Katakana
+ + works on UTF8, UTF16, UTF32
+ Any, Assigned, C, Cc, Cf, Cn, Co, Cs, L, Ll, Lm, Lo, Lt, Lu,
+ M, Mc, Me, Mn, N, Nd, Nl, No, P, Pc, Pd, Pe, Pf, Pi, Po, Ps,
+ S, Sc, Sk, Sm, So, Z, Zl, Zp, Zs,
+ Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bopomofo, Braille, Buginese,
+ Buhid, Canadian_Aboriginal, Cherokee, Common, Coptic,
+ Cypriot, Cyrillic, Deseret, Devanagari, Ethiopic, Georgian,
+ Glagolitic, Gothic, Greek, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Han, Hangul,
+ Hanunoo, Hebrew, Hiragana, Inherited, Kannada, Katakana,
+ Kharoshthi, Khmer, Lao, Latin, Limbu, Linear_B, Malayalam,
+ Mongolian, Myanmar, New_Tai_Lue, Ogham, Old_Italic, Old_Persian,
+ Oriya, Osmanya, Runic, Shavian, Sinhala, Syloti_Nagri, Syriac,
+ Tagalog, Tagbanwa, Tai_Le, Tamil, Telugu, Thaana, Thai, Tibetan,
+ Tifinagh, Ugaritic, Yi
4. Quantifier
@@ -111,11 +143,7 @@ syntax: ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY (default)
\A beginning of string
\Z end of string, or before newline at the end
\z end of string
- \G matching start position (*)
- * Ruby Regexp:
- previous end-of-match position
- (This specification is not related to this library.)
+ \G matching start position
6. Character class
@@ -135,40 +163,43 @@ syntax: ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY (default)
Not Unicode Case:
- alnum alphabet or digit char
- alpha alphabet
- ascii code value: [0 - 127]
- blank \t, \x20
- cntrl
- digit 0-9
- graph include all of multibyte encoded characters
- lower
- print include all of multibyte encoded characters
- punct
- space \t, \n, \v, \f, \r, \x20
- upper
- xdigit 0-9, a-f, A-F
+ alnum alphabet or digit char
+ alpha alphabet
+ ascii code value: [0 - 127]
+ blank \t, \x20
+ cntrl
+ digit 0-9
+ graph include all of multibyte encoded characters
+ lower
+ print include all of multibyte encoded characters
+ punct
+ space \t, \n, \v, \f, \r, \x20
+ upper
+ xdigit 0-9, a-f, A-F
+ word alphanumeric, "_" and multibyte characters
Unicode Case:
- alnum Letter | Mark | Decimal_Number
- alpha Letter | Mark
- ascii 0000 - 007F
- blank Space_Separator | 0009
- cntrl Control | Format | Unassigned | Private_Use | Surrogate
- digit Decimal_Number
- graph [[:^space:]] && ^Control && ^Unassigned && ^Surrogate
- lower Lowercase_Letter
- print [[:graph:]] | [[:space:]]
- punct Connector_Punctuation | Dash_Punctuation | Close_Punctuation |
- Final_Punctuation | Initial_Punctuation | Other_Punctuation |
- Open_Punctuation
- space Space_Separator | Line_Separator | Paragraph_Separator |
- 0009 | 000A | 000B | 000C | 000D | 0085
- upper Uppercase_Letter
- xdigit 0030 - 0039 | 0041 - 0046 | 0061 - 0066
- (0-9, a-f, A-F)
+ alnum Letter | Mark | Decimal_Number
+ alpha Letter | Mark
+ ascii 0000 - 007F
+ blank Space_Separator | 0009
+ cntrl Control | Format | Unassigned | Private_Use | Surrogate
+ digit Decimal_Number
+ graph [[:^space:]] && ^Control && ^Unassigned && ^Surrogate
+ lower Lowercase_Letter
+ print [[:graph:]] | [[:space:]]
+ punct Connector_Punctuation | Dash_Punctuation | Close_Punctuation |
+ Final_Punctuation | Initial_Punctuation | Other_Punctuation |
+ Open_Punctuation
+ space Space_Separator | Line_Separator | Paragraph_Separator |
+ 0009 | 000A | 000B | 000C | 000D | 0085
+ upper Uppercase_Letter
+ xdigit 0030 - 0039 | 0041 - 0046 | 0061 - 0066
+ (0-9, a-f, A-F)
+ word Letter | Mark | Decimal_Number | Connector_Punctuation
7. Extended groups
@@ -200,9 +231,9 @@ syntax: ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY (default)
(?>subexp) atomic group
don't backtrack in subexp.
