path: root/ext/standard/tests/strings
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/standard/tests/strings')
55 files changed, 0 insertions, 2648 deletions
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/addcslashes_004.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/addcslashes_004.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index a787845506..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/addcslashes_004.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Test addcslashes() function (errors)
-echo "\n*** Testing error conditions ***\n";
-/* zero argument */
-var_dump( addcslashes() );
-/* unexpected arguments */
-var_dump( addcslashes("foo[]") );
-var_dump( addcslashes('foo[]', "o", "foo") );
-echo "Done\n";
-*** Testing error conditions ***
-Warning: addcslashes() expects exactly 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
-Warning: addcslashes() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
-Warning: addcslashes() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/addslashes_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/addslashes_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index c5d67c09ae..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/addslashes_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Test addslashes() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string addslashes ( string $str )
- * Description: Returns a string with backslashes before characters that need to be quoted in database queries etc.
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- * Testing addslashes() for error conditions
-echo "*** Testing addslashes() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero argument
-echo "\n-- Testing addslashes() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( addslashes() );
-// More than expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing addslashes() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = '"hello"\"world"';
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( addslashes($str, $extra_arg) );
-var_dump( $str );
-echo "Done\n";
-*** Testing addslashes() : error conditions ***
--- Testing addslashes() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: addslashes() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing addslashes() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: addslashes() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
-string(15) ""hello"\"world""
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/basename_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/basename_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8309c3578b..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/basename_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-Test basename() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype: string basename ( string $path [, string $suffix] );
- Description: Given a string containing a path to a file,
- this function will return the base name of the file.
- If the filename ends in suffix this will also be cut off.
-echo "*** Testing error conditions ***\n";
-// zero arguments
-var_dump( basename() );
-// more than expected no. of arguments
-var_dump( basename("/var/tmp/bar.gz", ".gz", ".gz") );
-// passing invalid type arguments
-$object = new stdclass;
-var_dump( basename( array("string/bar") ) );
-var_dump( basename( array("string/bar"), "bar" ) );
-var_dump( basename( "bar", array("string/bar") ) );
-var_dump( basename( $object, "bar" ) );
-var_dump( basename( $object ) );
-var_dump( basename( $object, $object ) );
-var_dump( basename( "bar", $object ) );
-echo "Done\n";
-*** Testing error conditions ***
-Warning: basename() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
-Warning: basename() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
-Warning: basename() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
-Warning: basename() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
-Warning: basename() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
-Warning: basename() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in %s on line %d
-Warning: basename() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in %s on line %d
-Warning: basename() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in %s on line %d
-Warning: basename() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/bin2hex_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/bin2hex_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index efee90bdee..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/bin2hex_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test bin2hex() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string bin2hex ( string $str )
- * Description: Convert binary data into hexadecimal representation
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing bin2hex() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing bin2hex() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( bin2hex() );
-echo "\n-- Testing bin2hex() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( bin2hex("Hello World", $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing bin2hex() : error conditions ***
--- Testing bin2hex() function with no arguments --
-Warning: bin2hex() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing bin2hex() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: bin2hex() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/chop_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/chop_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f2656f3aa..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/chop_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Test chop() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string chop ( string $str [, string $charlist] )
- * Description: Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- * Testing chop() : error conditions
-echo "*** Testing chop() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero argument
-echo "\n-- Testing chop() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( chop() );
-// More than expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing chop() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = 'string_val ';
-$charlist = 'string_val';
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( chop($str, $charlist, $extra_arg) );
-var_dump( $str );
-echo "Done\n";
-*** Testing chop() : error conditions ***
--- Testing chop() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: chop() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing chop() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: chop() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
-string(11) "string_val "
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/chunk_split_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/chunk_split_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index d8a72586af..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/chunk_split_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Test chunk_split() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string chunk_split(string $str [, int $chunklen [, string $ending]])
- * Description: Returns split line
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- * Alias to functions: none
-* Testing error conditions of chunk_split() with zero arguments
-* and for more than expected number of arguments
-echo "*** Testing chunk_split() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "-- Testing chunk_split() function with Zero arguments --";
-var_dump( chunk_split() );
-// With one more than the expected number of arguments
-$str = 'Testing chunk_split';
-$chunklen = 5;
-$ending = '***';
-$extra_arg = 10;
-echo "-- Testing chunk_split() function with more than expected no. of arguments --";
-var_dump( chunk_split($str, $chunklen, $ending, $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done"
-*** Testing chunk_split() : error conditions ***
--- Testing chunk_split() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: chunk_split() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing chunk_split() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: chunk_split() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/convert_uudecode_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/convert_uudecode_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 77ac18b50b..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/convert_uudecode_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test convert_uudecode() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string convert_uudecode ( string $data )
- * Description: Decode a uuencoded string
- * Source code: ext/standard/uuencode.c
-echo "*** Testing convert_uudecode() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing convert_uudecode() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( convert_uudecode() );
-echo "\n-- Testing convert_uudecode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( convert_uudecode(72, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing convert_uudecode() : error conditions ***
--- Testing convert_uudecode() function with no arguments --
-Warning: convert_uudecode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing convert_uudecode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: convert_uudecode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/convert_uuencode_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/convert_uuencode_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index ec4d3f6477..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/convert_uuencode_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test convert_uuencode() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string convert_uuencode ( string $data )
- * Description: Uuencode a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/uuencode.c
-echo "*** Testing convert_uuencode() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing chconvert_uuencoder() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( convert_uuencode() );
-echo "\n-- Testing convert_uuencode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( convert_uuencode(72, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing convert_uuencode() : error conditions ***
--- Testing chconvert_uuencoder() function with no arguments --
-Warning: convert_uuencode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing convert_uuencode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: convert_uuencode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/count_chars_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/count_chars_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index f87b6e532e..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/count_chars_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Test count_chars() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : mixed count_chars ( string $string [, int $mode ] )
- * Description: Return information about characters used in a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing count_chars() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing count_chars() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( count_chars() );
-echo "\n-- Testing count_chars() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$string = "Hello World\n";
-$mode = 1;
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( count_chars($string, $mode, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing count_chars() : error conditions ***
--- Testing count_chars() function with no arguments --
-Warning: count_chars() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing count_chars() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: count_chars() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/crc32_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/crc32_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 98680cde34..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/crc32_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Test crc32() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string crc32(string $str)
- * Description: Calculate the crc32 polynomial of a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/crc32.c
- * Alias to functions: none
- * Testing crc32() : error conditions
-echo "*** Testing crc32() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing crc32() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( crc32() );
-//Test crc32 with one more than the expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing crc32() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = 'string_val';
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( crc32($str, $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done";
-*** Testing crc32() : error conditions ***
--- Testing crc32() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: crc32() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing crc32() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: crc32() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/explode_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/explode_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index d86e1edb1f..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/explode_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Test explode() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : array explode ( string $delimiter , string $string [, int $limit ] )
- * Description: Split a string by string.
