path: root/ext/soap/tests/bugs/bug28985.phpt
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/soap/tests/bugs/bug28985.phpt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/ext/soap/tests/bugs/bug28985.phpt b/ext/soap/tests/bugs/bug28985.phpt
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index 291cce0cbb..0000000000
--- a/ext/soap/tests/bugs/bug28985.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-Bug #28985 (__getTypes() returning nothing on complex WSDL)
-<?php require_once(''); ?>
-$client = new SOAPClient(dirname(__FILE__).'/bug28985.wsdl', array('trace'=>1));
-array(42) {
- [0]=>
- string(100) "struct LoginMGDIS {
- string iUserLogin;
- string iUserId;
- string iUserPassword;
- string iProfilId;
- [1]=>
- string(29) "struct LoginMGDISResponse {
- [2]=>
- string(28) "struct GetIdentification {
- [3]=>
- string(77) "struct GetIdentificationResponse {
- ArrayOfAnyType GetIdentificationResult;
- [4]=>
- string(43) "struct ArrayOfAnyType {
- anyType anyType;
- [5]=>
- string(37) "struct RollbackCurrentTransaction {
- [6]=>
- string(45) "struct RollbackCurrentTransactionResponse {
- [7]=>
- string(68) "struct GetListeProfil {
- string iUserLogin;
- string iUserPassword;
- [8]=>
- string(86) "struct MGCodeLibelle {
- string Code;
- string Libelle;
- boolean Defaut;
- anyType Tag;
- [9]=>
- string(61) "struct ArrayOfMGCodeLibelle {
- MGCodeLibelle MGCodeLibelle;
- [10]=>
- string(77) "struct GetListeProfilResponse {
- ArrayOfMGCodeLibelle GetListeProfilResult;
- [11]=>
- string(41) "struct GetListeValCodif {
- string Code;
- [12]=>
- string(43) "struct ArrayOfMGCodif {
- MGCodif MGCodif;
- [13]=>
- string(18) "struct MGCodif {
- [14]=>
- string(75) "struct GetListeValCodifResponse {
- ArrayOfMGCodif GetListeValCodifResult;
- [15]=>
- string(39) "struct TestPhpSoap {
- MGCodif entree;
- [16]=>
- string(57) "struct TestPhpSoapResponse {
- string TestPhpSoapResult;
- [17]=>
- string(50) "struct GetListeCodif {
- boolean iGetListeValeur;
- [18]=>
- string(87) "struct MGCodifGrp {
- string TypeCodif;
- string LibCodif;
- ArrayOfMGCodif ListeCodifs;
- [19]=>
- string(52) "struct ArrayOfMGCodifGrp {
- MGCodifGrp MGCodifGrp;
- [20]=>
- string(72) "struct GetListeCodifResponse {
- ArrayOfMGCodifGrp GetListeCodifResult;
- [21]=>
- string(57) "struct DroitCreation {
- string iObjet;
- string iProfil;
- [22]=>
- string(62) "struct DroitCreationResponse {
- boolean DroitCreationResult;
- [23]=>
- string(74) "struct ListeDroitCreation {
- ArrayOfString iListeObjet;
- string iProfil;
- [24]=>
- string(40) "struct ArrayOfString {
- string string;
- [25]=>
- string(79) "struct ListeDroitCreationResponse {
- ArrayOfAnyType ListeDroitCreationResult;
- [26]=>
- string(87) "struct GetDroitsObjetProtege {
- string iObjet;
- string iProfil;
- string iUtilisateur;
- [27]=>
- string(154) "struct MGDroitsObjetProtege {
- string LbUti;
- string LbProf;
- string LbServ;
- string LbDir;
- boolean isProtected;
- ArrayOfMGDroitAcces ListeDroitsAcces;
- [28]=>
- string(58) "struct ArrayOfMGDroitAcces {
- MGDroitAcces MGDroitAcces;
- [29]=>
- string(104) "struct MGDroitAcces {
- string IdProfil;
- boolean Lecture;
- boolean Modification;
- boolean Suppression;
- [30]=>
- string(91) "struct GetDroitsObjetProtegeResponse {
- MGDroitsObjetProtege GetDroitsObjetProtegeResult;
- [31]=>
- string(76) "struct GetPrivileges {
- string iIdSupport;
- int iIdForme;
- string iProfil;
- [32]=>
- string(68) "struct GetPrivilegesResponse {
- ArrayOfString GetPrivilegesResult;
- [33]=>
- string(46) "struct GetLibelleProfil {
- string iIdProfil;
- [34]=>
- string(67) "struct GetLibelleProfilResponse {
- string GetLibelleProfilResult;
- [35]=>
- string(91) "struct GetValeurRecherche {
- string iChampSource;
- string iTable;
- string iOrderByClause;
- [36]=>
- string(78) "struct GetValeurRechercheResponse {
- ArrayOfString GetValeurRechercheResult;
- [37]=>
- string(128) "struct GetValeurRechercheWithClauseWhere {
- string iChampSource;
- string iTable;
- string iClauseWhere;
- string iOrderByClause;
- [38]=>
- string(108) "struct GetValeurRechercheWithClauseWhereResponse {
- ArrayOfString GetValeurRechercheWithClauseWhereResult;
- [39]=>
- string(27) "struct GetEnvironnement {
- [40]=>
- string(106) "struct MGEnvironnement {
- string RepBureautique;
- string RepBureautiqueImage;
- string RepBureautiqueDoc;
- [41]=>
- string(76) "struct GetEnvironnementResponse {
- MGEnvironnement GetEnvironnementResult;
-} \ No newline at end of file