path: root/ext/mbstring/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/mbstring/tests/')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/mbstring/tests/ b/ext/mbstring/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2993640c19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/mbstring/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+// Common code for tests which focus on conversion and verification of text
+// in some specific encoding
+// Read a file with one character and its equivalent Unicode codepoint on each
+// line, delimited by tabs
+function readConversionTable($path, &$from, &$to, $utf32 = false) {
+ $from = array();
+ $to = array();
+ $fp = fopen($path, 'r+');
+ while ($line = fgets($fp, 256)) {
+ if ($line[0] == '#')
+ continue;
+ if (sscanf($line, "0x%x\t0x%x", $char, $codepoint) == 2) {
+ $codepoint = $utf32 ? pack('N', $codepoint) : pack('n', $codepoint);
+ if ($char <= 0xFF)
+ $char = chr($char); // hex codes must not have leading zero bytes
+ else if ($char <= 0xFFFF)
+ $char = pack('n', $char);
+ else if ($char <= 0xFFFFFF)
+ $char = chr($char >> 16) . pack('n', $char & 0xFFFF);
+ else
+ $char = pack('N', $char);
+ $from[$char] = $codepoint;
+ $to[$codepoint] = $char;
+ }
+ }
+function dbgPrint($str) {
+ $result = '';
+ if (mb_check_encoding($str, 'ASCII'))
+ $result .= '"' . $str . '" ';
+ return $result . "(" . bin2hex($str) . ")";
+function identifyValidString($goodString, $encoding) {
+ $result = mb_check_encoding($goodString, $encoding);
+ if (!$result)
+ die("mb_check_encoding failed on good $encoding string: " . dbgPrint($goodString));
+function identifyInvalidString($badString, $encoding) {
+ $result = mb_check_encoding($badString, $encoding);
+ if ($result)
+ die("mb_check_encoding passed on bad $encoding string: " . dbgPrint($badString));
+function testConversion($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding) {
+ $result = mb_convert_encoding($fromString, $toEncoding, $fromEncoding);
+ if ($result !== $toString)
+ die("mb_convert_encoding not working on $fromEncoding input: " . dbgPrint($fromString) . "\nExpected $toEncoding: " . dbgPrint($toString) . "\nActually got: " . dbgPrint($result));
+function testValidConversion($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding) {
+ $illegalChars = mb_get_info('illegal_chars');
+ testConversion($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding);
+ if (mb_get_info('illegal_chars') !== $illegalChars)
+ die("mb_convert_encoding incremented illegal_chars on valid $fromEncoding string: " . dbgPrint($fromString) . " when converting to $toEncoding");
+function convertValidString($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding, $bothWays = true) {
+ testValidConversion($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding);
+ if ($bothWays)
+ testValidConversion($toString, $fromString, $toEncoding, $fromEncoding);
+function convertInvalidString($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding) {
+ $illegalChars = mb_get_info('illegal_chars');
+ testConversion($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding);
+ if (mb_get_info('illegal_chars') <= $illegalChars)
+ die("mb_convert_encoding did not increment illegal_chars on invalid $fromEncoding string: " . dbgPrint($fromString) . " when converting to $toEncoding");
+function testValidString($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding, $bothWays = true) {
+ identifyValidString($fromString, $fromEncoding);
+ convertValidString($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding, $bothWays);
+function testInvalidString($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding) {
+ identifyInvalidString($fromString, $fromEncoding);
+ convertInvalidString($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding);
+// Only for encodings where valid characters can be concatenated together in any
+// way, without any escape sequences
+function testAllValidChars($charMap, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding, $bothWays = true) {
+ $goodChars = array_keys($charMap);
+ shuffle($goodChars);
+ while (!empty($goodChars)) {
+ $length = min(rand(5,10), count($goodChars));
+ $fromString = $toString = '';
+ while ($length--) {
+ $goodChar = array_pop($goodChars);