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing explode() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing explode() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( explode() );
-echo "\n-- Testing explode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$delimiter = " ";
-$string = "piece1 piece2 piece3 piece4 piece5 piece6";
-$limit = 5;
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( explode($delimiter, $string, $limit, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing explode() : error conditions ***
--- Testing explode() function with no arguments --
-Warning: explode() expects at least 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing explode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: explode() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/get_html_translation_table_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/get_html_translation_table_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5adfe98478..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/get_html_translation_table_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Test get_html_translation_table() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : array get_html_translation_table ( [int $table [, int $quote_style [, string charset_hint]]] )
- * Description: Returns the internal translation table used by htmlspecialchars and htmlentities
- * Source code: ext/standard/html.c
-echo "*** Testing get_html_translation_table() : error conditions ***\n";
-// More than expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing get_html_translation_table() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$table = HTML_ENTITIES;
-$quote_style = ENT_COMPAT;
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( get_html_translation_table($table, $quote_style, "UTF-8", $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done\n";
-*** Testing get_html_translation_table() : error conditions ***
--- Testing get_html_translation_table() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: get_html_translation_table() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/hebrev_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/hebrev_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index a04e519db5..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/hebrev_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test hebrev() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string hebrev ( string $hebrew_text [, int $max_chars_per_line ] )
- * Description: Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing hebrev() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing hebrev() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( hebrev() );
-echo "\n-- Testing hebrev() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( hebrev("Hello World", 5, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing hebrev() : error conditions ***
--- Testing hebrev() function with no arguments --
-Warning: hebrev() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing hebrev() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: hebrev() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/hebrevc_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/hebrevc_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 630c995b18..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/hebrevc_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test hebrevc() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string hebrevc ( string $hebrew_text [, int $max_chars_per_line ] )
- * Description: Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing hebrevc() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing hebrevc() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( hebrevc() );
-echo "\n-- Testing hebrevc() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( hebrevc("Hello World", 5, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing hebrevc() : error conditions ***
--- Testing hebrevc() function with no arguments --
-Warning: hebrevc() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing hebrevc() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: hebrevc() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlspecialchars_decode_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlspecialchars_decode_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 36b8e6bbec..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlspecialchars_decode_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Test htmlspecialchars_decode() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string htmlspecialchars_decode(string $string [, int $quote_style])
- * Description: Convert special HTML entities back to characters
- * Source code: ext/standard/html.c
-echo "*** Testing htmlspecialchars_decode() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing htmlspecialchars_decode() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( htmlspecialchars_decode() );
-//Test htmlspecialchars_decode with one more than the expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing htmlspecialchars_decode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$string = "<html>hello &amp; &gt; &lt; &quot; &#039; world</html>";
-$quote_style = ENT_COMPAT;
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( htmlspecialchars_decode($string, $quote_style, $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done";
-*** Testing htmlspecialchars_decode() : error conditions ***
--- Testing htmlspecialchars_decode() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: htmlspecialchars_decode() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing htmlspecialchars_decode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: htmlspecialchars_decode() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/http_build_query_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/http_build_query_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2975d2d723..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/http_build_query_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Testing error on null parameter 1 of http_build_query()
-Pawel Krynicki <pawel.krynicki [at] xsolve [dot] pl>
-#testfest AmsterdamPHP 2012-06-23
-$result = http_build_query(null);
-Warning: http_build_query() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/md5_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/md5_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 138df1b8bd..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/md5_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Test md5() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string md5 ( string $str [, bool $raw_output= false ] )
- * Description: Calculate the md5 hash of a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/md5.c
-echo "*** Testing md5() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing md5() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( md5());
-echo "\n-- Testing md5() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = "Hello World";
-$raw_output = true;
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump(md5($str, $raw_output, $extra_arg));
-*** Testing md5() : error conditions ***
--- Testing md5() function with no arguments --
-Warning: md5() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing md5() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: md5() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/nl2br_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/nl2br_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index b40e7b16a5..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/nl2br_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test nl2br() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string nl2br(string $str)
- * Description: Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string.
