path: root/ext/standard/tests/file/touch_variation5.phpt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/standard/tests/file/touch_variation5.phpt')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/file/touch_variation5.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/file/touch_variation5.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0e1f78691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/file/touch_variation5.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+Test touch() function : variation: various valid and invalid paths
+Dave Kelsey <>
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip.. Not for Windows');
+/* Prototype : bool touch(string filename [, int time [, int atime]])
+ * Description: Set modification time of file
+ * Source code: ext/standard/filestat.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+$workDir = "touchVar5.tmp";
+$subDirOrFile = "aSubDirOrFile";
+$cwd = getcwd();
+$paths = array(
+ // relative
+ $workDir.'/'.$subDirOrFile,
+ './'.$workDir.'/'.$subDirOrFile,
+ $workDir.'/../'.$workDir.'/'.$subDirOrFile,
+ // relative bad path
+ $workDir.'/../BADDIR/'.$subDirOrFile,
+ 'BADDIR/'.$subDirOrFile,
+ //absolute
+ $cwd.'/'.$workDir.'/'.$subDirOrFile,
+ $cwd.'/./'.$workDir.'/'.$subDirOrFile,
+ $cwd.'/'.$workDir.'/../'.$workDir.'/'.$subDirOrFile,
+ //absolute bad path
+ $cwd.'/BADDIR/'.$subDirOrFile,
+ //trailing separators
+ $workDir.'/'.$subDirOrFile.'/',
+ $cwd.'/'.$workDir.'/'.$subDirOrFile.'/',
+ // multiple separators
+ $workDir.'//'.$subDirOrFile,
+ $cwd.'//'.$workDir.'//'.$subDirOrFile,
+ );
+echo "*** Testing touch() : variation ***\n";
+echo "\n*** testing nonexisting paths ***\n";
+echo "\n*** testing existing files ***\n";
+test_existing($paths, false);
+echo "\n*** testing existing directories ***\n";
+test_existing($paths, true);
+function test_nonexisting($paths) {
+ foreach($paths as $path) {
+ echo "--- testing $path ---\n";
+ if (is_dir($path) || is_file($path)) {
+ echo "FAILED: $path - exists\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $res = touch($path);
+ if ($res === true) {
+ // something was created
+ if (file_exists($path)) {
+ // something found
+ if (is_dir($path)) {
+ echo "FAILED: $path - unexpected directory\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ echo "PASSED: $path - created\n";
+ unlink($path);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // nothing found
+ echo "FAILED: $path - touch returned true, nothing there\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // nothing created
+ if (file_exists($path)) {
+ //something found
+ echo "FAILED: $path - touch returned false, something there\n";
+ if (is_dir($path)) {
+ rmdir($path);
+ }
+ else {
+ unlink($path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function test_existing($paths, $are_dirs) {
+ foreach($paths as $path) {
+ if ($are_dirs) {
+ $res = @mkdir($path);
+ if ($res == true) {
+ test_path($path);
+ rmdir($path);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $h = @fopen($path,"w");
+ if ($h !== false) {
+ fclose($h);
+ test_path($path);
+ unlink($path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function test_path($path) {
+ echo "--- testing $path ---\n";
+ $org_atime = get_atime($path);
+ clearstatcache();
+ $res = touch($path,0,0);
+ $next_atime = get_atime($path);
+ if ($next_atime == $org_atime) {
+ echo "FAILED: $path - access time not changed\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ echo "PASSED: $path - touched\n";
+ }
+function get_atime($path) {
+ $temp = stat($path);
+ return $temp['atime'];
+*** Testing touch() : variation ***
+*** testing nonexisting paths ***
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - created
+--- testing ./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: ./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - created
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - created
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp/../BADDIR/aSubDirOrFile ---
+Warning: touch(): Unable to create file touchVar5.tmp/../BADDIR/aSubDirOrFile because %s in %s on line %d
+--- testing BADDIR/aSubDirOrFile ---
+Warning: touch(): Unable to create file BADDIR/aSubDirOrFile because %s in %s on line %d
+--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - created
+--- testing /%s/./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s/./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - created
+--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - created
+--- testing /%s/BADDIR/aSubDirOrFile ---
+Warning: touch(): Unable to create file /%s/BADDIR/aSubDirOrFile because %s in %s on line %d
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile/ ---
+Warning: touch(): Unable to create file touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile/ because Is a directory in %s on line %d
+--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile/ ---
+Warning: touch(): Unable to create file /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile/ because Is a directory in %s on line %d
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile - created
+--- testing /%s//touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s//touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile - created
+*** testing existing files ***
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing ./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: ./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing /%s/./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s/./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing /%s//touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s//touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile - touched
+*** testing existing directories ***
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing ./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: ./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing /%s/./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s/./touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/../touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile/ ---
+PASSED: touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile/ - touched
+--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile/ ---
+PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile/ - touched
+--- testing touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile - touched
+--- testing /%s//touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile ---
+PASSED: /%s//touchVar5.tmp//aSubDirOrFile - touched