+ $fromString .= $goodChar;
+ $toString .= $charMap[$goodChar];
+ }
+ testValidString($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding, $bothWays);
+ }
+function testAllInvalidChars($badChars, $charMap, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding, $replacement) {
+ $badChars = array_keys($badChars);
+ $goodChars = array();
+ while (!empty($badChars)) {
+ if (empty($goodChars)) {
+ $goodChars = array_keys($charMap);
+ shuffle($goodChars);
+ }
+ $goodChar = array_pop($goodChars);
+ $fromString = array_pop($badChars) . $goodChar;
+ $toString = $replacement . $charMap[$goodChar];
+ testInvalidString($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding);
+ }
+function convertAllInvalidChars($badChars, $charMap, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding, $replacement) {
+ $badChars = array_keys($badChars);
+ $goodChars = array();
+ while (!empty($badChars)) {
+ if (empty($goodChars)) {
+ $goodChars = array_keys($charMap);
+ shuffle($goodChars);
+ }
+ $goodChar = array_pop($goodChars);
+ $fromString = array_pop($badChars) . $goodChar;
+ $toString = $replacement . $charMap[$goodChar];
+ convertInvalidString($fromString, $toString, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding);
+ }
+function testTruncatedChars($truncated, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding, $replacement) {
+ $truncatedChars = array_keys($truncated);
+ foreach ($truncatedChars as $truncatedChar) {
+ testInvalidString($truncatedChar, $replacement, $fromEncoding, $toEncoding);
+ }
+// For variable-width encodings, where we have an exhaustive list of
+// all valid characters of any width
+// `$startBytes` maps from first-byte values to the corresponding character length
+// (For encodings where the first byte can tell you the length of a multi-byte
+// character)
+// Note that `$startBytes` can be partial!
+function findInvalidChars($valid, &$invalid, &$truncated, $startBytes = array()) {
+ $invalid = array();
+ $truncated = array();
+ $prefixes = array(); /* All sequences which are not (but can start) a valid character */
+ foreach ($valid as $char => $unicode) {
+ for ($len = 1; $len < strlen($char); $len++)
+ $prefixes[substr($char, 0, $len)] = true;
+ }
+ $varLength = function($prefix) use($valid, $prefixes, &$invalid, &$truncated, &$varLength) {
+ for ($byte = 0; $byte < 256; $byte++) {
+ $str = $prefix . chr($byte);
+ if (!isset($valid[$str])) {
+ if (isset($prefixes[$str])) {
+ $truncated[$str] = true;
+ $varLength($str);
+ } else {
+ $invalid[$str] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $fixedLength = function($prefix, $remaining) use($valid, $prefixes, &$invalid, &$truncated, &$fixedLength) {
+ if ($remaining == 0) {
+ if (!isset($valid[$prefix]))
+ $invalid[$prefix] = true;
+ } else if ($remaining == 1) {
+ $truncated[$prefix] = true;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
+ $str = $prefix . chr($i);
+ if (!isset($valid[$str]))
+ $invalid[$str] = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $truncated[$prefix] = true;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++)
+ $fixedLength($prefix . chr($i), $remaining - 1);
+ }
+ };
+ for ($byte = 0; $byte < 256; $byte++) {
+ if (isset($startBytes[$byte])) {
+ $fixedLength(chr($byte), $startBytes[$byte] - 1);
+ } else {
+ $str = chr($byte);
+ if (!isset($valid[$str])) {
+ if (isset($prefixes[$str])) {
+ $truncated[$str] = true;
+ $varLength($str);
+ } else {
+ $invalid[$str] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function testEncodingFromUTF16ConversionTable($path, $encoding, $replacement = '%', $startBytes = array()) {
+ srand(1000); // Make results consistent
+ mb_substitute_character(0x25); // '%'
+ readConversionTable($path, $toUnicode, $fromUnicode);
+ findInvalidChars($toUnicode, $invalid, $truncated, $startBytes);
+ testAllValidChars($toUnicode, $encoding, 'UTF-16BE');
+ testAllInvalidChars($invalid, $toUnicode, $encoding, 'UTF-16BE', "\x00%");
+ testTruncatedChars($truncated, $encoding, 'UTF-16BE', "\x00%");
+ echo "Tested $encoding -> UTF-16BE\n";
+ findInvalidChars($fromUnicode, $invalid, $unused, array_fill_keys(range(0,0xFF), 2));
+ convertAllInvalidChars($invalid, $fromUnicode, 'UTF-16BE', $encoding, $replacement);
+ echo "Tested UTF-16BE -> $encoding\n";