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing nl2br() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing nl2br() function with Zero arguments --";
-var_dump( nl2br() );
-//Test nl2br with one more than the expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing nl2br() function with more than expected no. of arguments --";
-$str = 'string_val';
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( nl2br($str, true, $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done";
-*** Testing nl2br() : error conditions ***
--- Testing nl2br() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: nl2br() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing nl2br() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: nl2br() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/nl_langinfo_error1.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/nl_langinfo_error1.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index c8f3a284bf..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/nl_langinfo_error1.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Test nl_langinfo() function : error conditions
-if( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN'){
- die('skip Not for Windows');
-/* Prototype : string nl_langinfo ( int $item )
- * Description: Query language and locale information
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing nl_langinfo() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing nl_langinfo() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( nl_langinfo() );
-echo "\n-- Testing nl_langinfo() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( nl_langinfo(ABDAY_2, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing nl_langinfo() : error conditions ***
--- Testing nl_langinfo() function with no arguments --
-Warning: nl_langinfo() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing nl_langinfo() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: nl_langinfo() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/nl_langinfo_variation1.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/nl_langinfo_variation1.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 180991e400..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/nl_langinfo_variation1.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-Test nl_langinfo() function : unexpected inputs for '$tem' argument
-if( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN'){
- die('skip Not for Windows');
-/* Prototype : string nl_langinfo ( int $item )
- * Description: Query language and locale information
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing nl_langinfo() : with unexpected inputs for 'item' argument ***\n";
-$original = setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C');
-//get an unset variable
-$unset_var = 'string_val';
-//defining a class
-class sample {
- public function __toString() {
- return "sample object";
- }
-//getting the resource
-$file_handle = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
-// array with different values for $input
-$items = array (
- // integer values
-/*1*/ 2147483647,
- -2147483648,
- -20,
- // array values
-/*4*/ array(),
- array(0),
- array(1, 2),
- // objects
-/*7*/ new sample(),
- // resource
-/*8*/ $file_handle,
- );
-//defining '$input' argument
-$input = "Test string";
-// loop through with each element of the $items array to test nl_langinfo() function
-$count = 1;
-foreach($items as $item) {
- echo "-- Iteration $count --\n";
- var_dump( nl_langinfo($item) );
- $count ++;
-fclose($file_handle); //closing the file handle
-setlocale(LC_ALL, $original);
-*** Testing nl_langinfo() : with unexpected inputs for 'item' argument ***
--- Iteration 1 --
-Warning: nl_langinfo(): Item '2147483647' is not valid in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 2 --
-Warning: nl_langinfo(): Item '-2147483648' is not valid in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 3 --
-Warning: nl_langinfo(): Item '-20' is not valid in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 4 --
-Warning: nl_langinfo() expects parameter 1 to be int, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 5 --
-Warning: nl_langinfo() expects parameter 1 to be int, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 6 --
-Warning: nl_langinfo() expects parameter 1 to be int, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 7 --
-Warning: nl_langinfo() expects parameter 1 to be int, object given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 8 --
-Warning: nl_langinfo() expects parameter 1 to be int, resource given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/number_format_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/number_format_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 933466d12b..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/number_format_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Test number_format() - wrong params test number_format()
-/* Prototype : string number_format ( float $number [, int $decimals ] )
- * string number_format ( float $number , int $decimals , string $dec_point , string $thousands_sep )
- * Description: Format a number with grouped thousands
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- */
-echo "*** Testing number_format() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing number_format() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing number_format() function with 3 arguments --\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing number_format() function with more than 4 arguments --\n";
-*** Testing number_format() : error conditions ***
--- Testing number_format() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: number_format() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing number_format() function with 3 arguments --
-Warning: Wrong parameter count for number_format() in %s on line %d
--- Testing number_format() function with more than 4 arguments --
-Warning: number_format() expects at most 4 parameters, 5 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/ord_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/ord_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 455fb38972..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/ord_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test ord() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : int ord ( string $string )
- * Description: Return ASCII value of character
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing ord() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing ord() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( ord() );
-echo "\n-- Testing ord() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( ord(72, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing ord() : error conditions ***
--- Testing ord() function with no arguments --
-Warning: ord() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing ord() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: ord() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/parse_str_error1.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/parse_str_error1.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9683a7d901..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/parse_str_error1.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Test parse_str() function : non-default arg_separator.input specified
-arg_separator.input = "/"
-/* Prototype : void parse_str ( string $str [, array &$arr ] )
- * Description: Parses the string into variables
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing parse_str() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing htmlentities() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing htmlentities() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$s1 = "first=val1&second=val2&third=val3";
-parse_str($s1, $res_array, true);
-*** Testing parse_str() : error conditions ***
--- Testing htmlentities() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: parse_str() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing htmlentities() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: parse_str() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/quoted_printable_decode_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/quoted_printable_decode_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9008f5c861..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/quoted_printable_decode_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Test quoted_printable_decode() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string quoted_printable_decode ( string $str )
- * Description: Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing quoted_printable_decode() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing quoted_printable_decode() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( quoted_printable_decode() );
-echo "\n-- Testing quoted_printable_decode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = "=FAwow-factor=C1=d0=D5=DD=C5=CE=CE=D9=C5=0A=
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( quoted_printable_decode($str, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing quoted_printable_decode() : error conditions ***
--- Testing quoted_printable_decode() function with no arguments --
-Warning: quoted_printable_decode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing quoted_printable_decode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: quoted_printable_decode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/quotemeta_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/quotemeta_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index a4284eca55..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/quotemeta_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test quotemeta() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string quotemeta ( string $str )
- * Description: Quote meta characters