- (?<name>subexp) define named group
- (All characters of the name must be a word character.
- And first character must not be a digit or uppper case)
+ (?<name>subexp), (?'name'subexp)
+ define named group
+ (All characters of the name must be a word character.)
Not only a name but a number is assigned like a captured
@@ -215,7 +246,12 @@ syntax: ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY (default)
8. Back reference
\n back reference by group number (n >= 1)
+ \k<n> back reference by group number (n >= 1)
+ \k'n' back reference by group number (n >= 1)
+ \k<-n> back reference by relative group number (n >= 1)
+ \k'-n' back reference by relative group number (n >= 1)
\k<name> back reference by group name
+ \k'name' back reference by group name
In the back reference by the multiplex definition name,
a subexp with a large number is referred to preferentially.
@@ -227,10 +263,17 @@ syntax: ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY (default)
back reference with nest level
- (This function is disabled in Ruby 1.9.)
+ level: 0, 1, 2, ...
- \k<name+n> n: 0, 1, 2, ...
- \k<name-n> n: 0, 1, 2, ...
+ \k<n+level> (n >= 1)
+ \k<n-level> (n >= 1)
+ \k'n+level' (n >= 1)
+ \k'n-level' (n >= 1)
+ \k<name+level>
+ \k<name-level>
+ \k'name+level'
+ \k'name-level'
Destinate relative nest level from back reference position.
@@ -256,7 +299,11 @@ syntax: ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY (default)
9. Subexp call ("Tanaka Akira special")
\g<name> call by group name
+ \g'name' call by group name
\g<n> call by group number (n >= 1)
+ \g'n' call by group number (n >= 1)
+ \g<-n> call by relative group number (n >= 1)
+ \g'-n' call by relative group number (n >= 1)
* left-most recursive call is not allowed.
ex. (?<name>a|\g<name>b) => error
@@ -300,7 +347,6 @@ syntax: ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY (default)
('g' and 'G' options are argued in ruby-dev ML)
- These options are not implemented in Ruby level.
@@ -317,14 +363,13 @@ A-1. Syntax depend options
A-2. Original extensions
+ hexadecimal digit char type \h, \H
- + named group (?<name>...)
+ + named group (?<name>...), (?'name'...)
+ named backref \k<name>
+ subexp call \g<name>, \g<group-num>
A-3. Lacked features compare with perl 5.8.0
- + [:word:]
+ \N{name}
+ \l,\u,\L,\U, \X, \C
+ (?{code})
@@ -334,20 +379,10 @@ A-3. Lacked features compare with perl 5.8.0
* \Q...\E
This is effective on ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL and ONIG_SYNTAX_JAVA.
- * \p{property}, \P{property}
- This is effective on ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL and ONIG_SYNTAX_JAVA.
- Alnum, Alpha, Blank, Cntrl, Digit, Graph, Lower,
- Print, Punct, Space, Upper, XDigit, ASCII are supported.
- Prefix 'Is' of property name is allowed in ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL only.
- ex. \p{IsXDigit}.
- Negation operator of property is supported in ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL only.
- \p{^...}, \P{^...}
+A-4. Differences with Japanized GNU regex(version 0.12) of Ruby 1.8
-A-4. Differences with Japanized GNU regex(version 0.12) of Ruby
+ + add character property (\p{property}, \P{property})
+ add hexadecimal digit char type (\h, \H)
+ add look-behind
(?<=fixed-char-length-pattern), (?<!fixed-char-length-pattern)
@@ -401,7 +436,9 @@ A-5. Disabled functions by default syntax
A-6. Problems
- + Invalid encoding byte sequence is not checked in UTF-8.
+ + Invalid encoding byte sequence is not checked.
+ ex. UTF-8
* Invalid first byte is treated as a character.
/./u =~ "\xa3"