path: root/ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.phpt
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.phpt')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.phpt b/ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.phpt
index 94ebf12aea..c07deca9bd 100644
--- a/ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.phpt
+++ b/ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.phpt
@@ -7,6 +7,48 @@ if (!function_exists("proc_open")) die("skip no proc_open");
+ How to generate bug54992.pem and bug54992-ca.pem and all dependants:
+ All the commands below assume you're in the root of php sources
+ Generate new key for CA:
+ $ openssl genrsa -out ./ext/openssl/tests/bug54992-ca.key 4096
+ Create new CA:
+ $ openssl req -new -x509 -key ./ext/openssl/tests/bug54992-ca.key \
+ -out ext/openssl/tests/bug54992-ca.pem \
+ -subj '/C=PT/ST=Lisboa/L=Lisboa/O=PHP Foundation/CN=Root CA for PHP Tests/' \
+ -days 400
+ Extract private key from the bundle:
+ $ openssl rsa -in ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.pem > ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.key
+ Extract CSR from existing certificate:
+ $ openssl x509 -x509toreq -in ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.pem -out ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.csr -signkey ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.key
+ Sign the CSR:
+ $ openssl x509 -CA ext/openssl/tests/bug54992-ca.pem \
+ -CAcreateserial \
+ -CAkey ./ext/openssl/tests/bug54992-ca.key \
+ -req \
+ -in ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.csr \
+ -sha256 \
+ -days 400 \
+ -out ./ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.pem
+ Bundle certificate's private key with the certificate:
+ $ cat ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.key >> ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.pem\
+ Dependants:
+ 1. ext/openssl/tests/bug65538_003.phpt
+ Run the following to generate required phar:
+ php -d phar.readonly=Off -r '$phar = new Phar("ext/openssl/tests/bug65538.phar"); $phar->addFile("ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.pem", "bug54992.pem"); $phar->addFile("ext/openssl/tests/bug54992-ca.pem", "bug54992-ca.pem");'
+ 2. Update ext/openssl/tests/openssl_peer_fingerprint_basic.phpt (see instructions in there)
+ */
$serverCode = <<<'CODE'
$serverUri = "ssl://";