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing quotemeta() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing quotemeta() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( quotemeta());
-echo "\n-- Testing quotemeta() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump(quotemeta("How are you ?", $extra_arg));
-*** Testing quotemeta() : error conditions ***
--- Testing quotemeta() function with no arguments --
-Warning: quotemeta() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing quotemeta() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: quotemeta() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/sha1_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/sha1_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 193c64e941..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/sha1_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Test sha1() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype: string sha1 ( string $str [, bool $raw_output ] )
- * Description: Calculate the sha1 hash of a string
- */
-echo "*** Testing sha1() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing sha1() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( sha1() );
-echo "\n-- Testing sha1() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( sha1("Hello World", true, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing sha1() : error conditions ***
--- Testing sha1() function with no arguments --
-Warning: sha1() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing sha1() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: sha1() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/similar_text_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/similar_text_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index a5e9501337..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/similar_text_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-similar_text(), error tests for missing parameters
-Mats Lindh <mats at>
-/* Prototype : proto int similar_text(string str1, string str2 [, float percent])
-* Description: Calculates the similarity between two strings
-* Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-$extra_arg = 10;
-echo "\n-- Testing similar_text() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-similar_text("abc", "def", $percent, $extra_arg);
-echo "\n-- Testing similar_text() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
--- Testing similar_text() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: similar_text() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing similar_text() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: similar_text() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/soundex_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/soundex_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff93b6d70..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/soundex_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Test soundex() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string soundex ( string $str )
- * Description: Calculate the soundex key of a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "\n*** Testing soundex error conditions ***";
-echo "-- Testing soundex() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( soundex() );
-echo "\n\n-- Testing soundex() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = "Euler";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( soundex( $str, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing soundex error conditions ***-- Testing soundex() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: soundex() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing soundex() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: soundex() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/sscanf_variation1.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/sscanf_variation1.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index cb5cdc754a..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/sscanf_variation1.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-Test sscanf() function : usage variations - unexpected inputs for '$str' argument
-/* Prototype : mixed sscanf ( string $str , string $format [, mixed &$... ] )
- * Description: Parses input from a string according to a format
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing sscanf() function: with unexpected inputs for 'str' argument ***\n";
-//get an unset variable
-$unset_var = 'string_val';
-//defining a class
-class sample {
- public function __toString() {
- return "sample object";
- }
-//getting the resource
-$file_handle = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
-// array with different values for $input
-$inputs = array (
- // integer values
-/*1*/ 0,
- 1,
- -2,
- 2147483647,
- -2147483648,
- // float values
-/*6*/ 10.5,
- -20.5,
- 10.1234567e10,
- // array values
-/*9*/ array(),
- array(0),
- array(1, 2),
- // boolean values
-/*12*/ true,
- false,
- // null values
-/*16*/ NULL,
- null,
- // objects
-/*18*/ new sample(),
- // resource
-/*19*/ $file_handle,
- // undefined variable
-/*20*/ @$undefined_var,
- // unset variable
-/*21*/ @$unset_var
-//defining '$pad_length' argument
-$format = "%s";
-// loop through with each element of the $inputs array to test sscanf() function
-$count = 1;
-foreach($inputs as $input) {
- echo "-- Iteration $count --\n";
- var_dump( sscanf($input, $format) );
- $count ++;
-fclose($file_handle); //closing the file handle
-*** Testing sscanf() function: with unexpected inputs for 'str' argument ***
--- Iteration 1 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(1) "0"
--- Iteration 2 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(1) "1"
--- Iteration 3 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(2) "-2"
--- Iteration 4 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(10) "2147483647"
--- Iteration 5 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(11) "-2147483648"
--- Iteration 6 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(4) "10.5"
--- Iteration 7 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(5) "-20.5"
--- Iteration 8 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(12) "101234567000"
--- Iteration 9 --
-Warning: sscanf() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 10 --
-Warning: sscanf() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 11 --
-Warning: sscanf() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 12 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(1) "1"
--- Iteration 13 --
--- Iteration 14 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(1) "1"
--- Iteration 15 --
--- Iteration 16 --
--- Iteration 17 --
--- Iteration 18 --
-array(1) {
- [0]=>
- string(6) "sample"
--- Iteration 19 --
-Warning: sscanf() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 20 --
--- Iteration 21 --
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/sscanf_variation2.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/sscanf_variation2.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index dede6e8d98..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/sscanf_variation2.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-Test sscanf() function : usage variations - unexpected inputs for '$format' argument
-/* Prototype : mixed sscanf ( string $str , string $format [, mixed &$... ] )
- * Description: Parses input from a string according to a format
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing sscanf() function: with unexpected inputs for 'format' argument ***\n";
-//get an unset variable
-$unset_var = 'string_val';
-//defining a class
-class sample {
- public function __toString() {
- return "sample object";
- }
-//getting the resource
-$file_handle = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
-// array with different values for $input
-$inputs = array (
- // integer values
-/*1*/ 0,
- 1,
- -2,
- 2147483647,
- -2147483648,
- // float values
-/*6*/ 10.5,
- -20.5,
- 10.1234567e10,
- // array values
-/*9*/ array(),
- array(0),
- array(1, 2),
- // boolean values
-/*12*/ true,
- false,
- // null values
-/*16*/ NULL,
- null,
- // objects
-/*18*/ new sample(),
- // resource
-/*19*/ $file_handle,
- // undefined variable
-/*20*/ @$undefined_var,
- // unset variable
-/*21*/ @$unset_var
-//defining '$pad_length' argument
-$str = "Hello World";
-// loop through with each element of the $inputs array to test sscanf() function
-$count = 1;
-foreach($inputs as $input) {
- echo "-- Iteration $count --\n";
- var_dump( sscanf($str, $input) );
- $count ++;
-fclose($file_handle); //closing the file handle
-*** Testing sscanf() function: with unexpected inputs for 'format' argument ***
--- Iteration 1 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 2 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 3 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 4 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 5 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 6 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 7 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 8 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 9 --
-Warning: sscanf() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 10 --
-Warning: sscanf() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 11 --
-Warning: sscanf() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 12 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 13 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 14 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 15 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 16 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 17 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 18 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 19 --
-Warning: sscanf() expects parameter 2 to be string, resource given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 20 --
-array(0) {
--- Iteration 21 --
-array(0) {
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_replace_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_replace_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d1d4fe2b..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_replace_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Test str_replace() function error conditions
- Prototype: mixed str_replace(mixed $search, mixed $replace,
- mixed $subject [, int &$count]);
- Description: Replace all occurrences of the search string with
- the replacement string
-echo "\n*** Testing str_replace error conditions ***";
-/* Invalid arguments */
-var_dump( str_replace() );
-var_dump( str_replace("") );
-var_dump( str_replace(NULL) );
-var_dump( str_replace(1, 2) );
-var_dump( str_replace(1,2,3,$var,5) );
-*** Testing str_replace error conditions ***
-Warning: str_replace() expects at least 3 parameters, 0 given in %sstr_replace_error.php on line 12
-Warning: str_replace() expects at least 3 parameters, 1 given in %sstr_replace_error.php on line 13
-Warning: str_replace() expects at least 3 parameters, 1 given in %sstr_replace_error.php on line 14
-Warning: str_replace() expects at least 3 parameters, 2 given in %sstr_replace_error.php on line 15
-Warning: str_replace() expects at most 4 parameters, 5 given in %sstr_replace_error.php on line 16
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_rot13_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_rot13_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0ea4165e..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_rot13_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Test str_rot13() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string str_rot13 ( string $str )
- * Description: Perform the rot13 transform on a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing str_rot13() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "-- Testing str_rot13() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( str_rot13() );
-echo "\n\n-- Testing str_rot13() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = "str_rot13() tests starting";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( str_rot13( $str, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing str_rot13() : error conditions ***
--- Testing str_rot13() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: str_rot13() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing str_rot13() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: str_rot13() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_shuffle_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_shuffle_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 46911407f0..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_shuffle_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Test str_shuffle() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string str_shuffle ( string $str )
- * Description: Randomly shuffles a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing str_shuffle() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing str_shuffle() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( str_shuffle() );
-echo "\n-- Testing str_shuffle() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( str_shuffle("Hello World", $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing str_shuffle() : error conditions ***
--- Testing str_shuffle() function with no arguments --
-Warning: str_shuffle() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing str_shuffle() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: str_shuffle() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_split_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_split_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a4558e680..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/str_split_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Test str_split() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : array str_split(string $str [, int $split_length])
- * Description: Convert a string to an array. If split_length is
- specified, break the string down into chunks each
- split_length characters long.
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- * Alias to functions: none
-echo "*** Testing str_split() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "-- Testing str_split() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( str_split() );
-//Test str_split with one more than the expected number of arguments
-echo "-- Testing str_split() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = 'This is error testcase';
-$split_length = 4;
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( str_split( $str, $split_length, $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done"
-*** Testing str_split() : error conditions ***
--- Testing str_split() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: str_split() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing str_split() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: str_split() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strcoll_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strcoll_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 56466bb63e..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strcoll_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Test strcoll() function : error conditions
-<?php if (!function_exists('strcoll')) die('skip strcoll function not available') ?>
-/* Prototype: int strcoll ( string $str1 , string $str2 )
- Description: Locale based string comparison
-echo "*** Testing strcoll() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "\n-- Testing strcoll() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( strcoll() );
-var_dump( strcoll("") );
-echo "\n-- Testing strcoll() function with one argument --\n";
-var_dump( strcoll("Hello World") );
-echo "\n-- Testing strcoll() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( strcoll("Hello World", "World", $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing strcoll() : error conditions ***
--- Testing strcoll() function with no arguments --
-Warning: strcoll() expects exactly 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
-Warning: strcoll() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strcoll() function with one argument --
-Warning: strcoll() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strcoll() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strcoll() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strcspn_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strcspn_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index ebb7f9f0d0..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strcspn_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-Test strcspn() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : proto int strcspn(string str, string mask [, int start [, int len]])
- * Description: Finds length of initial segment consisting entirely of characters not found in mask.
- If start or/and length is provided works like strcspn(substr($s,$start,$len),$bad_chars)
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- * Alias to functions: none
-* Test strcspn() : for error conditons
-echo "*** Testing strcspn() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing strcspn() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( strcspn() );
-//Test strcspn with one more than the expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing strcspn() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = 'string_val';
-$mask = 'string_val';
-$start = 2;
-$len = 20;
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( strcspn($str,$mask,$start,$len, $extra_arg) );
-// Testing strcspn withone less than the expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing strcspn() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = 'string_val';
-var_dump( strcspn($str) );
-echo "Done"
-*** Testing strcspn() : error conditions ***
--- Testing strcspn() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: strcspn() expects at least 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strcspn() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strcspn() expects at most 4 parameters, 5 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strcspn() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strcspn() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 25f703c3c0..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Test strip_tags() function : error conditions
-short_open_tag = on
-/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
- * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing strip_tags() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( strip_tags() );
-//Test strip_tags with one more than the expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing strip_tags() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = "<html>hello</html>";
-$allowable_tags = "<html>";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( strip_tags($str, $allowable_tags, $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done";
-*** Testing strip_tags() : error conditions ***
--- Testing strip_tags() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: strip_tags() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strip_tags() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strip_tags() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/stripcslashes_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/stripcslashes_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 174da56443..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/stripcslashes_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test stripcslashes() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string stripcslashes ( string $str )
- * Description: Returns a string with backslashes stripped off. Recognizes C-like \n, \r ...,
- * octal and hexadecimal representation.
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing stripcslashes() : unexpected number of arguments ***";
-echo "\n-- Testing stripcslashes() function with no arguments --\n";
-var_dump( stripcslashes() );
-echo "\n-- Testing stripcslashes() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( stripcslashes("abc def", $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing stripcslashes() : unexpected number of arguments ***
--- Testing stripcslashes() function with no arguments --
-Warning: stripcslashes() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing stripcslashes() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: stripcslashes() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/stripos_variation15.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/stripos_variation15.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d4f029fe..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/stripos_variation15.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-Test stripos() function : usage variations - unexpected inputs for 'haystack', 'needle' & 'offset' arguments
-<?php if (PHP_INT_SIZE != 8) die("skip this test is for 64-bit only");
-/* Prototype : int stripos ( string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset] );
- * Description: Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-/* Test stripos() function with unexpected inputs for 'haystack', 'needle' & 'offset' arguments */
-echo "*** Testing stripos() function with unexpected values for haystack, needle & offset ***\n";
-// get an unset variable
-$unset_var = 'string_val';
-// defining a class
-class sample {
- public function __toString() {
- return "object";
- }
-//getting the resource
-$file_handle = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
-// array with different values
-$values = array (
- // integer values
- 0,
- 1,
- 12345,
- -2345,
- // float values
- 10.5,
- -10.5,
- 10.5e10,
- 10.6E-10,
- .5,
- // array values
- array(),
- array(0),
- array(1),
- array(1, 2),
- array('color' => 'red', 'item' => 'pen'),
- // boolean values
- true,
- false,
- // objects
- new sample(),
- // empty string
- "",
- '',
- // null values
- null,
- //resource
- $file_handle,
- // undefined variable
- @$undefined_var,
- // unset variable
- @$unset_var
-// loop through each element of the array and check the working of stripos()
-$counter = 1;
-for($index = 0; $index < count($values); $index ++) {
- echo "-- Iteration $counter --\n";
- var_dump( stripos($values[$index], $values[$index], $values[$index]) );
- $counter ++;
-echo "*** Done ***";
-*** Testing stripos() function with unexpected values for haystack, needle & offset ***
--- Iteration 1 --
-Deprecated: stripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 2 --
-Deprecated: stripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 3 --
-Warning: stripos(): Offset not contained in string in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 4 --
-Warning: stripos(): Offset not contained in string in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 5 --
-Warning: stripos(): Offset not contained in string in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 6 --
-Warning: stripos(): Offset not contained in string in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 7 --
-Warning: stripos(): Offset not contained in string in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 8 --
-Deprecated: stripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 9 --
-Deprecated: stripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 10 --
-Warning: stripos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 11 --
-Warning: stripos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 12 --
-Warning: stripos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 13 --
-Warning: stripos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 14 --
-Warning: stripos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 15 --
-Deprecated: stripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 16 --
--- Iteration 17 --
-Deprecated: stripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 18 --
--- Iteration 19 --
-Warning: stripos() expects parameter 3 to be int, object given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 20 --
-Warning: stripos() expects parameter 3 to be int, string given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 21 --
-Warning: stripos() expects parameter 3 to be int, string given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 22 --
--- Iteration 23 --
--- Iteration 24 --
-Warning: stripos() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 25 --
--- Iteration 26 --
-*** Done ***
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/stripslashes_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/stripslashes_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 81b9889fc4..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/stripslashes_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Test stripslashes() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string stripslashes ( string $str )
- * Description: Returns an un-quoted string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- * Testing stripslashes() for error conditions
-echo "*** Testing stripslashes() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero argument
-echo "\n-- Testing stripslashes() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( stripslashes() );
-// More than expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing stripslashes() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = '\"hello\"\"world\"';
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( stripslashes($str, $extra_arg) );
-var_dump( $str );
-echo "Done\n";
-*** Testing stripslashes() : error conditions ***
--- Testing stripslashes() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: stripslashes() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing stripslashes() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: stripslashes() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
-string(18) "\"hello\"\"world\""
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strlen_variation1.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strlen_variation1.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index f1d6b6b978..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strlen_variation1.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-Test strlen() function : usage variations - unexpected input for '$string' argument
-/* Prototype : int strlen ( string $string )
- * Description: Get string length
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing strlen() : with unexpected input for 'string' argument ***\n";
-//get an unset variable
-$unset_var = 'string_val';
-//defining a class
-class sample {
- public function __toString() {
- return "sample object";
- }
-//getting the resource
-$file_handle = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
-// array with different values for $input
-$inputs = array (
- // integer values
-/*1*/ 0,
- 1,
- -2,
- 2147483647,
- -2147483648,
- // float values
-/*6*/ 10.5,
- -20.5,
- 10.1234567e10,
- // array values
-/*9*/ array(),
- array(0),
- array(1, 2),
- // boolean values
-/*12*/ true,
- false,
- // null values
-/*16*/ NULL,
- null,
- // objects
-/*18*/ new sample(),
- // resource
-/*19*/ $file_handle,
- // undefined variable
-/*20*/ @$undefined_var,
- // unset variable
-/*21*/ @$unset_var
-//defining '$pad_length' argument
-$pad_length = "20";
-// loop through with each element of the $inputs array to test strlen() function
-$count = 1;
-foreach($inputs as $input) {
- echo "-- Iteration $count --\n";
- var_dump( strlen($input) );
- $count ++;
-fclose($file_handle); //closing the file handle
-*** Testing strlen() : with unexpected input for 'string' argument ***
--- Iteration 1 --
--- Iteration 2 --
--- Iteration 3 --
--- Iteration 4 --
--- Iteration 5 --
--- Iteration 6 --
--- Iteration 7 --
--- Iteration 8 --
--- Iteration 9 --
-Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 10 --
-Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 11 --
-Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 12 --
--- Iteration 13 --
--- Iteration 14 --
--- Iteration 15 --
--- Iteration 16 --
--- Iteration 17 --
--- Iteration 18 --
--- Iteration 19 --
-Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in %s on line %d
--- Iteration 20 --
--- Iteration 21 --
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strnatcasecmp_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strnatcasecmp_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a0fca76e9..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strnatcasecmp_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Test strnatcasecmp() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : int strnatcasecmp ( string $str1 , string $str2 )
- * Description: Case insensitive string comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing strnatcasecmp() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "-- Testing strnatcmp() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( strnatcasecmp() );
-echo "\n\n-- Testing strnatcasecmp() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str1 = "abc1";
-$str2 = "ABC1";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( strnatcasecmp( $str1, $str2, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing strnatcasecmp() : error conditions ***
--- Testing strnatcmp() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: strnatcasecmp() expects exactly 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strnatcasecmp() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strnatcasecmp() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strnatcmp_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strnatcmp_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b6d93afee..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strnatcmp_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test strnatcmp() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : int strnatcmp ( string $str1 , string $str2 )
- * Description: String comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing strnatcmp() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "-- Testing strnatcmp() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( strnatcmp() );
-echo "\n\n-- Testing strnatcmp() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str1 = "abc1";
-$str2 = "ABC1";
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( strnatcmp( $str1, $str2, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing strnatcmp() : error conditions ***
--- Testing strnatcmp() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: strnatcmp() expects exactly 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strnatcmp() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strnatcmp() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strrchr_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strrchr_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index de5a9d34de..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strrchr_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Test strrchr() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string strrchr(string $haystack, string $needle);
- * Description: Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string.
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing strrchr() function: error conditions ***\n";
-$haystack = "Hello";
-$needle = "Hello";
-$extra_arg = "Hello";
-echo "\n-- Testing strrchr() function with Zero arguments --";
-var_dump( strrchr() );
-echo "\n-- Testing strrchr() function with less than expected no. of arguments --";
-var_dump( strrchr($haystack) );
-echo "\n-- Testing strrchr() function with more than expected no. of arguments --";
-var_dump( strrchr($haystack, $needle, $extra_arg) );
-echo "*** Done ***";
-*** Testing strrchr() function: error conditions ***
--- Testing strrchr() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: strrchr() expects exactly 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strrchr() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strrchr() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strrchr() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strrchr() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
-*** Done ***
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strrev_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strrev_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bc8a228ef..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strrev_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Test strrev() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string strrev(string $str);
- * Description: Reverse a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing strrev() : error conditions ***\n";
-echo "-- Testing strrev() function with Zero arguments --";
-var_dump( strrev() );
-echo "\n-- Testing strrev() function with more than expected no. of arguments --";
-var_dump( strrev("string", 'extra_arg') );
-echo "*** Done ***";
-*** Testing strrev() : error conditions ***
--- Testing strrev() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: strrev() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strrev() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strrev() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
-*** Done ***
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strrpos_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strrpos_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index d97af99920..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strrpos_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Test strrpos() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : int strrpos ( string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset] );
- * Description: Find position of last occurrence of 'needle' in 'haystack'.
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing strrpos() function: error conditions ***";
-echo "\n-- With Zero arguments --";
-var_dump( strrpos() );
-echo "\n-- With less than expected number of arguments --";
-var_dump( strrpos("String") );
-echo "\n-- With more than expected number of arguments --";
-var_dump( strrpos("string", "String", 1, 'extra_arg') );
-echo "*** Done ***";
-*** Testing strrpos() function: error conditions ***
--- With Zero arguments --
-Warning: strrpos() expects at least 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- With less than expected number of arguments --
-Warning: strrpos() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
--- With more than expected number of arguments --
-Warning: strrpos() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in %s on line %d
-*** Done ***
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strspn_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strspn_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cf88c25d2..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strspn_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-Test strspn() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : proto int strspn(string str, string mask [, int start [, int len]])
- * Description: Finds length of initial segment consisting entirely of characters found in mask.
- If start or/and length is provided works like strspn(substr($s,$start,$len),$good_chars)
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- * Alias to functions: none
-* Test strspn() : for error conditons
-echo "*** Testing strspn() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing strspn() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( strspn() );
-//Test strspn with one more than the expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing strspn() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = 'string_val';
-$mask = 'string_val';
-$start = 2;
-$len = 20;
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( strspn($str,$mask,$start,$len, $extra_arg) );
-// Testing strspn withone less than the expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing strspn() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = 'string_val';
-var_dump( strspn($str) );
-echo "Done"
-*** Testing strspn() : error conditions ***
--- Testing strspn() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: strspn() expects at least 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strspn() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strspn() expects at most 4 parameters, 5 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strspn() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strspn() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strtok_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strtok_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index b54fbbe19b..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strtok_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-Test strtok() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string strtok ( string $str, string $token )
- * Description: splits a string (str) into smaller strings (tokens), with each token being delimited by any character from token
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- * Testing strtok() for error conditions
-echo "*** Testing strtok() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero argument
-echo "\n-- Testing strtok() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( strtok() );
-// More than expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing strtok() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = 'sample string';
-$token = ' ';
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( strtok($str, $token, $extra_arg) );
-var_dump( $str );
-// Less than expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing strtok() with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = 'string val';
-var_dump( strtok($str));
-var_dump( $str );
-echo "Done\n";
-*** Testing strtok() : error conditions ***
--- Testing strtok() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: strtok() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strtok() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strtok() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
-string(13) "sample string"
--- Testing strtok() with less than expected no. of arguments --
-string(10) "string val"
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strtr_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strtr_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d4d157776..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strtr_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Test strtr() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string strtr(string str, string from[, string to])
- * Description: Translates characters in str using given translation tables
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing strtr() : error conditions ***\n";
-$str = "string";
-$from = "string";
-$to = "STRING";
-$extra_arg = "extra_argument";
-echo "\n-- Testing strtr() function with Zero arguments --";
-var_dump( strtr() );
-echo "\n-- Testing strtr() function with less than expected no. of arguments --";
-var_dump( strtr($str) );
-echo "\n-- Testing strtr() function with more than expected no. of arguments --";
-var_dump( strtr($str, $from, $to, $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done";
-*** Testing strtr() : error conditions ***
--- Testing strtr() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: strtr() expects at least 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strtr() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strtr() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing strtr() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: strtr() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/ucwords_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/ucwords_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ada10c629..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/ucwords_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Test ucwords() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string ucwords ( string $str )
- * Description: Uppercase the first character of each word in a string
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
-echo "*** Testing ucwords() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero argument
-echo "\n-- Testing ucwords() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( ucwords() );
-// More than expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing ucwords() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$str = 'string_val';
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( ucwords($str, $extra_arg, $extra_arg) );
-// check if there were any changes made to $str
-echo "Done\n";
-*** Testing ucwords() : error conditions ***
--- Testing ucwords() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: ucwords() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing ucwords() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: ucwords() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
-string(10) "string_val"
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/utf8_decode_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/utf8_decode_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index de2ca2b80e..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/utf8_decode_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Test utf8_decode() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : proto string utf8_decode(string data)
- * Description: Converts a UTF-8 encoded string to ISO-8859-1
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- * Alias to functions:
- */
-echo "*** Testing utf8_decode() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing utf8_decode() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( utf8_decode() );
-//Test utf8_decode with one more than the expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing utf8_decode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$data = 'string_val';
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( utf8_decode($data, $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done";
-*** Testing utf8_decode() : error conditions ***
--- Testing utf8_decode() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: utf8_decode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing utf8_decode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: utf8_decode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/utf8_encode_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/utf8_encode_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index bcc9335c58..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/utf8_encode_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Test utf8_encode() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : proto string utf8_encode(string data)
- * Description: Encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8
- * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
- * Alias to functions:
- */
-echo "*** Testing utf8_encode() : error conditions ***\n";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing utf8_encode() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( utf8_encode() );
-//Test utf8_encode with one more than the expected number of arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing utf8_encode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$data = 'string_val';
-$extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( utf8_encode($data, $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done";
-*** Testing utf8_encode() : error conditions ***
--- Testing utf8_encode() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: utf8_encode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing utf8_encode() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: utf8_encode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/vfprintf_error2.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/vfprintf_error2.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7da28468b3..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/vfprintf_error2.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-Test vfprintf() function : error conditions (less than expected arguments)
-Felix De Vliegher <>
-/* Prototype : int vfprintf(resource stream, string format, array args)
- * Description: Output a formatted string into a stream
- * Source code: ext/standard/formatted_print.c
- * Alias to functions:
- */
-// Open handle
-$file = 'vfprintf_error2.txt';
-$fp = fopen( $file, "a+" );
-echo "\n-- Testing vfprintf() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-$format = 'string_val';
-var_dump( vfprintf($fp, $format) );
-var_dump( vfprintf( $fp ) );
-var_dump( vfprintf() );
-// Close handle
-$file = 'vfprintf_error2.txt';
-unlink( $file );
--- Testing vfprintf() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: Wrong parameter count for vfprintf() in %s on line %d
-Warning: Wrong parameter count for vfprintf() in %s on line %d
-Warning: Wrong parameter count for vfprintf() in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/vprintf_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/vprintf_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 070b1b086c..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/vprintf_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Test vprintf() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : int vprintf(string $format , array $args)
- * Description: Output a formatted string
- * Source code: ext/standard/formatted_print.c
- */
-echo "*** Testing vprintf() : error conditions ***\n";
-// initialising the required variables
-$format = "%s";
-$args = array("hello");
-$extra_arg = "extra arg";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing vprintf() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( vprintf() );
-echo "\n-- Testing vprintf() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-var_dump( vprintf($format) );
-echo "\n-- testing vprintf() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-var_dump( vprintf($format, $args, $extra_arg) );
-*** Testing vprintf() : error conditions ***
--- Testing vprintf() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: vprintf() expects exactly 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing vprintf() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: vprintf() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
--- testing vprintf() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: vprintf() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/vsprintf_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/vsprintf_error.phpt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fe85f09f4..0000000000
--- a/ext/standard/tests/strings/vsprintf_error.phpt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Test vsprintf() function : error conditions
-/* Prototype : string vsprintf(string $format , array $args)
- * Description: Return a formatted string
- * Source code: ext/standard/formatted_print.c
- */
-echo "*** Testing vsprintf() : error conditions ***\n";
-// initialising the required variables
-$format = "%s";
-$args = array("hello");
-$extra_arg = "extra arg";
-// Zero arguments
-echo "\n-- Testing vsprintf() function with Zero arguments --\n";
-var_dump( vsprintf() );
-echo "\n-- Testing vsprintf() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-var_dump( vsprintf($format) );
-echo "\n-- testing vsprintf() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
-var_dump( vsprintf($format, $args, $extra_arg) );
-echo "Done";
-*** Testing vsprintf() : error conditions ***
--- Testing vsprintf() function with Zero arguments --
-Warning: vsprintf() expects exactly 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
--- Testing vsprintf() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: vsprintf() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
--- testing vsprintf() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: vsprintf() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d